Sinful Despair

By romanticxwrites

544K 12.7K 7.1K

"You have no idea what you do to me." He snarls as his skilled hands keep her arms pinned over her head "Real... More

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12.7K 329 194
By romanticxwrites


"911 what's your emergency?"

"I'm being held hostage at my apartment, my location is ******. Come quick!" I keep my voice down as I speak, my eyes fixed on the locked door infront of me.

"I understand, what's your name ma'me? The police are on their way"

"Lily Campbell"

"And do you know the person holding you hostage?"

I suck in a deep breathe, "Lorenzo Hernandez...he's in the ma-"

She hangs up.

She fucking hangs up.

My mouth falls open in shock, desperate I dial the numbers again, putting the phone to my ear but it doesn't ring. "Number blocked"

What the fu-

The sound of angry Italian yelling noise catches my attention, I've heard him yell on the phone before, but this is different.
I get up from my bed and slowly approach my door, reaching out my hand, unlocking it and slowly peeking through it to meet the sight of Lorenzo standing up with his back against me and his phone against his ear.

Enzo says something, then ends the call. Quickly I make a move to close the door so that he doesn't see me, but completely freeze in my tracks when I hear the next few words coming out of his mouth.

"Police, huh? I thought you were smarter than that, Tesoro." He tsks, his back still facing me.

My muscles clench and no matter how hard I try to get myself to move, I fail. "I- You- I uh-.."

He turns around and when my eyes meet his I can clearly see his amused expression. His eyes scan my body, from the flimsy pink night shorts I changed into, to the pink tank top I paired it with, and when his eyes meet mine again, I witness the exact moment something different flashes in his eyes.


"Come here." He orders, my common sense tells me not to, every part of my brain agrees, but my legs move on their own, slowly stepping towards him until his cologne invades my nose and I shiver.
I look up at him, he look down at me. "How do you know." I flinch at his voice change, this isn't how he normally speaks to me, this is his work tone. Angry Italian tone.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I cross my arms over my chest, and look away slightly for a few seconds.

He grabs my jaw harshly, pulling me impossibly close to him, and I gasp when his hand travels into my hair, yanking it up so that I'm facing him directly.

"How. Do. You. Know."  His grip on me tightens between every word, until his hand is so rough that a small whimper escapes the back of my throat. He blinks, and almost immediately loosens his hold on me. "Lily."

Suddenly at about the same moment I'm about to give in, Enzo's phone buzzes, he takes it out, his grip still firm around me and I watch him as his smirk widens while reading. "I see, Amara yes?"

This man is fucking crazy

"You planning on running away with her, hm? I'm not as easy as my brother, Tesoro." He rasps, his hand trailing down to my neck and pulling me so close that our lips almost meet. "Try anything and I'll tie you to my fucking bed."

His words sends a shock through my entire body, collecting in between my thighs. "your bed?" I question?

"Pack your things, we're leaving in 10." And with that he pulls away from me, and I feel the electrical warmth go with him. "Leaving? Leaving where? I'm not going anywhere with you." I assert, shocked that he even thought it would be that easy.

He chuckles faintly, "funny that you still think you have a choice, Tesoro." He pauses, turning away and grabbing a few of his things from the couch. "Pack your things or you'll be leaving without them"

I bite my tongue as I watch him with annoyance, but he doesn't spare me another glance as if he expects me to just do exactly what he says.

I am, but that's not the point here.

With a scoff, I turn away and walk into my room so that I can get all my things packed in time. I don't know how long I'll be staying, nor if I'll be able to come back and get a few things if I need to, so I grab the biggest suitcases I can find and throw practically everything I own inside. When my wardrobe is almost empty, and my bathroom is cleared from all my skincare, hair care etc, I close the suitcases and let out a deep breath.

Enzo watches me as I drag my suitcases out of my room, but his expression gives the impression that he thinks I'm dragging a dead body. "What." I spit as I finally get the first suitcase to the front door, then walking back to fetch the other one.

"Nothing, just didn't know you were moving in." He observes, a smile forming at the end of his sentence.

I grit my teeth, walking up to the other suitcase, "yeah well-" My words pause when I attempt to move the suitcase, but the thing weighs twice my weight, so I fail. "you didn't tell me how long I'd be gone" Slowly the suitcase moves, even if it feels like my arms are getting ripped from my body. But I will not ask for his help. "so here we are."

He shakes his head as if he's disappointed as he watches me with so much judgment all I want to do is slap him in the face

"Fuck off" I snarl, pausing for a moment"..Help me."


"This is where you live?" I say shocked as we drive through the gates of his home.

He comes to a stop in front of the house, "Sometimes" He says, as he opens his car door, getting out and walking over to my side, however before he reaches me, I open my door myself, getting out and walking towards the front door without another word.

Surprisingly, he doesn't say anything but I can hear his annoyed exhale while walking towards me after he's handed my bags to a beautiful woman around my age and his car keys to a man in a black suit and tie.

He comes up behind me, opening the front door and walking inside.
Cream colored walls covered in large windows, marble floors, golden chandeliers shining in every room and artwork that probably costs more than my entire apartment building hanging against the walls. The house is seriously gorgeous, I have to give him that.

I drift away from him, wandering around the house to admire it in awe.

A moment later I feel a hand wrap around my waist, turning me around to face them.

Enzo looks down at me, still annoyed. "What are you doing." He- like always, ignores the point of a question, instead demanding a reply.

"Looking around..?" I mumble.

He looks up, examining the living room we're currently in as if he's making sure I didn't steal anything, then drifts back to me. "Come on"

I roll my eyes as he starts walking but make the choice of following him anyway, we walk up two flights of stairs, walk into a hall where he stops at the last door before the the hall ends with a double door. "Your room" he opens the door and I internally gasp when I take in the room.

It's like he's reached into my brain and made the room of my dreams real. Unlike the rest of the house being gold and white, the room is white bearing pink details. It's perfect

Before I walk further into the room, he gestures to the double doors at the end of the hall, "I'll be in there if you need anything" and with that he closes the door.

A moment later my eyes land on my suitcases, placed infront of what I first thought was a full body mirror, but when I get closer I see it actually has a handle on the side. I walk up to it, grabbing the handle and sliding it to the right.

Fuck me sideways

The walk in closet is quite literally the size of my bedroom at home. And it's perfection. In the middle there's a cushioned table, as well as a sofa infront of it. The actual wardrobes are huge, spacious and made so that I can organize things as I wish.

And to think that I was in a rush to get home.


(Let's ignore my writing, I'm rusty😭)

If you didn't already know i got logged out of my old TikTok account (romanticxwrites) and couldn't log back in so I've finally made a new one! (.romanticxwrites) I'll be posting every now and then❤️

Be safe out there my loves💞

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