Sim Jake Centric (one shots)

By heeseungie04

13K 222 77

This is a book of very long oneshots of Jake with other members^^ strictly jake centric only. These are my wo... More

Right pup? Jakewon (M)
Love bites! Jake x OT6 (F/M(?)
B*tch him! Heejakehoon (M)

Not what i signed up for! jakehoon (M)

2.9K 62 25
By heeseungie04

(Photography major sim Jake takes an offer from heeseung to be a camera Pd for a porn shoot, he ends up with more than experience with a camera when the lead actress hurts herself and he takes her place instead.)

Jake was sipping on his iced coffee. The cafe he was in was cozy and a bit busy but none the less it was nice. He was waiting on meeting heeseung. He's in the grade above him and is taking the same major. Photography. They recently had a assignment in which they had to write about a time they got to experience being a camera pd. Jakes luck he hasn't ever been offered the opportunity. He had just switched from physics to photography last semester. Heeseung Jakes beloved hyung had said he had a job opportunity for him. Hence why he's waiting on the the older.

He was just about to message the other about being late when the door jingled indicating someone had came in. He flinched in surprise when heeseung flung himself out of breath in the spare chair in front of him.

"S-sorry I'm late stupid fucking professor held me back" Jake snorted watching as the older panted to catch his breath. He had a beanie placed messily on his head with his typical oversized jumper and joggers.

"It's fine honestly I'm not busy" heeseung sent Jake a grateful smile pulling out his phone.

"I ordered your drink hyung" heeseung looked up wide eyes before melting over the table and grabbing Jakes hands.

"Your an angel honestly" Jake flushed shaking the sweaty hands of him.

"Ew off" ignoring the offensive comment heeseung continued scrolling through his phone while drinking on his ice cold drink like his life depended on it.

"AH ha!" Flinching in his seat he squirmed when heeseung shoved his phone in his face. Blinking his eyes away Jake squinted making out the words. He didn't get long to read before the phone was ripped away from him.


"It's tomorrow at 8pm and all you have to do is show up state your name and they'll let you know what your doing" Jake squinted. There's something the elder wasn't telling him.

"Why so late hyung?" Ignoring the younger heeseung started explaining the location.

"Hyung what will I be filming" chuckling nervously heeseung avoided eye contact looking at the table in front of him.

"It'll be good for your grades an-"

"Hyung." Jakes voice was stern and heeseung huffed throwing his hands up in the air dramatically.

"Ok ok come closer" Jake leaned closer until he could smell heeseung coffee breath.

"It's a porn shoot wi-" Jake widened his eyes shooting backwards in his seat.

"Are you being fucking serious! No." Jake quickly gathered his words stuffing it into his backpack ignoring the others pleads.

"Jake I already said you would do it! And it's tomorrow! I could get fired over this!" Jake froze his heart suddenly filling with guilt. He stopped huffing a sigh of shame he sat back in his seat and he saw heeseungs face sag in relief.

"Fine." Jake grumbled. Heeseung let out a tiny squeak doing a victory dance.

"Ok so I'll send you the location and you can-"


Jake couldn't do this. he hasn't slept or ate. The shame constantly was creeping up his back turning hi neck red every-time he thought about it. He only got told the two actors name and he couldn't even bring himself to search them. He was a socially awkward about to record a porn shoot with park sunghoon and some girl called lee minyoung. Apparently park sunghoon is a big deal. At least according to sunoo and Jungwon. He grimaced thinking back to his group-chat.

Two gays and a fake straight

heeseung has set me up fr

What are u yapping abt


A porn shoot he gave me a fucking
Porn shoot


Omg with who tell ussss

That's all you care abt?
Some dude names park sunghoon and
Lee minyoung


JAKE you lucky mf

The THINGS I would do to that man

I would happily cockwarm him for hourssss


OMG YES 😩🤤🤤🤤

Yous are fuckign weird kms

So yeah Jake hasn't been able to get a decent sleep at all. He put himself in some comfortable trousers ones that wouldn't make to much sound if he were to shuffle and a oversized hoodie. A large hoodie in Hopes it would somehow hide his face. He debated wearing a hat but then thought better not Incase it catches the camera stand.

He had his hands shoved in his pockets and he was so deep in thought he almost missed his stopped. Scrambling to get off. The night had gone dark and the location seemed to be a luxury hotel. He gulped taking a step forward. In the email it said he was supposed to give his name to the receptionist and she'll give him a room number. He trembled slightly when he reached the front desk feeling embarrassed. It's not like the lady knew what they were up to so why did he feel so ashamed.

