Rising Dawn

By RocknRoll7575

950 23 26

JNR head to Vacuo to continue to learn due to Beacon being rebuilt, however, a brand new threat lurks in Vacu... More

Prologue: Change...
Chapter 1: Betrayal
Chapter 2: Knight of the Crown
Chapter 4: Sword, Snake, Thief, Arrow
Chapter 5: What Happens Next...
Chapter 6: Chocolate Death

Chapter 3: Thunder and Flower

113 5 4
By RocknRoll7575


Two month's have passed since Jaune had supposedly left Shade and his team to Join the crown, and the complete disbandedment of JNPR. Nora ventures with SSSN to a village in the south, however, when Sun and his team lay their eyes on Nora, she looks the worst they had ever seen her. Ren himself goes to Theodore for help and thankfully the Headmaster can offer him some. Sage and Nora share a moment before they are interupped by Neptune who brings some bad and good news.







The Bullhead awaited them, its metal exterior gleaming under the desert sun. Sun and his team approached, knowing Nora would await them inside. The mission to the south of Vacuo was unusual; few Huntsmen ventured there despite its dense population.

Nora had been absent lately, consumed by a relentless pursuit of Jaune's whereabouts and any clues about The Crown. As they boarded the Bullhead, they found Nora already seated, but she appeared markedly different from their last encounter.

Her once vibrant hair now hung long and unkempt, a wild mane of orange cascading around her shoulders. Her once vibrant outfit had faded and worn, evidence of relentless missions. Even her iconic weapon, Magnhild, showed signs of wear from countless battles.

Yet it was Nora's eyes that revealed the toll of her quest. Once bright, they now held a weariness that spoke volumes.

"Hey, Nora," Sun greeted, attempting cheerfulness.

Nora blinked, her response sluggish. "Hey," she replied, her voice heavy.

"How have you been?" Sun inquired, taking a seat across from her.

Nora stretched, wincing in discomfort before settling back. "Tired," she admitted. "Feels like I haven't slept in days,"

Sun nodded knowingly. "Probably because you haven't," he observed. Concern etched into his features, Sun pressed, "Have you found anything about Jaune?"

Nora sighed heavily. "Hardly anything," she confessed. I've only heard whispers of the Crown's failed attempts to abduct individuals with powerful semblances, and rumors are circulating about their influence over certain bandit tribes, but besides that, nothing concrete," she said.

"So, we're still in the dark," he observed, a note of frustration creeping into his voice.

A troubled expression accompanied Nora's nod, her hesitation evident as she began to speak. "But..." she started, her voice trailing off into uncertainty.

Sun's curiosity piqued at Nora's pause, a flicker of concern crossing his features. "But what?" he prompted gently, sensing the weight behind her unfinished sentence.

Nora's expression turned grim, "If any of these rumors are real, then they're not just a bunch of Rouges trying to stir trouble," She told him, "Sun, they're aiming for something much bigger, They're gearing up for war—a full-fledged army, possibly large enough to threaten Vacuo itself,"

Sun's expression mirrored Nora's concern as he absorbed her words. "A terrorist organization is building an army to attack a city and the Huntsmen Academy... It's like history repeating itself," he sighed heavily. "Have you told Ren?" Sun inquired, his tone laced with concern.

Nora's silence stretched, hanging heavily in the air, indicating the gravity of the situation between her and Ren.

Sun's worry deepened at Nora's lack of response. "Is it that bad?" he asked, urging her to share her concerns.

Nora averted her gaze, a pang of regret evident in her voice. "I haven't spoken to him since we learned about Jaune," Nora told Sun. "He and I... I don't think that's ever gonna be the same,"

"Nora, I'm sure that if you'd talk to him about how you felt-" Sun started, his voice soft with encouragement.

But Nora interrupted him before he could finish, her tone heavy with resignation. "He gave up, Sun," she lamented her words carrying the weight of disappointment. "I can't... Not with Jaune,"

"Why?" Sun asked, puzzled.

"Letting go of Jaune is like letting go of a part of myself," Nora confessed, her voice cracking with emotion. "I've lost too much already,"

"Pyrrha?" He asked.

Nora nodded. "I've already had to come to terms with Pyrrha's decision, accepting that she chose her "destiny" over us," Nora told him with a bitter tone. "And I... I can't do the same with Jaune," Nora admitted, her voice faltering.

Before the conversation could unravel further, Sage intervened. "The pilot says it'll be a long journey, about an hour or so," he informed them, diverting the discussion. He then smiled softly at Nora, "Eaten anything?" He asked her as he sat next to Nora.

