Betrayal, heartbreak and lone...

By nobodygreek

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This is a one-shot that takes place after the Heros of Olympus and before the Trials of Apollo. I wrote this... More

Betrayal, heartbreak and loneliness

5 0 0
By nobodygreek

  Betrayal heartbreak and loneliness, were the only thoughts running through his head as he sat by the river, tears streaming down his face and the moon sending a subtle glow down upon him.

Betrayal heartbreak and loneliness. Betrayal heartbreak and Loneliness. You may be wondering how such a great hero came to be in a state of such sadness and self pity; it all started with one person, Owen Long, a supposed son of Zeus. Owen was overwhelmed by jealousy and greed and slowly one by one took everything most precious away from our great hero.

First he spread rumors and lies and told tales of our hero betraying the ones who fought in the Titan and Giant war. He slowly gained fowlers mostly consisting of newer campers who had not experienced and seen our hero's actions for themselves.

But slowly he stole his closest friends. First he trampled Katie's garden and killed several of her plants and accused our hero of doing so and he lost a friend and a little piece of his heart cracked. Then there was Chris and Clarisse. Owen once again was responsible for this; he had broken Clarisse's spear and put it next to our hero's canine. Next he painted the Ares cabin with pink flowers and signed our hero's name, in blue, below and so our hero lost two more friend and the crack in his heart grew larger. Next was Leo. Owen trashed the Hephaestus cabin and bunker nine then he trailed oil from the bunker to our hero's cabin and upon seeing this Leo announced their friendship over. Next came the Stolls. A letter was sent to Chiron regarding the prank they were planning to pull signed by our hero. Or more accurately by Owen using our hero's name. And since our hero was the only other to know about this of course he was blamed and he lost yet two more friends and the crack in his heart grew evenly larger.

This went on until only three remained: Nico, Thalia and Annabeth and his heart was nearly broken but still intact though hanging on by a thread. Then Thalia came up to him one treacherous day and slapped him across the face ranting about how he was just like other males and Nico was the only fairly decent boy left alive. That nearly caved him but he held strong for the sake of his two remaining friends. If he were to lose one more person he would crack. Slowly our hero started to see Annabeth less and less but he thought nothing of it because he trusted her. But then came the fateful day when she walked up to him and said the one thing that shattered his entire being,

"I am breaking up with you to be with Owen. I don't love you anymore." Annabeth said this with a smirk on her face which made our hero finally snap and made his world come crashing down . He ran as fast as he could into the forest to get away from all the pain and misery. He came to a clearing and exploded. Literally, his arora became stronger and lashed out at all around him his eyes glowed from the power contained within him forcing its way to the surface. All the anger, hate, pain, betrayal, and now heartbreak that had been building up had finally been unleashed. As his power surged, trees toppled, the earth shook, lightning flashed and the tide roared all responding to his emotions. Once his emotions finally settled he was overcome with anguish, sadness, and loss more than he felt when his friends died for he knew he would see them again he knew that they were at peace. But this time was different. He was betrayed by those he trusted the most and now he had only Nico. But he was at his father's palace attending to matters of the underworld and they were not in contact. So he lay by a fallen tree in his sorrow and when is was dark the huntress in the sky and the moon being the only source of light our hero made his way back to his cabin and took only ambrosian, nectar, clothes, some drama, mortal money and his writing utensil and left never to be seen by anyone from there again. And if the campers realized it they did not show it, they had just lost the greatest hero of all time.

So this is our hero's story and if you have not already guessed our hero is none other than the two time savior of Olympus none other that the other retriever or Zeus' master bolt, traveler of the sea of monsters, holder of the sky, navigator of the labyrinth, bearer of the curse of Achilles, surviver of the Titan and Giant wars, one of the Seven of the second great prophecy, deafeter of too many giants, titans and monsters to name, and savior of the gods, Percy Jackson son of Poseidon and the forgotten hero.

This is the beginning, but is it the end?

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