"Sim jake" the women gave him a polite smile before typing away at her computer. Jakes hoodie suddenly felt to hot even in this nightly cold.

"That's b007 that's just on the third floor last door" Jake tried to smile but quickly walked away when he realised he must've just grimaced at the poor women.

Noticing it was about two minutes until he was late he sped up his steps and in no time he was outside the wide white hotel door. The carpets were old and looked like Jakes grandmothers wallpaper she had in her house for over 40 years.

Knocking nervously he heard chatter and the door opened and a scruffy man who looked about 40 smiled at him. All brown teeth on show.

"Sim Jake?" Jake nodded shifting his weight from foot to foot.

"What a looker! One would've thought you'd be here as a actor" Jake choked on his spit before he was stumbling in to the massive hotel room. It was open planned a kitchen and a on suite. The walls were completely windows from top to bottom. In the middle sat a underdressed Dainty women and a shirtless man who was faceless as he was facing someone who seemed to be fixing his makeup.

Jake took in his surrounded noticing the room looked about five times bigger than his room. There was about 6 people two of which were doing makeup. Noticing majority of people here were old and chubby men he grimaced again. There was two women looked no older than 30 were doing both of what Jake could assume was the actor and actress. There was loads of cameras placed. About 7 some placed higher on the stands then others. They were all pointing towards the big white double bed in different angles. Jake felt himself flushing shuffling nervously after the old man.

"So I'm hyeongsoo I'm the director and your camera should be right here" Jake froze when he finally realised where his camera was. It was set dead smack in the middle of the rest of the camera's pointing directly into the middle off the bed. It was low. Low to the point Jake would probably have to sit and look up at the bed. That's if he can even look.

"Hey kid I know your young but no popping boners okay?" Jake spluttered in surprise his face turning red.

"N-no I-I never-" he was cut off by laughing and flushed even more in embarrassment.

"I'm just kidding it's normal" even though that should be reassuring he felt himself sweat under his clothes.

When the director walked away Jake felt like he could breath again not until his light was suddenly cut off by a shadow in front of him.

He blinked in surprise when his eyes met a bath towel on pale hips and a exposed chest. He jumped back in surprise finally looking up.

It's a god. He isn't real. This man was stunning. Almost vampire like with a chizzled jaw and high nose. He had moles scattering across his face and a pair of thick eyebrows. Through his amused smirk Jake could make out small little fangs and Jake almost passed out.

"I'm park sunghoon the actor for this shoot" Jake died internally. He was gonna watch this beautiful man fuck someone. Jake coughed quickly shaking his outstretched hands and whined even more internally when he noticed his long pale slender fingers.

Covering his gasp with a cough he flinched when his wide eyes caught sunghoon who was raising his eyebrow almost like he was expecting something.

"O-oh I'm sim Jake" Jake bowed a little to show respect. Sunghoon smiled before looking back when the director started speaking.

"Alright positions everyone!"

Jake quickly scrambled to sit down adjusting the camera and settings to his likings. He winced when his knees rubbed uncomfortably on the floor. And groaned quietly when he realised he's gonna have to kneel throughout the entire shoot.

Watching the two clambered onto the bed Jake winced when they were shredded of there towels and the first thing he noticed was the size difference. The women was small and petite and sunghoon was big. Everywhere.

"We'll start with light stuff first then we'll take five" Jake gulped nervously looking through his camera Lens as the room quietened down.

Holding his breath he watched with a flushed face as sunghoon hovered over the women before locking his lips with hers in a messy spit filled mess. The women let out an obnoxious moan and Jake flinched. Definitely a pornstar. He watched shifting nervously as the two pushed flushed against each other.

From where Jake was sat he could see the tops of there heads as they grinded against each other. He gaped in surprise when sunghoon sat up in between her legs and he choked on his spit when sunghoon grunted letting out a breathy moan as he pushed his length against what Jake could assume was her lady parts. Jake is glad the women was wearing underwear. He doesn't want to know what it would look like.

