Sanity to my Insanity

By Heart_Scribed

91 14 3

What happens when suddenly you're no more the sheltered pampered kid but a stranger among strangers. You grow... More

Author's note


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By Heart_Scribed

Hello everyone!
Hope you are having a nice day.
Keep reading, cuddlebears!!


Long way to go,
But I’ll be there in sometime,
Loving myself like I deserved to be,
Before finding love in his eyes.

I was looking for Arden in the living room after cleaning the mess we made with our new experiment mocktail, which turned out great, btw, when I found him standing on the balcony.

Reading my journal, which I might have left on the balcony in haste, with a thoughtful expression marring his face. It made me a tad bit nervous about the content he was actually reading.

I sneaked up on him and tried to look over his shoulder by standing on the loveseat to match his tall frame, I found him reading my first entry I wrote in it. It was a silly perception I had about star-crossed love of the Sun and the Moon.

The glow of the moon fading away, whispering its love to the sky one last time, fading into nothingness, to let her sun shine bright. The sun sneaking its warmth to the moon, away from the spectator’s gazing, was their lil cocoon.

Kissing away the darkness of disseverment, with the rushed promises and goodbyes swirling gently in the air, a hope of sneaking some moments together again, as the day ends, with a freezing coldness they turned against each other.

Dawn and dusk being the only time together, before they are snatched apart from their happy bubble, back into their responsibilities for the role they play, star-crossed lovers to each other and a beacon of light to the universe.

Destiny decided it all so unfair, worlds apart was their love flaming with distance, little moments of shared whispers and flirtations, was all they could have before they were broken away from each other.

Would their worlds ever collide together forever, or will they just exist coaxially together, living in their realities, worlds away from their wishful fantasies.

I liked how that story turned out. Although it ended in a question we could never accurately fathom because there are a million perceptions that could be made about it.

There are always so many questions about life that makes us question our past, present, future, ourselves, our personalities, the change in our behaviors, and what not maybe some even philosophical topics like expectations.

I tried finding answers to them, but after hours of analyzing, I was stuck in the endless loop of ifs and buts, what-ifs, and whatnots.

That’s when I realized maybe I should stop questioning everything that is happening and accept it when I couldn’t change anything about it.

Stuck in one of the thoughts that were forming in my head, I didn’t realize Arden had finished reading the page and was turning it over.

Belatedly, I made a move to stop him from reading the cringe words I wrote as a kid and snatch it away from him.

I took him by surprise and before he could react, I jumped from the loveseat I stood on and rushed into my room, closing the door to stop him from barging in my room and taking it away from my hands.

I hid my left dignity in its rightful safe place and unlocked the door just when a knock sounded. I had a stupid grin on my face when I saw his glare.

“WTF was that, huh? I was reading it.” He said with a frown.

“It was not for your reading, though. It’s bad manners to read someone’s journal diaries without their permission.”

“What kind of friend will that make me if I don’t read what is hidden away from everyone and help you unload your thoughts and make you feel heard and seen.”

“Oh my, my… you are such an amazing excuse maker for your curious ass. Even somethings stay hidden from bestfriends, you know.” He immediately shook his head, and I rolled my eyes at him. “Wasn’t asking. You should have some secrets to yourself that you tell someone when the right time comes.”

“The right time is fucking right now. It was fate that I found it on the balcony.”

“And it was destiny that I saw you reading it and managed to hide it away.” He pouted, giving me his innocent big eyes that always melt me in a puddle.

“Nope. Stop being so curious. It just has some kiddish entries. I’ll let you see them some other time maybe but not today, okay?” I narrowed my eyes at him when he was still pouting at me.

He huffed loudly before agreeing with me and helped me take out the comforters and the extra mattress to the balcony for a stargazing night, all the while complaining about my meanness.

We laid on our backs on our makeshift bed and cuddled into the warmth of the comforter while trying to spot the constellations.

Though Arden and I are polar opposites, we do share some common fascinations, one of them being our love for stars and constellations.

Gazing at the twinkling stars, we were tucked away in a comforting silence where we were worlds away in our own thoughts and yet together in the same world and letting our heart enjoy a moment of peace after the eventful day.

Drifting away to my dreamland in the warmth with a sated heart after quiet some while, I heard a whispered goodnight before being tucked in the comforter like a baby.

I muttered a goodnight sleepily before snuggling to the comforter in a comfortable position and I was transversing across the parallel verse.

I am a dead ass sleeper so even if the universe threw us in a zombie apocalypse or set the building on fire, I would be so unaware of it all until my body clock wakes me up which is like 6hrs from the time I slept or maybe even more if I had a hell of day.

I always sleep to my heart’s content but for the first time in these two months I actually slept peacefully, no rushing from questions, no agenda planning, no excuse deciding, no routes plan to avoid my friends, no running away from anyone.

I was just me, seen and heard by the person I always wanted to see me as me. I love this serenity of heart I am feeling. I like being normal again.

It feels like a storm passed and my fear of being uprooted from my home passed with the dark clouds.

I yawned and groaned before getting out of bed. Arden was sleeping like a baby, buried in the comforter, with a small smile on his face.

He looked cute and like a baby.

Although his physique is too big for being a baby look-a-like.

I really wanted to know what he was dreaming about that has him smiling like that in a dream but my angel side controlled my evil side from waking him up.

I freshened up and did my routine before making two steaming cups of coffee.

Mine with extra shots of milk and sickening amount of sugar and his bittered with steamy water and lots of coffee.

I wonder how did I even become friends with a person who has no sugar in his life. I mean I live for that sweetness while he runs away from it.

