First Awakening

By NotMyself24

4.4K 97 5

Elizabeth Rivers has had a rough past. Her father abusing her, her family abandoning her, living in the woods... More

1: The Art of Getting By
3: Imprint?
4: Long Nights and Fireflies
5: Wild Fire
6: Questionings
7: Hypnotic
8: Living Hell
9: Nearing Summer's End
10: Secrets
11: Counting Spells
12: Drifting (Part One)
13: Drifting (Part Two)
14: Not that Innocent
15: Awakening

2: The In Between

572 13 1
By NotMyself24

Jake and I have been walking for what seems to be hours. He keeps saying that we aren't close, but not far either. The in between. The in between state of a journey, always the longest. You seem to never move, just stand still, the world around you continues its journey. Time just stands still.

"We're here." Jake says.

"Why are we behind Sam and Emily's?" I ask.

"For this." He whispers and grabs a rock. He picks it up and chucks it at the house. I smile and do the same.

"What the fuck is that!?!" Sam's voice booms.

"Follow me." I whisper to Jake and start climbing a tree. He looks at me and shakes his head. "Come on, it's the only out." I whisper again. He starts climbing and the door slams.

"Come on out!" Sam's voice booms again. Jake and I snicker quietly from the top if a pine tree. He looks up the tree and turn around. "Jared!" Sam growls. Jake and I start down the tree.

"We just got him killed didn't we?" I ask.

"Probably, oh well." Jake replies.

"Come on." I motion him to follow.
Childhood isn't from birth to a certain age. It's from birth until a person finally decides to give up on childish things.
The woods is a peaceful place, draws me back to sanity- like an anchor. My wild side is designed to enjoy the calming landscape of the forest. The serenity in the animals. The beauty of the beast. We still have no idea of what I am. Only that I'm something tied to the ways of nature. So many possibilities, so many wild supernatural breeds. Yet so little tame. A world of the unknown. A fear of those who are, and of those who can never be. I feel so far from the ties of the supernatural, but never have I felt safer in the other than when I am connected.

"Some people think that the biggest animals are the deadliest, yet even a simple touch from the smallest of flees can be fatal." I say guiding Jacob through the wood. "You have to make a bear or cougar angry before it becomes lethal."

"You learned all this from 6.5 years in the woods?" Jake asks rubbing his fingers against bark from a willow tree.

"Six and three quarters if you want to be technical. And yes, I did. Some was just from the simple bond between human and animal, others from sheer knowledge, some from experience." I reply leaning against the tree and sighing.

"Well, with what you know it could bring us one step closer to finding out what you are." He pauses. "Maybe even help finding the secrets of nature."

"Where the hell did that come?" I giggle.

"I have no freaking idea!" He chuckles.

"Come on, let's go home." I take his hand and lead him through the woods back to the house.
I slowly open the front door to the house and try to make it to mine and Jake's room undetected.

"Jacob." Billy says. "We need to talk." Billy looks at me and smiles, I smile back and then look at Jake. He nods his head toward the room and a let go of his hands, then continue back to the room. I press my ear against the door.

"Why did you attack Leah?" Billy asks firmly.

"I got mad and lost control." Jake says trying to keep his cool.

"Son." Here we go. "You need to keep a grip on your animal. What if you lose control with Elizabeth? Do you remember what happened to Emily? Sam got mad, lost control. Emily was too close."

"I remember, and I'm calmer around El. So I highly doubt that I'll lose control around her."

"Jacob things can still happen. Like with Renesme. Edward and Bella still haven't heard from her after the bond broke. It is a strong and willing force, but not unbreakable." Billy says sternly

"I know!" Jake snaps. I quickly move away from the door and sit on the bed. The door flings open and Jake comes in pacing. He's shaking, badly.

"Jake." I say sympathetically. "Calm down." I stroke his arm. He grabs the computer chair and sits with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. I turn so that I face him.

"El, d-don't get too close." Jake warns.

"You won't hurt me." I state taking one of his hands in both of mine. He looks at me and his face softens. "See." He takes his hand away from his face and intertwines our hands together.

"I know." Our lips lock, my heart skips a beat. Did we just? Oh God. I pull in closer to him and we come up for air. A smiles cracks on my face. His hands meet my waist, and we kiss again. Footsteps near us and we pull back. I scoot back on the bed and stare at the ceiling. Jake turns towards the desk and shuffles through stuff.

