

1.1K 57 18

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Characters Aesthetic
2.Unraveling Secrets
4.Why Are You So Heartless
Not An Update
6.I Just Need Peace
7. Is That A Stammer
8. Not So Peaceful
9.Whats Wrong Princess
10.Bullying With A Twist
Time Skip Guys
New Character Aesthetic
11. Moving On
12. Job Hunt
13. Dark Feelings
14. Test I
15.Test III
17. Why
18.Work Ethics
19.Didnt Mean It
Not An Update
Breaking the Chains
A New Dawn
A Walk to Remember


48 3 2

Wow 3 updates


The morning sun bathed the campus in warmth as I stepped onto the familiar grounds. The chatter of students and the scent of fresh air filled the atmosphere, but my attention was unexpectedly diverted by the sight of a handsome Asian guy ahead.

His defined muscles suggested a dedication to fitness, and there was an undeniable charm in the way he engaged in conversation with a friend. Intrigued, I found myself slowing my pace, discreetly admiring the captivating stranger.

Lost in the moment, my appreciation was abruptly shattered by a voice cutting through the air. "Well, well, look who's daydreaming instead of focusing on reality."

I turned to find the source of the interruption, only to be met by the once-charming stranger now wearing a smirk that hinted at mischief. My fascination transformed into confusion as it dawned on me – he was my unexpected adversary, the one who would disrupt the tranquility of this moment.

His mocking tone continued, "Didn't expect to see you here, lost in your little fantasies. Guess reality isn't as charming, huh?"

Steadying myself, I met his gaze, a mix of resilience and curiosity in my eyes. "Reality has its surprises, doesn't it?" I replied, choosing to stand my ground against the unexpected twist.

He leaned against a nearby pillar, the smirk growing more pronounced. "Well, get used to it. This campus isn't as dreamy as you might think."

Our exchange unfolded like an unpredictable dialogue, each word carrying unspoken tensions and the promise of challenges that lay ahead.


Fuck I'm late. As hell. If it wasn't for that stupid dream I had.

Shocking how u can have a dream about a guy who makes your life a living hell

As I shook off the unsettling encounter, I quickened my pace, my footsteps echoing urgency. The dreamlike quality of the morning now tainted by an unexpected reality. Racing towards the school building, my heart pounded, a mix of anticipation and unease settling in.

Turning a corner, I spotted the entrance, my sanctuary from the whirlwind of emotions. Yet, as if choreographed by some twisted fate, there he was – Alexander, the bully who had disrupted my morning. A sinking feeling weighed me down, the contrast between the dreamy admiration and the harsh reality hitting me all at once.

Alexander leaned casually against the school entrance, a sly grin on his face as he noticed my approach. It was as if he had strategically positioned himself, turning my journey into a confrontation.

I took a deep breath, summoning the courage to face the unexpected challenge. As I neared, he spoke with a tone that mirrored our earlier encounter, "Running late, dreamer? Reality catches up fast, doesn't it?"

His words stung, I walked away.

As I made my way through the school entrance, determined to shake off Alexander's attempts to unsettle me, he threw one last verbal jab my way. "By the way, dreamer, remember yesterday? This reality check is long overdue."

His reminder of our encounter from the previous day hung in the air like an unwelcome ghost. I paused for a moment, feeling the weight of his words. The memories of his taunts resurfaced, and for a brief moment, doubt crept in.

Refusing to let him see my vulnerability, IDespite my attempt to maintain composure, the gate of defiance in Alexander's eyes shook me. His gaze held a lingering power that unearthed the insecurities I had tried to bury from our previous encounter.

I felt a subtle tremor in my resolve, a twinge of doubt threatening to surface. The memories of his taunts from yesterday played like a haunting melody, and for a moment, I questioned my strength.

As Alexander walked away, the air heavy with tension, I took a steadying breath, trying to push aside the unsettling feeling. With Alexander's lingering gaze now a distant memory, I continued into the school, determined to immerse myself in the routine of the day. As I turned the corner, I spotted my best friends, Klara and Sophie, by the lockers, their laughter cutting through the lingering tension.

"Hey, you! What took you so long?" Klara exclaimed with a playful grin, pulling me into a quick hug.

I chuckled, trying to shake off the remnants of the encounter with Alexander. "Just a minor detour," I replied, a subtle nod indicating that I wasn't ready to delve into the details just yet.

Sophie raised an eyebrow, her keen intuition evident. "Everything okay?"

I hesitated for a moment, then nodded, deciding to share just enough. "Just ran into Alexander, the usual drama."

Klara rolled her eyes, her tone filled with disdain. "Ugh, that guy. Don't let him ruin your day."

As we headed to our first class, the conversation shifted to lighter topics, laughter and camaraderie becoming the dominant notes of the morning. The day unfolded in a symphony of shared jokes, class discussions, and the comforting presence of true friends.

During lunch, As we settled in the courtyard for lunch, the atmosphere lightened, and I decided to inject some humor into the day. With a mischievous glint in my eyes, I turned to Klara, my longtime friend with a knowing smile.

"So, Klara, any updates on your secret admirer Damien?" I teased, a playful tone in my voice.

Klara's cheeks flushed slightly, and she shot me a mock glare. "Oh, please. There's nothing going on."

Sophie chimed in, her grin widening. "Come on, spill the details! We all know there's a spark there."

I nudged Klara gently, keeping the playful banter alive. "I heard he and Alexander are inseparable. You might have to deal with the 'best friend first' scenario."

Klara rolled her eyes, but a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "You're incorrigible. Damien is just a friend, and Alexander... well, let's not talk about him."

We laughed, Turning to Sophie, I couldn't resist spreading the teasing spirit. "And what about you, Sophie? Any secret crushes we should know about?"Sophie laughed, playing along. "Please, I'm too focused on my studies to worry about crushes."Klara winked at me, joining in the playful banter. "Sure, Sophie. We'll just have to keep an eye out for any mysterious admirers."

Then the Door banged open.

WELL, I'm exhausted as hell
So see u with updates 2morrow

Bye my darlings

I encourage u to send messages

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