COTE: Self-Preservation

By megadonkeykong

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's second year is upon him. There were a few words left to him by someone he trusted. It w... More

Y2V1: New Beginnings
Y2V1: The Difficult First-Years
Y2V1: The White Room Student's Task
Y2V1: Choices and Confrontations
Y2V1: Horikita's and Ayanokouji's Troubles
Y2V1: Tsukishiro's Machinations
Y2V1: Calm Before the Storm
Y2V1 Epilogue: Jekyll and Hyde
Y2V2: Tsubasa Nanase's Soliloquoy
Y2V2: Dealing with Expulsions
Y2V2: The Discovery Process
Y2V2: Step-by-Step
Y2V2: Time Draws Near
Y2V2: Last-Minute Adjustments
Y2V2: Farewells
Y2V2: The Trial
Y2V2 Epilogue: Wukong and Buddha
Y2V3: Ichika Amasawa's Soliloquoy
Y2V3: Tsukishiro's Departure
Y2V3: Begrudgingly Joining the Council
Y2V3: Stomping an Uprising
Y2V3: Competitions are Troublesome
Y2V3: The White Room Student
Y2V3: Almost Everything's Set
Y2V3 Epilogue: Sherlock and Moriarty
Y2V4: Takuya Yagami's Soliloquy
Y2V4: Beginning of the Island Exam
Y2V4: Day 1
Y2V4: The Trials of the Island
Y2V4: The Highs and Lows of the Island Exam
Y2V4: The Events of Day 5 and 6
Y2V4: Nanase's Troubled Heart
Y2V4: The End of the First Half
Y2V4: Face-Off
Y2V4: Judgement Day
Y2V4: Beginning of the End
Y2V4: The Island's Climax
Y2V4 Epilogue: David and Goliath
Y2V4.5: The Heat of Summer
Y2V4.5: The Aftermath
Y2V4.5: Fortune Telling
Y2V4.5: This Better Not Awaken Anything In Me
Y2V4.5: Treasure Hunts Are Dangerous
Y2V4.5: My Extremely Platonic Date With Hirata Yosuke
Y2V4.5: A Midnight Snack With Koenji
Y2V4.5: Nearer My God To Thee
Y2V4.5 Epilogue: Bonnie and Clyde
Y2V5: Nagumo Miyabi's Soliloquoy
Y2V5: I'll Make Those Class-A Idiots Look Like Kids
Y2V5: Mike Tyson vs Buster Douglas
Y2V5: I Learn About Ryuuen's Allergies
Y2V5: I Love Lightsaber Battles
Y2V5: You vs You
Y2V5: If you want to lose, at least make it entertaining
Y2V5: Aim At Whoever
Y2V5: It's Almost Armageddon
Y2V5: Doomsday
Y2V5: Post-Apocalypse
Y2V5 Epilogue: Icarus and the Naked Emperor

Y2V3: Creating Groups is a Chore

748 43 35
By megadonkeykong

"See you, Yagami," I told him.

Lightly waving me goodbye, Yagami left, leaving me alone in the student council room.

I sent a message to Kiriyama, and soon, a man with pin-straight red hair walked in.

"Hey, Tanaka! How's it going?" I asked him cheerfully.

Tanaka walked towards me casually, hands in his pockets, looking at me with a cold face, "What do you want, Nagumo?"


"Yeah, I expected this..." he sighed, "What do you want from me?" Tanaka said while sitting down.

"Well, it's pretty simple, to be honest. Your job to transfer points has kinda gone down the drain now that I get every point in the year. You don't have a purpose anymore, just like Yoichi."

Tanaka let out a snort, "So what?"

"Hmm, tell me, do you know the group who started all of this?"

"I don't want to answer that."

He's getting annoying with this. Loyalty is nice if it's for me, but this guy is so adamant on not answering anything. 

"Yeah, yeah. In this exam, the price to save yourself for a third year is pretty cruel, 6 million points. Do you have enough, Tanaka? I'd be willing to cover it."

Unlike the second and first years, in this exam, our fee is increased to 6 million.

"I'm good."

"Hmm, so you expect me to expel you, but you may also have the 6 million to cover it. Well, even if you don't have enough, maybe you just don't like me so much you're going risk expulsion. I respect the pettiness."

