The Cursed Arsenal: Itadori Y...

By AbelTheDeadOne

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Since the start of Jujutsu Kaisen I've always pondered on the context of Yuji's main way of attacking is thro... More

Chapter 1: Awakening
Chapter 2: Calm before the storm
Chapter 3: Realisation
Chapter 4: Loss
Chapter 5: Unwanted Visitors
Chapter 6: Brothers
Chapter 7: Shibuya Part 1
Chapter 8: Shibuya Part 2
Chapter 10: Beginning of the end
Chapter 11: Culling Game Part 1
Chapter 12: Culling Game Part 2
Chapter 13: Culling Game Part 3
Not a chapter
Chapter 14: Shinjuku
Chapter 15: Final Act
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 9: Shibuya Part 3

1.3K 33 1
By AbelTheDeadOne

Yuji dropped down the hole he blasted Jogo from going back into the station before going in further, he reached the lower floor where he was met with about 60ish transfigured humans. He summoned the Soul Splitting Katana and started killing them when he noticed something about his psyche, "...It's getting easier for me to kill them... I'm slowly feeling less and less guilt with each one..." he shook the thought away as he finished off the last monster, he looked around for any more when suddenly his senses told him to dodge which he followed as Mahito ran past him, "Mahito..." Yuji growled while the curse smirked, "Yuji Itadori, long time no see." The sorcerer ran at his enemy who shot a transfigured human at him as it expended and tried stabbing him but he dodged to the side and cut the monster in two.

"Soul Multiplicity: Body Repel." Mahito said combining two opposite souls before launching it at the sorcerer as it formed a large mouth, Yuji ran at it and swagged to the side before stabbing weapon at it's side and dragging it along as he approached where the curse was. When he got there he found no one, Mahito burst out of the monster's corpse turning his hand into a sword and swung it at the boy who was caught by surprise as it dug into Yuji's right cheek going upwards. The boy leaned back as it cut up destroying his sunglasses and his right eye but avoiding any other damage before jumping back, Mahito ran towards the boy from his right side which was momentarily his blindside as he punched the sorcerer back.

Yuji landed and snapped his broken nose in place before he healed his injuries but a vertical scar going down his right eye to his cheek remained, "How can you play with so many people's lives!?" The sorcerer asked enraged making the curse laugh hysterically, "Would you prefer that I contemplate all the reasons for messing with their lives and look remorseful the next time I kill someone? I'll make sure to do that." Mahito smirked and turned his hand into Junpei's head, "Here's a simple answer since you're a simple guy, Yuji Itadori... You are me." He added piercing his finger through 'Junpei's' head. This made the boy more enraged as he glared deadly at the curse, "Wow there, no need to be upset. I'm just a curse talking whatever but... Until you accept that fact, you'll never be able to defeat me." The curse said placing his hand on his heart.

"Talking nonsense until the end huh? I'll make sure those are your last words." The boy said getting into a low kenjutsu stance, Mahito gathered cursed energy in his fists and also got into a stance. In a second, the curse sent a fist straight for Yuji's heart which was swiftly cut in half before getting stabbed in the stomach as the sword exploded blowing the curse's lower into pieces. Yuji came through the smoke holding Playful Cloud and hit Mahito through a pillar, "Good, show me more Yuji Itadori." The curse said his lower half regenerated, he smirked as he turned his arm into a spiked whip. The two went into an exchange of blow as they ran through the station, the curse shot two transfigured humans at the boy who swatted them away.

The sorcerer saw Mahito go through a gate and disappear, cussing under his breath he ran after him only to be met with two people, "Hey kid, what are you doing here? It's not safe." One man said as the boy approached them before grabbing the man's shirt and throwing him away as a large fist burst out of the second man's mouth and swung at the sorcerer who dodged and stared as Mahito climbed out the human body suit. "Mother fucker!" Yuji shouted as he ran at the curse who grinned and laughed as they continued their fight but this time, Mahito killed any person they passed angering the boy more and more.

