Almost Normal

By Zenovia99

81.2K 4.6K 8.5K

Everyone has a story to tell, for me, this was just the beginning, and it all started with him. The boy with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 8

2.6K 167 205
By Zenovia99

A/N-Over 400 views? I am so thankful for all of you guys!! I really can't believe that it has only been three weeks and so many people have read it! So please keep reading and commenting so that I know you guys are enjoying the story! Happy Reading!-Zenovia

Armin's POV

Chapter 8

Classes were starting to take a toll on my sanity. All of my teachers were starting to crack down on homework and essays, since the end of the semester was approaching exceedingly fast. I was keeping up in most of my classes, but I was pulling a C in the class that mattered most to me, Creative Writing. 

"Why the hell are you getting a C?" Eren asked me one day. "I don't know. I am trying my hardest in her class, but on each assignment she always writes on my paper 'Look deeper' and I try to, but I can't seem to look deep enough for her liking." I huffed out. Eren started to squint his eyes a little bit, that's when I knew that he was thinking of something. 

"Why don't you go talk to her?" He said after a few minutes. I actually had never asked what she did mean by 'Look deeper' so I guess it wouldn't kill to question her about it. "Alright, I'll ask her tomorrow after her class." I said confidently. But as the bell rang to tell the students that class was over for the next day, I didn't feel confident anymore. It was actually kind of silly to be this scared of asking my professor a simple question because she was probably the nicest teacher on campus. She had strawberry blonde hair, and was on the short side, but she was very kind. We all called her Professor Petra.

I started to walk slowly to her huge desk. She was sorting through all of her papers so she didn't even notice that I was standing there, until I faked coughed. "Oh! Goodness Armin, you startled me." She squeaked out. "Sorry Professor Petra. Um I was wondering if I could ask you something about the grading on my papers recently." I said. "Of course! What are you inquiring about them?" She asked. "Well, on my most recent papers, you've been writing the statement 'Look deeper' and I'm not entirely sure what that's supposed to mean." I stuttered. She stared at me for a few seconds and then said "I knew you would ask me about that. Listen Armin, you are probably one of the most well written sophomores I have seen in a long while." She said. "Thank you." I said puzzled. "If she thought all of that, then why is she giving me C's on most of my papers?"  I thought. Petra continued, "With that being said, I think you are writing for the wrong reasons. You haven't found your touch yet. I think that you are writing to impress others around you. You are scared to write what you actually think, so you hold back. You skim the surface of what you actually want to put on paper. Mr. Arlert, I have been teaching for some time now, and I know that you can do exceptional things later in life with your talent, but you need to write what you think. Don't be afraid of what I will think, or what others will think. You need to look deep within yourself and think of what means the most to you. What are your fears? Your hopes? Your dreams? Armin, I will say this to you and to you only because I think you will understand what I mean." She looked at me with her big hazel eyes and said "Write like you have no words to speak."

As I was walking back to my dorm from my Creative Writing class, Professor Petra's words kept replaying in the back of my mind. "Write like you have no words to speak." "What the fuck was that suppose to mean?" I thought. I kept trying to understand her riddle, but I keep coming to dead ends in my mind. Now I really wasn't going to pass the final at the end of the semester. 

I pulled my fall coat closer to my chest. It was getting colder with each passing day, which means that I have to get in as much skating time as I can before it starts to snow. Eren has said that he would walk me to my classes during the winter so that I wouldn't be alone, after I told him that I wouldn't be able to skate anywhere anymore. Eren really is an exceptional friend. But he is more than a friend to me. I keep having dreams of him kissing me over and over again until a wake up, sweating all over. Sometimes I can't believe that I've actually fallen for the Emerald Eyed boy, in only a matter of a few months. Although, those months seem like years to me. Time seems to slow down every moment I'm with him. I chuckle to myself at the realization of a few things.

1. I, Armin Arlert, have got a fucking amazing best friend. 

2. I, Armin Arlert, have been captivated by my best friend for the months that we have been friends.

3. I, Armin Arlert, may not be in love with Eren yet, but I'm certainly falling unexpectedly fast for my best friend. 

I try and keep walking through all of my outrageous thoughts. But deep in my gut, I know that each and every one of them are true. I am falling for Eren, and I am enjoying every minute of it. I walk fast to my dorm so I can drop off my stuff and head off towards Eren's place. We both gave each other a key to our dorms since we were always at the other person's room. 