Tanaka shrugged, "I dunno. Weren't you supposed to be an expert conversationalist? I might as well just walk away now."

And that's exactly what he began to do. Moving the seat back, he promptly stood up and took a few steps away from me.

I chuckled.

"That 6 million only applies for the exam, you know."

The boy froze in place. 

His eyes sharpened as he glared at me with a fire in his eyes, "What are you saying?"

"For the next few weeks, it's 20 million points. Can you cover that, Tanaka?"

"Honestly, what are you even tal-."

"March 7th, end of second year."

I grinned. The fear in his eyes was so clear. All of that confidence, that nonchalant behaviour... And it just crumbles.

"You caused an expulsion by getting a student from class D sick, causing them to not complete the exam and thus get expelled. Of course, the student never knew it was you, so no complaint could have ever been made. Impressive job, I've gotta hand it to you, it was a calm, carefully done plan."

I rested my cheek in the palm of my hand.

"But you overlooked some details. For example, the only person to have bought such medicine at that point was you. Secondly, you were seen with the student a day before the exam, I've got about 3 different people who can attest to it."

Tanaka slowly stretched out his arm to grab his seat, crouching down as he sat on the plush chair and looked at me with shaken eyes.

"I assume this group of yours probably helped out. Made the classmates think nothing was out of the ordinary and that it was just bad luck, so you were safe the entire time. But, Tanaka, it's as clear as day."

"You gonna file a complaint?"

I chuckled, "You know, stuff gets lost, right, Tanaka?"

Even after the exam is over, he's at my mercy.

"What... What do you want?"

There it was.

"Tanaka, how did you get in contact with the group?"

Tanaka sighed, "They came to me with the proposition that you'd be taken down from class A. I didn't have much hope for anything else, so... I listened. I took all the points I got from Yoichi and I gave them to 4 different students in class D. Like you said, these 4 were the reason I got away with the scheme to expel that student in class D."

"And how did they expect to do take me down from class A?"

"Expelling students from your class, of course."

"Well, that's stupid," I sighed.

Tanaka's face scrunched up in annoyance, "Is it? Not like you've got the personality to save any of them. If they expelled even 4 of you, that's going to make things winnable for any class. You were overconfident by giving the other 3 classes at least 500 Class Points."

"Not really overconfidence when no other class is ever going to win," I chuckled, "You've got a sharp tongue, huh?"

He scoffed, "I'm listening to you, doesn't mean I've gotta suck you off at every moment. Kiriyama does that enough, I'm guessing."

"Wow, do all the people in your group think the same way?"

Tanaka chuckled, "The 4 I send points to? Nah, not really. They're following plans because they're spineless sheep who follow anyone who's good at talking."

"You say that like there is somebody who thinks like you."

"I don't exactly know who he is, but from what I hear, the leader's got it out for you. Hates your guts."


I met his eyes, "Sounds like a guy I'd love to meet. But you've never met him, have you? For a guy who complains about someone else being spineless sheep, you sure seem to follow orders well."

"I do it out of a genuine belief."

"Is that so? Well, your backstory and traits aren't something I really care about. Just give me the names."

"What, you going to interrogate them just like me? It took you a month to get to me, you only have 4 weeks left now until the exam."

"Oh, no, not at all. I couldn't care less about that. I don't need to interrogate them or anything."

He looked at me curiously, "Then what are you going to do?"

"This mastermind clearly wants to remain hidden. He's willing to hurt people, and it's unclear which class he's in. For all I know, it's you. A guy like that won't sit idly by as I try to track him down."

Tanaka looked puzzled at my words, "So what do you think he's gonna do?"

"If I was him, I'd silence the guys who know my identity. A contract, pretty much."

"Why don't you just ask the 4 to show you the memorandum in that case?"

"Who's to say it's a memorandum? It could be a recording for all I know. Besides, do you think they'd have the recording on them?"

"Then it seems hopeless, doesn't it?" Tanaka smirked.

I can see why he's in class C now.

"This mastermind is pretty average. I can think of three ways off the top of my head as to how to get his name from those 4. All it really takes is some threats or bribery."

He's got some impressive strategies, but overall, he's lacking.

As for my point total at the beginning of this month, I've gotten everything I've lost back and earned even more. I could expel the entire group and save them all, still with millions left over.