Nora made an effort to regain her composure, her movements deliberate as she shook her head slightly. Her gaze shifted to Sage, a weary smile playing on her lips. "Nah," she responded, her voice carrying a hint of exhaustion. "I'm fine," she reiterated, though the fatigue in her tone belied her words.

Sage regarded her with a mixture of concern and understanding. "Are you sure?" he asked gently, his eyes conveying his sincerity. "You seem worn out,"

Nora's smile faltered for a moment before she mustered a nod. "Yeah, just a bit tired," she admitted, her shoulders sagging slightly. "But I'll manage,"

Sage remained skeptical, so he reached into his pocket and withdrew a large breakfast bar he had stashed earlier that morning. Holding it out to Nora, he spoke gently, "Eat," He told her, "We've got a long flight ahead of us, and it seems like you could use the energy," he teased.

Nora's gaze lingered on the breakfast bar for a fleeting moment, her thoughts momentarily distant. Then, with a soft smile, she reached out and accepted the offering from Sage's hands, handling it with care. Deliberately, she peeled back the wrapper, revealing the treat inside.

As she reclined in her seat, Nora closed her eyes, savoring the anticipation of the first bite. The bar's aroma teased her senses, offering a brief respite from the weight of her exhaustion. With a contented sigh, she took a bite, relishing the flavors that danced across her palate.

Opening her eyes, Nora was met with her companion's concerned gaze. "Thank you," she murmured gratefully between chews, the warmth of her appreciation evident in her voice.

Once the breakfast bar had been consumed, Nora crumpled the wrapper in her hand and slipped it into her pocket, making a mental note to discard it once they reached their destination.

Exhaustion weighed heavily upon her, like an invisible burden pressing down on her eyelids. Nora could not summon the energy to keep them open despite her best efforts. Her eyelids remained shut as if weighted down by bars of solid gold, the weariness of her body overwhelming her.

Leaning back against the cool metal wall of the Bullhead, she sought a moment of respite, allowing herself to drift in the soothing hum of the aircraft's engines. Minutes passed, and sleep enveloped Nora like a comforting blanket. Her head lolled to the side, resting on Sage's shoulder as she snored softly.

Sun observed her peaceful slumber with a tender smile, relieved that she finally found respite after countless sleepless nights.

"She needs our help," Sage remarked solemnly.

"Sage's observation is spot-on," Scarlet interjected, his tone reflecting a mixture of concern and determination. "Nora's been pushing herself beyond her limits."

Sage nodded in agreement, his expression serious as he turned to Sun. "We can't just stand by and watch her struggle," he added, his voice tinged with urgency.

Neptune chimed in, his voice echoing their shared sentiment. "Agreed," He replied. "We need to step up and support her however we can,"

Sun nodded in agreement. "Yeah," he concurred. "Velvet's been worried sick about her and how she hasn't been taking care of herself and seeing it firsthand... I just can't stand by,"

"I don't think I've ever seen her this bad," Neptune said. "Not even after Beacon's fall," he noted.

Scarlet nodded, "Even after Beacon, she kept going, but... we all have our limits," he remarked.

Sun's tone turned firm as he rallied his team. "That's why we're all in this together. CFVY, ABRN—we're all concerned for her well-being and need to support her in any way we can,"

Sage's expression grew serious as he raised an important question, "And what if we find Jaune? What if he fights us, or worse, isn't the same person we remember?"

Sun furrowed his brow, grappling with the implications of Sage's question. "That's a tough scenario," he acknowledged, his tone tinged with concern. "We can't ignore the possibility that things with Jaune aren't the same,"

Neptune nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful. "It's a risk we need to be prepared for," he added, his voice betraying a hint of apprehension.

Scarlet leaned forward, his gaze fixed on Sage. "But what if we can't reach him?" he posed, his voice edged with uncertainty. "What if he's too far gone?"

Sage's expression remained grave as he contemplated the questions posed by his teammate. "We can't dwell on the worst-case scenario," he asserted, his tone resolute.

Sun nodded in agreement, determination flickering in his eyes. "Agreed," he affirmed. "Whatever happens, we'll face it together,"

Sage acknowledged Sun's words with a solemn nod, his expression reflecting a mixture of understanding and apprehension. His gaze drifted to Nora, her peaceful slumber a stark contrast to the turmoil that awaited them. "We'll need to remain vigilant," he remarked quietly, his voice tinged with concern. "For Nora's sake," he nodded.

While Nora and team SSSN embarked on their journey aboard the Bullhead, another member of the now-disbanded JNPR found himself grappling with his own challenges. 

