everything has changed

By gibsiesgal

3.3K 41 9

Aofie Kavanagh was an angel. No one had a bad word to say about her, because it was quite frankly impossible... More

Mystery Girls
Stalkerish - Maybe?

First Day Back

805 11 0
By gibsiesgal


It had come around. My first day at Tommen, but more importantly, shannon's first day at tommen. Christ, was i nervous for her. She didn't need anymore shite, she just needed a fresh start at a good school and i was praying tommen was that for her. Personally, BCS was good for me, i was on the hurling team, i had friends, grades were scraping by, i was fine. Shannon however, she wasn't the complete opposite of fine, no matter how many times she put on a smile and lied, i saw right through her. Her time at that school was rough, to say the least, constantly bullied. It was horrible, a girl was horrible because her slimy boyfriend looked at shannon. The lass was right to be nervous because shannon was beautiful, she didn't see it, but i and everyone else did. I look over to the clock and see we're already running late. Walking over to the bathroom shannon was standing in, i overheard her saying 'you can do this shannon' and 'tommen will be different' Christ i hoped so.
"Shan, come one we're gonna be late" i say with a soft smile attempting to put her at ease. She let out a shaky breath before running her hair through her fingers. "It's gonna be fine isn't it? I'll be okay won't i Liam?" she asked her big blue eyes full of uncertainty. "You're gonna be grand shannon, i promise" and with that she left the bathroom, walking with me to the bus stop. We sat in silence throughout the journey, until we reached tommen gates, even then all she offered was a small wave before sauntering off somewhere.
please let today go good for her, god knows she deserves it.

Everything hurts. Dancing left me in absolute agony last night as i pushed myself hard, i wouldn't stop until every little move or action was perfect. Despite all this, i dragged myself out of my nice warm bed, the cold air hitting me like a brick. My room was dimly lit as i aggressively tapped around my bedside table in search of my alarm clock. 6:00 it read and i internally groaned just as Johnny burst into my bed room forcing me up. i remember asking him to force me up every morning so i remembered to go for a run, my body was screaming in protest but johnny was louder. "Get up. Get some breakfast, and go for a run ya lazy bugger" he said as he playfully smacked my head before leaving my room. Reluctantly, i listened to him, throwing some clothes on and forcing some runners onto my sore feet. Damn you, dancing.

"Morning love!" My ma exclaimed as i jogged into the kitchen, in attempt to warm my muscles "eat up if your going for a run pet"
I reply with a smile and a sweet "Thanks ma, but i'm okay, im not hungry" i say nervously as i rush towards the door.
lies, lies, lies!
i knew it was lies but as long as she didn't it was all okay.
Pushing down my thoughts i walked out the door.
Christ was Ireland cold. Ignoring, everything my body was telling me, i started running. For some reason, i felt like today was going to be different. Something had changed.
I wasn't sure what yet, but something had, i could feel it.
In what felt like no time, i was done with my run and got back home just in time to get ready, having a shower, applying makeup, putting my uniform on. Once again Johnny just invited himself into my room flopping onto my made bed. "What are you doing you big eejit! I just made that!"
"Do you want a spin to school or not? Because i'm leaving now."
"of course i do, how else am i getting there?" i snap my eyes darkening.
"christ your moody this morning" he stated gruffly. Rolling my eyes, i replied "Sorry Johnny, i'm just annoyed, dancings reeking havoc on my muscles"
"ah no bother i totally get it, Need any pain relief?" Ugh i hate when he's so nice to me when i'm trying to be a bitch. "No, i'll be fine, thank you though. Let's just get going" Slipping my platforms on i silently walk out my room, coat thrown on and my bag slung over my shoulder. Taking my hint, Johnny doesn't push it, and also silently walks to the car getting in and playing music to cover my uncomfortable silence.

I thank god when we reach tommen and me and johnny exit the car and walk off in different directions, him to gibsie, my to claire and lizzie and- actually i'd never seen her before, she was tiny but had hair longer than ive ever seen and even from where i was standing she looked absolutely gorgeous, i could see them big blue eyes a mile away- and christ! her lips! They were huge, i mean i relate but still ive never realise how shocking it is to see them in real life. I wonder who she it?

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