Twins of Mewni

By YvieLeaf

40.2K 1K 59

What if Star had a twin sister named Comet ? What if they were complete opposites of each other? How will t... More

Star and Comet come to earth part 1
Star and Comet come to earth part 2
Star and Comet come to earth part 3
Star and Comet come to earth part 4
Star and Comet come to earth part 5
Party with a pony part 1
Party with a pony part 2
Party with a pony part 3
Match Maker part 1
Match Maker part 2
Match Maker part 3
School Spirit part 1
School Spirit part 2
School Spirit part 3
Monster Arm part 1
Monster Arm part 2
Monster Arm part 3
The Other Exchange Student part 1
The Other Exchange Student part 2
The Other Exchange Student part 3
Cheer Up, Star part 1
Cheer Up, Star part 2
Cheer Up, Star part 3
Quest Buy part 1
Quest Buy part 2
Quest Buy part 3
Comet Celeste Butterfly
Diaz Family Vacation part 1
Diaz Family Vacation part 2
Diaz Family Vacation part 3
Pie Butterflies
Brittney's Party Part 1
Brittney's Party part 2
Brittney's Party part 3
Mewberty part 1
Mewberty part 2
Mewberty part 3
❄️ Christmas Special ❄️
Pixtopia part 1
Pixtopia part 2
Pixtopia part 3
Lobster Claws part 1
Lobster Claws part 2
Lobster Claws part 3
Sleep Spells part 1
Sleep Spells part 2
Sleep Spells part 3
🎆 New Year's Special 🎇
Blood Moon Ball part 1
Blood Moon Ball part 2
Blood Moon Ball part 3
Fortune Cookies part 1
Fortune Cookies part 2
Fortune Cookies part 3
Freeze Day part 2
Freeze Day part 3
Royal Pain part 1
Royal Pain part 2
Royal Pain part 3
St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses part 1
St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses part 2
St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses part 3
Mewnipendence Day part 1
Mewnipendence Day part 2
Mewnipendence Day part 3
The Banagic Wand part 1
The Banagic Wand part 2
The Banagic Wand part 3
Interdimensional Field Trip part 1
Interdimensional Field Trip part 2
Interdimensional Field Trip part 3
Marco Grows a Beard part 1
Marco Grows a Beard part 2
Marco Grows a Beard part 3

Freeze Day part 1

137 8 0
By YvieLeaf

Star's POV:

"Morning Comet!", I cheered as I entered the bathroom. I gave her a hug from behind, before reaching over her head for my headband in my shelf and putting it on. "Eh", I mumbled, when I looked into the mirror. Using my wand, I tried out different head accessories: A flower headband, a pirate hat, a red fez with a gold tassel, a unicorn horn and mane, and a green cactus headband. "Ah! Cacti for the win!", I said, finally content with how my outfit looked.

"What did we have again for first period...?", I asked. "History", Comet replied, and finished brushing her hair. "Oooooh! Story time!" I clapped my hands excitedly.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and Marco rushed in, the laser puppies yapping around his feet. "Out of the way! I overslept! I'm gonna be late! Ah! Where's my hoodie?!", he panicked. I glanced at the clock in the bathroom, seeing that it was 7.52. A little late, sure, but we'd still make it if we hurried. "Whoa, chill, Marco. We can still get to school by first period", Comet tried to calm him down. "This isn't about learning!", he exclaimed, "This is about love."

Comet and I exchanged confused glances. "Every day, I get there by 7.55, because at exactly 7.56, Jackie Lynn Thomas gets there", Marco dreamily explained, "And we share a nod. It's kind of our thing." He sighed, with a big smile on his face. "Awww... Wait. A nod? You don't even say hi?", I asked. "I'm working up to that", Marco defended, pulling out a small folded piece of paper from his pocket. He unfolded it to the size of his body, and showed Comet and me what was written on it. "See? It's all part of my 23-step plan. I'm already on step 4: nodding every day." "Hmm", I hummed. "Umm, Marco... How long have you been on step 4?", Comet hesitantly asked, "that writing looks like you made this list a long time ago."

Marco was about to answer, when a laser puppy pointed its laser at Marco's hand. "Hey! Down, boy!", Marco said, falling over. Immediately, the puppies gathered around him yapping around happily. "Bad laser puppies!" His gaze went up to the clock. "It's 7.54! I can't make it! Can't you just... uh, uh, magically stop time or something?", he asked us. I scoffed and laughed. "Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah", I assured, "Easy Peasy Time Freezie."

