Nothing Like The Rest | 18+


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𝚆𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚖𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚛, 𝚜𝚘 𝙸 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍'𝚟𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛. More



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Asialyn B. Duncan
Las Vegas, Nevada|

I stared blankly at the plate of food in front of me.

An hour ago, after Mondo showed me the closet, he told me Keenan was here, along with Sky and the rest of the boys. I cant even explain how relived I felt and how greatful I was for Raimondo. He had saved him just as he said he would, Sky too.

We hadn't even noticed she'd gone missing last night.

Keenan was in Mondos guest room down the hall recovering from Chriss injuries. I was hesitant on seeing him for the first time in a long time all beat up. Mondo probably could see right through me and as always he made me feel better.

"You dont have to rush anything bambina, hes okay. How about we eat first yeah?  Then we can go see him together if you want—Everyones here in the kitchen, you hungry?" I nodded my head yes even though I wasnt, all I could really think about was what Keenans reaction would be once he seen me.

He probably hates me for putting him through this.

I couldn't even forgive myself...

How could he ever look at me as anything other than bad luck.

I entered the dining room quietly and sat down at the head of the table next to Mondo. Quin, Beam, Twan and Sky sat to the left on his side, closest to furthest. Roman sat on my side by himself, paying no mind to anyone in front of him as he tapped away on his phone.

I looked down at the plate in front of me, no interest whatsoever. I didnt want to be rude, honestly it was the best looking spaghetti Ive ever seen in my life. I could tell this was a real Italian meal it smelled and looked amazing, and I could tell the noodles and sauce were made from scratch...shit was definitely not Olive Garden. But I didn't have the appetite for anything.

I couldnt help but feel awkward at the absolute silence at the table. I at least expected Quin to start talking about what happened or where they'd found Chris.

Instead, Q kept his head down, staring at his plate, he hadnt even made eye contact with me. He didnt even look my way when I walked in—now that I think of it none of them did.

I noticed Beam had his fork in his hand, but he had just been endlessly twisting the noodles around, he didnt even look like he was about to take a bite, more like he was just playing in his food—Plus, him out of all people hadnt said a word.

That wasnt like him at all. Beam always has some bullshit to spit even when no one wanted to hear his dumbass.

I don't think im tripping...

Everyones acting weird.

I thought we'd all have little smiles on our faces since Chris was no longer a problem or at least be a little more happier now that the monster was somewhat taken care of.

Even Twan seemed off.

Unlike the rest of them its not like he was doing things out of the ordinary, he just held a sad look on his face. Sky sat next to him silently eating a little of the pasta in front of her bit by bit, her head hung down.

Thats when it really started to hit me.

I was the most terrible friend in the world.

I didn't even notice Sky was missing, and her life was on the line. I should've checked in on her to see if she'd made it home after she'd helped me get ready for my date with Mondo. But here I was, my mind clouded by a man while someone important to me almost loss their life because I was to busy thinking of myself.

Mondo rested his right hand on my left thigh and moved his thumb back and forth sweetly. He hasnt touched his food, was he not hungry either?

So far, the only one actually eating was Roman.

I took a bite of the garlic bread in front of me and forced myself to swallow, feeling the tears start to build in my eyes. I looked up to Q, Twan and Beam to see them all follow along, finally taking a bite from the food in front of them.

Were they waiting on me to eat?

Why the fuck is no one talking?

I want to know what happened.

At this point id rather eat in Keenans room and sit next to his unconscious body than continue this awkward ass silence....

As if Quin could hear my thoughts I watched him look up at me for a second before looking away again.

"Q... Is he dead?" I spoke to him taking his attention away from his plate, not missing Twan and Beams attention to my words.

It was clear I would have to do the questioning right now if I wanted some answers.

"Hes alive Lyn.." He answered me then looked down again just as before. Ive never seen him so mopey.

"Quin, Whats wrong?" I stared at him—but he still didnt look back up at me. I stopped and looked around at everyone. Pausing on Sky to see her head still down—tears fell from her eyes into her lap. I couldnt control the tears i'd been holding run down my face at the sight of her. Seconds later she was now full on crying silently—her head in her hands. This was my fault.

I shouldve noticed her absence sooner.

Who knows what kind of shit happened to her while she was with him. Not only did Chris go as far to find and Kidnap my brother—He had taken her as well, I couldnt even imagine how scared she was.

"Sky" I called out her name softly, gaining her and everyone elses attention—I heard a small gasp escape her lips at my voice before she looked up at me slowly.

"Did he hurt you?" I pushed my words out sadly my tears now blocking my vision. I was scared to get an answer.

My heart felt heavy when Sky didnt respond to my question, instead she broke out into a fit of sobs that crushed my heart into pieces. Mondos grip tightened on my leg as I abruptly stood up.

I didnt care if we were at the table, my best friend was hurting. Its not like anyone was eating anyway.

Not even a second later I was at her side, sat on my knees next to her chair. I looked up to her tear stained face and held her hands that rested in her lap.

"I dont know how I could ever forgive myself if something had happened to you—I've been a terrible friend" I cried out to her.

"Im so sorry Skyler, I should've noticed right away"Our sobs were the only noise in the room.

"None of this is your fault Asia—Please dont cry."

"How could I not??? You were kidnapped Sky! Ima fucking kill that nigga!" I Banged my hand on the dinner table frustrated. I watched Roman jump a little in the middle of his bite of spaghetti at the sudden impact. I was losing my mind at the thought of the extent this nigga Chris went to just to hurt me.

