Bubble Guppies: My New Life i...

By Bubbleguppiesan12

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This is a story of me as a 5 year old boy with autism. I love Bubble Guppies with a huge passion. I have want... More

The Vacation/The Argument/Meeting The Bubble Guppies/Going to BubbleTucky
Taking a tour of BubbleTucky/Going to my new preschool
Going to the restaurant/Going to the Supermarket
My parents get arrested/My parents go to court
Going to the farm/learning about animals
My 6th Birthday/The big birthday party
The Big Valentine's day party/Oona becomes my Girlfriend
My parents get executed/The Bubble Guppies comfort me
Going to the St Patrick's day Parade/The St Patrick's day party
Going to the BubbleTucky circus/Developing a phobia of clowns
My deceased parent's ghosts nightmare/The Bubble Guppies calm me down.
The Doctor gives me a check up/The Bubble Guppies find out about my autism
Celebrating Easter with the Bubble Guppies
The BubbleTucky Blizzard
The new restaurant in BubbleTucky
Meeting Zooli the New guppy
The Big Camping trip with Zooli/My scary wake up hallucination
Going to the doctor and getting our flu shots
My scary syncope experience/going to the hospital
Getting out of the hospital/My out of hospital celebration
The BubbleTucky Preschool Lockdown
The Big 4th of July party
The BubbleTucky total solar eclipse
The BubbleTucky Solar storm blackout
I get kidnapped by Bubble Guppies Imposters/rescued by the real Bubble Guppies
The big Bubble City Concert/I get stage fright ft. Stylee
The big BubbleTucky Lockdown/Our sleepover at Stylee's house ft. Stylee
The Strange Blue lights in BubbleTucky/The Bubble Guppies comfort me
Celebrating Halloween with the Bubble Guppies ft. Stylee
Going to a haunted house/The Bubble Guppies comfort me
Celebrating Thanksgiving with the Bubble Guppies
The big Christmas celebration with the Bubble Guppies
My snow storm birthday party with the Bubble Guppies
My 1 year anniversary of living in BubbleTucky with the Bubble Guppies
Stylee has a sleepover with us in the preschool ft. Stylee
The Bubble City Idol Disaster part 1: Stylee gets Kidnapped
The Bubble City Idol Disaster part 2: Meeting MrBeast/Rescuing Stylee
The Bubble City Idol Disaster part 3: The Aftermath
The Big Finale: Returning to the Preschool/The Big Party
Author's Note

The big baseball game

50 0 0
By Bubbleguppiesan12

A week later, it was the day of the big BubbleTucky baseball game and we all were really excited to see the lobsters go against the snails. Man. I'm excited to see the lobsters and the snails play baseball. I said. Me too honey. Molly said. We are going to have food and popcorn at the game because it's supposed to last the whole day. Nonny said. Yeah. We have to leave in a few minutes. Mr Grouper said. Okay. I said. I wonder who is going to win the game? Goby asked. 

We are not sure yet. I hope the snails win the game. Mr. Grouper said. Yeah. Me too. Oona said. I have never been to an actual baseball game. I've only seen it on TV when I used to live upon the surface. I said. Well then, this is going to be your first baseball game you will be going to. Nonny said. Wow. I've always wanted to see an actual baseball game. I said. Yeah. We've been to a few baseball games. Gil said. Yeah. That was before you came here. Molly said.

Okay. So, When are we leaving? I asked. We will be leaving here in a few minutes. Deema said. Okay. I said. A few minutes later, we all got our stuff and headed over to the baseball field. I'm so excited to see the snails and lobsters play against each other. I said. Yeah. It will be great. Molly said. So, are we going to get some food before the game starts? I asked. Yes. We're going to get food right before the game starts. Molly said. Okay. Good because I'm getting quite hungry. I said. Yeah. Same here. Goby said. After a half hour, we arrived at the baseball field. Hello Mr Grouper. Are you guys here to see the big game today? The male worker lobster asked.

Yes. We are. Mr. Grouper said. Okay you guys can go right inside. The male worker lobster said. Okay. Thanks. Mr. Grouper said. Okay guys. I'm gonna find a parking spot and park the car. Mr. Grouper said. Okay. Mr. Grouper. Gil said. So, Mr. Grouper parked the car and we all headed inside of the baseball stadium to get food for the game. Okay guys. What should we get to eat? I asked. I think we should get some hotdogs with chili on them and some fries. Nonny said. That sounds good. Goby said. 