When the curse was about to attack a spike shot out of his body stopping him in his tracks, Yuji's eyes widened as he recognized it and smiled, "I almost forgot that I'm not facing this alone." The boy chuckled before grabbing the curse by the shirt and throwing him against a pillar before he started wailing at him, hitting multiple combos with his staff as Mahito's blood splattered around them. When he was about to hit the curse again, he spilt into multiple pieces and scattered while Yuji made some shurikens and threw them at the small Mahito's but they turned out to be all fake while the real one was running away with the sorcerer close behind.

Yuji saw Mahito pass another him as he gunned it straight for Nobara, "Nobara!!" the boy shouted blasting the clone away before switching to a bow and shooting at the real Mahito. The arrow hit him in the back right before he could touch her as it exploded and blasted him into a wall, Yuji sighed in relief and ran at his unmoving friend, "Are you ok?" he asked right before a fly landed on the girl's face. Yuji froze as he felt cursed energy from it making him quickly turn towards where Mahito was only to see him gone, "N-no..." his voice broke turning back at Nobara who smiled warmly at him, "Yuji... Tell everyone that, things weren't so bad." Nobara said before the left side of her face bulged and exploded, spilling some blood on Yuji's face as he watched the girl drop dead.

"N-Nobara?" Yuji called out at the corpse hoping for a response but as expected, got nothing. His hair covered his eyes as tears dropped to the floor, the fly transformed into Mahito as he ran at the sorcerer and punched him in the chest landing a black flash. He expected Yuji to go flying but the boy planted his feet on the ground and slid back a fair bit as he coughed out some blood, "Mahito..." the curse heard the boy say as he grinned more, "I'm surprised that you withstood that Yuji Itadori! You're a tough nut to crack but that doesn't matter, this will end in your defeat! Hahahaha, have you ever counted how many curses you've killed huh!? Do you remember their faces!? Of course you don't, just like how I don't remember nor care about the humans I've killed! Don't you get it yet!? You are me and I am you! WE ARE ONE OF THE SAME!" Mahito shouted at the top of his lungs, turning his hand into a sword and going in for another attack but before it could hit a clap was heard as the curse was at a new position while standing beside Yuji was Todo Aio.

"...In the beginning I had the mindset that thought of all this as a fairytale... I thought that as long as I tried my best and protected everyone, no one would suffer and we'll live our lives happily... but... That's not what the life of Jujutsu is, the road is full of pain and suffering... I was naïve and ignored what the path I choose truly meant... But not anymore... Now I understand what it truly means to be a Jujutsu Sorcerer... In this line of work, you have to get blood on your hands, either if it's a curse or a human, as long as it endangers people they have to die... Even when met with death and loss, you have to continue onwards and stand strong for those lost... So Mahito... Today is the day you die by my hands and this place will be your grave." Yuji rambled until he finally looked at the curse, with void and emotionless eyes, "Today is the day you die." He added before appearing in front of Mahito and slamming his staff into him, landing a black flash while also letting the section that did the damage explode sending the curse crashing and bouncing all around the floor.

"Todo, my brother. Please help me exorcise this cursed spirit." The first year said making a copy of Mind's Eye and put them on as he turned to the older boy who grinned and ripped his shirt off as he got ready for battle, "Of course, Brother!" the two sorcerers rushed Mahito with Todo starting the attack with a leg swipe which was jumped over as the curse threw some transfigured human at him, he switched with Yuji who deflected them away before they switched back as the older boy punched the curse into the first year who blasted him into the ground and switched with Todo who came down with an axe kick to the chest. Todo then switched with Playful Cloud as the weapon exploded, sending the curse skipping before he regained his footing and turned both his hands into large snakes blasting them towards the boys.

Yuji made a katana and a wakizashi and ran to the snakes and quickly cut them into pieces, opening a path as he coated the shorter sword in cursed energy and threw it at Mahito as hard as he could before it switched with Todo who landed a black flash on the curse who blocked and slid back. The curse looked forward to see Yuji in front of him with war hammer which he used to smash the ground open sending the curse to the lower floor before throwing his weapon at him to which the cursed turned a transfigured human into a large hammer and hit the weapon back. Todo switched with Mahito's hammer and kicked the curse in the chin and switched with Yuji who slammed his war hammer into the side of his chest before switching again as Todo grabbed his hair and slammed his face into the ground with the first-year finishing with an attack on the curse's back sending him crashing through the floor again onto the railway.

