The hunger games: sands of su...

By Ilikechubbymen1

90 1 0

This book takes place 5 years before the events of the hunger games trilogy. Orion must survive and kill all... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 10

3 0 0
By Ilikechubbymen1

Orion woke up startled, to the sound of wind blowing. He looked outside and saw a haze of sand. It was wizzing past as the wind blowed and it was beginning to get into the cave. "Gannet wake up! There's a sand storm!" Orion yelled over the howling of the wind while shaking Gannet awake. "What?" He yawned before realising the situation. "We have to find a way to block the entrance!" Gannet yelled barely being heard. Orion thought about Daisy somewhere, probably starving and thirsty with nothing but a saddle and maybe a mount if she was lucky, while him and gannet were living perfectly safe and luxurious in the cave drinking rabbit stew. "We don't have anything big enough to do that!" Orion replied. Gannet looked like he was thinking until he heard someone say "I DO!" They both turned their heads to the mouth of the cave and saw someone in donkey brown riding a camel. "DAISY! COME IN!" Orion said as she dismounted in the storm and led her camel inside. The camel layed down at the entrance blocking the sand, it's head facing away from the storm. "Few that was a close one." Gannet said trying to hug Daisy but only with one arm. "You broke your arm?" Daisy said shocked, "yeah I fell off a sand dune. That's how we found this cave actually, and it has a hot spring! How cool is that? Or should I say hot." Gannet joked. Daisy smirked a little before returning to her usual seriousness. "Well seems like a good base of operations for us. I'm starving, what do you have to eat?" Daisy asked. Orion looked at her and noticed how skinny she had gotten, she probably only made it here because of her camel. "We have a pile of bone marrow left and half a bottle of rabbit stew." Gannet said. "That's all? I saw you run off with 2 backpacks there had to be food in those right?" Daisy said. "Yeah there was but we're saving it for later since it can be preserved but the marrow can't be. Also you didn't finish your stew?" Orion said to Gannet. "I was saving it for if Daisy came." Gannet shrugged like it was no big deal. It was a big deal because it would of been a waste if she came a day later. Daisy sucked up all their bone marrow and guzzled down the rabbit stew hungrily. Orion saw gannet offer her some water and she accepted it, downing the bottle. They then sat there and heard a cannon in the distance a few minutes later. An hour after that the sandstorm ended and Daisy's camel moved out of the way. "I'm going to feed him." Daisy said patting his side and leading him to a cactus. He ate it as if it were nothing. "Did you know camels could eat cacti? Because I didn't know until he started munching on them during a rest. I tried to stop him at first but he was totally fine." Daisy explained. Orion looked in the distance and saw an exhausted looking girl. He knew she saw them because she started running at them. She had a sword and shield and as he threw a knife she blocked it with the shield. Daisy and gannet then realised what was going on and Daisy mounted her camel with surprising speed considering how tall the camel was. You never realise how tall camels are until you see one in person. She held her spear out like a lance and charged. Orion ran behind her and realised there were 5 other people on the other side of the dunes. It was at that moment he realised it was the careers. He threw another knife, this time at the girl's ankle and she fell down. The boy with curls holding a ball and chain ran next to her before swinging the chain at Orion. He ducked and it just singed the top of his hair. The girl from 4 threw her net at Daisy and it caught her. She fell off the camel and as she thrashed she got more entangled. The girl was about to stab Daisy with her trident before Orion threw a knife into her head. She fell to the ground and Orchid yelled. Orchid was with the careers! And was she holding a battle axe? Orion guessed she was good with one type of axe after all. A cannon boomed in the distance and the girl from 2 convinced them to retreat. "RUBY! SAPPHIRE! WE HAVE TO RETREAT!" The blonde girl with the sword and shield yelled at the 2 archer twins from 1. "Let's go Alyce." The boy with curls said to the blonde girl with the sword and Shield. "Ok Cameron." She said before he picked her up and the ran off. "We scared them off for now but they'll be back." Orion said as he tried to untangle Daisy but he only made it worse. Gannet came over and started doing it. Even though he only could use one arm he was from district 4, so he untied the net with ease. He also picked up the trident. "It's the only weapon I can use, even if I can only use it badly." Gannet said, he must be feeling bad about not being able to help in the fight. As they walked back to their cave Orion wondered why he hadn't gotten any gifts from blight yet. Did he choose Orchid over him because of her training score? He seemed like he liked him better but who knew. Just then a white parachute fell from the sky. Gannet opened it and found a cream with a broken bone of the bottle. On the back it read: INSTRUCTIONS: APPLY CREAM OVER BROKEN BONE BEFORE GOING TO SLEEP. IN THE MORNING YOU'LL BE GOOD AS NEW! This was expensive Capitol cream. And it wasn't for him, it was for Gannet. Blight had chosen Orchid over him. "We need to relocate instantly! They will be back extremely soon to finish us off so we have to move now! This place is no longer safe." Gannet said starting to fill up the water bottles to the brim, and pack everything into the backpacks. He put the bone cream in his pocket and attached the packs to the saddle of Daisy's camel. They started moving instantly, Orion saying goodbye to the cave which had helped them so much so far. That night they slept under the stars and watched the sky. The girl from 3 and the girl from 4 were the ones who died today. "I knew her you know. She was called pearl. She was really good with a trident and she was kind. She trained for the hunger games because her parents made her because they would profit off it. And now she's dead because of it." Gannet sighed as he applied the bone cream. Orion played his music box but not even that could help him sleep in the cold of the night without the protection of the cave.

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