"What if that guy isn't even known by those 4? What'll you do then?" Tanaka arrogantly remarked.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, I dunno. They most likely do, though."

"Do you get tired of being so annoying?"

"Not typically, no."

* * *

Walking in after the bell had rung, Ryuuen Kakeru emanated confidence.

"You ready, Ichinose?" he asked the girl with a cocky grin.

Ichinose who was leaning on the podium in wait nodded, not expecting much from this man. To her, she expects him to fleece her in some way. He had attacked her classmates once, he could do it again whenever he wished.

"Sure thing, go ahead," she muttered, putting her arm out as if to convey 'the spotlight is yours'.

Ryuuen sat on the wooden desk, "Here's what I'm offerin'. You get no expulsions and neither do I. To be honest, I don't know how many group cards I can get, that red head in class D is a real monster. At best, I could probably get one or two. But my aim is no expulsions in this exam."

Ryuuen's class doesn't have many members who go out of their way to participate in school activities.

And the ones that do are severely outmatched.

"Hmm, I see. You're promising no expulsions, but that's a little vague."

"Is it? No expulsions equals no expulsions."

"How exactly are you getting no expulsions?" Ichinose asked speculatively.

Ryuuen sighed, "You can have all the meatheads in my class. I've got around 6 people in my class in clubs, but considering the redhead it's more like 4. I could probably get two or three group cards from that, and they're yours. Make my classmates partner with whoever you want."

Ichinose crossed her arms under her chest, considering the offer, "And what do you get?"

"I want my crappy students taken care of, just like yours."

"Don't call them crappy," Ichinose told him sharply.

"Fine, fine. Look, there's a few more things I want. I don't want our cooperation to end just with grouping, we help each other out the entire exam. Each class covers for each other."

Ichinose didn't disagree with the notion. Having an entire class covering for you would be a great help, especially for an exam like this which was skewed towards expulsions.

"You said a few more things, that's one of them. What else?"

Ryuuen chuckled, "Demanding today, huh? I want us to partner up."

Ichinose sighed, looking at him blankly, "I see the benefits. Having both of us, who can communicate to our respective classes, partner up is a good thing," her eyes dropped to the floor, "That's only if I win the competition, though."

"Can't do it?"

Ichinose had a cloudy expression in response to those words.

"Geez, is that all it takes to make you depressed?" he sighed, "You can win at least one, I'm guessing. And if you don't... well, finding a third for this arrangement is gonna be a little annoying."

Ichinose arched a brow, "Did... Did you have to word it like that?"

"I've got no idea what you mean," Ryuuen smirked.

"How am I going to survive 2 weeks with this guy...?" Ichinose thought.

"Is that all you had in mind for our partnership? I admit, it's rather tame, coming from you. Also, how many points do you have right now?" Ichinose asked him calmly.

Ryuuen's eyes cut off mutual understanding. Ichinose would never truly understand his intentions, not until the actions are being done in front of her.

"That's all I had in mind. As for the points, I'm at 1.5 million right now but it'll be around 5 soon."

Ichinose approached him, a skeptical look on his face, "How?"

"Don't you want to be kept in the dark? It's more fun that way," Ryuuen said with a mischievous smirk.

"No, tell me how you're getting that 3.5 million."

Ichinose wasn't playing around, which bored Ryuuen partially.

"I'm getting rid of the contract I have with Sakayanagi. They'll stop hemorrhaging points from now on, and I get a bunch. Win-win."

"What deal did you have?" Ichinose questioned.

"Pretty simple, they give some points per classmate to us at the beginning of every month," Ryuuen shrugged.

Ichinose nodded, but she didn't appear truly satisfied yet.

"What, don't trust me?" he said with a sly smile.

"I think you know the answer to that."

He let out a snort in amusement, "Yeah, fair enough, I wouldn't trust me either in your shoes. Fine then, what'll it take for you to partner up with me?"

Ichinose mulled over that. Ryuuen and her were at opposing ends of the spectrum. A tyrant and a utilitarian. Ryuuen is someone who would hurt another to win while Ichinose is a person who would risk the world for one.

Ichinose's eyes were steeled, "If a single classmate of mine drops out after the exam, then your deal with class A is reestablished with you giving us points every month."