Mahito rolled to his feet and threw some transfigured humans into the air before combining them into a monster train that rushed after the sorcerers who started running away from it. When they reached a platform, Todo switch both of them onto it before Mahito turned the civilians around there into swords and threw them at Todo who dodged gracefully. The curse turned two humans into jagged swords and ran at the older boy but was intercepted by Yuji who blocked them with his own swords before exploding them as Todo switched him out of harm's way. The curse grinned as he threw out a couple transfigured humans before combining them, "Soul Multiplicity. Body Repel!" Mahito shouted as a swarm of combined transfigured humans came rushing at them, the sorcerers blocked as they were sent through the roof and road into the surface of Shibuya before the body repel hardened and formed a platform under the three.

"Let's kick it up a notch, brother!" Todo said as Yuji nodded and summoned Dojigiri Yasutsuna, "This is our last chance to curse each other, Itadori!!" Mahito screamed, his grin never leaving his face, "Oi oi oi, did you forget about me?" the older boy switched Yuji and Mahito before he grabbed the curse, holding his arms as Yuji came flying and swung his sword at the curse's head but before he could connect, Mahito took of his own head. Two eyes sprouted out of his bodies head as it fought with the sorcerers while the curse regenerated his body before combining two transfigured humans, "Soul Multiplicity. Polymorphic Soul Isomer." He created a humanoid, transfigured human which ran into the frey which caused Todo to switch with it to think, "The distribution of power between his bodies is likely 2 to 8 and the weakened 2 is the main body." He switched the real Mahito to fight with Yuji while he fought with the transfigured human.

The monster spinned and back handed the older boy surprising him with the strength behind the attack, the transfigured human then punched the sorcerer through a building and followed after him, "Todo!" Yuji yelled jumping away from the curse who send multiple spiked body repels at him which he blocked using a one-layer Rho Aias but the shield broke after a couple of his as the boy got blasted away skipping through the street. He stopped right next to a smiling Todo who looked at Mahito who was standing in front of them, "You really don't want me to join in, huh." The older boy chuckled shaking his head. Two pairs of arms sprouted in Mahito's mouth and joined into different hand signs, "Domain Expansion: Self Embodiment of Perfection!!"

Yuji's eyes widened as he quickly looked at the buildings surrounding them before thinking fast and made two kunai's before throwing them on the roof of one of them before Todo quickly switched both of them with the throwables, getting them out of harms way, "Good thinking, brother." Todo said patting the first year's back before the latter jumped off the roof and summoned a spear, "Gae Bulg!" Yuji shouted throwing the spear at Mahito's domain before detonating it after penetration as the domain crumbled. The first year looked back at his partner and saw the curse standing behind him before giving the Kyoto student a black flash in the stomach making him cough up blood as he was sent flying at the other student.

Todo switched with Mahito and fell on the ground while Yuji made Playful ground and smashed the curse into the pavement, when the sorcerer landed he was met with a modified transfigured human that attacked as they exchanged blows before Yuji ducked under one of them punches and made an army knife before stabbing it in the head. "Hehe I finally found it. The true essence of my soul! The true form!" Mahito grabbed his face and used Idle transfiguration on himself giving him a new form, "Instant Spirit Body of Distorted killing. Why don't you wish me a happy birthday, Itadori." The curse said with a smirked while the boy glared at him, "Because of the black flash I finally understand my true, unbridled soul! Once I kill you then I shall truly be born!"

The two ran at each other with Mahito starting to attack as he sent a low kick which was blocked before the boy sent a counter attack that the curse dodged, Yuji sent out some shuriken's as they exploded but didn't do any damage. Yuji appeared in front of the curse and sent a spinning attack to his head but to his surprise he tanked it with minimal damage as he sent a tail attack at the boy who dodged then blocked the follow up kick to the head but before he could get away, Mahito used the blade on his elbow to try and cut Yuji's head off but he dodged but it cut a portion of his mouth apart. He managed to kick the curse away and healed himself giving the teen another scar, the sorcerer threw his staff in the air and summoned the Soul Splitting Katana and ran at Mahito and attacked. The curse blocked but to his surprise, the katana sliced through his arm with ease making his eyes widen, Yuji sent a follow up to the chest but Mahito's tail sneaked up behind the boy and flew to his head.