Jake swore in his head when he could feel his cock react and he looked down with a grimace looking through the camera lens he flinched in surprise his eyes widening when he met the dark eyes of sunghoon, he was staring directly at Jakes camera. No. He was staring at Jake. Jake gulped gritting his teeth and he almost let a whimper slip from his mouth when sunghoon thrusted forward continuously holding eye contact. Jake clenched his hands over his crotch hoping to hide the pathetic boner that was threatening to show. He drowned out the noise of minyoung letting out loud moans and continued staring at sunghoon and the way he was thrusting over her holding eye contact as his arms flexed. Jake was about to cum. He felt like he was gonna combust and he almost passed out when sunghoon smirked his fangs hanging out his mouth. Fuckkkkkkk.

"Take five!" Jake flinched taking in a deep breath. He was saved.

Jake watched as the two peeled off each other like they weren't just jumping each other and began to make there way off the bed. Not before the actress tripped and let out a pained scream. Everyone jumped in surprise including jake who let out a quiet yelp. Jake watched stunned as many people helped her sit on the bed.

His boner definitely disappeared.

"Are you okay?" The girl grimaced holding her ankle.

"No my ankle" the girl was crying and jake felt bad for uncomfortably standing there and not being able to do anything.

"Aish she can't shoot in this condition I'll get her dressed and to the hospital" hearing her managers words everyone groaned in annoyance Jake felt a little bad. Everyone scattered to collect there stuff all but the director sunghoon and the girl and her manager. Jake walked over hesitantly.

"D-do you need help?" The girl looked up in annoyance before softening smiling a bit.

"I should be okay thank you sweetie" her voice was high pitch and Jakes stomached churned uncomfortably when he caught a glimpse of her exposed boobs. She froze before looking up at Jake with wide eyes.

"Jake-shi are you gay?" Jakes eyes widened mouth running dry as he stared at the girl who was staring at him with excited eyes.

He flinched taking a step backwards watching as sunghoon and the others stared at him curiously.

"I m-mean yeah why?"Jakes voice was quiet hearing his answer the girl jumped with joy.

"We can have him take my spot right! He's young and gay and Mr Park goes both ways! Plus his acting will be real!" The girl was rambling and Jake stood with a wide mouth as he listened to her.

"I mean it's not a bad idea" hyeongsoo mumbled. Jake coughed before turning to him with a look of betrayal.

"I-I never signed up for this!" Jake spluttered his eyes set in a glare.

"We won't force you, but I would love to spend the night with you no offence minyoung" Jake flinched at the smooth voice behind him. He flushed turning to sunghoon with a look of horror.

"Hey I know he's cute but that offensive" minyoung limped her way out while flipping sunghoon the bird and Jake wished she come back so he could break her other ankle.

"Come on boy! It'll be good pay and we'll leave to give you some privacy if it makes you feel better! We're desperate!We already payed for this room and all these guys to come out and film" Jake looked down at the floor in embarrassment. This is a one in a life time opportunity. He has slept with two people. Vanilla. He's in college and hasn't even been to a party yet. His friends bully him for being socially awkward. Oh. he had to. He could imagine there faces as Jake says he's in a porno.

"C-can I shower first?" Jakes voice was quiet and he heard the director leap with joy before quickly informing everyone who resumed setting up cameras again.

"Hey if your uncomfortable you don't have to" of course the black haired god sunghoon was a sweet guy to.

Sunghoon sucked in a deep breath when the younger looked up with bright eyes and a flushed face. He felt himself starting to chub up already. Imagining him taking his cock down his throat. He let out a shakey breath watching the younger smile faintly.

"I-I think it'll be good" sunghoon could only watch the small figure scurry off and the slam of The bathroom door shut. This was definitely gonna be his favourite shoot.

Kill me now. What did I do. Do I have to get naked in front of him? Of course you do you idiot ! what have I done!

Jake has been in the bathroom for exactly 14 minutes now. He's washed everywhere but can't bring him to touch his backside without getting hard. Sue him he's gay. Took him a further 10 minutes and he stepped out with damp hair and a towel wrapped around his chest under his armpits.

He shaved just Incase and that's probably why it took him so long. Stepping out he was presently surprised when only sunghoon and the director with one camera pd remained.

"There ya are! Thought you weren't gonna come out" the old man slapped Jake on the shoulder and he inched forward slightly from the impact. He listened to the directions and tried his best to listen but it was hard to when sunghoon was standing towering over him from behind.

"So first to get comfortable we'll get you on the bed with some kissing then some foreplay and then sunghoon can take control from that , is that okay Jake-shi?" Jake gulped nodding his head slightly and he froze when the director took a seat next to the one camera pd.

