In The Clear - Out Of The Woo...

By CuteTayFanfics

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16 year old Madison struggles to find her place in the Swift family after Taylor and Travis have a baby girl... More

Chapter 1: School Rebellion
Chapter 2: Echoes of Change
Chapter 3: The Nightmare Returns
Chapter 4: Dad & Daughter Time
Chapter 5: Travis and Taylor Find Out
Chapter 6: Injury at Cheer Practice
Chapter 7: A Glimmer of Hope
Chapter 8: Caught
Chapter 9: A Much-Needed Visit
Chapter 10: Hero
Chapter 11: The Scream
Chapter 13: First Therapy Session
Chapter 14: Visiting the Grave
Chapter 15: Confrontation
Chapter 16: The Panic Attack
Chapter 17: Madison Returns to School
Chapter 18: Madison Stands Up For Herself
Chapter 19: Sabrina's Support
Chapter 20: Girls' Day Out
Chapter 21: Secret Sessions
Chapter 22: New Friendships
Chapter 23: A Silent Promise
Chalter 24: 2 Years Later
Chapter 25: Dinner
Chapter 26: Date Night
Chapter 27: Confronting Madison
Chapter 28: Making Music
Send your suggestions :)
Chapter 29: Collapse
Chapter 30: In The Hospital
Chapter 31: Road to Recovery

Chapter 12: Brunch with Friends

1.7K 49 140
By CuteTayFanfics

TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of Taylor discovering the extent of Madison's eating disorder - please skip this chapter if you get triggered <3 

The morning light spilled into Madison's room, illuminating the space with a warm, comforting glow. Taylor, her hair tied up in a casual bun, leaned against the doorway, watching Madison who was scrolling through her phone, her injured ankle resting on a cushion. Travis was busy with coaching responsibilities, so Madison spent a lot of her time avoiding the whirlwind that was Olivia's tantrums.

"Hey, babe," Taylor began with a gentle smile. "I was thinking... how about we have a little brunch here tomorrow? Selena, Sabrina, and Blake could come over. It'll be like a mini-get together."

Madison looked up, her expression a mix of surprise and hesitation. "I don't know, mom... I'm not really in the mood for a party," she replied, her voice low.

"It's not a party, just a small brunch with your favorite aunties," Taylor reassured, stepping into the room. "They've been asking about you, and I thought it might cheer you up."

Madison bit her lip, considering. "But I'm just... I'm not much fun right now," she said, glancing down at her bandaged ankle.

Taylor sat beside her on the bed, her voice soft and understanding. "Honey, it's not about being fun. It's about being together. You need your family, and they want to support you. Plus, Olivia's been bubbling with excitement about seeing her aunties again."

A small smile tugged at Madison's lips at the mention of Olivia's enthusiasm. "Okay, maybe it won't be so bad," she conceded, her mood lifting slightly.

"That's my girl," Taylor said, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind Madison's ear. "I'll make all your favorites. It'll be cozy and casual. Just what we need."

Madison nodded, feeling a warmth spread through her at her mother's caring gesture. "Thanks. That sounds... nice."

Taylor gave her a reassuring hug, happy to see Madison's spirits lifted, even if just a little. "It's settled then. Brunch with the girls tomorrow. You'll see, it'll be good for all of us."

As Taylor stood up to leave, Madison called out, "Mom?"

Taylor turned back, "Yes, honey?"

"Can you make those mini pancakes Olivia loves? I think she'd like that."

"Of course, anything for my girls," Taylor replied with a smile, her heart swelling with love and hope for the day ahead.

The sound of laughter and chatter filled the Swift household as Selena, Sabrina, and Blake made their entrance, each of them carrying bags that rustled with the promise of gifts and goodies. Olivia, her face alight with excitement, darted around them, her giggles echoing around the house.

"Look who decided to grace us with their fabulous presence!" Taylor exclaimed as she greeted each of them with a warm hug.

Selena, ever the dramatic one, placed a hand over her heart. "I'll have you know, I braved the monstrosity of traffic to be here. A true act of friendship!" she declared, causing everyone to laugh.

Blake followed, a teasing glint in her eye. "And I came bearing the ultimate gift - my culinary expertise. Which, let's be honest, is the real reason you invited me, right?" she said, winking at Taylor.

Sabrina entered last, playfully rolling her eyes. "And I just came for the food and gossip. What else are brunches for?"