I finally got to Eren's dorm room after walking up all of the stairs, and put the key into the lock. I was greeted with silence. There looked to be nobody in the dorm room. All of the lights were turned off, but I saw clothes scattered all over the floor, along with Eren's backpack. "Eren?" I spoke throughout the dorm. I slowly walked into the room and then I saw that the bathroom light was on. I heard the sound of a shower and Eren's voice singing. I stepped quietly into the bathroom and called out his name once more. "HOLY SHIT!" Eren screamed. I heard multiple things fall from inside the shower and more swears were coming from behind the flowered curtain. "Oh my god, Eren are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" I apologized. I heard him grunt and put things back in their appropriate places. "It's okay, you just spooked me. I didn't even hear the door open. Just give me a second and I'll be right out." He said from behind the curtain. I stepped out of the small bathroom and sat on the bed. I fiddled with my thumbs while I waited for the brunette to come out of the bathroom, and when he did, my heart stopped.

He was clad in only a towel, that was hanging very loosely on his waist. His hair was dripping wet, and his chest was shimmering with all of the water on it. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't turned on by just the pure sight of him. My mind however, took a totally different vision of what the situation could've turned into. 

I suddenly imagined Eren walking towards me, very slowly, and grabbing my waist and then forcefully pressing my body up against the nearest wall. He put his lips on mine. Groaning and grinding in pleasure of just a kiss, I opened my mouth even more, to let the kiss deepen. He then started to tease me by kissing every inch of my body and all I could do is stand there and moan out in pleasure. I started to play at the towel around his waist and before I knew it, the fabric was laying on the ground. I started to touch him all over, my hands wandering everywhere, finding any sensitive spots and teasing him. Then my hands started to travel all the way down to Eren's d- 

"Armin? Hey Earth to Armin! Hey you okay, you look kinda pale, maybe you should lie down." Eren said while walking towards me. "NO!" I shouted. I realized that my face was steaming red, and that I was shaking a little bit from my fantasy. "Sorry, I guess I am just a little stressed out from class." I lied. Eren just shook his head in understanding. "Um, I'm just gonna go splash some water on my face, try and get all of my stress out..." I mumbled while I walked past him. I shut the bathroom door and heaved in relief. 

"What the hell was that?!" I thought. I usually had all of my thoughts in order whenever I was with Eren, but this time I really fucked up. I looked at myself in the small, fogged up mirror. I was still a little pink in the cheeks, but I looked more calm than I did just a few seconds ago. I splashed some water on my face and checked myself out in the mirror once more. "You need to stay calm. You can't be doing that every time you see Eren without a shirt on. Just stay calm and collected like you usually do." I muttered to myself in the mirror. I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom.

Eren was already dressed and ready for the day when I saw him. His hair was still damp from his shower, but other than that, he looked like his normal self. "You doing better?" Eren asked. I nodded my head and sat next to him. "So did you talk to your teacher after class today?" Eren pressed. "Yeah I did. It was weird, she said that I was one of her best students, but she said that I hadn't found my touch yet, and that I need to start writing for myself." I groaned out. "Like how am I supposed to do that? I have no idea what I am going to do. And then, for extra measure, she said "Write like you have no words to speak." and I have no clue what that's suppose to mean." I grumbled out. Eren just sat there, taking in everything that I said. Sometimes he didn't have much to say, but he was an amazing listener, and I couldn't ask for much more. 

"I think that in some way, she's right." Eren said. I looked at him with confused eyes. "I think that you are so worried about impressing yourself and others, that you are missing an amazing idea right in front of you. Write about the simplest thing that you can, and everything else will follow. You have the talent to write about anything. And hey, if all else fails, just write about what you're feeling. Just write. Never stop, and I mean never stop writing Armin. It doesn't matter what you decide to write that day, if it's about the color of the sky or about the impending destruction of Earth, it doesn't matter. At least you are writing something because the day you stop, might be the last day you ever write again. You never know what will happen, just keep writing. Please." Eren had a shimmering in his eyes, this always happened whenever he talked about something he was passionate about. "Okay, I will." I then proceeded to take out a spare piece of paper from my notebook and a pen. I shielded the page away from Eren so he couldn't see. When I was finished, it read 

"Random writing. Day one: Always knock before entering your friends bathroom, if not, bad things will occur."