He jumped out his skin when he felt a warm arm wrap around his shoulders.

"Sorry just time to get naked" sunghoons voice was soft and mellow and jake wanted to die. He watched as sunghoon peeled the towel away from his hips sitting on the the edge of the bed. He froze

That won't fit. Oh my god. It's way bigger up close.

Sunghoon was hung. Like big. Ten inches big. Big enough jake was definitely feel him in his tummy. Jake was snapped out his daze when sunghoon coughed a little with a smirk manspreading and jake realised he must've been staring.

Cursing he quickly took of his towels . rip it like a bandaid. He thought. Now standing in front of sunghoon naked he flushed from the neck up. Seeing sunghoons eyes rake over his body taking him in made his skin crawl. He didn't even remember the other two in the room.

"Come here" sunghoons voice was low and like a grumble but jake found himself obeying immediately . Taking shakey steps forward he was startled letting out a quiet squeak when he was grabbed by the thighs and pulled over sunghoons lap. He froze. His soft dick coming in contact with sunghoon almost hard one and he had to refrain himself from grinding forward.

He didn't get much warning before he was in a bruising kiss with sunghoon shoving his tongue down his throat. Jake tried to keep up but from how wet it felt and sounded he must've been drooling all over the place. Sunghoon hands stroked down his back until his hips gripping hard and Jake whined thrusting his hips forward. Flushing in embarrassment he tried to pull away. Sunghoon quickly grabbed the back of his neck continuing to abuse his mouth while the other hand gripped his hip pulling him forward.

Jakes mouth fell open in a Silent moan when he felt himself grinding against sunghoons full hardness. He whimpered dragging his hips forward to push more against him and he whined in Embarrassment when sunghoon gave an amused chuckle. He flushed feeling his chest and neck heat up when he heard the director speak up.

"Jake keep acting like that" Jake couldn't even respond. He wasn't even acting. He was enjoying this as much as he was letting out. He was brought out his thoughts when a hard hit to his small ass had him yelping.

"Director-nim how about we add a couple of rough acts" Jakes eyes widened and before he knew it sunghoon was bending him over his knee and Jakes thoughts immediately went to his group chat.

"Hmm how many hits" Jake didn't know what sunghoon was talking about. All he knew is that he was painfully hard against the muscly thigh and a soft hand was caressing his ass. He couldn't even focus on the sound of the director handing out direction or the sound of the camera tapes clicking. He felt shame start to cloud his mind. He was shifted slightly whimpering when his tip painfully glided across sunghoons leg.


Jake jolted in surprise the hit to his exposed bum making him freeze and let out a shocked yelp.

"Count" sunghoons voice was breathy and Jake shuddered clenching his legs. He shook his head. If he started to count his voice would betray him.

"No? Aww what a shame guess I will have to teach you a lesson" Jakes eyes widened and before he knew it he was kneeling on the rough hotel carpet floor. He flinched when a hand came to grab him by the hair. He stared up with wide eyes watching as sunghoon smirked a slight gleam to his sweaty forehead. He clenched his legs tighter together. The heat he was feeling was intense and he doesn't doubt that he is as hard as a virgin right now.

"Pd get closer" Jake flinched at the sound of the directors voice completely forgetting about the other two in the room. He flushed from the neck up trying to take a peek at the camera pd but failed when the hand in his hair tightened.

He looked up at sunghoon through his lashes catching a camera by the side of his eye. He coughed and spluttered shuddering when sunghoon let out a giggle grabbing the base of his cock and slapping it loudly against Jakes cheek. On instinct Jake let his mouth hang open his tongue feeling heavy.

"Such a good boy" Jake keened rather eagerly and whimpered satisfactorily when sunghoon slid his length in Jakes warm mouth with a groan.

Closing his eyes Jake focused on his breathing and trying not to gag as sunghoon continued to push forward with a sigh of relief. Jake coughed a little around the girth when it hit the back of his throat and looked up with watery eyes as sunghoon slid his cock slowly back out. Furrowing his brows he tried to chase after and whimpered in embarrassment when the hand in his hair pulled him off until only the tip was lying on his tongue. He felt his eyes water in shame when the director barked out another instruction for sunghoon.

From this angle Jake could see sunghoon's jaw clench staring off to what Jake could only assume the director. He hummed trying to gain his attention back and squirmed uncomfortably when sunghoon looked down at him with a hard face set in a scowl.