Madison, watching from her comfortable nest of pillows and blankets on the couch, couldn't help but smile at the banter. "You all know you just came to see me, the true star of the show," she chimed in, knowing full well why they were here.

Selena walked over to Madison, handing her a beautifully wrapped package. "For our brave star. I heard superheroes like you need fancy gadgets, so..." she trailed off, nudging Madison to open it.

Unwrapping the gift, Madison found a new pair of headphones. "For those days when you need to tune out the world. Or, you know, just Tay's singing," Selena joked, earning a playful glare from Taylor.

Sabrina, not to be outdone, handed Madison her gift - a scrapbook filled with photos and memories. "Because every queen bee needs to remember her reign," she said with a wink.

"And I brought something for our littlest princess," Blake said, turning to Olivia, who clapped her hands in excitement. She revealed a set of colorful, handmade hair bows, which Olivia immediately began trying on.

"Like the three wise women bringing gifts," Madison chuckled.

As they settled in, the living room buzzed with conversation and laughter. Madison felt a warmth in her heart, a contrast to the isolation she had been feeling. Surrounded by her family and these vibrant women she considered her aunties, she realized just how much she needed this - the normalcy, the love, and above all, the laughter.

The dining room was a sight to behold. The table was set with a beautiful array of dishes – from fluffy mini pancakes and fresh fruit platters to savory quiches and an assortment of pastries. The aroma was inviting, and the presentation was impeccable, with little touches of elegance.

As everyone gathered around the table, the air was filled with the warmth of good company. Selena was sharing a hilarious mishap from her last performance, eliciting laughter from around the table.

"And then, just as I hit the high note, my heel breaks! There I was, hobbling around the stage like a one-legged flamingo," Selena recounted, dramatically mimicking her on-stage struggle.

Blake chimed in with her trademark wit, "Well, that's one way to add a new dance move to your routine!"

Madison watched the moment with a smile, her eyes twinkling with amusement at their stories.

Olivia was sitting next to her, munching on mini pancakes with an enthusiasm only a toddler could muster.

Taylor, noticing Madison's lack of appetite, tried to encourage her subtly. "Maddie, you've got to try these croissants. Blake outdid herself this time," she said, offering a basket to Madison.

Madison chuckled but made no move to take one. Instead, she poked at her fruit salad, her fork pushing the pieces around her plate aimlessly. "I'm just not super hungry right now, mom. Besides, coach would kill me if she knew I ate croissants," she said, her voice a bit too casual.

Sabrina, who had been narrating a comical incident involving a mischievous cat on a film set, paused and looked at Madison with a soft, concerned expression. "You sure, hon? These berries look like they were handpicked by woodland fairies – too good to miss!"

Madison managed a weak smile. "Yeah, I'm sure. I had a big breakfast."

The conversation continued, with everyone sharing stories and jokes. Despite the jovial atmosphere, there was an unspoken concern in Taylor's eyes as she watched Madison. She wanted to respect her daughter's space but couldn't help but worry about the minimal amount of food on her plate.

Determined not to let her concern dampen the mood, Taylor redirected her attention to the group, laughing at Blake's exaggerated reenactment of a cooking fiasco. Yet, in her heart, Taylor made a mental note to have a gentle, private conversation with Madison later. The wellbeing of her daughter was paramount, and she was determined to provide all the support and understanding Madison needed.

Taylor, her laughter fading into a soft smile, continued to watch Madison from across the table. The lighthearted chatter of the group filled the air, but Taylor's focus was solely on her daughter. She observed Madison's interaction with her food – the way she merely shuffled it around her plate, taking only the smallest of bites, if at all. A knot of concern began to form in Taylor's stomach.

As the brunch continued, Taylor's mind raced. She recalled past meals, piecing together the signs she had previously overlooked. The uneaten dinners Madison had excused as 'not feeling hungry' or 'just tired'. She remembered what the doctor said about Madison's nutritional levels being low for the day she fainted - but she didn't realize Madison's eating issues extended beyond just one day. The realization that her daughter might be struggling with an eating disorder hit her like a wave, leaving her momentarily breathless.

Taylor's heart ached at the thought of Madison dealing with such a heavy burden alone. She wondered how she hadn't seen it sooner, how the signs had slipped past her in the whirlwind of daily life.

Glancing around the table, Taylor noticed that the others seemed blissfully unaware of Madison's struggle. Selena was animatedly describing a new song she was working on, Sabrina was laughing at Blake's witty remarks, and Olivia was happily smearing pancake syrup across her face.

