The Omega Villain Is Pregnant...

By Immortal_Scorpion

74.8K 2.3K 449

Hael Argyris, a bartender in his mid-twenties cursed his heart out while walking on the streets after reading... More

Chapter 1: Why The Fuck Am I The Villain?
Chapter 2: Pregnant With The Twins
Chapter 3: The Untold Story Of The Villain
Chapter 4: Finally, Face-to-face With Their Past
Chapter 5: No Forbidden Love Between The Alphas
Chapter 7: The Blossoming Love of Gardenias And Honeysuckles

Chapter 6: Giving Second Chance And Weddings

7.6K 248 26
By Immortal_Scorpion

Arik asked as he traveled his hand from Hael's face to down caressing his curvy side and to his stomach.

Hael froze at that touch on his belly.

"Our pups-"

Before Arik could complete his sentence Hael pushed him away with his full strength and due to the impact he fell to the floor on his butt.

He looked at Arik with fear-stricken eyes that were welled up in tears.

"N-No... don't kill my babies... don't... *hic* please... no... *hic*... my family..."

Hael started crying hysterically hugging his stomach.

When Arik touched his belly he remembered his past life where in prison it was touched by several Alphas.

Then after knowing he was still pregnant how they stepped on his belly more even after he begged them, left a deep scar in his heart.

That was why he thought Arik was also checking his stomach to kill his pups.


Arik immediately crouched down and tried to hug the younger but Hael was panic-stricken.

He tried to push away the elder screaming for him to let go of him and his pups.

Arik's heart throbbed in pain as he sensed the Younger's scent becoming sour and sour due to fear.

He hugged him tight and released his soothing pheromones to calm him down.

"Hael...calm down. Please, don't be scared of me. I would never kill our pups. They are as precious to me as you."

Hael struggled in his embrace at first trying to free himself with tears streaming down his eyes but then scenting the soothing pheromones of the Alpha his nerves became placid.

"You won't kill my babies again, right? *hic* please don't kill them... they are my only family... *hic* please..."

Hael pleaded as he cried in Arik's embrace.

Arik closed his eyes feeling an intense pang inside his chest that twisted and twirled hurting and eating him from inside.

Yet he caressed the Younger's back gently and whispered him sweet nothings.

"I will never kill them. I want our pups to be healthy, and to see the light of this world. I want to see their first crawls, first walks, first words, and want to hear them call us Dada and Papa, Hael. So, how can I even think of killing those innocent beans of ours?"

Hearing the Alpha, Hael felt even more emotional. He wanted to experience all of those too.

To have a family of his own. To be called Dada by his babies, carry them in his arms, feed them all the good food, sing them lullabies and tell them so many stories at night, dress them up in all nice clothes.

Unlike his, he wanted his babies to have a happy and blissful childhood where those innocent beans would never know the pain of hunger, the pain of eating rotten food, the pain of sleeping on hard floors shivering in the cold wearing worn-out torn clothes.

Hael wanted his pups to grow without any care in the world. To enjoy their childhood to the fullest without any restrictions.

That was all he ever wanted... a family of his... healthy and happy.

After a while, Hael was no longer in a panicked state. His sobs were downed to sniffs. He was still hugging the elder.

He lifted his head from the Alpha's shoulder and looked into his eyes.

"You promise..." Hael asked again with hope in his eyes that was broken in his past life.

"I promise, Hael. I will promise you a hundred, thousand, and infinite times. I will never harm our pups or you. I am sorry for making you feel this insecure. Please, give me one chance...just one more to prove myself worthy of being your mate and as father of our pups. Please, Hael... just one chance."

Arik begged wiping Hael's tears and cupping his face. He knew to make the younger trust him he had to earn his trust first.

Hael looked into Arik's eyes for a long time. He saw nothing but sincerity, honesty, and an earnest determination to prove himself.

That was when Hael realized that Arik in front of him hadn't done all those things that Arik had done in his past life.

The Alpha in front of him didn't choke him to death for drugging him and sleeping with him instead he was searching for him to take the responsibility.

Didn't despise him and wasn't deadset on not marrying him and then after the forced marriage didn't ignore him nor looked at him with disgust.

Didn't leave him and his pups to go play with his lover outside. Didn't slap him hard when he lost one of his babies.

Didn't divorce him taking that as a chance didn't kick him out of his house and didn't throw him into the prison where he was tormented and lost his other baby and then his life.

The Arik in front of him was begging just for a chance to prove himself with resolute sincerity.

Well, he too got a second chance to raise his babies and to have a family. So, it was only fair for him to give the Alpha in front of him too a second chance.

Some might think that Hael had given that chance too easily and too soon but the younger didn't want drama in his life anymore.

He wanted to live a peaceful life with his babies and if the Alpha was going to help him in that then he would take that offer.

Hael just nodded and hugged Arik on his own accord for the first time.

Arik's pupils enlarged at the gesture. He understood just by that Hael was ready to give him a chance.

He was happy and hugged him back.

"Thank you, thank you so much, Hael. I will not let you down."

Arik thanked him continuously, his gummy smile not leaving his face.

Hael too had a little curve playing on his lips as he rested his head on the elder's shoulder scenting the Alpha's pheromones on his neck.