In his office, Theodore sat behind his desk, a hint of unease in his expression, though a gentle smile played on his lips as he regarded the young man sitting opposite him. "Ren, how have you been feeling?" he inquired softly.

Lie Ren, the usually stoic and composed team member, now faced a fierce internal struggle as he navigated a maze of emotions and uncertainties. He appeared to be in less than optimal condition. His attire showed no signs of neglect, nor did his physical appearance, yet the dark bags under his eyes betrayed his lack of sleep. Ren's fatigue stemmed not from physical exertion, as he had solely focused on his academic pursuits, abstaining from missions for over two months.

Rubbing his eyes with his left hand, Ren cast a sorrowful glance at the headmaster before he spoke. "I... I haven't been feeling the greatest, Headmaster," he confessed. "I've been struggling to sleep well,"

Theodore raised a curious brow, "And why is that?" he asked.

Ren sighed deeply, "Because I've been... consumed by thoughts of everything I've lost," he explained. "I can't help but wonder if my parents would be proud of me, of who I've become,"

Theodore regarded Ren with empathy. "Do you believe they would be proud of you, Ren?" he gently pressed.

Ren's expression faltered, his sadness noticeable as he swallowed hard and drew in a shaky breath. "I... I don't think so," he admitted with a heavy heart.

"Why do you believe they wouldn't be proud, Ren?" Theodore inquired gently.

Ren's breaths came in shaky bursts as he struggled to convey his feelings. "Because of what I've become..." he began, his voice tinged with anguish. "Because I'm someone who's hidden how he feels, too afraid to face the pain, because I'm a coward who abandoned his friends and chose to flee rather than confront the truth, because I... I'm a fool who let go of a friend, abandoned another, and let the love another gave me slip through my fingers..." His voice cracked, and tears streamed down his cheeks as the floodgates of emotion finally gave way.

Theodore reached for a tissue from the box on his desk, extending it to Ren, who accepted it gratefully, using it to wipe away his tears. It was evident to Theodore that Lie Ren was grappling with a torrent of emotions, and he couldn't fault the young man for feeling overwhelmed. After all, one teammate had seemingly abandoned them, another had joined a terrorist organization, and the final one had left due to what Ren perceived as weakness.

With a look of pity, Theodore couldn't help but feel partly responsible for Ren's distress. "Ren, I'm sorry to hear about all this, and I want to help you," he offered sincerely. "If you're willing, I can arrange sessions with Dr. Amari, our academy's therapist; additionally, you're welcome to talk to me whenever you need," he suggested. "Would that be acceptable?" he asked gently.

Ren appeared to mull over the offer, initially hesitant. However, to Theodore's relief, Ren nodded slowly. "I... would like that," Ren admitted, his tone slightly brighter. "Thank you, Headmaster,"

A soft smile touched Theodore's lips as he nodded in response. "Good," he affirmed. "I'll arrange sessions with Dr. Amari and inform you of your first appointment. For now, please prioritize rest, Lie Ren. You need it," he advised with a gentle tone.

As Ren rose from his seat and exited the office, Theodore removed his glasses and set them down on his desk with a weary sigh. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he couldn't help but voice his frustrations aloud.

"I don't enjoy these... "games" we're forced to play, Ozpin," Theodore murmured to himself, addressing the absent headmaster. "Though I may seem young, I'm growing weary. My heart aches under the weight of our responsibilities... Too many young lives lost, too many souls adrift," he griped with a heavy heart. "I'm just... so tired," he confessed, his voice tinged with sadness and fatigue.




The following day, within the lively village of El Paso, a bustling settlement that Nora and SSSN had reached the day prior, Nora and Sage found themselves atop a modest watchtower nestled behind the town's protective walls. Down below, the cacophony of chattering pedestrians would have drowned out their conversation. Yet, amidst the bustling activity, their dialogue within the watchtower held a gravity that surpassed the racket of the village below.

Sage observed Nora and noted a slight improvement in her demeanor compared to the previous day aboard the Bullhead. However, he recognized that a single night of rest wouldn't resolve everything instantaneously. "You should be resting and eating," Sage advised her, concerned about lacing his words. "Not up here with me on watch," he added, expressing his worry.

"I'm fine," Nora retorted bluntly, her response devoid of any hint of compromise.

Sage shook his head, determination etched in his features. "You need to take a break," he insisted, his tone firm this time. "You've been pushing yourself too hard lately," he reasoned, hoping to convey the seriousness of the situation.

Nora's gaze sharpened as she turned to face him, her expression fraught with frustration. "I. Am. Fine," she retorted forcefully, her voice tinged with anger at the suggestion of weakness.

