Your Call | Call The Series B...

By Gabirae

635 43 4

New York City, anyone's dream or destiny to step foot in. Unless you were Aleah Franco, being tossed around f... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seven

31 2 0
By Gabirae

Death, the one thing that others fear. Elders, growing miserable just hearing about their age or the word surrounding death. Old age, cardiac arrest, drowning. Terrible things happen to people who didn't deserve it.

Funerals were family gatherings in this world. Either party celebrating someone's life. Or just to benefit from their money, things like that never became easier. In this case, a life lost made many people happy.

Mothers laughing happily, clapping and sipping their fancy branded wine. Others, holding one another close. Crying into their suit jackets, for me. I watched my father bury his wife. A life lived and deserved. Not worth staying for, she died when I turned seven.

Drugs, and alcohol, invading his entire system. He loved her, at least to some extent. At some point, he'd given his entire cold black heart to her pure and innocent one. By the time they had Angelo, my older brother. He left her to rot. "She is only good for children. Love makes you weak Mariana."

Did it ever really make you weak unless it affected others around you? Loving one person, finally building up her trust, holding up those walls. Showing her everything she's ever wanted. Having the child she's always wanted.

To only find out that if another pregnancy were to happen. Her life would be at risk. Wasn't she already risking her and her son's life for you? That's how he got his hands on me. Risky pregnancy and possible death. I showed up, gluing whatever sick fantasy my father had on life.

In retrospect, father wanted to show his wife everything. If somewhere on this sick twisted Earth. She watched you grow into this grotesque, sick, deranged psycho. Would she be happy?

Oh, right it's not like you had a say because you killed her. You shot your wife dead between the eyes. Listening to her cry for mercy, screaming at you in Spanish. Over one mistake, no more early morning hugs or kisses.

The way she would color with us on the floor. Laughing and teaching us new words in Spanish that week. No, all because she snooped through your office. A lifetime commitment cut short at thirteen years.

Is that really "dad" of the year material papa? Did you enjoy seeing Valentina drop to the floor? Watching her lifeless body collapse into your son's lap. The way Angelo wailed at the top of his lungs. Enough said, you know all too well of the demons you keep hidden so well in your closet...Mr. Hot Shot Lawyer.

And maybe I hoped someday I'd let my own demons play at yours. Payback's a bitch, and karma is given when deserved.

"Blue or yellow?" Ayden holds up the fabric, killing my daunting thoughts. "Green?" I question, a swift roll of her eyes and the shirt thrown into my face said enough. I laughed into the fabric pulling away.

"Sorry Ayds, you know I hate all of this stuff", I sway my arms over the entire pile of clothes. Already laid out for us. Ayden turns around swiftly, "Do you think I'm enjoying this?! I feel so out of place. I just need an outfit for the banquet tonight Mari". My eyes widened, shaking my head.

"Someone could hear you, hush". I say, Ayden throws her hands up in defeat. "Sorry, but, besides the point. I can't wear dresses, what can I even wear?" I shrug staring into the entire closet packed to the brim with fancy dresses.

Ayden Calisa Ivanov, my best friend, my soulmate. In all of the exhausting years I've had to live. This girl has made one hundred percent worth it. Especially having her come all the way to Italy and accompany us to some expensive banquet.

"What are you wearing?" Ayden's short hair bounces as she twirls around. "A dress I assume, something to cover up whatever the fuck this is". I point to my bandaged leg. Ah yes, my leg was looking especially sexy on this particular day.

Especially at a banquet trying to sell collectors' items. I can assure everyone that my leg will be the true selling point. Ninety percent off, a fucked-up chicken leg. Come and get it folks!

"Okay, I need you to dial in here Leah. Red, green, yellow, what are we thinking?" Ayden chimes in, I stared at her then into the closet. I stood up hobbling over scanning through the many dresses and whatever else could have been packed in this small wardrobe.

My hands are smoothing over a dress shirt. I picked it up staring at the embroidering near the cuffs reading E.B. I tossed the button up watching it smack Ayden in the face.