After a week...

Arik took Hael back to Frostburgh to his villa not to his mansion which lacked the warmth of a home.

The villa was vibrant, and cozy and had a homely vibe for Hael to live and he liked it so much seeing the lawn filled with flower plants and also a big garden in the back.

All this week Arik took leave from his busy businessman life and instead got so busy living with Hael and trying to do everything and anything the younger liked.

They even went on three dates in a week. Arik gave Hael a temporary mark daily so that it could soothe him as the younger disagreed to be marked before their marriage.

Yes, marriage. Arik announced that he would be marrying Hael in a month to his family.

Naturally, they were opposed cause Esmerays wanted to form a relationship with Lucians not with Lucian's illegitimate bastard.

But Arik shut their mouths by threatening them he would leave the family and their business if they didn't agree to their marriage.

Well, that wouldn't affect Arik who had established his own business empire outside his family's so it would only be the loss of Esmerays.

Defeated, they finally agreed and were busy preparing for the wedding.

But at least the both Esmerays and Lucians' families became happy about Maven's and Irvin's relationship and decided to do both weddings on the same day at the same place.

Hael became healthy. His cheeks became red and round full of life as Arik fed him all the nutritious soups prescribed by the doctor.

When he came back with Arik, Hael put on a condition that if in a month he wouldn't prove himself worthy then he would leave him.

But the way things were going, it would be Hael who would never want to leave Arik's side again that was how much love and affection the Alpha was showering him with.

Trying to woo him with cheesy lines and flirtatious acts. Hael found it funny and amazing.

His mood swings became better and he wasn't cranky or depressed anymore. He was all laughs and smiles.

He agreed to the marriage when Arik proposed to him under the moonlight between the bloomed white Gardenias and Honeysuckles that they planted on their first day in the villa.

But he was a little uncertain as he started fearing it was all his imagination or a dream and once they got married everything would be back to square one again.

So, three days before their marriage they were sitting in the back garden at night after their dinner.

Hael was fully stuffed with the food prepared by Arik and was now holding his arm leaning on his shoulder and looking at the half-moon in the sky.

"Arik..." Hael called, softly.

"Um?" Arik responded as he caressed the Younger's waist feeling content with the moment.

"I... I am scared," Hael voiced out his worries.

Arik became alert hearing it. He broke their side hug and cupped the Younger's face in his palms.

"Why, what happened?" Arik asked, gently.

"This marriage... our pups ... I..."

Hael couldn't form any words as his eyes welled up with tears.

"Hush, don't cry, Hael. Please, I can't see you in tears."

Arik placed a kiss on the Younger's forehead.

"I understand it's overwhelming for you. But remember I promised you, nothing will happen to our pups and you. It's just a marriage... that won't change anything between us. We will be like this even after our marriage and I won't change or leave you, I promise, Hael."

"Please, don't change..." Hael threw his arms around the elder's neck and hugged him tight.

"I won't, Hael. Believe me." Arik hugged him back releasing comforting phermones.

Hael nodded as a small smile crept on his lips leaving all the worries he had in the embrace of his Alpha.

On The Day of Wedding...

Hael and Irvin were nervous. The makeup artists and stylists were doing their jobs while these two chatted to ease themselves.

After getting ready, it was time to walk out of the door to the aisle.

They have decided to walk by themselves. Irvin had no father and Hael didn't want to do it with his father who was still against him marrying Arik but couldn't do anything against the blue-blooded Alpha's dominance.

Hael and Irvin held each other's hands and with the other they held bouquets.

They walked down the aisle towards their prospective grooms waiting for them on the stage with smiles on their faces.

The audience attending the wedding were in awe seeing Hael and Irvin's beauty. They were just looking ethereal in their white wedding suits.

Arik and Maven held out their hands for their mates and helped them onto the stage.

The priest started the wedding prayer and both the couples said their vows, which they prepared.

After that, both couples answered the priest with "I do"'s. The priest continued,

"In the name of the holy spirit exchange the rings as a sign of your love and faithfulness."

Both the couples took the rings from flower girls standing beside them and exchanged their rings.

"Now please kiss to seal the wedding."

The priest concluded his prayer with that.

Arik smiled as he pulled Hael into his arms by his waist.

Hael's cheeks became all red and he shyly looked down.

Arik gently lifted the Younger's chin and slowly leaned in. He looked into his now husband's eyes with so much affection and pulled him into a sweet feathery kiss that sent butterflies to Hael's stomach.

On the other hand, Maven and Irvin's kiss became a hot mess.

Maven lifted Irvin by his waist who wrapped his legs around his Alpha's torso.

The crowd was in commotion seeing them which caused Arik and Hael to come out of their sweet little trance and look at their fellow wedding-mates.

"Arik, you take care of these people. I can't control myself anymore, we are leaving."

Maven declared as he walked out of the wedding venue carrying Irvin in his arms who was all red due to his Alpha's shamelessness.

Arik shook his head and pulled Hael by his waist.

"Shall we escape too?"

Hael hit his Alpha with his tiny fist.


Arik smiled and gave a peck on the Younger's chubby cheek.


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