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By booksxswiftie

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เชœโ€โžด "๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ท๐˜ช๐˜ญ ๐˜ช๐˜ด ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ญ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ'๐˜ด ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต ๐˜ข ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ต๐˜ต๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ ๐˜ธ๐˜ช... More

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By booksxswiftie


                            "Mastermind by Taylor Swift"

"Well well....," he comes forward to stand right in front of me, looking down at me with a smile. "Spare your words, I neither have the time nor the desire to argue right now." I say exhaustedly, crossing my arms. "Who said I wanted to argue? I just wanted to ask what you're doing here. It's late." his hands slowly slide into his pockets. "No shit sherlock. And what I do is none of your business."

I try to walk away but both his strong hands find my waist pulling me towards him to the point where I'm feeling his chest on my back.

"I saw you in the gym, you know?"he whispers in my ear, causing a shiver down my spine.

I freeze in place as the words leave his mouth and his hands find my hips. He gently pushes my hair away, so that the left side of my neck is exposed to him. I swallow hardly and feel his hot breath stinging on my neck.  "What...what are you talking about?" I turn around to get away from the awkward situation and look at him. His amused face is making me want explode, it's tempting and I hate it.

"Oh, I think we both know exactly what I'm talking about. You fucked yourself in the gym..." he looks me straight  in the eyes, giving me a feeling of discomfort and something else, something I can't quite decode. My body automatically spins around and I start to walk away because frankly...I don't want to do this. But I guess I will have to since I hear his footsteps following right behind me. "What a terrible use of words..." I put my hands in the pockets of my coat as I hear him chuckling. "What? You'd rather have me saying masturbated? enjoyed yourself? We're not fifty year olds, flower girl. Now don't you think it's rude to walk away in the middle of a conversation?"

My feet find their stop, once again, but this time it's Descamps who walks in front of me. "Much better don't you think?" he smiles at me and I raise my eyebrows at him, biting the inside of my cheek. "You must've imagined it, because I didn't do anything..."

Remember when I said that Descamps was a shit liar? Well, in the end we do have something in common because I am too. "Oh really?" he steps forward and raises his hand at which I slightly flinch, not conscious of what he is going to do. This time, slower and more gently, he touches my lower lip with his thumb. I feel the goosebumps prickling on my arms, as I look up at him and see his expression.

Descamps is looking at my lips -at his finger, with a concentration I had never seen before. Once his thumb leaves my lips, he looks at
it right before looking up at me, showing me his finger. "Still some blood on your lips...god that expression you made, when you were coming, it was driving me crazy. I needed to contain myself. You bit your lip hard, I saw it." he looks down and chuckles right before looking back up at me "Don't you think it's exciting? Someone catching you?" I scoff and cross my arms while pulling my shoulders up. "You know what I think? I think you're a pervert!" he laughs and bends down, so that our faces are inches from another. "Says the desperate girl who used a rope to get some action." My eyes darken as I scan him, nostrils flared, brows furrowed, punches about to fly.

"Cats got your tongue? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. It'll be our little secret."he whispers as he takes a strand of my hair in hands. I push his hand away and take a step back. "Or will it be..?"this catches my attention again. What the hell does he mean by that. "Descamps, whatever you want to do, please, for the love of god, don't!" He smirks at me and puts his hands up in the air. "From now on," oh god here we go "you'll do what I say."

"What? You really are sick, you should seek for professional help..." He laughs, while taking out a cigarette and a lighter from his back pocket. "I won't make you kill anybody! It'll be things like making my homework...and all that stuff. The entire year."he gives me a smile, followed by a couple of sweet blinks with his super thick eyelashes, which I'm, honestly said, jealous of. "So if I do your dirty work you won't tell anybody about the....you know." He takes a drag on his cigarette. "Exactly...I'll love using this as my advantage."

That's when I remember something, my bike. I need it back because I surely can't afford to buy another one and I can't let Louis pick me up everyday. Or even worse if Louis has gotten expelled, he won't be able to pick me up at all which means I'll have to wake up earlier than I already need to. "What do I get?" I ask, ready to propose this idea. "Well, you get to keep your reputation clean." he takes another puff as I scoff. "Add getting my bike back..." He blows out the smoke in my face and looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Bike...?"he asks throwing the cigarette on the ground and stepping on it to put it out. "Yeah, the one you stole, remember?" "Uhm...yeah alright! To recapitulate, I keep this secret ours and give you your bike back and you do what I say for the rest of the year?" I swallow hardly and roll my eyes. "I'm not doing everything you say." He steps forward again, licking his lips and looking down at me.

"Are you sure? Because what would you do if everybody at school found out about this? You wouldn't be as loved anymore would you? I mean yeah, some guys would probably get off on it but you'd still be named something that would affect you for the rest of your permanence at our school. Think about your parents, they'd be disappointed wouldn't they?"he gives me a smile only the worst villain would and extends his hand for me to take. "So, do we have a deal?"

It won't be that bad, will it? I mean the worst he can make me do is write his essays, that's at least what I'm hoping for. I don't know him that well, but what I've learned about him is that he's unpredictable. He could be scheming something bigger that I don't know about. But my dignity is at stake here and I can't risk him telling my father...not when my father is in the state he's in. I don't want to end up like last year, having to cover my bruises with foundation every morning. Without thinking much about it any further, I take his hand in mine and shake it.


I wait outside of Louis' balcony, and yes he has his own balcony. Louis' mother was born rich and his father worked his way up to the top, so that means that Louis will most likely end up a millionaire himself, if he didn't get expelled. If he did get expelled, it's going to be written in his curriculum which means there are going to be lower chances for him to get in better schools.

I take a few little stones and, as cliché as that sound, I throw the stones on the glass door of the balcony, to wake him up or to catch his attention in case he's wide awake. After a few minutes, I hear him opening the floor to ceiling window that leads to the little terrace. "Juliette! Wait I'm coming down."he whisper shouts as he closes the door back shut. I run to the front porch, which is also gigantic, and wait for him there. When I see Louis stepping out, I immediately know the news he has must be good because he runs out to me in his pyjama to hug me, with a bright smile on his face. "They let me stay!"he whispers in my ear as I start to scream and jump up and down due to my excitement. He covers my mouth with his hand and tells me to be quiet. I can't help but giggle and give my friend a tender kiss on his cheek.

"You wouldn't believe how worried I was...I'm so happy they'll let you stay.."I smile brightly, taking both his hands into mine. "At first they told me they would kick me out but then they changed their mind. It's a long story but it involves a latin competition." I sigh and let out a chuckle. "It doesn't matter, what matters is that you'll stay with me."I hug him again, embracing him in my arms.

At least one good thing happened today. I can't even imagine how it's going to be, working for that asshole. I never thought I'd get down to such a low level but I need to...and I can't tell Louis about this which makes it all ten times more difficult. It's so embarrassing...using a school sports rope to...and the fact that descamps is the only other person who knows makes it all so much worse. He'll never shut up about it, that's for sure. I can't help but think about one thing in particular; he liked it...he liked watching me pleasuring myself and he caught details not everybody would. What does that mean?

HELLO MY LOVES!! How are you doing today?? God, tomorrow I start school again and to say the least I'm not ready at all.

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS CHAPTER?🤭 Let me know any of your thoughts or assumptions.

BTW follow me on tiktok if you'd like!:
@booksxswiftie 🤍🤍

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