Before it could hit a clap was heard as the first year switched places with Playful Cloud, Mahito healed and looked up at the rooftop they were on previously to see a kneeling Todo giving a bloody grin, "Hope you didn't forget about me!" The curse gritted his teeth and tried to pick up the staff but Yuji switched with it and slashed him across the chest as he threw multiple kunai around the area and started switched with them attacking the curse from all side, leaving Mahito to defend himself. During one attack the curse managed to catch the katana but Yuji switched away as it exploded before switching back with Playful Cloud and sent a final attack that he put everything he had into as he landed the most beautiful black flash that sent the curse flying into multiple things on the road while he reverted into his human form.

Yuji slowly walked up to the curse as he made another Soul Splitting Katana, Mahito sat on the ground and tried to throw up some transfigured humans but nothing but spit came out, "You were right Mahito.." the curse looked up at Yuji as he felt fear for the first time in his life, "... I am you. Whether I try to deny it, it will never change the fact that we are one of the same but it doesn't matter because I'm going to kill you. Come back as another curse, I'll kill you. Change your name or form, I'll kill you again. I don't really need to find a meaning or reason behind it. Maybe a hundred years after my death, the meaning behind my actions will become apparent, in the grand scheme of things, I'm nothing more than a cog but I'll keep killing curses for as long as I can because that is my role in all this." Yuji explained his dead eyes staring into Mahito's soul.

The curse tried to get up and run but Yuji swiftly cut both his legs off making him fall back to the ground, the sorcerer was about to kill him when he saw someone standing in front of Mahito, "Shall I save you, Mahito?" Geto asked looking down at the curse, "Geto?" the curse looked at the man surprised. "Geto? Is he the one Nanako and Mimiko were talking about? Wait isn't he also!?" "Give him back!! Give Gojo sensei back!!!" Yuji shouted running at the man ready to attack when a large hole suddenly appeared under the first year causing him to fall as the road went back to normal, "Hehe did you think you had fallen? To me it seems like you suddenly flipped over." Geto chuckled before sending a wave of cursed centipedes at the boy who growled and started cutting the spirits into pieces at high speeds but the hole reappeared causing the boy to lose his footing as the centipedes covered his body.

Geto deflected an attack from Mahito who looked at him with a smile, "I've always knew it, after all I was born of humans." Seconds later Geto turned the curse into a ball of cursed energy before looking at the first year who stood bloody, his wounds slowly healing, "Let us discuss the world to come." Geto then looked down at the orb in his hand, "Are you familiar with the Maximum techniques? Apart from domains, they are cursed techniques' most supreme art. The curse manipulation technique: Maximum Uzumaki, combines all cursed spirits I have absorbed into one and hits my opponent with super condensed cursed energy." The man explained before chuckling, "Apologizes, I realized that I've been like him again. Uzumaki is powerful but using it means I negate cursed spirit manipulation's advantage, the great number of moves at my disposal so I didn't find it exciting as I thought of it as recycling low-grade cursed spirits. But I was wrong, it's true value is revealed when cursed spirits of semi-grade 1 or higher are used and the technique is extracted." He finished explaining as he swallowed the Mahito's orb of energy.

"Did you think I wouldn't sense you?" Geto asked looking up at Momo who floated above him, using the signal the girl gave Noritoshi shot a barrage of arrows at the man who easy dodged before summoning a cursed spirit to block the sniper bullet, shot by Mei. "A sniper? I like that you use conventional weapons when attacking a sorcerer." Geto complemented before hearing someone behind him and seeing Miwa ready to strike, "New Shadow Style: Quick draw!!" she shouted as she unsheathed her sword and swung it at Geto who easily grabbed it with his hands before breaking it in two. "Maximum Uzumaki." Geto said as a giant curse appeared behind him pointing straight at the girl, with a burst of speed Yuji stood in front of the blast raising his palm, "Rho Aias!!" he shouted manifesting a full seven-layer rho aias as the attack hit the shield. It withstood the attack well but one by one the layers started shattering, at it reached the last layer the boy poured a lot of cursed energy to keep the shield strong before there was an explosion.