Ryuuen couldn't help but let out a small smile. It was a clever move to come up with on the fly. Force Ryuuen into keeping his promise, otherwise, his class's point balance falls apart for the foreseeable future.

"That all?" he chuckled, "Sure, I'll follow that condition. Anything else, your highness?"

"No. Since you agreed to it..." she began.

Stretching out her hand, her eyes meeting the magenta-haired boy's. One of them was walking into this partnership slightly nervous and cautious, while the other was running full sprint ahead, eager.

"...Then pleasure working with you."

Ryuuen grasped her hand with a firm grip.

"Same here."

An unlikely partnership was blooming.

* * *

Tomorrow after school, events will begin. It was the evening right now and the Ayanokouji Group was in Pallet Cafe.

Come to think of it... It's Haruka's turn to decide where to go this week. I guess we're putting that off because of the exam, though.

How many will groups will there be by the end, I wonder?

"Man, us two are gonna have to do it alone..." Haruka complained.

She was slumped over on the surface of the table, playing with the ice cube in her drink.

"I think it will be fine. Miyake, you're competent with a bow and arrow, right?" Horikita asked him.

It's become a more common occurrence having Horikita at our hangouts. But, still, she comes intending to beat me in a competition. She beat me at bowling a week ago, and yet, she still shows up. If I mentioned that she might look forward to these hang outs, she'd probably punch me.

"I guess I'm okay, don't count on it. The class will probably be fine, though. Sudo seems like the best in his year," Akito shrugged.

Haruka eyed Horikita skeptically.

"Horikita, you showed up alongside Kiyopon. You usually come when we go bowling or to the arcade or something, but today it's different," Haruka pointed out.

Horikita tilted her head in confusion, "I thought it was convenient. Why?"

Haruka sat up straight, donning a mischievous smirk, "Hmm, that so? I thought it was because you just wanted to hang out."

"It's not that I didn't, it's just--"

Haruka's eyes glinted with opportunity, "Hmm, so you did want to hang out... Eh, good enough for me."

Horikita looked at me with a baffled expression, "I'm so lost..."

"Haruka's been wanting to make you join the group, that's pretty much enough for her to add you."

Horikita arched a brow, "Is there some official way to join?"

Keisei sighed, "In Haruka's mind, there are people in the group, and then there are people who just pass by every once in a while."

"I see..."

"So, Horikita, join us!"

Horikita looked at Haruka carefully, mulling over the question for a moment. I'm sure that for Horikita, she'd never received such a proposition.

To bond, to grow together, it's abnormal to her.

Perhaps she believes that it's not something too different from her current arrangement.

Maybe she thinks it's good that, as a leader, she's not put behind a one-way mirror. A mirror in which only she communicates through, but can never hear from. She's been disconnected from the class besides the special exams.

Alternatively, she might be opposed to the idea entirely.

What decision would Horikita Suzune take?

"Sure, I guess," Horikita muttered.

The rest of the group smiled in delight.

"Now you have to call us all by our first names. That's the rules."

"Do I have to?"

"Uh huh."

Hmm, does that mean I get the rights to call her Suzune?

Suzune sighed deeply, "I come for some food and information and I'm joining a group... Fine."

She looked over at me, "Kiyotaka... What are you planning on doing for the island?"

It was a tiny bit amusing just how much she was struggling to get my name out.

I shrugged, "I'd probably just go alone like Haruka and you."

"What if I get that group card?"

"Hmm, in that case, you'd probably be partnering with someone like Ike. But I wonder if Nagumo would ever lose a competition."

"You sound like you've got a crush on him," Akito pointed out.

"Uh huh. Oh, mr amazing Nagumo-senpai, he could never ever lose!" Haruka giggled.

"Kiyotaka, I think Hori-, Uhm... I mean, Suzune can win one of them," Airi stated with an embarrassed expression.

Realistically speaking, Nagumo is the type to monopolise groups for his sake. Perhaps she outmatches him in a certain area... No.

As of now, Suzune can't outmatch Nagumo in any area.

If she wins a card, it's simply just because Nagumo didn't want it.

"Besides, Kiyotaka, you've got a good physical ability. You could always partner up with someone like Shinohara if she gets a group card," Suzune continued.