A black blazer, black slacks and a red handkerchief. "Now here's something to look at". I bit my bottom lip turning back around handing her the rest.

"Put your money where your mouth is and go get dressed". Ayden scolds, rolling her eyes. A devilish smirk masking my emotions. "Do not threaten me with a good time please", I wink towards Ayden.

Earning a slipper thrown in my direction. "You know I like when you're feisty!" I yell back, watching Ayden ignore what I had to say. By shutting the bathroom door. I snickered to myself before turning back and staring at the wardrobe.

Did I really have to go? A part of me dreaded going anywhere near Marco or even being in the same vicinity for more than a few hours. So, could I pretend to be sick? I'm sure I could hack up a lung if I inhale –.

Nope, alright dresses. A red one catching my eye, I picked it up. Going right to change, humming to myself out of content.

The ruffles attenuating my shoulders, the cleavage cutting down through my chest: right near my abdomen. I stared at myself in the mirror, noticing the two slits on either side. Just enough to gain little access to my messed-up leg.

How could I possibly cover up that? "Ayds!" I call out, hearing loud footsteps coming from around the corner. A wolf whistle breaks the silence. "You look good". Ayden said, looking into the mirror I watched as she stood behind me.

The rose gold necklace falling in front of me. A charm greeting me, "Ayds" I say lovingly staring at the infinity symbol. "Nope, don't start." Her eyebrows knitted together hard at work, trying to clasp the necklace links together.

"Now, for your leg" She huffs out a breath, planting a small kiss on my cheek. "We all know you have a knee fetish, if you want to peak you can my love. I won't tell", I wink through the mirror only to be met with a slap to the arm.

"You just kissed me two seconds ago! Now you're hitting me?!" I exclaim throwing my arms up in the air. Ayden laughs, throwing her head back. A knock causing both of us to stop our antics.

"Come in!" I yelled watching the door open and my jaw could have dropped to the floor right then and there. Marco walked through the door all tidied up. Someone take me out with a semi, Marco actually looks attractive.

"If you're going to ask, no, you can't join in on the orgy." Ayden gawked at me, slapping me directly in the back of the head.

While I keeled over laughing, my hands were holding onto my knees. Marco looked at either of us dumbfounded. "Behave yourself M-Aleah!" Ayden almost slips, I stopped myself, shooting her a glare. "What do you need, Sir?" I changed the subject, looking up at Marco.

"We're leaving in five", Marco says, still on edge about my comment. I respond by throwing my thumb in the air. A cheeky smile follows right behind it. Marco exited before anything else could be said. I sighed going right for the first pair of boots I could see.

"Did all my makeup and hair for me to only end up wearing some boots. How unfortunate". I mumble, adding a groan. Ayden, breaking out into a chuckle. The leather thigh highs being zipped up. I grabbed my bag, with a healthy smile following.

"To the chariot that awaits, M'lady" I spoke with a posh accent. Ayden sighs, holding me close to her.

The drive to the banquet made me want to stab both of my eyes out. With a fork, I didn't know who I wanted to stab more. Adrian or Marco, even though – admittedly Marco redeemed himself in looks.

Adrian, sat cracking jokes the entire time. Prying at personal matters, or things that should have stayed hidden.

We entered the banquet hall, the large chandeliers and colored glass windows invited us in. People amongst the crowd mingling, making business deals. Or trying to sell off their next new "show stopping" sex worker.

"Alright, I think I've seen enough for tonight. Time to go?" I question looking up at Ayden. "Hush", she whispers, leaning in closer so no one could hear. Marco followed closely behind, stopping whenever to talk to the wrinkled old rich snobs.

Thankfully, he didn't force me into any conversation. Marco somehow let me stay by Ayden. All the way until we reached our table. Manilla cards, with writing on them. Showing our names, "Shit they got my name card wrong".

I joke, watching Ayden look at me – confusingly. Her eyes following to the cursive lines, "No thats – fuck off". She stops, scoffing, sitting down at her assigned seat. The fresh smell of hourderves being passed around filling my nose.