Before Jake could even blink sunghoon and pulled all the way out before roughly thrusting all the way back in with a sigh of relief. Jake spluttered eyes widening as the tip of sunghoons cock was roughly forced down his throat he gripped the muscly thighs and clenched his eyes shut trying to get his gagging under control.

Closing his eyes didn't seem to help. Sunghoon continued to thrust back and force his pace slow but rough. His hand in Jakes hair only got stronger and he let out groans muffled by the disgusting squelch of Jakes saliva and gags as he forcefully shoved his cock down Jakes throat. Jake felt his eyes gather with tears and he stared up at the taller with hum. Sunghoon moaned at the feeling of the vibrations going through his cock and he roughly pulled Jake off with one tug to his hair. He watched with a satisfied glint as Jake panted and coughed trying to catch his breath.

"Up let's get you prepped" if Jakes face could get redder it probably did. He was carefully placed on his back with his legs spread. He was currently watching at the camera director set up the cameras to get better angles and sunghoon was getting the lube and condom from the side table. He sat next to Jake with a small smile and Jake was a bit shocked when sunghoon rubbed his thigh in a comforting way staring down at him with a small smile Jake grew red feeling his heart speed up. When the director finally announced the cameras had been set up perfectly and to continue jake was widely surprised he and sunghoon hadn't gone soft.

He held his breath as sunghoon stationed himself between Jakes spread legs on his knees. Leaning forward he hastily connected there lips together in a bruising force and jake winced when one of sunghoon k9's caught him in the lip. Noticing the flinch sunghoon tenderly slipped his tongue out caressing Jakes swollen lips and jake let out a wanton moan his lips falling further apart.

He jolted and let out a quiet moan into sunghoons neck when two rough hands pushed his thighs apart and jake now noticed that one of the hands was wet and slippery. He tried to focus on the wet kisses trailing down his neck and let out a sigh of shock or relief when a single finger rubbed around his rim. He felt himself clench around nothing and found himself growing restless badly wanting the taller to hurry up and do something.

He squirmed pushing his hips down trying to tell the other the message and he jolted feeling the finger finally enter him as sunghoon smiled against his neck. He felt himself relax and sigh falling from his lips as he closed his eyes. He felt the drag of the finger against his walls before it was pulled back and this time pushed back in with another finger. He winced a bit at the stretch but it still wasn't painful so he moaned when sunghoon rather hastily pulled them out before pushing back in with force. He moaned opening his eyes and starting down at sunghoon who was already looking up at him with hooded eyes.

"Please" Jake doesn't even know what he's begging for. He just knows he turned on really badly and sunghoon is so hot with the way he's fingering his hole roughly while latching his mouth onto any bit of skin he can find. They hadn't discussed about leaving marks but Jake really wants sunghoon to mark him and fuck him but the taller is really taking his time.

"You need more prep puppy" sunghoon voice was rough and tense like he was speaking through gritted teeth and Jake felt his mind go fuzzy at being called puppy. Yeah his friends joked that he was a golden retriever. Having yourself get called your nickname while having sex with a pornstar is not something Jake thought he would enjoy. Apparently he did with the way he clenched and his cock twitched pitifully on his stomach.

"H-hurry please" Jake felt his eyes water feeling close to cumming already. He heard sunghoon curse sitting up and grabbing the lube with his free hand. Jake watched panting as sunghoon poured some more lube on his hole and he felt himself wink uncomfortably around the two finger in him at the cold sensation.

"Ple- ah!" Jakes plea was cut of his eyes clenching and legs trying to close shut when sunghoon roughly pulled his two fingers out adding another. Three fingers were now being thrusted in and out of him at a brutal pace. He didn't even have time to adjust and he winced at the stingy stretch of his rim and could only let out Ah's and Oh's every-time the fingers were punched back into him.

He arched his back letting out a high pitch mewl when sunghoon leaned down latching onto his hardened nipple. Jakes never had his nipples played with as he felt they were to sensitive but having sunghoon latched onto them as he thrusted his fingers in and out of him he felt heat pool in the lower of his stomach. Twisting and turning his head he tried to let the other know he was close. Only getting out mindless babbles as sunghoon continued to abuse his nipple and thrust his fingers into him.

"W-wai- ah ah" Jakes body shook and he felt his mind go blank his eyes clouded in white as his body shook. Sunghoon flinched in surprise watching as Jake wailed through an orgasm fresh salty tears running down his pretty face. Jake went limp his legs helpless laying open and he winced whining when the fingers in him were removed. He watched with clouded eyes as sunghoon cursed ripping open a condom and putting it on rushed.