My wand let out a blue glow, and everything around us seemed to slow down, before coming to a complete halt. The puppies, in mid-jump, froze, their laser beams unmoving. Marco kneeled down and touched the laser, immediately pulling away and putting his hurt finger in his mouth. "Ow!", he let out. "Star, do you know what you just did?", Comet asked. "Uh... froze time?", I replied. "You froze time!", Marco exclaimed, "Now I can get to school and nod at Jackie! Hurry!" He was already on his feet, ready to pull Comet and me to school.

"School? Marco, it's a freeze day!", I singsonged, and his eyes grew wide in excitement. "Star, we have to undo the spell as fast as possible!", Comet objected, "Time is a very fragile thing, and we should not be messing with it just to get a freeze day." "Oh, come on Comet! Nobody's gonna know. Please, just an hour or two, and I'll reverse the spell, I promise", I said, looking at her with big puppy eyes.

"I know what you're doing Star! I'm not looking!" Comet turned around and closed her eyes. "Please, please, pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaseeee?", I pleaded. Marco joined in, imitating my puppy eyes. "Please Comet, we'll be super careful." Comet glanced at us, before deflating and letting out a deep sigh. "Okay, fine. But just for a little bit." "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Marco and I squeezed Comet. "Alright let's go! There's so much to do!" I pulled Marco and Comet with me out of the house.

Comet's POV:

I was not very pleased with what we were doing. What if we broke time? What if we'd be unable to return it back to normal? Then we would loose everything...

I sighed, and followed Star and Marco as they used the freeze day to their advantage to do all sorts of things without consequence. If I could unfreeze time again, I probably would have, but this was such a strong spell, only its caster could reverse it. Meaning I had to wait for Star to decide to unfreeze time again. So it was that I had no choice but to follow them around, trying to fix the damage they caused before time was unfrozen again.

Our first stop was the park, where Star used her wand to give an infant a mustache. Laughing, she proceeded to give everyone in the park a mustache. When she and Marco ran along to the next place to cause chaos, I pulled out my wand, and used a spell to reverse Star's.

"What do you think you're doing?!", I asked exasperated, when I found Star and Marco in a house they had broken in to. They were happily eating the birthday cake that was intended for what I presumed to be the young girl named Amy, if the banners in the room had anything to say. I created a new, extra large cake for her, to make up for the one Star and Marco had eaten. "Comet, have a slice too!", Star called out. "No, thank you. I'm not eating stolen cake", I replied, a little more aggressive than I had intended to be. Star and Marco looked a little taken aback. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap", I mumbled, a little embarrassed.

Star put a hand on my shoulder. "It's alright Comet, you're just nervous." "Yeah, but look at it this way: We have infinite time to do what we want without consequence", Marco added. "But that's just so wrong", I argued. Star and Marco looked at each other. "One more hour, okay?", Star tried to compromise, "Then we'll all go to school and I'll unfreeze time again. And we'll only mess with people that deserve it." A little reluctant, I agreed. At least this would all soon be done.

They spent the last hour messing with Jeremy (the little kid from Marco's dojo), finding Ludo and switching his skull cap with Star's headband, and freeing a kid from their bully's grip.

"That was the funnest time of my life!", Marco yelled, as we finally went to school, the reason Star had frozen time in the first place. "Oh, hey, there's frozen Jackie!", Star exclaimed, and pointed at Jackie, who was standing still on her skateboard. "I better get into optimal nod position." Marco straightened his hair, and leaned against the lockers. "Ready", he said.

"... Or maybe now's the time to move on to the next step of your crazy plan", Star suggested, "You know, you could talk to her ~ !" Marco looked at Jackie, before shaking his head "T-the wind isn't right. I've got a pimple coming in", he stammered out excuse after excuse. "Uh, I'll just do the nod today."

 I could relate to his feeling of anxiousness, and patted his shoulder. "It's okay Marco. We understand. No pressure", I comforted him. I turned to Star, raising my eyebrow "Right, Star?"

"Yeah", she agreed, a little disappointed, "Okay here it comes: Easy Peasy Time Unfreezie!" Nothing happened. "Huh. Easy Peasy Time Unfreezie!", Star tried again, yet still to no avail. "Come on, Star. What's going on?", Marco asked, approaching Star, who had now a frozen smile. "Star?! Star! Not you too!"

Star let out a big laugh. "I'm just messin' with ya!", she said. "Star, this isn't funny." Irritated, I looked around us, to see all the frozen people. If we didn't find out the problem, they would forever be... I shook my head to get rid of that thought. "Come on, let's go home and look for an answer in the Book of Spells", I said, leading us back home.

Word Count: 1346

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