"Where he at?" I looked at Mondo still sitting down in his chair, a shocked look on his face.

Im ready to fuck Chris ass up. 

And Im not playin.

Mondo stood up and made his way to me, a small smile laced on his face.

"No! Please, Raimondo wait" Sky spoke up loudly standing up from her seat. Making Mondo still himself behind me. Hell we waiting for?

"Asia I-I-I.." Sky fumbled over her words. Whats the problem?

Out of everyone I thought she would be more enthusiastic about this.

"I have to tell you something"  Her tears flowed carelessly down her face, the top part of her white shirt now soaked clearly showing the light pink sports bra she was wearing underneath.

Ive never seen Sky this way, other than sad she looked..scared? She was jittery, like she was falling apart in front of me and I was starting to get concerned now.

What did he do to her?

"Sky. What is it?" I reached for her hands to comfort her, only for her to pull away quickly. "Wha—?" I looked to her confused by her actions.

"I know you gone hate me for this Asia."

"—But I love you. Youre my best friend, and I  never wanted you to find out this way!" Her words panicked and rushed.

I felt my heartbeat start to increase in my chest at her words, why would she think Id ever hate her? I looked around to everyones faces, Q was the only one not looking our way.

"Find what out?" I looked at her twisting my face not understanding where she was going with this, I felt my underarms start to tingle from the nervousness. What the fuck is she getting at?

"I slept with him Asia."

I jerked my head back and turned around to look at Raimondo standing closer to me.

"WITH MONDO?" My eyes wide. I heard choking and I turned to look behind me again to see Roman reaching for his glass of water in front of him then back to Sky.

"NO, No!!" a frightened look on her face and her hands up in defense.

"I-I slept with Chris" She began to cry and looked down at her feet ashamed.

Im sorry what?

..Do my ears deceive me?

I looked over at Q, Beam, and Twan who already had sad eyes on me.

Oh, this hoe serious?

"It, um. It happened a few times—We"


She stopped for a second to breath before continuing. "It was in your bed. I-I dont have any excuses Lyn, I made a mistake!! Im so sorry."


"From the bottom of my heart Im sorry Asia, If I could take it back I wou—"

I didnt even realize what I was doing, I'd jumped on top of her knocking her off balance flat on her back before she could even finish the sentence.

"You dirty bitch!" My punches connected with her face back to back—my right fist swung quickly and rough, landing blows repeatedly. I don't give a fuck anymore. I was tired of everyone doing me dirty and Sky was the last person on this planet who I would think to do some snake shit like this.

She got one good hit in connecting with my mouth—I felt my teeth get caught on the inside of my lip. But I ate that shit, I wasnt about to let up. I felt Sky's legs begin to kick trying hard to get me off her connecting one with my stomach—pissing me off more.

"Awwh shitt" and "Asia stop!!" Fell from the mouths of the men in the room around us seconds before I felt four strong arms trying to pry me off her "You gotta chill Lyn" I heard Quin's voice in my ear, but my hand was already gripped tightly in her bitch ass head. Her hair was double wrapped around my left fist while my right fist continued to pop her in the face from below.

"IM SORRY LY—" She cried out before another hit to her mouth cut off her sentence. She lifted her arms up instantly to block my right hand from landing anymore.

Move yo hand bitch.

"YOU SUPPOSED TO BE MY FUCKIN FRIEND!" My tears started to cloud my vision again out of frustration. I felt Beam and Twans hands work together to lift my fingers up one by one from my death grip on her now fucked up bob.

Q stood behind me along with Mondo keeping my right hand in place to stop me from sending more punches off.

On my life!

Give me five minutes with this bitch in the bathroom.

"Im sorry Lyn!! I messed up"

"Fuck you hoe. You aint sorry" I yanked my left arm back quickly watching her lace start to rip and lift.

I wanna rip this hoe face off.

Twan got my last finger up making me give up and let go, unwrapping her hair from between my fingers.

"I never wanted to hurt you" She looked at me broken, standing behind Twan and Beam with tears in her eyes. I could already see the bruises forming on her face, her blood stained teeth as she talked gave me pleasure and the blood dripping from her nose onto the marble floor made my heart happy.

Girl fuck you.

I couldnt do anything but look down at my feet, my heart tearing in two—pounding in my chest.

"I wouldve NEVER done no shit like this to you" I looked back up at her, pain clear in my voice my body still shaking as I stood in place from the adrenaline. 

Now I was the one filling the room with cries. I felt arms wrapped around me from behind and knew instantly it was Mondo.

So, this is why everyone was acting so damn weird.

I moved Mondo hands from around me watching his face grow sad from the action. It was nothing about him. I was just upset right now and the last thing I wanted was to be touched. I wanted to be alone.

"Fuck you, Sky" Was the last thing I said.

I Looked her dead in the eyes and watched everyone look at me with different emotions on their faces I didn't care to decipher before turning around and walking out the room slowly—Headed toward Mondo's room.

Yeah, That was my last straw.

🦋Thank you if you made it here! 🥹♥️♥️♥️♥️🫶🏾
WHEWWW YALL. 🦋🫂 I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! It's a lot to unpack so let's begin....😩

Was Asia wrong for that beating on Sky?

Would you forgive Sky?

Which character do you relate to the most at the dinner table?


You want face claims for Raimondos main men? (Mario, Gio, Angelo, Sergi, Rudy, Artur)

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