"Such a good puppy for me" Jake whined when he felt the tip breach his entrance instinctively trying to close his legs but sunghoons hands on his thighs prevented him. He watched with his eyes droopy and teary as sunghoon caressed his face before pushing in slowly.

"Ah" throwing his head back with a moan he sniffled his rim stretching painfully around sunghoons cock.

"That's it fuck" sunghoons voice was tense as well as his jaw as he forcefully pushed inside with a little resistance. Jake wailed a fresh set of tears rolling down his face. He twisted and yelped when sunghoons hands came down to play with his sensitive swollen nipples.

"You like that yeah?" Sunghoon groaned finally bottoming out feeling the shorter clench around his cock like he was sucking him in. He threw his head back with a moan letting the other have a minute to get adjusted.

"S-so big" Jake babbled feeling his head spin. He felt like he could feel sunghoons cock up in his throat with how much it was filling him.

"Yeah? Gonna be good and take it all like a good boy?" Jake nodded his hooded eyes slowly closing and jolted his body going ridged when a hard smack was landed on his thigh. He shook clenching around the cock inside him.

"Words. Use your words." Sunghoon was trying to restrain so hard. His vein was popping on his neck and forehead as he gripped onto the boys thighs creating red moon like crescents from his blunt nails. He looked so pretty fucked out and spread on his cock. Pretty tears rolling down his face as he babbled.

"Fuck." Pulling back he thrusted all the way back in until his thighs smacked roughly off the smallers thighs watching as Jake moaned and thrashed around pathetically on the bed.

"Sunghoon start slow then build it up!" Sunghoon clenched his jaw feeling his patience wearing thin as this stupid director spewed out useless orders.

Jake opened his clenched eyes when he noticed sunghoon had ignored the orders and pulled out before thrusting all the way back in starting a ruthless and and unrelentless pace. He moaned loudly letting sunghoon manhandle his body by his hips pulling him down to meet every thrust.

Ignoring the pain in his lower belly and the feeling of the stretch of his rim Jake felt himself building up another orgasm.

"Ah ah nah sun-sunghoon" sunghoon looked down watching as Jake bounced up the bed with every thrust and he had to bite back a growl when he realised just how small Jake was.

"Such a pretty boy taking my cock so well" tightening his hold he groaned a moan being ripped from his throat when Jake clenched around him.

"P-please your to deep AH!" Jake thrashed when sunghoon slowed down but continued to thrust sharply.

"Yeah? Am I to deep jakey?" Jake nodded his head in embarrassing eyes watering as sunghoon scoffed before pulling out completely.

He snapped his head up in confusion feeling his hole wink uncomfortably around nothing. He stared with a confused look as sunghoon leaned back before smirking.

"On all fours jakey" Jake gulped slowly moving. Having time to think he noticed the camera pd still filming the two of them but this time from the side right were Jakes ass will be. He tried not to look over at the director feeling enough embarrassment from the situation.

"Tch" sunghoon rolled his eyes at how slow the other was being. Sunghoon grabbed Jake hastily pushing down the middle of his back until he was arched perfectly with his face down and ass stuck up in the air.

"Was i too deep?" Sunghoons voice was quiet, velvety deep and curious. Jake furrowed his eyes in confusion before falling in a Silent scream when sunghoon pushed his length into him in once deep thrust not stopping until he was flush against the others ass.

Jake froze his mind going numb and all he could think or feel was the sensation of the cock in his ass. He felt a pinch of pain in his stomach and he groped it with a groan widening his eyes when he felt a bump. He looked down shocked to see a bump forming on his lower stomach from how deep sunghoons cock was in him.

"What is it puppy? Cat got your tongue?" Sunghoon laughed at his own joke pushing down on jakes nape harder laughing when Jake let out a brutal moan that sounded sore on his throat.

"Y-your in my s-stomach p-please" Sunghoon squinted his eyes bringing a hand down to rest on jakes lower stomach feeling himself twitch inside the other when he felt he was indeed in Jakes stomach. He pulled out only until the tip was remaining and thrusted straight in.

"Agh! W-wa-" he ignored the others moans continuously thrusting in and out feeling the clench around his cock and feeling his tip pushed roughly against the wall of Jakes stomach was bliss.