When the smoke cleared, Yuji stood injured but Miwa, Momo and Utahime who were behind him were fine, "Oh wow, that's a strong shield you have there Itadori. I wonder how I can get me one." Geto said rubbing his chin as every sorcerer from Kyoto and Tokyo, including Nanami and a pissed Choso appeared, "Greetings Choso. Seems like you finally figured it out" Geto said to the curse who looked even more angry, "So that's the deal, huh!?! Noritoshi Kamo!!" the older brother shouted leaving everyone shocked, "The Blot of the Kamo Clan, The Evilest Sorcerer in history is inside Geto!" Utahima shouted as the man chuckled, "That is but one of my many names." "How dare you try to make me kill my little brother Itadori!!" Choso shouted as Uraume appeared in front of Geto, "Get out of my way! I'm his older brother!!" the curse said again as he started fighting the two evil sorcerers.

As the fight got even more heated Uraume used her Frost Calm to freeze every one before she walked towards Choso and aimed an ice bullet at his head but before she could launch it Yuji broke out of his restraints and cut her arms off before freeing his supposed brother. The woman clicked her tongue and grew back her arm as she blocked a Wind Scythe from Momo, "Ice Formation: Icefall" in an instant everyone was frozen as ice spikes formed above them and started to fall but someone destroyed them. "It's been a while Geto. Can I get my answer now? What kind of girls do you like?" a blonde girl asked as she winked at the man, "Yuki Tsukumo!"

The girl brings up the talk she had with the old Geto on how to create a world where curses didn't exist before smiling, "The next stage of Humanity lies in breaking away from cursed energy." "No. It lies in optimizing cursed energy." Geto countered making the girl shrug, "I thought you abandoned that method 12 years agon when Toji Zenin died." Geto questioned narrowing his eyes. "I came back to the principles. Besides, your method is flawed. Compared to Japan there are few sorcerers overseas. Tengen's barrier is necessary for optimizing cursed energy hence the only one's capable of becoming sorcerers through Tengen are the people of this country. That would mean Japan has a virtual Monopoly on cursed energy. The middle east will not sit quiet, flesh and blood from humans are the energy source so you can imagine the suffering that would come as. That is a world far removed from the ideal that I pursue. Yuki explained glaring holes into the man.

"We have different objectives; I do not wish for a world without cursed spirits r an idyllic and peaceful world. Non-sorcerers; sorcerers; cursed spirits; these are all the possibilities of cursed energy in the form of human beings and yet there must be more to human potential. I tried to bring that forth myself but that doesn't work, what I can create does not exceed the bounds of my own potential. The answer is always flickering darkly in chaos. Do you understand? What I should have created was chaos that not even I could control. I have already extracted the cursed technique." Geto explained slamming his hand on the ground activating Idle transfiguration as a simple appeared in the sky, "Remote activation of a cursed technique!?!" Yuki shouted shocked.

"Thank you, Yuji Itadori, the quality of the cursed spirit's technique ceases to grow at the moment they are absorbed by cursed spirit manipulation. Mahito grew well during your fight with him." Geto said sounding thankful. "What did you do?" "I remotely casted Idle Transfiguration on two types of non-sorcerers who's already been marked, the people who had ingested cursed objects and the people with cursed techniques whose brains were meant to be non-sorcerers like Junpei Yoshino. I adjusted their brains for sorcery, to the former, I gave strength as vessels and to the latter, the capacity to use cursed techniques and as of this moment I have broken the seal on the cursed objects. Some have been deep in slumber since being exposed to mu cursed energy at the time of marking but they will soon awaken. To deepen their understanding of cursed energy, I will have them fight each other. I carefully chose them and the cursed objects."

"You underestimate human rationality; you think people will kill each other simply because they got power? Yuji asked cautiously, "Everything has an order, I would not make such an oversight. Your questions are starting to lack perspicacity." Geto said with a closed eye smile making the blond freeze before she turned to Yuji, "He's pissing me off, let's go beat him up." Before he could answer, all the ice melted away as everyone looked at Uraume who seemed to be poisoned. Before the sorcerers could attack, they felt an evil presence of cursed energy wash over them, "Uraume how could you be caught by such a pathetic move." A voice said as Megumi appeared besides the evil sorcerers but now, he had tattoos around his face and another pair of eyes under his normal ones.

