Healing her heart

By _ihavebigdreams_

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Ella and y/n were friends since Ella moved with her parents to the house next to y/n's. Y/n's parents weren't... More



780 63 26
By _ihavebigdreams_

Tw: Théodore, violence

Ella is the mysterious woman of the night, but strangely no one seems to know who she is.

All people's gaze are on her and the prince while they dance, they move in synchrony like they've practiced before. I frown, has she met him before and didn't tell me? My heart ache as the thought of her not trusting me enough to tell me something like that crosses my mind, but who am I to be sad about that as I'm hiding from her as well who I like too.

The band ends the song and they walk away, I tried to reach them but was stopped by the guards "Sorry miss, but you shall not go in there. Prince's orders." I look at him in disbelief "I just want to talk with my friend, please." I say while trying to pass through him, but he grabs me by the waist which makes my skin crawl and I quickly move away from him "Alright, I won't bother them." I say raising my hands up in surrender as I turn around and walk away.

Why didn't Ella tell me she was attending the ball? And how did she make everyone not recognize her?

My head starts spinning with more and more questions, so I decide to take some fresh night air. As I walk through the beautiful gardens of the castle I hear a familiar voice coming nearer, a voice that makes my blood run cold and my body freezes. Not being able to move a single muscle I listen to the voice, coming closer and closer, as is a second one and I can't make myself turn around and run, run far far away from there.

"You see, Sir Louis, the woman who's promised to me is here too, but she won't be chosen. Poor thing, she didn't even make a single noise while I ravished her." the deep voice said while turning around the corner, followed by the laughing of both men.

They appear right in front of me, the man in question was in a loss of words seeing me there frozen in place, wide alert to everything. He quickly regained his composure and a disgusting smirk formed on his devious lips "Ah, lady y/n, I was just talking about you and our engagement to Sir Louis." Théodore said stepping closer to me and then my legs worked as I stepped back terrified of him and his sickening touch.

He looked offended and then angry, which made me terrified. Sir Louis looked back and forward to us "What's wrong, love?" he asks, a nauseating feeling floods me and I force myself to contain it, so I wouldn't throw up then and there. His hand then goes to the back of my neck, forcing me to look right at him, my mind screams for me to move, scream even, but nothing is done as my terrified eyes stare at his maniac ones "Kind Sir, would you mind giving us some time alone?" Théodore asks coldly at the man who was making him company without even glancing at his figure, his eyes were focused on me and me only.

In a frantic desperation my eyes move to the man in question, begging him silently with my eyes for not to leave, but nonetheless he nods and leaves us alone. I'm alone with him again. No, this can't be happening again.

Théodore's hand moves from the back of my neck to the front, he tightens his grip as my hands flung to his wrist "Now you listen and listen carefully." he says harshly, sinking his nails on my flesh "You will not behave like this in front of other people, do you understand me?" he screams in my face as I'm trying to breathe through the tight pipe of air I'm left with the squeezing hand of his "It made me look like a fool! Never again will you behave and do something like this, do you understand, slut?" he says as tears run down my face and black dots start to appear in my vision.

I wanted to scream so loudly that everyone in the castle would hear, but that big hand of his closing and closing even more my air way wouldn't let me "What are you doing?!" a voice is heard, but I was so close to passing out that I couldn't care much about it "Let go of her, you sick bastard!" and then the force on my throat disappears and I'm able to bring fresh air into my lungs again.

Deep and forceful breaths I try to take while my hand jumps to my throat as if checking if the hand was really gone. Another set of hands grabs me gently by the arm "Sweet girl, look at me, look at me." I do what the feminine voice says and look up, my eyes wide open, terrified of what just happened and what would happen if she didn't appear.

"You listen to me, never ever again will you land a single finger on her! If I know that you've touched a single strand of hair of hers—" the woman, who now I definitely know is Lady Tremaine says to Théodore before he interrupted her "You what?" the man says defiantly "Don't you dare to interrupt me, little man. You don't know what I'm capable of and I'm sure you don't want to discover it." she says threateningly, her eyes sharp as knives, her body tense with an emposing posture. Théodore's mouth opens to say something but it is not his voice who is heard.

"Is everything alright in here?" a guard says from behind Théodore, looking at the three of us, but focusing more in my figure kneeling on the ground, breathing now almost normally, but with bruises and nail marks forming on my neck as the remains of tears with some of my makeup stain my cheeks "Yes, everything's alright sir." Théodore answers the man through his teeth. "Can you please accompany us, Ladies, back to the castle please?" Lady Tremaine asks the kind man who nods with furrowed brows while I rise up from the ground, leaving a frustrated Théodore behind; thankfully.

We enter the castle again grateful for the kind guard who escorted us back. After the man leaves the redhead turns her body and attention to me "Are you well, my darling?" she says brushing softly her hand on my cheek, slowly lowering it to my bruised neck, I swallow and nod to her "Come, let's go home, it's getting late." she says grabbing my hand, not caring about the looks who were given to us. We found her daughters and leave the ball and events of the night behind.

I'm back for another chapter my dears!
Hope you like it, as always I'll be grateful to read your comments and feedback about it!


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