"You aren't," Sage retorted, irritation now evident in his demeanor. "Look, I know you want Jaune back; he's your teammate and leader, hell, I'd feel the same if it were anyone from my team. But I also know when I need to take a step back and prioritize my well-being, or else I'll end up burning out," Sage reasoned with a sense of urgency.

Nora's glare intensified her expression a mixture of fury and defiance. "You don't know anything," she seethed, her voice laced with resentment.

Sage bristled at her accusation. "Excuse me?" he demanded, his frustration palpable. "I don't know anything?" he repeated incredulously.

"Yeah," Nora affirmed, her tone dripping with anger and disdain.

Sage's temper flared. "I spent sleepless nights fretting over Sun," he confessed, his voice tinged with exasperation. "I may not have shown it, but trust me, I confided in Neptune and Scarlet about my concerns; Sun's a formidable fighter, one of the best I know, but his impulsive decision to chase after a girl had me on edge; Guys can do foolish things when they're infatuated," Sage explained, his frustration evident.

"Oh? And how would you know?" Nora snapped with frustration, her words sharp with irritation. "With that brooding of yours that you do all the time, I doubt you've been approached by one of your oh-so 'adoring' fans!"

Sage's expression hardened at her retort. "This is coming from the woman who looks like she just hit every branch on a tree!" he shot back, his tone tinged with sarcasm.

Nora let out a low growl of annoyance. "Oh, please! Even looking like this, I can turn more heads than you ever have!" she retorted, her voice dripping with defiance.

"Oh really? Is that why Ren isn't here!?" Sage retorted, his words biting with a hint of bitterness.

Instantly, Sage regretted his remark, recognizing the cruelty in his words, but it was too late to retract them. Before he could apologize, Nora's fist connected with his jaw, sending him sprawling to the ground. Despite her fatigue, Nora's punch packed enough force to floor a man of Sage's stature.

Nora strode to the trapdoor, her footsteps echoing faintly in the empty space. "Asshole," she muttered under her breath as she descended the ladder.

Sage winced as he sat up, his hand gingerly rubbing his sore jaw. He knew he'd feel the bruise tomorrow, but for now, his Aura could mend the discomfort. He needed to rectify his mistake before it escalated any further.

Scarlet's head popped up from the trapdoor, his brow furrowed in concern. "Everything alright, Sage?" he inquired, his voice filled with worry. "I just saw Nora stomping back to the Inn, looking like she could scare off a pack of Grimm," he added.

Sage nodded, exhaling heavily. "Yeah, I... I messed up," he confessed, his tone tinged with regret.

Offering to take over watch duty, Scarlet gestured for Sage to go after Nora. With a nod of gratitude, Sage descended the ladder and made his way back to the Inn where they were staying. Passing by the bustling marketplace, he finally reached the Inn's entrance, greeted by the warm smiles of the Innkeepers, a kind-hearted couple.

The wife's eyes twinkled with amusement as she regarded him. "Here to check on the girl, huh?" she teased, a knowing grin on her lips.

Sage nodded, a sheepish smile tugging at his lips.

The husband chuckled heartily, his laughter filling the air. "Well, don't keep her waiting then," he advised with a friendly pat on Sage's shoulder. "That girl's got a glare that could freeze a Beowulf!" he winked.

As Sage ascended the stairs, a nagging worry wormed its way into his mind. Did they suspect something between Nora and him? The mere thought sent a shiver down his spine. No, that couldn't be it. It was absurd even to entertain such a notion.

Each step brought him closer to the inevitable confrontation with Nora, and an unsettling feeling gnawed at his gut. He couldn't quite pinpoint the source of his unease, but the prospect of facing a woman capable of single-handedly taking down a team of Hunters was undeniably daunting. The memory of his mother's fierce anger flashed through his mind, reminding him of the chilling power wielded by a furious woman.

Despite his trepidation, Sage pressed on, determined to make amends with Nora and end their tension.

Standing at the door to Nora's room, Sage rapped his knuckles against the wood. "Nora? Can I come in?" he inquired.

Silence greeted him.

"Nora?" Sage called out again.

Still no response.

Drawing in a deep breath, Sage summoned his courage, turning the doorknob and pushing the door open. "Nora, I wanted to-" he started, but his words caught in his throat as he took in the scene before him.

Nora's back was turned to him, the absence of a bra revealing the scars and burns marring her skin. Sage's eyes widened, horror flickering across his features.

Nora whipped around to face him, her expression stern. "Can't a girl get a little privacy?" she demanded sharply.