The White Room student most likely wouldn't have that. And, in my honest opinion, getting on their hostile side isn't the best thing for me. But, if it's possible, I'd have no problem with grouping with those guys.

"So much stuff happened today," Akito sighed, "But I found a 100 yen coin on the ground, so it's not all bad."

"What's the point of a 100 yen coin in this school?"

"Oh... Right."

Haruka giggled, "Well, one big thing that did happen today is that Suzune's now part of the Ayanokouji Group!"

Suzune cocked her head to the side with a face as if to say 'that's not the real name, is it?'

"It is the real name," I told her bluntly.

"Is this your cult or something?"

Akito chuckled, putting his hands in a praying pose, "Oh, right, I'm sorry for disrespecting you, holy lord Kiyotaka. You created this planet, I'm so grateful to you."

"So it is a cult... How much did you pay them?" Suzune asked with a slight smirk.

They seem to have bonded over bullying me.

I sighed.

"Ask them."

"He paid us nothing, we followed because of his pure, unfiltered charisma," Haruka told Suzune, also putting her hand in a praying position.

"Yeah..." Keisei sighed, "Hmm, I feel pathetic having to get carried by someone."

"It's fine, it isn't as if you're just luggage. Your skills in academics would be good for whoever it is you're partnering with."

Airi hadn't been speaking much, but at the very least she'd react to some of the jokes being thrown around, and yet, she's got a solemn expression.

I wonder how many are like that, people who are afraid to go to the exam alone. She's a top priority, so maybe it's not the fact that she has to go solo, but rather she's feeling similar things to Keisei, who despises needing to rely on people.

The valuable and those without.

Within the second year, a simple understanding must've been achieved by now.

But for the first years, there's most likely a type of hunger. The ones at the bottom, clawing for those near the top.

How many of them would get expelled this time?

* * *

"Hello, hello."

A boy with messy brown hair entered a restaurant he had never been to before.

Sitting down, the boy stared at the three others who had been called as well, "I have to say, this is an odd spot to pick."

"It's a nice change of pace, don't you think, Yagami?" Ichika asked him with a sly smile.

The north section of the school was filled with many amenities. Restaurants, scenic areas, entertainment complexes.

"So, dumbass, how many of those cards do ya think you can score?" Hosen asked with a dissatisfied expression.

A man whose only chance at 20 million was ripped away from him.

"Hmm, I myself don't actually intend to get any. No real point, I already told them I wasn't going to participate. The only ones going to try are Nagumo-senpai, Ichinose-senpai and Horikita-senpai."

"That so, huh? You're pretty useless" Hosen grumbled.

Yagami sighed, looking rather bored as he looked into Hosen's dull eyes, "You seem to have lost some of your spark. Did losing that 20 million break you that much?"

Hosen's brows furrowed, his lips creeping upwards as he glared at Yagami, "What, you gonna ramble to me about school values or some shit?"

"Not particularly, no. I just want to know what your stance is on this exam. Are you going to protect your classmates, go for number one, target Ayanokouji-senpai again?"

The blonde-haired girl looked at Hosen with expecting eyes, "Hosen, he's right. What are you planning on doing?"

"I'm just tryna get points, I don't care about anythin' else. What the fuck is goin' after him gonna do? I expel him and get nothing out of it."

Yagami nodded, "I see, I see. Interesting. I was planning on getting first, I'd be willing to give you all the points I earn if you listen to me."

Hosen smirked, "That so, huh? Whaddya want?"

"I just need your strength. Nothing more, nothing less. I'll tell you more on the island."

Hosen's eyes narrowed on Yagami.

At the first meeting, Yagami was a fragile person, interested in doing good things. Helping out around the school, protecting his classmates. He was well-mannered, soft-spoken, and above all else, gentle.

And it went against every nerve in Hosen's body.

"Just what the hell is with you? Stop being so fuckin' cryptic, tell me what you really need me for."

Yagami just smiled.

A calm, warm smile you might see every day.

"I want to win."

Hosen couldn't determine whether that was true or not from a logical perspective.

"Then you got a deal."

But that man knew in his gut that it was true.

So he gambled.

Like a roll of the dice, he decided to go this path.

"Did you hear, Yagami? A girl from class C called Tsubaki wants to set up a meeting with all the class leaders," Ichika told him.

