Lonely heart, Tory Nichols

By bizzle3603

16.8K 449 72

Shawn LaRusso the prince of the aLaRusso family and the king of west valley high, being the captain of the ba... More

Lonely heart


1.5K 27 2
By bizzle3603

Chapter one

"A jam packed summer." 

There was only a few days left of summer before school started up again, and let's just Shawn LaRusso's had been a fun one, seeing as he spent his time at the country club with his friends or even at home just lounging by the pool and drinking, spent sometime playing video games with his brother late into the evening, was with his girlfriend Yasmine although they had broken up at least three times over the summer, yet every time they got back together it always ended up with Yasmine apologizing and her kissing him, where the two would fall back into bed with each other.

But yet the one thing that was constant for him, no matter if school was running or not was basketball, where if he didn't have a game or practice after school, he would practice out on the court at his house putting his all into it just like he did when he learned karate as a kid, which was why right now, he was standing in the school gymnasium in his basketball uniform even though basketball practice had ended awhile ago, he was still there with a whole rack of basketballs behind him shooting free throws and getting it in the basket each time.

As his coach came walking back into the gymnasium "yo, LaRusso, you've been pushing yourself a lot this summer and as team captain I appreciate the initiative but kid you only have a few days left before school actually starts, how about you pack it up for the night and head home, go hangout with your friends." he shared, and when he did, Shawn shot one last basket and turned to him "you sure coach?" he asked him, and when he did, his coach nodded, as Shawn walked forward, grabbing the basketball and dribbling it over to the rack as he put it on it, he turned running to the locker room.

Walking in, he took off his jersey and walked over to his locker, opening it, he tossed the jersey inside of it as he then grabbed his phone checking his texts, and the first one made him huff "you've gotta be kidding me." he said, as it was a text from Yasmine, seeing as earlier this week, she had broken up with him again, which makes it four times this summer, although if you counted up the years before that he wouldn't even be able to give you a number of how many times this happened to him, as it was a text from her begging for him to talk to her, seeing as she had been texting him all day about this and he was choosing not to answer her.

And right now, he was gonna do it either, as he huffed, going into his group chat with his friends and began texting the guys, telling them that they should meet up at the mini mart where they don't get carded and get some booze and just get fucked up before the school year started, cause when it did, his schedule would become so full between school work, basketball and working at the family dealership fixing cars he wouldn't have anytime to hang out.

And as he sent the messagee went to put his phone in his locker and grab his towel but when he did, his phone then dinged as he looked at it, it was text from Moon who always was there for him whenever Yasmine broke up with him even though she was Yasmine's best friend, where it was her texting him that she was hoping that he was okay, in which Shawn texted her back telling her that he's been so busy with basketball that he hasn't even been thinking about the breakup although he would be lying and it seemed Moon knew to cause he sent that text she quickly sent back liar and how she knows he'll get through it, in which the last thing Shawn texted her was thanks as he then put his phone back in his locker and grabbed his towel, throwing it over his shoulder as he turned heading to the showers.

Having left the school, Shawn was driving in his truck, his phone kept dinging and he knew exactly who the messages were from without even looking at it, it was Yasmine, who never liked it when Shawn ignored her, seeing as she was always used to being in control, yet Shawn was always the one person who made her feel out of control which is probably why they broke up so much, they were toxic, parking his car, he was right next to Kyler and the guys "yo, Shawn, what's up my man!" Kyler voiced, as Shawn got out of his truck, he walked toward's the sidewalk as Kyler and the guys got out of his jeep.

Shawn huffed, looking down at his phone "Shawn, why aren't you texting me back? Shawn, I'm sorry, okay, please text me back. Shawn I miss you." he was reading off Yasmine's messages, as he then looked back up at Kyler and the guys "that's what's up with me." he shared, and as he did, Kyler and the guys voiced "ohh!" as Kyler shook his head "that's cold man! No wonder you just wanna drink. Yasmine broke up with you again!" he voiced, as they all began walking toward's the entrance "honestly, I think I just need to make this break up official. She's insane." Shawn told them, as he put his phone in his pocket it dinged again.

As they passed a man on the sidewalk and turned left, heading into the convenient store, Brucks put his hands on Shawn's shoulders "hey, but even if you did, there's a thousand ladies that would love to go out with you!" he voiced, as Shawn scoffed "yeah, like Yasmine would let any of them near me." he reminded him, as Kyler pointed at him "true." he said, as they all laughed, walking to the back fridge, Shawn opened the door and pulled out a case of beer, as they all turned walking to the counter, although some of them turned to grab some snacks.