"Megumi?.." Yuji questioned but when his friend looked at him, he instantly knew that it wasn't his sorcerer friend, "So that's the name of the owner of this body huh." 'Megumu' said looking over his body before looking back at the girl besides him, "Get up." He commanded which Uraume followed and slowly stood to her feet, "Apologizes for showing you such a sight, Master Sukana." When the sorcerers heard that name their blood ran cold, "S-sukana? As in Ryumen Sukana!? Did Megumi eat his fingers!? Did they force him to eat it!? Is his conscious still there!?" Sukana cracked his neck and grinned at the group of sorcerers, "Hm since this is our first meeting, why don't I give you all a present." The curse said as he put his hands together, realizing what was happening Yuji ran in front of the group and also did his horse hand sign, "Domain Expansion: Unlimited Blade Works! / Malevolent Shrine." The two domains collided and clashed as it had a tug of war to see whose domain will devour the others.

Sukana was genuinely surprised that the kid's domain matched his, he grinned savagely as he added more cursed energy overpowering Yuji's domain as he tried his best to keep it at a standstill. Blood poured out of his right eye and nose as he continued to struggle until he was eventually consumed by the kind of curse's domain, "Hahaha because of that little show, I'll be generous and not kill any of you but... everything around is another topic." In a blink of an eye the surrounding building started getting cut into pieces, any human hiding within the area of the domain as killed swiftly as the king kept laughing hysterically at the chaos. Yuji fell to his knees breathing heavy and looking at all the destruction that was happening around him as he caught faint screams in the distance which made him feel powerless as he could not save them, after a minute of this Sukana deactivated his domain and put his hands in his pockets.

"Enjoy this sight brats." Sukana said as everyone looked at the now wasteland, devastation and dread overwhelming them, "I was still talking, Sukana." Geto said to which the man shrugged, "The cursed objects that I provided are what's left of sorcerers I painstakingly made vows with a millennium ago however, I did not only enter into contracts with sorcerers. But those bows became null when I obtained this body. This is the world of the future." The man continues as thousands upon thousands curses where released into the world, a portal appeared behind the cursed users as they walked into it, "Gojo sensei!! Megumi!!" Yuji shouted trying to stand up but his body wouldn't allow him to. "Goodbye, Yuji Itadori."


A few days passed since the Shibuya Incident as Japan went to shit, at the moment Yuji was seen walking with Yuta Okkotsu in an underground tunnel filled with candles. The two stayed silent until they reached a room and stood in the center of six people who were behind doors, "Good work you two, as expected from the students of that man." A voice said making Yuji glance at where it came from and narrowed his eyes but stayed silent, "I believe this shows that we will obey your commands." Yuta said making the higher ups chuckle, "That is proof of nothing." Another voice said as the teens kept quiet, "You two remember your rolls, do you not?" a booming and commanding voice asked making the older boy nod.

With a sigh Yuji looked up at the ceiling closing his eyes as he finally spoke, "...You don't have to reminds us 24/7, old geezer. I'm only following orders because of our agreements so don't think that you have my loyalty. If you ever try to break them, you'll have me as an enemy and unlike Gojo sensei I will not hold back." The first year said opening his eyes as his cursed energy filled the room scaring the higher ups. He clicked his tongue and stopped, "Yuta let's go." Yuji said as the two walked out of the room.

Notice from Jujutsu Headquarters:

1.Suguru Geto's survival has been confirmed and he has been sentenced to death again.
2.Satoru Gojo has been deemed an accomplice in the Shibuya Incident and is thus permanently exiled from the Jujutsu World. Furthermore, removing his seal will be considered a criminal act.
3.Masamichi Yaga was sentences to death because of inciting Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto and causing the Shibuya Incident but due to the intervention of the Special Grade Sorcerer Yuji Itadori, the charges were dropped.
4.Nanako and Mimiko Hasaba have been put through interrogation to extract information about Suguru Geto and put under the care and supervision of Yuji Itadori.
5.Megumi Fushiguro has been sentenced to death due to his ingestion of the cursed objects know to belong to Ryomen Sukuna
6.Special Grade Sorcerers, Yuta Okkatsu and Yuji Itadori are appointed as Megumi Fushiguro's executioner.

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