"God, I would do anything to eat right now". Ayden nudged me over to one of the appetizers on the table. "Can't where's Marco?" I asked, feeling a strong hand grip my shoulder. Squeezing it lightly.

"I'm going to go out on a limb and say he's directly behind you". Ayden said with a smile. My eyes wandered to the tall figure behind me. He hovered over me, if someone could take the bait and knock me out right now. That would be nice.

"What?" He eyes me up and down. I'm dead, this is what death feels like. "Nothing Sir, sorry" I turned back around trying to catch my breath.

"Aleah", Marco warns in a low husky tone. "Hm?" I hum, turning back around almost having a full blown heart attack. Our faces dangerously close. "Use your words", well Mr. Grumpy Pants.

I'm afraid that if I open my mouth it's going to brush against yours. Even then, I can't stop gawking at you. Fucking hormones.

"Just following rules, Sir" I explain he nods, not taking another second looking at the appetizer tray. He grabs a piece, "the rule is?" He asks, looking directly into my eyes.

"I'm not allowed to eat when – " Marco shut me right up by putting the small appetizer in my mouth. Before I could react, Marco leans in closer than he already should have been. Biting the half that hung out of my mouth.

"All yours", Marco walks away without another word. I turned around in my seat. Blinking rapidly, trying to finish whatever was in my mouth. Ayden sat there sipping a cocktail.

"Going off a limb here, and guessing that he's formally invited to the orgy?" Ayden jokes, I slapped her hand shooting her a glare. My face turned into a tomato by the second. "Not to rain – on your parade but, section forty-eight is pretty jealous".

My head turned behind me, a frustrated Danielle standing there next to her father. "Listen, whatever you do. Don't start shit tonight". Ayden begins, I turn towards my best - friend with a smile.

"Eye eye captain", the one question replaying in my mind. Wondered why Marco did that? Is it one of his many moods? Maybe the stars have aligned in my favor for the first time in a while? Whatever he had planned. Made me want to smoke the biggest cigarette of my entire life.

"We now ask everyone to join us in the Sensuale Dance!" A woman announces in a thick accent. I watched as every older man brought their young wives up to dance. "Dance?" I asked Ayden, she shook her head firmly no.

"I can't dance to save my life", she chuckles to herself. I nod, continuing to eat myself into the next plate of appetizers.

"Principessa", A voice called out, my mouth is stuffed with food. Marco looked at me from across the table. Jesus, how flattering you must look Mariana. "Dance?" A part of me didn't want to go. Ayden's eyebrows wiggling up and down. You're not going to live this down Ayds.

His outstretched hand and soft gaze. Put me into a chokehold. "Uh, sure", I stand up wiping my mouth, throwing the napkin back down. Taking Marco's hand, while he guided us to the dance floor.

Marco's hand grasping my waist, bringing me closer. My arms intertwined behind his neck. "Danielle, is a good candidate for this, why not ask her?" My question drew out a long sigh from him.

His nostrils flaring, "Last time I checked, you're an Esposito. Your social class levels are a bit off" He whispers, never taking his eyes off mine. I scoff, rolling my eyes slightly. Marco seemed off, what's going on?

Our bodies sway back and forth to the music. Listening to the instruments played. Marco seemed like a decent human being for once. That is until I remembered his rules. I threw the rules into the back of my mind.

It's only to make Danielle jealous. The music slowly began to slow, our movements getting sloppier. "Ready?" He questions, I hesitate before pushing out a hum. His arm secured around the small of my back.

The other holding my neck, my body whips to the side. His body dipping into mine as I lean into his. I could feel my heart thump out of my chest, I gasp in shock.

Our eyes crossed paths, our lips only inches from each other. People clapping, and cheering. "Danielle's watching", he muses. "Give her a show", I speak, a smirk piling onto my face. His lips, curling into a smile. His lips push down into mine, feeling the full force of passion and lust.

Hunger, aching at him. His stubble, brushing against my chin. I felt heat rushing towards my cheeks. I hesitate hearing everything in my body call a full S.O.S. Yet, I did say let's give her a show. Marco did take up on my offer. Not what I expected.