Shawn, Kyler and Brucks were the only one's at the counter, except for another boy who known them had seen before and weren't exactly paying attention to him, as Shawn stuck his hand in his pocket to pull out his fake ID, the boy looked over at them "oh, do you guys go to west valley? I'm gonna be going there when school starts back up, my names Miguel.." he was telling them and as he did, Shawn watched the way the casher looked at them and what they were going to buy, in which Shawn huffed, knowing that he wouldn't be able to get the beer anymore.

"Great." he said, under his breath, as he cleared his throat, looking to the new kid "how about we go outside?" he asked, and when he did, Miguel raised his brows "go outside? Yeah, yeah, I'll go.." he was saying, as Shawn walked toward's him, grabbing him by the shoulders and moving him toward's the door and as he did, the other two friends walked up to the door holding it open and as they did, Kyler and Brucks followed after Shawn "outside." Miguel said as he furrowed his brows "wait, what's happening?" he asked, as they all headed out of the convenient store.

"What's happening is that my girlfriend broke up with me again and I was trying to buy beer so that I would spend a night with my friends getting over her but you just blew my cover talking about high school!" he voiced, as Miguel's eyes went wide "I didn't know you were trying to buy beer, I'm sorry." he told him "yep." Shawn told him, as he shoved him over the ledge and sending him down onto the grass, causing all the others guys to laugh, as they all walked over to him "ooh, wha do we got here?" Kyler asked, as Shawn picked up the bottle "ooh, pepto." Brucks said as he looked at the bottle.

"Oh, shit someone has frickin diarrhea!" Kyler voiced, as Shawn shook his head "why the hell do we need to pick on him then seems like he's got his own, shit, to deal with." he told them all, and when he did they all started laughing "we should call him rhea." Brucks mentioned "yeah, yeah, definitely." Shawn told him, smiling, as Miguel reached for the bottle, Shawn then held it above his head "give it back, dude. It's for my grandma!" Miguel voiced "your..your grandma? Wow. My..my bad man." Shawn told him, bringing the bottle down "here take it." he told him, holding it out to him, as Miguel stepped forward to grab it, Shawn threw it at him, sending Miguel to the ground.

"Let's go, guys." he told them all, as he turned walking off to his truck, the guys turned to follow him "asshole." Miguel said and when he did, Shawn stopped walking "ohh!" the guys voiced, as Shawn turned around "did you just say what I think you just said?" he asked, stepping toward's him "cause I..I didn't hear you, your gonna have to speak up!" he voiced "no, no, I didn't say anything." Miguel told him, as Shawn punched him in the gut sending him to the floor again "that's brute, Shawn." Brucks told him, as Miguel pushed himself up and began to run off "oh, look he's running away! Probably back to his grandma!" Shawn voiced, as Brucks shoved Miguel into a car.

But not just any car a 1978 Pontiac firebird, it was a classic, where as everyone else was laughing, a man's voice then filled their ears "hey!" in which they all turned to a man who had lots of facial hair although to Shawn something about him seemed familiar but he couldn't quite figure out how or why "watch the car, man. Just leave the dork alone." the man told them "see this guy? Eating his dinner at the mini mart like a bum." one of them shared, as they all laughed "wait, I think I know this guy. He's the jerk off that cleaned my dad's sceptic tank." Kyler shared 'oh!" Brucks voiced, as all the guys laughed except for Shawn.

"That's why he smells like shit." Brucks said as they all laughed again, except for Shawn once again "trust me, you are pissing off the wrong guy on the wrong day, all right?" the man asked, as Shawn motioned to him "same here, which is why we are going, come on guys." he told them, as Kyler scoffed, turning to him "oh, come on, man! He's just a loser!" he voiced, turning around and shoving the man, and when he did, Shawn rolled his eyes "you've gotta be kidding me." he said, knowing this was not what he wanted right now.

But the man didn't back down as he then stepped up and kicked Kyler in the face, sending Kyler to the ground, the others backed up, while Shawn's eyes went wide "let's get em." Brucks said "no, no, I think that's..that's a bad.." Shawn was telling them, but they didn't listen as one of them went up to the man going to punch him, but the man smacked his hand out of the way and caught his wrist holding onto him as he then punched Brucks in the face, the other then ran up to him but got kicked back, the one who was holding onto got elbowed in the chest.

As Kyler ran at him, the man then kicked him back with ease, and as Shawn watched it happen, he got flashes I his mind of karate tournaments he had watched on YouTube of the same fighting style, as the man turned and punched the other one in the gut sending him to the ground, he then turned and swept the other guys feet out from under him, as he then turned elbowing the one who was already down in the face, as Brucks ran at the man, Shawn quickly moved out of the way, watching as Brucks brought the man into the pole.

