Blind In Love (Jensoo)

By NainaZara

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Inspired by an Indian movie: Jennie is an eye doctor living in South Korea who grew up in Jeju Island. She do... More

Life Gave me Bullets, But I Picked You
Save My Number?
Hahaha....I'm Just Whipped
Get Ready To Say...
I Do
I'm Married But Not Tame
I'm Here For You
At The Drop Of A Hat
Short and Sweet
I Know You
Trust Fall
My Weird Feeling
A Jealousy Battle
A Distraction
My Priority & True Feelings
My Perfect Life Isn't Complete Without You Pt. 1
My Perfect Life Isn't Complete Without You Pt. 2
Sweet & Sexy
I'm Sorry
My Shattered Life Without You
My Partner
Without You
The Tragic Reveal
My Anchor

A Crack Splinters

853 62 14
By NainaZara


I wake up and blink at the harsh white light before it gets removed quickly.

I rub my eyes and sit up, exhaustion overwhelms my body and I fall back.

I feel so weak.

I turn my head and I croak, "Hello?"

Wow. My throat is really dry.


I sigh and barely manage to say, "Get doctor and water."

She looks at me and nods quickly before running out of the room.

I rub my face and my hand still feels soft even if my face feels dry.

What happened? I fell back from the bomb and then I don't remember anything.

I run my stomach as I smile and remember that there might still be hope after this with the baby.

How long have I been asleep?

"Mrs.Kim?" The doctor asks.

I smile at him as the name makes me feel warm. "Yes."

He nods. "Good. No amnesia."

I frown. "What happened to me?"

"How do you feel?"

"Tired. Really tired. And thirsty."

The nurse shoves the water practically in my face and I smile at her and drink it, feeling the coolness go down my throat.

"Tell me what happened."

"Mrs.Kim, you have been in a coma for a little more than a month."

"What?" I say quietly as shock goes through me. "A month?"

He nods grimly and says, "There's one other thing...." He swallows. "I'm afraid to say that you suffered a miscarriage Mrs.Kim."

I move my hand from my stomach. I look away from him. "I.....lost the baby?"

"The harsh impact of you falling on your stomach made you lose the baby and cause you traumatic stress to your head and go into a coma."

I raise my hand to my forehead and touch it.

Then it crashes through me. I sit up so fast.

"Where's Jisoo?! Is she okay?! If I'm like this then—"

"Your wife had some complications but she is alive and healthy. I just notified her of your condition. She will be here shortly."

Reliefs floods me. "As long as everything is okay with her then I'll be fine."

And only 15 minutes later, I see Lisa looking pale but put together as she opens the door.

Jisoo walks in slowly, with a walking cane and tapping it against the ground in front of her.


Her cane hits the side of the hospital bed and she blinks but doesn't focus on me.

"Jisoo?" I ask in a small voice.

I see her immediately tear and cover her mouth as a sob comes out. She grips the edge of the hospital bed and says, "I....You're awake! I can hear your voice!"

I place my hand on top of hers. "Jisoo....." I feel pain go through me. "Your eyes....."

She shakes her head and sniffles. She laughs and wipes away her tears. "Yes Jennie. I'm blind."

I raise my hand and hold her face. I feel my lips tremble and take a deep breath and smile. "But you're alive."

I throw my arms around her neck and pull her into a hug. Both of us cry into the other and I hear the door close and Lisa leave.

I pull away and hold her face in my hands, rubbing away her tears. "I love you Jisoo."

Her eyes don't focus on me but she hesitantly leans forward and I understand before raising my lips and kissing her. She closes her eyes and I close mine as I take in her softness and warmth.

She pulls away with small panting breaths.

I drag my hand down her arm and place it back on top of hers as I lean back into the bed again. "Where's Rosie?"

Jisoo swallows and pulls out her phone. "Search up her name."

I swipe up her phone with no password and search for "Roseanne Park".

I feel my heart stop at the headline.

"Park Roseanne and Jung Samuel are the bombers behind the recent explosions that killed nearly 100 people."

I click on the older article and read.

Roseanne Park, or Jung Chaeyoung, and her brother Samuel Jung, or Jung Hae-In, are the key individuals to bomb a construction site being put under wraps, The Bowling Palace, and the tragic deaths at Olympic Park 2 weeks ago. Hae-In used his knowledge of weapons from his military training and was hired by General Jung without a proper background check. Chaeyoung used her relation to an agent to access classified files. Both of them were, unfortunately, able to infiltrate Special Forces and take information.

Chaeyoung and Hae-In have both died by suicide, gunshot wound and cyanide respectively.

I cover my hand over my mouth.

It was found out that General Jung was behind the bombings 15 years ago to gain his position before framing his first wife. Chaeyoung and Hae-In were his own children from his first marriage that he never revealed to the public and wanted revenge. He was arrested a week ago and will serve a life sentence for his involvement in the bombings 15 years ago. All of this came from a recording confession from Jung Chaeyoung shortly before she passed.

There will continued to be updates. Thank you for your time.

I drop the phone to my lap.

I don't think I've ever been at such a low point in my life.

I lost my baby.

I lost my best friend.

And I look at Jisoo and lift her hand off the edge and hold it tightly.

I swallow and ask, "H-How is Lisa?"

Jisoo shakes her head. "She's working it out. We buried Rosie with a gravestone for Chaeyoung Park. If you want, we can visit her. Lisa goes once a week to change the flowers on it."

I nod slowly as overwhelming sadness continues to wash over me.

Rosie and I have been the closest of friends for nearly 14 years. I met her as soon as I got into college.


"H-Hey," I say nervously and hold my hand out to the blonde next to me in the neighboring bed. "I'm new here and I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I'm Jennie."

She stares at me and then my hand and then turns away from me. "Sorry. I don't do social activity."

I deflate. "No it's....well alright." I drop my hand and turn around.

I come back the next day with some coffee. I hold my hand out. "Hi, I'm Jennie!"

She gives me a look. "How are you so fucking happy this early in the morning?"

I shrug. "I don't know. I have a lot to be happy about."

I look at her again and her expression is softer but she still turns away. "I'm a tea person."

I come back the next morning with tea and a chocolate chip muffin.

She looks at me. "You don't know when to quit do you?"

I smile and hold my hand out. "Hi I'm Jennie."

She stares at my hand and then looks at me. "I'm Ch—Roseanne. Park Roseanne. And I don't need anyone."

I smile wider. "Maybe you don't need anyone but I promise you that you won't regret getting to know me."

"I won't?" She questions. "I've been let down by a lot of people."

I grab her hand and shake it. "It won't be by me."

*End of Flashback*

I shake my head and rest a hand over my eyes. I hear Jisoo say, "She wanted me to tell you that she's sorry. She said that you never let her down. She let you and Lisa down."

I pull my hand from my face and take a shaky breath as tears fall down my cheeks relentlessly while I tried to hold them back in.

Rosie was always there for me. From getting me my first date to being the maid of honor at my wedding, she knew me better than I knew myself. She helped me come out of my shell and be more confident. She helped me understand my sexuality. I cried and she cheered me up. She cried and I cheered her up. We applied to the same job and both got in. We lived 10 minutes away from each other. When she was happy, I was happy. My heart just hurts learning that after so many much experiences shared.... she couldn't tell me all this about her. I feel as if I didn't know her at all. And yet....

I'll always love her as if she were my sister.

"I know it's a lot to take in," Jisoo replies softly and slowly. "But it's going to be okay."

I look at her and she just sees right through me.

No more of that loving gaze that travels across my face before smiling.

No more of how her looks made me feel something stir in my heart.

I can't help but cry at how my life has become.

To be continued 😉

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