"Fuck", he groans pulling away from me. Marco pulled me back up to stand. "Uh..." I manage to rumble out. A part of me is still confused if whatever happened just happened.

I just swapped saliva with the Devil himself. His head resting into my shoulder. Huffing out a slew of words into the ruffled silk.

"That dress is distracting", he manages to get out. "The boots kinda gave it all away".

"It looks good, try not to wear it again. It's distracting". Marco warns, he turns acting as if nothing happened. He fixes his suit, grabbing my wrist. "Shit", Marco makes eye contact with someone pausing for a moment.

"We have to go talk to someone". Marco grabs my hand without another thought. Dragging me to whoever was mingling amongst the crowd. That is until we stopped in front of three gentlemen. Frankly, having no clue of who they were.

"Marco Esposito, so good to see you" One of the younger ones spoke up. "Likewise, this is my apprentice Aleah". Marco introduces me to the others. Most of them eye-ed me like I'm fresh meat.

"I didn't know we kissed apprentice's, Marco?" The older man spoke, taking a hold of his designer cane.

"New rules, these days sir". Marco spoke without hesitating. The younger one pauses before extending his hand.

"Arturo Russo, nice to meet you". He greets me with a fake smile, I smile back shaking his hand. He looked way younger than both men, his brown curls draping over his forehead. "Good to meet you too".

You assume when people introduce themselves it's full of excited hello's. Somehow, this felt different. The Russo name, being popular and common.

Hell, I spent most of my life as a Russo. Hearing that name hadn't made me think for even a second.

Arturo seemed immature. A whole life ahead of him spent working for the mafia. He wasn't older than eighteen.

Whoever this older man is. Seemed to not take his eyes off me. Or his boy, admittedly, I could have pulled out a gun or something.

But, it's a banquet, no one here has weapons. The older man shoves the younger one back. Getting into my view, piercing blue eyes glaring into my hazel ones.

"You must be new", he speaks down towards me. "No sir, I've been here for a while". I respond, he tweaks out a sinister smirk.

"Have you, and I've never seen you before?" His eyebrows are raising. I happen to shake my head no. Watching that hand extend towards my direction.

"Well, since you've been here for so long. I'll introduce myself. Alonzo Russo, nice to meet you". Everything around me comes crashing down the moment his name leaves his mouth. I looked up at the older man, noticing a faint scar on his cheek.

His face wrinkled and clearly broke him in his old age. The disgruntled look on his face made me recognize him faster than I did before. A small smile curled into his lips, while I shook his hand.

In my time as an escapee, I didn't think anything could lead me down a steeper and darker road. Faster than the man before me could. His eyes staring into my soul depicting them.

If he is still the smart Mr. Hot - Shot Lawyer that I remember. His eyes would see the fearing and scared child behind them. Staring at him in horror.

I would do anything to run. Just run Mariana, take your little fucked up legs and go.

But, I couldn't keep my eyes planted. Waiting to devour me whole and make sure I couldn't get away from his grasp. Keep me in his sick twisted mind games that he enjoyed for fun. Is this what he's making this poor boy do? Is Arturo the victim in his game?

My heart ached staring at the man in front of me. His eyes daunting nativity, he knew nothing. Deep down he knew, he saw that little girl in me who was at his beck and call. Valentina, it'd be a miracle if I don't join you tonight.

The sinister look he changed too while examining every square inch of the decade and a half that he missed.

Mine, remembered who he was and what he did. Alonzo, is a vindictive, egotistical, pervert. Who loved nothing more than to take matches to my skin.

Some part of me is thankful that I made it this far. Without his chants, forcing me to do things. Watching me suffer at his own will. While he laughed maniacally, in the corner smoking whatever could get him higher in the moment.

Marco stood right next to me without a clue. He knew nothing, he heard a small snippet of who Arturo is. Not the name, or relations towards him.

Just from that little bit alone, made this situation worse.

So, we've finally met again...father

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