The man began elbowing him in the back and then shoved him off of him into his car where Shawn was standing, as Brucks fell down at his feet, Shawn looked at the man in shock, realizing who the hell he was "holy shit, your Johnny Lawerence." he said, as Johnny furrowed his brows "how the hell do you know that?" he asked him, but as he did, Kyler ran at him and grabbed him, flipping him onto the ground and punching him in the side "Kyler, I.." Shawn tried to tell him, running his hand through his hair, as Kyler pulled Johnny off the ground having him in a headlock "what's the matter? Having trouble breathing?" he asked.

"No, Kyler, let.." Shawn tried to tell him, as Johnny then elbowed Kyler, getting his arms free as he then used them to grab onto the arm that was still around him and flip Kyler over him and onto the ground "is that all you got, ladies?" Johnny asked them "yeah, come on, guys I think you've got your asses kicked enough.." Shawn was saying, as his phone dinged, he reached into his pocket and pulled it out, seeing a text from Yasmine, telling him that she wanted to see him to talk things out person to person, and Shawn knew fully well what that meant, as he raised his brows, looking up from his phone and at his friends who were getting up.

"Hey, look, guys! I've gotta go!" he called out, as he turned walking to his truck, Kyler glared at him "what...where are you going? We need your help to kick this guys ass?' he asked, as Shawn turned to him "let's see, getting my ass kicked or getting my ass laid?" he asked, opening the door to his truck "I choose getting laid." he told them, as Kyler scoffed "your so whipped." he told him "and you're an idiot and should've listened to me when I said we should go." Shawn told him, getting into his truck, shutting the door behind him, he turned the car and turned his head, backing out of the parking lot and driving off.

Having driven all the way across the valley back toward's his side of town where he lived, he didn't head to his house but instead headed to Yasmine's, as he parked his car, he got out of it and walked up the driveway all the way to the front door, as he rang the doorbell, he waited ther for awhile and there wasn't an answer or even the sound of footsteps inside to let him know that Yasmine was even coming to answer the door, as he scoffed "of course. Kyler's an idiot and so am I thinking with other parts of my body instead of my brain." he told himself, as he turned to walk off back to his truck, he made it halfway down the steps as the door opened.

"Shawn." Yasmine said, as Shawn turned around, he saw Yasmine standing there in the doorway wearing a red nightdress with a matching robe "what do you want Yasmine? You said you wanted to talk things out and yet I come all the way here and your making me stand outside waiting for you to answer the door." he told her, as Yasmine sighed "I know, I know, okay? I just..I was nervous! I really don't know what to say to you, Shawn! We haven't talked in days!" she voiced, chuckling, as Shawn furrowed his brows, walking back up the steps "that's because you broke up with me, Yasmine! Remember?" he asked her.

And Yasmine knew he was getting angry, as she brought her hands up his face, smirking "you know your hot when your angry?" she asked him, and when she did, Shawn shook his head "stop.." he told her, going to push her off of him, but when he did, Yasmine kept his arms around him, bringing her with him"just..just kiss him." she told him, trying to push him down to her "no, Yasmine, this..this was a bad idea. I shouldn't have come.." Shawn was saying, as Yasmine stood up on her tippy toes, capturing his lips into her's.

And when she did, Shawn couldn't help but kiss her back, cause right now after everything he had been through this night, he realized this was what he wanted or more so needed, where even though Yasmine had control at first, Shawn quickly flipped the script and began taking control as he moved the two into her house, he kicked the door shut behind him, neither of the two breaking apart, as Shawn then brought his hands down from her face to her waist, picking her up and when he did, Yasmine wrapped her legs around his waist, as Shawn began walking up the staircase to Yasmine's room.

The two had headed down the hallway to where her room was, and as they walked inside of it, Shawn kicked the door shut again, as he then walked over to Yasmine's bed, he then fell down onto it, quickly moving his arms out so his weight wouldn't crush Yasmine, as Yasmine brought her hands down and pulled Shawn's shirt off of him and tossed it across her room and when she did, Shawn then leaned down kissing her again.

In which the next morning, Shawn woke up to the sun shining in through the curtains in the bedroom and felt a heavy weight on his body, where when he turned he saw Yasmine laying there, still asleep, in which Shawn huffed, bringing his free hand up to his face as he knew fully well that he put himself back into this godawful situation, bringing his hand back down, he looked to his right again and saw all of his clothes on the floor and knew he needed to get back home, as he turned his head back to Yasmine, he slowly began to remove his arm out from under her and as he did, Yasmine began to stir in her sleep as he winced, wanting to get out of this as quick as possible.