Flustered, Sage spun on his heel, facing the closed door. "F-Forgive me!" he stammered out hastily.

Quickly wrapping a towel around her chest, Nora regarded Sage with a raised brow. "You wanna tell me why you're here?" she questioned.

Still avoiding her gaze, Sage offered an apology. "I-I wanted to apologize for what I said back up on the watchtower," He replied. "I... Didn't mean it," he admitted.

Nora let out a heavy sigh as she sat down, removing her boots and socks. "It's fine; I know you didn't mean it," she conceded. "I didn't mean what I said either; I just... Ugh, I'm tired," she confessed wearily.

Understanding softened Sage's expression. "I know, and I'm sorry," he responded gently. "We saw how tired and exhausted you were yesterday on the ride and were all worried about you, Nora."

Nora's voice trembled with emotion as she opened up. "I... I'm just afraid that if I-I'm not looking for him, he's gonna slip away farther and farther, and I... I can't let another person I love leave me behind! I-I need to know why! Why did he leave!? Why did he turn his back on everything w-we fought for!? Does he hate us!? Did we push him that far that he joined the enemy!?" Tears welled up in her eyes as she poured out her fears.

Moved by her distress, Sage closed the distance between them, enveloping her in a comforting hug. Nora clung to him, finding solace in his embrace as her tears dampened his shoulder.

"Nora... I'm not sure why Jaune left, why he joined the Crown, but I know that when you find him, and I know you will, you'll find your answers," Sage assured her soothingly.

Sniffling, Nora looked up at him, her gaze searching his face for reassurance. "How do you know?" she asked, her voice shaky.

Meeting her gaze, Sage spoke with quiet conviction. "Because I think that deep down, Jaune will always have a special place in his heart for you because I know he looked to you and to Ren as family," he explained. "When you got Shade with us, I saw how he tried to hold everything together with you two, how he tried to be the leader you two needed; he cared for both of you, and I'm sure somewhere in there, he still does."

Nora's features softened, a glimmer of hope shining in her eyes. "Sage..." she murmured gratefully.

Their exchange was charged with emotion, an unspoken tension lingering in the air as they drew closer to each other. At that moment, it felt like the weight of the world had lifted, and anything was possible.

Suddenly, the door burst open, startling them both. Neptune stood in the doorway, weapon at the ready, his eyes widening in surprise at the scene before him. "Hey! We've got a problem you-OH!" he exclaimed, taking in the situation with a mixture of shock and amusement.

Startled out of their impulsive moment, Nora dashed into the bathroom, leaving Sage standing there in shock as he turned to Neptune with a quizzical expression.

"What is it?" Sage inquired.

Neptune's demeanor quickly shifted to seriousness. "Ah, right!" he exclaimed. "Scarlet spotted a group of bandits two miles out, and I think Nora might want to meet these bandits," he explained.

"Why?" Nora's voice came from behind the bathroom door.

"Scarlet said it was hard to spot at first, but he managed to get a good look at the emblem on a banner they were carrying," Neptune replied with a grave tone. "It's a Golden Crown."

Upon hearing this, Sage pivoted towards the bathroom door. "When you're dressed, meet us outside!" he called out as he darted past Neptune, who quickly followed suit.

"Got it!" Nora's response echoed from the bathroom.

As Sage and Neptune hurried to join the rest of their team, Scarlet and Sun stood watch on the tower, peering through binoculars at the approaching threat.

"How close are they now!?" Scarlet inquired.

"About a mile out!" Sun reported.

Sun lowered the binoculars, his expression darkening as he contemplated the implications of the approaching raid party. Dealing with bandits was one thing, but the sight of the banner confirmed the gravity of the situation. At first, he had been reluctant to believe Nora's rumors, but now, faced with tangible evidence, he had no choice but to accept the truth.

The reality was sinking in: the Crown had gained control over the bandit tribe or coerced them into joining their ranks. This development signaled trouble ahead, evoking memories of the chaos that had engulfed Beacon.

It seemed history was poised to repeat itself, and Sun knew they had to be prepared for whatever came next.




I'm gonna leave it there! Get you guessing on what's gonna happen next! Also, how do you like the change in my writing style? I'm trying to improve on it after some advice from a dear friend, and I hope it didn't take you guys out of it with the new style.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and hope to see what Jaune is up to in the next chapter in the two-month time skip and are eager to see Nora and Ren's development in the story! Oh! Look at that! Some Nora and Sage romance? Oh~! I wonder if we'll get more of that~?

Anyway, I Hope you enjoyed it! Goodnight!

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