"Supper is almost ready." Sue says. I look over and smile, she smiles back.

"Okay." Jake replies and Sue walks off and shuts the door behind her. He looks at me and smiles.

"What?" I ask. He chuckles and rolls over to me. I sit up and pull toward him. His hands meet my waist again, mine slide up his arms and to his back. Our lips meet again. My heartrate increases. Jake can tell and pulls back.

"You know what." He replies and pecks my cheek.
"About earlier, was that your first kiss?" Jake asks. I smile and nod, slightly embarrassed. "Wanna try again?" He puts his hands on my waist. I bite my lip.

"I wanna try something else." My hands make their way to the back of his neck. Our lips meet and move perfectly in sync. Jake unbuttons my shirt and throws it on the floor. I pull his shirt off over his head. We kiss again as I push him down on the bed...

********Morning After********

I wake up with Jake's arm draped over my waist and my back against his bare chest. Shit. What the fuck happened last night? I look at him and smile. His dark brown hair is a mess. I grab clothes and go take a shower. I let the water run down my toned body before washing. First my body, then my hair. I let the water run down my body before getting out. I slip on my bra and underwear, then my denim short shorts and a black spaghetti strap tanktop. I brush my hair and apply a thin layer of foundation, mascara, and pink lip gloss. I walk back into the bedroom and Jake has already gotten up. I walk out to the living room and plop down beside him on the couch folding my legs up under each other. His intertwines with mine.

"It's Friday!" Seth squeals like a prepubescent girl at a One Direction concert.

"What's so great about low tide? You can't really do anything. I mean you can still catch crawcrabs." I scoff.

"What did you do during lowtide in the winter?" Quil asks.

"You just have to go out about 15 and freeze your ass off." I reply.

"Don't get worked up kid, people these days don't know what it's like to live of the land." Billy says. I smirk in victory.

"Bitch." Seth mutters. I feel Jake's hand tense.

"Yup." I pop the 'p'. Seth glares at me.

"Lay one finger on her and I'll-" Jacob snaps."Kick his ass." I cut him off.
I walk out and sit on a rock. My feet dangle of thee edge, my toes barley touching the water. The rest of the pack, the ones that imprinted at least, are playing on the shore. Seth, Quil, Jacob, and Leah just sit on logs. Then there's me, sitting alone, on a rock, in the water. I watch the water below me as I get on my knees. I roll up my sleeves (Jacob gave me his flannel before we left) and lean over the edge of the rock. I swing my hand down and catch a crawcrab. I make my way to shore and drop the poor crawcrab down Seth's shirt. He jumps up an struggles to save the crawcrab. I sit on my knees behind Jake draping my arms over his shoulders and rest my chin in his head. I look up to see Seth throwing his shirt off. I run over and grab the crawcrab and take it to water. I climb up on a rock and stare off into the sunset. It's the most beautiful shade of pink and orange. Birds flying to the horizon. The sun perfectly on the water. I pull my legs to my chest and rest my chin in my knees.


She just sits there on the rock. Staring off into the horizon. Elizabeth is- different, she always tries to be alone. Last night I was stunned. She normally shy, but last night, last night she was herself for once. Either that, or she was caught up in the moment.

"Jake, snap out of it dude." Quil's voice pops in my head.

"Ya know, Quil. I wish I could. I have to worry, I imprinted." I say.

"You can snap out of it, think about her being happy. It'll help keep you from worrying too much." Jared chimes in.

"Don't listen to him. Just don't worry as much." Now Leah thinks that she can play around in my head.

"To think you would've already stopped being such a bitch." I snap back in her head.

"And to think you'd stop being an ass!" Leah growls at me.

"At least I don't randomly play around in my ex's head because I can't get over him!" I bark. I know bringing up her and Sam is crossing the line, but it just slipped out. Oh well, she could learn to stop being the biggest bitch on Earth. I look up and Elizabeth's still staring off at the sky, the sun already sunk below mountains. "El, let's go!" I call.


I'm still staring at the sky even though the sun has set. "El, let's go!" Jake calls. I jump down and walk onto shore. I slip on my flip-flops and get on the back of Jake's motorcycle. He hands me the helmet, Jake gets on as I wrap my hands around his waist. Then we take off into the night.

This is my second Wattpad book. The other will become a series as well. After I finish this book, I'll start book 2 for the other one. This is my first Twilight Fanfic though. So I hope you enjoy...

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