"Ha Ha Ha" Eren chuckled. "See, it's not so hard. Just keep writing things like that everyday, and before you know it, you'll have your own book."  He playfully nudged me. "Ha, I will give you the first copy of the book." I said while nudging him back. I looked up at him and I was entranced by him once again. He was absolutely enchanting. Everything about him made me want to kiss him everywhere, all I want to do is care for him, to wrap him up in my arms and kiss him on the cheek. To tell him funny stories and just to love him. To be able to hold him when he is scared or looking for comfort, to hold hands with him whenever I want, just to do couple stuff. Because he is my everything, I feel lost whenever I'm not with him, I feel unstable, but when he is back at my side, I feel steady. He has made me stronger. He is like oxygen, and I am thankful for him every single day.

"Well" Eren sighed after a few minutes. "I don't know if I told you about this, but Sasha and Connie have invited us to a bonfire tonight. It starts at eight, do you want to come?" Eren asked. "Sure!" I replied. The both us started to get ready for the bonfire. We got a quick bite to eat before Sasha sent us the directions to where the fire was going to be.

Apparently, Sasha's grandparents lived at a small farm, and since they were out of town, Sasha took the opportunity to have a party here. When we were driving up to the place, we could smell the fire before we actually got there. It was huge. "Hey guys, glad you could make it!" Marco greeted us. We saw that Jean, Connie, Sasha, Ymir, Christa, Bert, Reiner, Hanji, Erwin, and Annie were also at the fire. There were boxes of graham crackers and bags of marshmallows strewn on the ground. "Wow, looks like you guys are really enjoying yourselves here." Eren exclaimed. "We are" Sasha said through a mouthful of s'mores.

The party was amazing, all of us were having a great time. The atmosphere was warm and happy. I even ventured out of my comfort zone and talked to other people besides just Eren. I found out that Bert and Reiner were in a steady relationship. Hanji was trying to do research on cures for Cancer in her private lab. I asked her if that was legal or not and she kind of just shrugged me off. And Annie was actually really friendly once you got to know her. She seemed very tough; which she was if you got her mad; but she wouldn't hurt a fly. Everything was going great. 

After all of the smores were gone, Sasha started to get restless, so Connie suggested that we play a party game. "Let's play Never Have I Ever!" Marco suggested to the group. I looked around at everybody and asked "Um, how do you play that?" "It's pretty simple" Annie explained. "All you do is hold out your hands, and somebody says something like "Never have I ever drank alcohol." then for anybody who has done that, they will put a finger down. Then that person has to explain their story of the event. The last person with the most of their fingers up, wins." She said. I thought that it was a pretty simple game so I joined in. 

All of us made a huge circle so that we could see everybody's hands. I was sitting in between Eren and Annie since I felt comfortable around the two of them. Marco started out the game. "Alright, never have I ever had a hangover." He stated. I looked around, and saw that Reiner and Jean had put one finger down. "Alright, I can explain, the only reason why it happened is because I was playing a drinking game and lost count of how many drinks I had." Reiner explained to the group. Jean said that he had a bad day last week and that he needed to forget that day ever existed. "But I really regret it, I won't ever drink to get drunk again." He said. 

Next up was Hanji. "Okay, never have a ever been arrested." We were all really shocked when we saw that Sasha put one of her fingers down. She was laughing so much she started wheezing. "Okay...wait I can explain." She huffed. "So when I was like maybe five, I had put a piece of candy from the checkout aisle in my pocket, and when I tried to leave the store, a whole bunch of alarms went off and security came over and put me in a little cell for children. They ended up having long discussion with my mom and dad. It was hilarious." She chuckled. There were laughs going all around as she got finished with her story. 

The next person was Christa. "Never have I ever cheated on a test." And the game went on and on like that. There were laughs going all around the campfire, and even though I hadn't put a finger down yet, I was still having a really good time. Eren was pretty close with me. He had nine fingers still up, and he only put one down when the question "Have you failed a class before?" came up. Then it came my turn to ask a question. I could think of only one thing in the world that I haven't done yet, but would like to. "Okay, um...never have I ever had a first kiss..." I said quietly. Every single person put a finger down for that one. "You've never had your first kiss Armin?" Eren asked me. I shook my head in disappointment. 