So, we all went up to the food stand and ordered our food and headed to the baseball field and waited for the game to start. Okay guys. We are here. This is where the snails and lobsters are going to be playing. Mr. Grouper said. Yay! This is going to be fun! I said. I agree with you sweetie. Oona said. Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the snail and lobster baseball game! The male snail referee said. Ooh yay! It's about to start! Gil said.

Let's go! Goby said. And they are off! The pitcher just threw the ball and the other players are running the bases! The referee said. And we have our first out! That's 1 to no nothing for the snails and lobsters. What? They have their first out already? The game just started. I said. Sometimes this can happen the first time. Mr. Grouper said. Oh really? Yeah. This has happened many times before. Gil said. Okay. I said. After 30 minutes, the game was on their 4th inning.

The snails are in the lead with 6 to 4! The male snail referee said. Oh wow! The snails are wining! Mr. Grouper said. Yay! Molly said. I hope they can keep this up. Nonny said. I'm sure they will. Hopefully Mr. Grouper said.  So after 3 hours, we all decided to go get ourselves some popcorn and drinks for the rest of the game. Hey guys. Do you guys want to get some snacks for the game? Mr. Grouper asked. Yeah. Gil said some popcorn sounds really good right now. I said. Okay let's go. Mr. Grouper said. So, we all went to the snack bar and we got ourselves some popcorn and drinks for the rest of the game.

Hey Mr. Grouper. How can I help you guys today? The male worker lobster asked. Hello sir. Can we all get some popcorn and drinks for the rest of the game? Mr. Grouper asked. Certainly. Here you go. Enjoy the game. The male worker lobster said. Thank you sir. We will. Mr. Grouper said. Okay guys. Let's head back to the stadium and watch the rest of the game. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr. Grouper. Nonny said. So, we all went back to the baseball stadium to watch the rest of the game. Okay guys. Let's see how the snails are doing. Mr. Grouper said. 

Wow! The snails winning streak just does not end! The snails are in the lead with 10 to 6! This is a really intense game here folks. The male snail referee said. Woah Mr. Grouper! The snails are doing really well. Goby said. Yeah. I'm surprised that they might actually win the game. Mr. Grouper said. Have they won any games though? I asked. No. They were not doing so well but they might actually win this baseball game. Mr. Grouper said. Wow. That's crazy. I said. Yeah. I know. I actually have a good feeling that they might actually win this. Oona said. Yeah. Me too. Deema said.

After a few hours, the game game was on it's last inning with the snails in the lead with 40 points and the lobsters with only 20 points. We are all cheering for the snails to hopefully win. I've gotta say this game has come a long way folks. The snails are I'm the lead with 40 points and we only need 1 more point to win! Who will it be? The lobsters or the snails? The referee asked. Oh my gosh! They just need one more point to win the game. Molly said. Yeah. I'm really excited for the snails to win. Gil said.

Yeah. Me too Gil. Goby said. So, we were all getting really loud and everyone was cheering for the snails as the game was getting close to the end. The snails throws the ball, the other snails run across the 4 bases! It's a home run for the snails! The snails won the game! Great game folks. Well, that wraps it up tonight folks. We hope to see you back here again soon. Have a good night folks. The male snail referee said.

Wow! I can't believe they won! Gil said. Yeah! That was amazing. I was not expecting them to actually win that. Mr. Grouper said. Yeah. Me too Goby said. But they actually won. The game. Deema said. Yeah. I really enjoyed the game. I said. Well guys how about we all go back to the preschool and get ready for bed. Mr. Grouper said. Yeah. That sounds like a good idea. Goby said. Yeah. It's getting late. Oona said. Yeah. It sure is. It's almost 11 at night. Nonny said. 

So, we all went to the exit of the stadium and headed out to the car. You guys have a good rest of your night. The male worker lobster said. Thank you sir. Mr. Grouper said. So, we all went to the car and headed back to the preschool. Man, we have been out all day. It would be nice to get back to the preschool and get ready for bed. I said. Yeah. It sure would sweetie. Oona said. After 40 minutes, we arrived back at the preschool and we headed back inside and went upstairs to get brushed up for bed.

Okay guys. Go ahead and get brushed up get ready for bed. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr. Grouper. Goby said. So, we all went upstairs to the bathroom to get brushed up and ready for bed. Okay guys. Let's go to bed now. Oona said. Okay. Good night guys. Goby said. Good night Goby. See you guys in the morning. So, me and Oona headed to our bedroom and got into bed and decided to go to sleep. Good night sweetie. Oona said. Good night Oona. I said. So, we drifted off to sleep after a long day at the baseball field. We were all greatful that the snails won the game. After an hour or two, everyone went to sleep.

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