"Your so fucking small jakey" Jake whined in embarrassment pushing his face into the covers to try and cover the embarrassment of his wet and snotty face from the camera.

"So fucking small I'm fucking your stomach" Jakes stomach churned heat pooling as he listened to sunghoons words.

One particular thrust had Jake wailing his back arching as he pushed against sunghoons hips.

"ah Ngl t-there there please please" Jake shakily pushed his hips back to meet every thrust the other was giving him. As sunghoons hands went to smacking his ass to gripping his waist to even back to toying with his nipples. He felt like he was in a dream. He also felt the coil in his stomach.

"P-please gonna cum ah!" Jake clenched his eyes as sunghoons continued to abuse his prostate not once stopping.

"Yeah gonna make a mess on my cock jakey?" Jake yelped when a hand roughly grabbed his hair pulling him up until he was flush against sunghoons sweaty chest.

"Ah ngh"

"Yeah puppy gonna cum fuck! Gonna cum in your ass puppy" Jake whined and clenched. He knew the other was just dirty talking cause he was wearing a rubber but the thought of sunghoon filling him was so down right dirty and Jake shouted with a flinch when his spent cock spluttered cum all over the covers in front of him.

He closed his eyes overstimulation hitting him immediately as sunghoon continued to thrust into him sloppily. He thrashed against sunghoon's hold around his neck and waist trying to get away.

"Just ngh a little more p-pup" sunghoon grunted. Jake sobbed closing his eyes as sunghoons thrusts became more erratic and slowed down. He fell forward with a yelp landing with a short thud as sunghoon released his hold on him. He felt sunghoon slide out of him with a curse and he sighed in relief tensing and un-tensing when he felt warm splurts of liquid land in his exposed and raw ass along with his lower back.

He sighed contently eyes closing as he tried to ignore the camera doing zoom in shots of his body. He was so worn out he felt like he was gonna crash out. He panted harshly taking in big breaths of air.

"CUT! That's us finished" Jake flinched in surprise and flinched again when a blanket was thrown over him. He sat up with a rush ignoring the pain in his lower back and the wet substance on him cling to the blanket wrapped around him. He watched dazed as people piled in taking down the cameras and and talking amongst each other. He doesn't know how long he was sat there but now he was fully wrapped up in a blanket and sunghoon was dressed and they were both sat as the director spoke to him.

"Would your like your face to be blurred or unblurred?" Jake hadn't thought about it. He still was a student so maybe being blurred is the best option.

"Most people do blurred it's totally fine if you want to be blurred" sunghoons voice was comforting and jake didn't even realise he was nodding along to his words.

He flinched in surprise when a phone rang out in the hotel room before squeaking in embarrassment when he realised it was his phone.

"Sorry" standing up with a rush he limped his way over to his folded clothes grappling his he noticed it was heeseung calling him.

"Go take your call jake" jake quickly bowed catching sunghoons small gaze as he raked his eyes over Jakes exposed legs. Jake flushed scrambling to make his way into the bathroom he picked up the call with shaking hands.

"Hey jake! I'm guessing the shoot has finished! How was it? Did you get a boner? How was the camera? Was it expensive?" Jake sighed at heeseungs excited tone coughing to cut him off.

"W-well I don't really know" Jakes voice trailed off and he heard heeseung let out a confused hmm.

"Did you not film it? Don't tell me you Bailed on me!" Heeseungs voice was confused and Jake sat himself down on the toilet seat with a wince. He huffed before cutting the older ranting off.

"I ended up being in the porno ok! Now stop moaning" the line was silent and Jake cursed.

"YOU WHAT?"  Jake flinched bringing the phone away from his ears then widened his eyes when recognised the voice.

"Jungwon???" Jake gasped scandalously.

"You were in a porno hyung?" Jake whined when he heard sunoo speak feeling dread creep up his neck.

"... who's with you heeseung hyung?" Jake leaned over placing his head in his hands dreading the answer already.

"Umm... kind of the whole group" Jake brought the phone down hanging up immediately. He can deal with the questions later. He was going to regret this so bad.

He jumped in surprise hissing as a pain shot through his ass from were he was sat on the toilet seat. The cause being the door opened with a thud and sunghoon stepped forward leaning against the door frame with a small smile.

"So the director just left" sunghoon smiled cheekily at Jake and Jake spluttered in embarrassment staring at the other with a cocked brow.

Oh. Jake definitely didn't regret this.

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