Yagami nodded, "I heard, yeah. Hmm, it's going to be difficult to do so on her own. In the previous exam, she did nothing of note. Utomiya was a little more noticeable, but even he did barely above average. Their class is probably the worst as of now, not to mention the expulsions."

Yagami's eyes shifted over to Hosen, eyeing him speculatively.

"I didn't do nothin'," he chuckled with no sincerity, "I got no reason to anyway. I don't think that Utomiya guy likes me that much anymore."

"That hurt your feelings~?" Ichika giggled.

"Nah, not really. What really hurt my feelings was his haircut," Hosen snickered.

"Hmm, I think it'll be good to hear them out," Nanase confessed.

Yagami nodded softly, "Yeah, they seem to be willing to negotiate. They might be offering something nice, God knows they don't have much leverage anyway."

"That tea party's gonna suck."

"Hosen, you coming along would be nice, wouldn't it? I'm sure as the leader of class D, they can't lose your influence."

The restaurant was quiet, the only sound being the crickets on the ground or the flies circling overhead.

And yet there was an undeniable symphony of opportunity making its way into Hosen's heart.

"Twink, stop talking with a stick up your ass. I was always planning on going to the play date. I don't need your advice for everything," Hosen advised bluntly.

"My apologies. It looks like you already had the idea to get some points out of this."

Hosen's eyes gleamed with confidence, "Oh, you know me so well."

He turned to Nanase, "Yo, clown nose, how many people do ya think are gettin' groups in our class?"

"Realistically? None," Nanase sighed.

"What a damn shame for those losers. Twink, how 'bout your class?"

"Hmm, there will be a few groups I'm guessing. The ones in the basketball club are talented, and some others say they have a chance. Amasawa, how about class A?"

"Got no clue, I left after the rules were done."

"You're useless," Hosen insulted.

Yagami in his head wholeheartedly agreed.

"Well, I can tell you that there's probably going to be some expulsions from our class. To be honest, our leader isn't really a leader, he's just the guy everyone asks questions to. He lets us do things ourselves most of the time, and when you leave people to their own devices, stupid stuff happens."

Yagami nodded.

"I don't know much of the leader from class A. In the special exam we had before, he didn't make much of an impact. It just looks like some of your weaker students are getting left behind," Yagami surmised.

"Guess so. What, you gonna help them out?"

Yagami shook his head, "No, not really. I was just curious what their M.O was."

Hosen sighed, growing bored of the conversation at this point.

"Well, this has been great and all, but..." he began to stand up, "Imma head out now. Come if you want, Clown Nose," he remarked nonchalantly.

He casually approached the exit, and soon, the girl followed him.

"See you soon, Nanase," Yagami told her politely.

He turned his attention to the girl in front of him.

"So, no group, huh? What are you planning, Takuya?"

Yagami shrugged, "I told you. I'm planning on winning. Winning against Ayanokouji-senpai, the school, the White Room, whoever my opponent is, I'm going to come out on top."

Ichika giggled, "Wow, such confidence! I wanna be there when he finds out he's doing a competition."

"Already agreed to," Yagami smirked, "Besides, he'll find out who I am soon. What are you planning on doing now? Praying to your shrine?"

Ichika tilted her head in confusion, "I don't have a shrine."

"Really? With how much you love the guy, I thought you would have a temple. But I have to be honest, Ichika... What are you doing?"

"Being pretty dang cute," she replied casually.

"You're failing at that."

The girl giggled and donned a smug grin, her magenta hair swaying slightly as she leaned forward, "I'm doing whatever I want right now. The test we did worked fine, senpai is a genius, I've got that confirmed," she said casually, like she didn't care about it anymore, "I don't care about being the best, that's more your line of work."

"Hmm, I've never understood that part of you."

Ichika smiled coyly, "You're pretty twisted, Takuya. If you let go of chasing after perfection, you'd probably be having a good time in this place just like I am."

She leaned back, putting her palm behind her head and closed her eyes.

"You see, Takuya, the secret to being so laid back all the time is--"

After 10 seconds, Ichika opened her eyes.

"...And that's why I think— Wait, where'd you go?"

The boy had disappeared, the only sound in the restaurant being the jingle of the bell signifying his departure.

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