Indiana Jones and the Cavern...

By gigan2004

124 2 0

Indy reunites with Short Round and Willie who get him to go on one more adventure. Marion and Sallah join on... More

Short Round
Travel Plans
Catching Up
Lao Che
Entering the Cavern
Villains Return
Nice Try, Lao Che

A Dream

36 2 0
By gigan2004

(Planes and boats filled the landscape, firing on each other)

(A silhouette appears at the top of a mountain overlooking the chaos)

Indiana Jones: "The Nazis, the Thuggee cult, and the interdimensional beings. I hate these guys."

(A plane flew in close and he attached his whip onto it, it pulled him through the air)

Indy: "Thanks for the lift, Jock!"

Jock: "I can't believe you made me give up Reggie!"

Indy: "I hate him, Jock! I hate him!"

(Indy jumped off and landed on the nearest boat)

Thuggee: "Kali Ma!"

Indy: "Kali Pa!"

(Punches him overboard)

(Nazis attacked him but he tripped one with his whip and kicked the other two off the boat)

(A flying saucer floated above him)

Indy: "Sorry Ox."

(He shoots the center of it and it comes crashing down into the water)

(Then Belloq, Mola Ram, Donavan, Spalko and Voller emerge from the ship)

Indy: "'re all dead.."

Belloq: "Come join us, Jones."

(Indy woke up in bed next to Marion)

Marion: "Nightmare?"

Indy: "Yeah."

(He got up and remembered the funeral tomorrow)

Indy: "Damn."

Marion: "What is it?"

Indy: "Just remembered."

Marion: "About Helena?"

(Indy nodded)

Marion: "I was thinking of going, are you?"

Indy: "..maybe.."

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