And he doesn’t even let me enjoy my sugar rush. That meano keeps insinuating that if I keep this habit up, I’ll end up with a diabetes.

Although that is most probable to happen given my family’s long history with the disease, I would rather enjoy my happiness today than depriving me of it today for the sake of future.

What’s meant to happen, will happen anyways. So always live the day like it’s your last one alive, so you don’t die with a regret.

The strong fragrance of bitterness fused with a hint of sweetness lingered in the air, breaking my inner monologue and pushed me towards the balcony doors to wake up the sleepyhead before the coffee turns cold.

He likes his coffee burning hot while I prefer it at a drinkable temperature. So, you can imagine how it is drinking coffee with him when we order it together. He always ends up chugging it whole in 5 mins of its arrival while blow it for 5mins before daring to even take a sip of it.

And the cruelty of this universe, I always end up with a burnt tongue even after blowing at it for 5 minutes while he walks away from it unscathed.

No hard feelings universe. I know he is an amazing guy. I feel ya babes!!

I put the coffee mugs on the table near the love-seat and lowered myself on his side, trying to gently wake him up.

I patted his arms slightly to which he cozied more into the comforter. Shaking my head at him, I tried calling his names a few times in a soft voice and with light taps and shoves on his arm.

My mom would be so proud of me for waking him exactly how she always asked me to wake Zac up contrary to the loud yells I always and punches I threw it at him to annoy him.

Mom always said that the unconsciousness mind should be brought to sub-consciousness very softly and then it should be fully brought to consciousness, however I always opted for the shortcut with Zac like a normal sibling.

He stirred a bit and I again patted his arm with a soft voice calling him to wake up already.

He opened his eyes in a slit before shutting them again due to the sudden brightness before blinking it a few times to get his eyes comfortable with the sunrays illuminating the place.

I smiled at his messy bed hairs and disoriented self when he yawned like a baby, sitting on the bed with a pout for being woken up from a good dream.

I bet he must be winning his final fight in the ring looking at his lost state and that silly pout.

I giggled at the imagination before shoving his body with a slightly more push than he was expecting and he tumbled on the other side.

I broke into a fit of laughter before he launched himself on me with a grin screaming revenge.

I shuffled around to get away from him and danced in a little victory when I could slip away from his large body to the end of the mattress due to my small body compared to his.

Uh oh! It was too soon to celebrate.

He grabbed my ankles in a firm grip before pulling me towards the bed again and I shrieked loudly due to the sudden movement before he hovered over me.

The proximity made me grow quiet.

I looked in his eyes which were shimmering with mischief.

I braced myself for whatever he was on about, but nothing could have me prepped for a tickling attack on my poor feet that were still in his grasp.

I was shrieking and squirming to get away from the overwhelming sensations that my body was forced to while laughing uncontrollably loud due to the tickles.

He knew all the spots I was ticklish at and aimed straight at my weak spots, torturing my small body by drawing those shrieks from my larynx with a big smile on his face, enjoying my squirming self.

“Stop!! Arden!!” I shrieked for fiftieth time and he finally stopped looking at my exhausted self.

I slumped on the bed beside him panting, bubbling with a chuckle at his childish antics.

A cramp decided to hit my stomach right at that moment due to all the squirming and dancing around I did in the last ten minutes, morphing my expressions into one of a slight discomfort.

Arden sensed my pain and his expressions changed into one of guilt remembering me being on periods.

I too forgot about my periods with everything that was happening until it could handle the ignorance and decide to make its presence known with the twisting of my fallopian tubes.

Cruel mf.

“I am okay. Stop with the guilty expression.” I breathed out a lump of air from my mouth to help subside the pain and gave him my dazzling smile.

“You sure? Want me to bring your hot water bag?” he asked with concern.

It was weird how much he knew how to ease my pain and problems so naturally.

“No worries. It passed. It just didn’t like me forgetting its presence.” I said with a chuckle at the end and got up from the bed.

He chuckled at my silliness and extended his hand towards me to pull him up.

I grabbed his hand tightly and pulled him up before guiding us towards the table.

His coffee was a bit colder than he usually had but he drank it without complaints and soon we were organizing everything back at its place.

There was no rush to be somewhere as it was a weekend and we decided to spent the rest of the day watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

I gave him his t-shirt and shorts that I haven’t returned to him after washing it from the one time I stayed at his home for studying and he offered them to me at night before sleeping.

He showered and got ready before joining me on the sofa I was lying on with a hot water bag, courtesy of my big concerned friend who heated it to my preferred temperature and laid it on my stomach before tucking me in a blanket.

Journey was staying with Nate today after their night-stay at Sam’s, to spend some alone time. I love the way they are so in love with each other and always express it so beautifully.

I wish all the happiness and love for those two. They truly deserve it all.

I was scrolling through my Instagram when Arden walked out wearing the clothes I gave him and sat down on the floor, resting his body against the sofa.

I started messing with his perfectly styled hair and he groaned at me annoyed.

I chuckled before massaging his scalp and playing with his hair. Even though he pretended to be annoyed by it, he secretly liked it a lot and keep sitting on the floor in front of me so that I would do it.

He put on the episode that we left the season at the last time and soon we were engrossed in the friends-verse, being tucked away in our cocoon.

The graph of the day bloomed steadily towards the peak of the sawtooth waveform after the sudden fall the last time.


Have a nice week ahead people!

Live, love and laugh.

I just thought this quote was worth sharing since i could relate to it at every instance of my life.

Comment if you find it relatable too.

Keep reading and stay warm!!
Be happy, healthy and safe!!
Till next time,
See ya!!

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