Home is a feeling

By IntrovertedSquirrel

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Hey! This is 'Home is a feeling' . This book showcases a mental journey that we have all been through at some... More

Chapter 1 Zeus
Chapter 2 Zeus
Chapter 3 Andrew Moore
Chapter 4 Zeus
Chapter 5 Andrew Moore
Chapter 6 Zeus
Chapter 7 Andrew Moore
Chapter 8 Zeus
Chapter 9 Andrew Moore
Chapter 10 Zeus
Chapter 11 Andrew Moore
Chapter 12 Zeus
Chapter 13 Andrew Moore
Chapter 14 Zeus
Chapter 15 Andrew Moore
Chapter 16 Zeus
Chapter 17 Andrew Moore
Chapter 18 Zeus
Ch 19 Andy
Chapter 20 Zeus

Chapter 21 Andy

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By IntrovertedSquirrel

I was very nervous about how the comic fest wouldturn out. It went pretty good . All the questions werefun. I met tons of fans and signed autographs. It wasnice meeting my co-stars.The day was busy , I had to go back to the hoteltonight and come back tomorrow. I did find somethingweird. I thought the crowd and people wouldoverwhelm me a little , it did not. I got to meet cancerpatients and kids with disabilities who watched mymovies and lover my character. They told me that Iinspired them to stay strong. Tears stung at my eyes attheir words. They were the real life hero's . I also mettons of the fans of mine.All of a sudden it started raining and all the thingsstarted closing up. I went to the inside of the buildingtill my car to go back to the hotel arrived. I looked outthe window and saw tons of people together, dancingand playing and splashing each other. I also saw agroup of 4 friends sharing 1 umbrella and walkingtogether all huddled up. One of the friend slips and theother 3 break into laughter. Then a sudden gist of windcomes their way and their sole umbrella flies far faraway. Instead of running after it or expressing any96form of discomfort , they only laugh harder. The threefriends then procced to help the 4th one up and thegroup walks back enjoying the rain together.Watching them made my heart clench. I never had thefreedom to fall like that . If I fell ,even as a kid , Iwould be on social media and television with over amillion people watching me fail at walking. I alsonever had friends like that. Someone who'd help meup instead of kicking me down. Just someone who'sthere for me. Someone who would say they wouldrather face the rain with me the walk in the sun alone.The fact that the only relations I have are from workfor work makes me a little sad.I change back and head to the hotel . As soon as I enterthe room, I can sense that something is wrong. I findSonia , frantic on the phone . She keeps pacing aroundin a worried manner . I walk up to her ."I am so so sorry" she sniffles.'What's wrong'"I had gone to the washroom for a minute and when Ireturned , Zeus was missing. I can't seem to find himat all. I called security to see the cameras and they areextracting the recording."'Zeus is missing ? He would never just leave like...'"It's my fault" She says, her head bent towards thefloor. It looks like she is trying to hide the tearsstreaming down her face. 

 'Why would it be your fault?'"I told him I was leaving in a month . I got a book dealand I am becoming a full time author."Two bombshells in one night is a lot for me to handle.I feel a sour taste suddenly coat my tongue. I do mybest to think first and keep the important things inmind.'He wouldn't just leave like that. Are you sure he's notin the hotel' I start looking around the room myself.Her phone chimes ,"They found Zeus on one of the camera's. Someonekidnapped him".What. It feels like my world stops spinning. I want tostay focused and find him. The thudding of my heartgets louder and louder. It is nearly as loud as thehundreds of voices continuously playing in my head.Then a sharp pain slices through my chest in athrobbing pattern. I do my best to breathe through itbut my breath feels stuck . I keep struggling to breatheand my head keeps on playing in a loop.You were mostly alone as a kid and you're mostlyalone now. You don't have friends and you never will.Your assistant got sick of you too. You are not someonewho people can count on, even if you say you are. Hell, you couldn't even take care of a dog . Now Zeus willhave to suffer because of you. He was struggling withhaving to keep adjusting to new places all the time and  you knew that but you were just too selfish and nowthe poor thing will have to pay the price.I still can't breathe. I sink to the ground feelingabsolutely helpless. Feeling like I'm a burden toeveryone around me. Tears stream down my face.Sonia comes down to me and says, "Hey, it's okay""You're having a panic attack but don't worry, I'll helpyou through it" She speaks in the softest voicepossible."Focus on the sound of my voice and just listen to myinstructions, okay?"I can't speak, so I settle for giving her a nod."I'm here for you. Zeus will be safe. I'll make sure ofthat. None of this is your fault .""Breathe with me. Deep breath in .Breathe out. Yes.''She keeps it up till I can breathe at a normal placeagain. Once I'm better, she tells me that the securityteam has already located him. They are on their way torescue him. We get into the car and drive as quickly aspossible. I am going to get my friend back.We reach an abandoned warehouse. I still can'tunderstand what kind of deranged person would go after a dog. I enter the place with security on my side.When Sonia tries to get out of the car, I stop her."Zeus means as much to me as he does to you. I'mcoming too" She says but this was just a fight shewasn't going to win."Sonia, I already put one person I care about at riskbecause of me and my job. I am not risking anythinghappening to you."She opens her mouth to respond and I put my hand onher shoulder, "Please"From her expression I know that I have convinced herto stay in the car."Promise me that you'll come back safe""We'll come back safe. I promise"I walk into the warehouse with my security . We bargein the unlocked door and find Zeus whimpering andcold. He fought against whomever got him here andprotected himself . He was just cold , scared and alone.We grabbed him and I took off my coat and put itaround him. We searched and found the woman whohad broken into the apartment not very long ago.Valerie. Zeus had bit her and she abducted him forrevenge. 

 Security got her again and I made sure that she wasgoing to be locked up for good and would never comeafter us again. I hugged Zeus as tightly as possible.The sight of him shivering in a coat of mineimmediately took me back to the day we met. I hadseen something on the side of the road and just decidedto pick it up. Now he was my best friend. I could havethe worst day ever and come back and find him and hispresence would just light me up.I get back into the car and Sonia gives Zeus the biggesthug possible too. We drove back to the hotel andturned on a movie. Sonia comes in with three bowls ofpopcorn. Sitting there like that , for the first time ever,I felt Home.I've heard the quote "A house is not a home." But seein reality a person is not a home either. People are notconstant. They are ever changing . All I know is thatwhen I am around the people I am around right now , Ifeel home.Home was, is and will be an emotion.THE END. 

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