"We just might have to make some arrangements for that to change, won't we Sasha?" I heard Connie whisper over to the auburn haired girl. "Oh no. This can't be good." I thought. I really wasn't ready for Connie and Sasha to get involved in my love life, but I guess now that I have things figured out about my feelings with Eren, it's better late than never. The last person to ask a question in the game was Eren. "Okay, never have I ever had sex." He said nonchalantly. Jean, Marco, Ymir, Christa, Reiner, and Bert all put a finger down. By the looks of it, Marco was so red that you could have put a popcorn kernel on him, and it would have popped. "Hey! How bout we NOT go into detail about these stories!" Marco said to the group. "Why? Is it because you have so many sex stories with Jean, that we will stay here until sunrise by the time you're done telling them?" Connie retorted. Everybody laughed and Marco just got even more red, if that was possible. 

In the end. I was the winner of the game, with all of my fingers still standing. Eren came in a close second with eight. By the time that the party was over, it was already past midnight. Eren was driving me back home, and it was silent until Eren said "You know, having your first kiss isn't all it's cracked up to be." He looked at me in the passenger seat. "My first kiss has been the only kiss that I have had, and let me tell you, it was not pleasant. I was in like my junior year of high school and this girl that had been crushing on me for a long time actually asked me out. I said yes because I didn't want to hurt her. By the end of the date, I didn't know what to do, and she looked like she was expecting me to kiss her, so I just did. It was very quick, I don't even really remember how it felt. All I remember is that she tried to slip her tongue in my mouth and I accidentally bit it." I started to laugh, but then I stopped out of fear that Eren would get mad. "Hey, it's okay to laugh at that! I laugh at it sometimes. I eventually broke off the "relationship" with her, and that has been the extent of my love life." Eren said.  

"Trust me on this though, I wish I could have my first kiss again. I have always thought that a first kiss is supposed to mean something. You're supposed to feel wonder struck. Like everything finally makes sense when your lips meet, that you are suppose to feel this firework satiation all throughout your body, and you feel like a different person, and that in the middle of the kiss, you start to smile because you realize that you are deeply in love with the person in front of you. I think that's what a first kiss is supposed to be like. I just wish I could have that again. I'm glad that you can still experience that Armin." He smirked at me. 

I didn't say anything else on the way back home. I just sat there imagining what Eren's lips would feel like on mine. To be able to kiss somebody I...I...liked. Somebody I liked. I couldn't be in love with Eren yet. It was much to soon to determine all of that. Although, I wanted to experience everything that he had described. But I pressed all of my desires down until my urge to kiss him soon faded away. 

We pulled up to my dorm complex and we just sat there in the parking lot for a few minutes, listening to the music on the radio. "Well, I should probably go, I think that I am going to start writing tonight." I told Eren. "That sounds great Armin!" Eren said. I started to get out of the car until Eren pulled on my sweatshirt. "Armin, wait." Eren said. Before I could ask what he needed, I felt his lips on the top of my forehead. I couldn't move. My body was stuck in the position for what seemed like hours. His lips were soft and warm on my forehead. At first I was very tense, but my shoulders started to relax and I closed my eyes. This was better than any kiss on the lips. My eyes started to close and I breathed in Eren's aroma. I smiled into his kissing me. After he pulled away from me, he just smiled. His cheeks were a little flushed, but I didn't care. He had kissed me, even if it was just on my forehead. I felt like I was on a different planet. 

"Umm...sorry, I didn't mean to do that. Something just overcame me...and...I...uhh" Eren stumbled. "I love you too." I said to the brunette. "What?" Eren said. "I said, that I love you too. I could tell that you were looking for the right words to say, so you just kissed my forehead instead, as a way of saying I love you, so I am saying it back." I said while blushing. Eren just nodded his head in agreement. "Well, I should really go Eren. I'll see you tomorrow." I said. "Goodnight Blondie." Eren replied. Then he was gone in a flash of lights. 

I ran up the stairs and immediately put in my blue headphones. I went on my "Writing Melodies" playlist and shuffled through all of my songs until I found the right one by Ed Sheeran it was called "Even My Dad Does Sometimes." I got to my secret journal and for some odd reason, all of the words were flowing out of me like they have never done before.    

Day One

Everyone has a story to tell, for me, this was just the beginning, and it all started with him. The boy with the emerald eyes had me captivated with every breath he took. With every gaze I stole from him , he was stealing my heart without even realizing it. There's no stopping what's to come. All I know is this, we all have an ending in our story. Whether that's to be the hero who saves the princess or to be the lost boy, never to find his home again. Which ever ending we have, I only know this, I wouldn't mind if Eren was mine. 

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