supernatural oneshots

By wraithposts

101 2 0

a collection of my supernatural x reader oneshots from tumblr tumblr account: wraith-posts will add to this c... More

nightmares - dean x reader
good morning - dean (SMUT)
bitchin' - dean x reader (SMUT)
crazy on you - soulless!sam x reader (SMUT)

heating pad - sam x reader

25 1 0
By wraithposts

CONTENT: talk of periods, feminine products, infertility. fluff! romantic tension!sam. sam is a sweet guy who does what you need without being embarrassed or you needing to ask.

Word count: ~1k (est. reading time 7 mins.)


You get up from the rickety motel bed stiffly, cracking your back. You had been hunched over doing research on your laptop for hours, and it was time to take a break.

Sam looks up at you from the chair in the corner of the room, mouth quirked up in a smile. "You ok?"

"Yeah," you groan, massaging your lower back. "Still stiff from sleeping on the ground last week, I guess."

You feel a ghost pang of pain in your stomach and your hands move to the front to hold it. The pain feels oddly familiar....

"Fuck." You quickly walk into the bathroom and shut the door, plopping down on the toilet to check.

The red on the toilet paper confirms it. Your period has started. But how? You haven't gotten your period in years, and your doctor told you that you were sterile. He couldn't explain why, but you recalled a certain monster-fighting incident that had involved several deep blows to your abdomen.

"Hey, Y/N?" Sam calls through the door. "You ok in there?"

You redress yourself and yank open the door, looking royally pissed. Sam draws back a little but still looks concerned.

"My period started," you tell him grumpily. "And I don't have anything."

"Anything like wh- oh." Without hesitating, he says "Sit tight, okay? I'll go see if the motel's store has anything."

"Thanks," you groan, making your way back to the bed.

Within minutes, Sam returns with a small box of pads. "This is all they had," he says, tossing it to you.

You take them and go back to the bathroom to take care of it, emerging slightly less stressed-looking than before.

Sam rummages through one of his bags.

"What are you looking for?" you ask.

"This," he replies, triumphantly holding up a heating pad. "I keep it to help my back when it's sore from a fight. Thought you might need it."

You make your way to your own bag, pulling out your bottle of ibuprofen and tossing a couple in your mouth. "Yeah, thanks. I forgot how much period cramps hurt." You grimace, illustrating your point.

Sam beckons you to your bed, fluffing the pillows and plugging in the heating pad. You flop into the nest gratefully, allowing him to place the heating pad on your stomach.

"What do you mean, you forgot?" He looked at you quizzically. "Don't you get reminded every month?" He has a twinkle in his eye and you know he's teasing, but you frown, reminded of your own questions.

"That's the weird part, Sam." You cringe with another pang and sigh, leaning against the crappy headboard. "I haven't had my period for maybe five years minimum. I'm supposedly sterile."

"Huh," he says, joining you in your frown. "Hold on." A thought seems to occur to him and he gets up, returning to the chair where he had been reading. He picks up the book he had been reading and flips a few pages back, furrowing his brow as he scans the page.

"Aha! Knew it." Sam rushes back to your side, eager to share his findings. He sits beside you on the bed and holds out the book, which is open to a page about a familiar-looking flower.

"Remember that flower we found in the cave?" he asks, referencing your last hunt, which had taken you up a mountain in search of a creature that had been spotted by campers. You remember how it destroyed your tents and forced you to take shelter in a small cave.

"Yeah," you say slowly. "The one you said not to touch because it makes you aroused. The one witches use in love spells."

"Right," he says excitedly. "Well, I was reading about it because I was trying to see if that was its natural habitat, and I found something else. Apparently this flower doesn't just make you horny, its spores also increase fertility like, dramatically."

You squint at the place he's pointing at in the book. "So, theoretically, if it was mating season for these plants, and their spores were in the air, and I came into contact with them—"

"Inhaled them," Sam corrects. You crinkle your nose at the thought.

"Whatever. It can revive my ovaries?" you ask incredulously.

"Well, there's no actual evidence of this happening, at least not in the books I read. But I do know that witches use it in fertility spells as well." He snaps the book closed. "Mystery solved if you ask me."

You sigh dramatically, closing your eyes. "Just my luck." You stretch forward, groaning. "God, I'm stiff," you complain. "And my back aches from these stupid cramps."

"Here." Sam taps your back, prompting you to scoot forward a little. He moves to sit behind you, legs on either side of your hips, and begins gently massaging your lower back. "Feel okay?" he checks.

"Yes," you reply, groaning from the ache. "Thanks." You lean into him a little, relishing the feeling of his strong hands gently working out the knots in your back. He makes his way up and down, giving care and attention to all your sore muscles. When he reaches your neck, you wince and scrunch up.

"That tickles," you say, giggling involuntarily.

Sam laughs a little. "Sorry." His hands drop down to your waist, encircling you in a hug. He rests his chin on your shoulder. "Feel a little better?"

"Yeah, thanks." You smile contentedly.

Sam leans back against the pillows, taking you with him. His hand lands on your stomach, weighing down the heating pad so the heat permeates your skin more. The feeling of his warmth at your back also eases your pain a little bit. You settle into him comfortably and lay your hand over his, lacing your fingers between his.

You feel him smile into your hair.

"I'm sorry you're not feeling well, Y/N," he says, real sympathy in his voice. "Not fun to be sick on a hunt."

You turn your head to look up at him. His warm hazel eyes gaze down at you, and you swear you see a dash of affection in them.

"I think I'll be okay."

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