Determined not to draw attention to Madison or make her feel uncomfortable, Taylor masked her concern with a practiced smile. She joined in the conversation, laughing at the right moments, but her mind was elsewhere, planning her next steps to help Madison.

As the brunch drew to a close, Taylor decided to talk to Madison privately later. She knew it needed to be a careful, compassionate conversation. Right now, her priority was to maintain the cheerful atmosphere for the sake of Madison and the others. But inside, Taylor was already bracing herself for the challenging yet crucial journey ahead – a journey to help her daughter heal.

As the laughter and conversation began to wind down, and the guests dispersed into various parts of the living room, Taylor saw her opportunity. She quietly approached Madison, who was still sitting at the table, idly flipping through a magazine.

"Maddie, can we talk for a moment?" Taylor asked softly, her tone laced with concern.

Madison looked up, her expression shifting to one of apprehension. "Sure, what's up?"

Taylor took a seat next to her, choosing her words carefully. "Honey, I couldn't help but notice during brunch... you barely ate anything. Is there something going on? Something you're not telling me?"

Madison's face closed off instantly, a defensive edge creeping into her voice. "I told you, I'm not hungry. Why is this such a big deal?"

"Because I care about you, and I'm worried," Taylor replied gently, reaching for Madison's hand. "It's not just today. I've seen you avoiding meals, Madison. I think you might need help, and I want you to know that I'm here for you. We can find someone to talk to, together."

Madison pulled her hand away, her voice rising slightly in frustration. "I don't need help, Taylor. I'm fine. Why can't you just leave it alone?"

Taylor, trying to keep her voice calm and ignoring being called by her first name again, persisted, "It's more than just today, Maddie. I've noticed..."

"I said I'm fine!" Madison interrupted, her voice rising, slamming her hands on the table. "Why are you always trying to find something wrong with me?"

The sudden noise and raised voices caught the attention of Selena, Sabrina, and Blake, who glanced over from the living room, concern etching their faces.

Taylor, realizing that their conversation had escalated and become more public than she intended, reached out to Madison. "I'm not trying to find something wrong. I love you, Madison. I just want to make sure you're okay."

Madison, her emotions running high, shook her head. "You just don't get it." she said, her voice thick with emotion.

Taylor, trying to maintain her composure, was about to respond when Olivia came over, her face beaming with the innocence of a child oblivious to the adult complexities around her.

"Maddy, come play with us! Play, play, play!" Olivia chirped, tugging at Madison's shirt.

Madison, already on edge, snapped. "Just go away, PLEASE! Leave me alone for just five seconds, will you?" Her voice was sharper than she intended, echoing through the room.

Olivia's bright expression crumbled instantly, her small face contorting into a look of hurt and confusion. Tears welled up in her eyes as she turned and ran out of the room, sobbing.

Madison, realizing her outburst, looked torn, but her frustration held her in place. She turned to Taylor, her eyes silently challenging her mom - will she go after Olivia like she always does?

Taylor, caught between her two daughters, shared a pleading look with Selena, Sabrina, and Blake. Blake, understanding the silent message, quickly followed after Olivia, with Selena and Sabrina close behind, their concern for both sisters evident.

Madison watched them leave, her expression shifting to one of surprise. "You didn't go after her," she said, the disbelief in her voice evident, with a hint of relief..

Taylor remained seated, her eyes softening. "Mads, right now, I need to be here with you. You're important to me, and I want to understand what's going on. Olivia will be okay with them."

Madison, her defensive walls slowly crumbling, sank back into her chair, the fight draining out of her. "I just... I didn't mean to yell at her. It's just... everything's so messed up right now."

Taylor reached out again, this time Madison didn't pull away. "I know, honey. And it's okay to feel overwhelmed. But I'm here, and we'll work through this together. You're not alone in this."

Madison's eyes brimmed with tears as she finally allowed herself to lean into her mother's embrace. "I don't know what to do, though. I'm just so tired of feeling this way."

Taylor held her daughter close, her voice steady and soothing. "We'll figure it out, Maddie. Step by step. But for now, just know that I'm here for you, always."

At that moment, Madison felt a weight lift off her shoulders. For the first time in a long time, she truly felt heard and seen by her mother, without the shadow of her little sister or the complexities of their life in the spotlight. It was just Madison and her mother, connecting in a way they hadn't in far too long.

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