Pulling the covers off of him, he leaned down and grabbed his boxers, putting them on, he then stood up and grabbed his pants, putting them on as well, tapping them as he made sure everything was still in there including his keys, his phone, his ID's, as he then bent down, throwing his shirt over his head, he then stepped toward's the bed and leaned down kissing Yasmine on the forehead "I've gotta go." he told her, as he turned, heading out of her room and quickly down the staircase, super glad that her parents weren't ever really around or else he would have to start jumping out the window, and it's not like he couldn't do it, he just preferred not too.

Having gotten into his truck, the drive back to his house wasn't too bad and it seemed his parents were already out to work for the day as the only cars in the driveway seemed to be the one's they only used for certain occasions and Sam's convertible, as Shawn got out of his car, he began walking up the driveway and down the pathway into the house, shutting the door, he heard the sound of spoons scraping against bowls "wow, look who's finally returned home, Anthony. Out all day, out all night. Let me take a guess, you were with Yasmine?" Sam asked him.

And when she did, Shawn turned looking to the kitchen and seeing his twin sister and younger brother eating breakfast, as he began walking over to them "I don't know why that's any of your business but yes, yes I was." he told her, as Anthony broke up "I thought you guys broke up?" he asked "again." Sam mentioned, as Shawn snagged Anthony's spoon "we did, but we made up." he told them, smirking as he took a spoonful of Anthony's cereal and as he did, Sam grimaced "ew, Shawn! Anthony get a new spoon, you don't want to eat off of that!" she voiced.

As Shawn furrowed his brows "I don't have a disease." he told her, as Anthony took his spoon back from him "that we know of." Sam told him, as Anthony then ate from the same spoon "god, Anthony that's go gross!" Sam voiced, as she turned walking off, Shawn watched her go "your just jealous your still a virgin!" he called out, and when he did, Sam turned to him "and I'm proud of it!" she yelled, turning around and walking off, and when she did, Shawn turned back to his brother, pointing the way his sister went "is she.." he went to ask him, as Anthony raised his brows "on her period? Probably." he said, continuing to eat his cereal.

"I hate you both!" Sam yelled to them, as a pillow from the living room got thrown at Shawn as he turned and caught it in his hands, he then turned back to Anthony "so, do you have camp today?" he asked him "nope." Anthony told him "good, which means you and me are gonna hang out poolside." Shawn told him, backing up "which means while I take a quick shower when I get out, I want you downstairs and with your swim trunks on." he shared, as Anthony turned to him "but I don't.." he was telling him "too bad!" Shawn voiced, throwing the living room pillow at him, hitting Anthony right in the head, as he turned and ran off to the steps heading upstairs.

Where after showering, Shawn had made a pitcher of margaritas, where Shawn was now on his third as he had sunglasses on and was lounging in a pool floaty sipping on it, with music humming in the background as he was enjoying the silence, finally feeling relaxed after everything that had gone on, but as he did, his little brother came running out "cannonball!" he yelled, jumping into the pool and causing a giant splash to cover Shawn and go into his drink, as he furrowed his brows, lifting his sunglasses up and turning his head to his brother who swam back up to the surface "are you trying to disrupt my peace so that I yell at you and let you go back inside and play video games?" he asked.

And when he did, Anthony shook his head "no." he told him, and as he did, Shawn hummed, turning back to his margarita drinking it "are you mad?" Anthony asked him, and when he did, Shawn turned to him "no. But I'm also pretty tipsy right now, so..you're not getting out of this buddy." he told him, chuckling, as Anthony huffed "I thought the cannonball would work." he told himself, as Shawn sighed "keep trying." he told him, as he moved his hand to the water proof speaker on his float and turned up the volume, as Bruno Mars 24k magic started blasting.

The next morning, Shawn had woken up and showered, getting into his truck, he headed to the family dealership as he walked into the garage, wearing a flannel and a bandana, the buddy he worked with Travis walked up to him laughing "ooh! Do I have a treat for you!" he voiced, putting his hand's on Shawn's shoulders "a treat for me?" Shawn asked, as Travis hummed "yep." he told him, as he began walking him further into the garage "why?" Shawn asked him "well, I know how much you like car's, especially old school one's not much of a fan of the new school, which I figure is why you and I both have old clunkers compared to everyone else who comes and goes from here. So when a real diamond in the rough came in, I thought I'd save it for you and let you work on it, on your own." Travis shared.

As Shawn furrowed his brows "on my own? Anytime we get new car's in, you always want in on what I do, saying that if we do it together it goes by faster and we earn ten times the cash." he shared "yeah, but this one's different.." Travis trailed off, and when he did, he stopped walking as Shawn turned his attention from him to in front of him and when he did, he saw not just any car, but the banged up Pontiac firebird from the other night as his eyes went wide "no way." he said, as Travis laughed "see? I knew you'd like it!" he voiced, patting Shawn on the shoulders as he turned walking off, leaving Shawn standing there in shock.

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