Truth( Twilight fan-fic) book...

By ElizabethUnderwood7

179K 5.6K 417

Kira has met the person who saved her all those years ago but has never really had a real conversation with t... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Next book

Chapter 12

12.3K 397 79
By ElizabethUnderwood7

Chapter 12

I didn't talk with either Alice or Edward on the way home, Though Alice tried but I ignored them. When the plane landed we went over to Carlisle and Esme. While they talked, I hadn't taken my medication in almost two days and it was starting to effect me so went outside to sit on a bench. reaching into my purse I pulled out the pill bottle and stared at it." you know staring at them wont make your health issues go away" I looked up to see Carlisle. I sighed" I'm just thinking, what would happen if I just stopped taking them, what would be the harm"

" you'd be in agonizing pain for one, you would either go back into a coma and die, or you'd crazy from the pain"

" at least it would make the decision easier, Aro told me that the only to turn me, would be drain me completely of blood. So pretty much, I'm going to die either way, which ever choice I make"

" but what if you survive and become a vampire"

" then I'd never get to go home again, Marcus seems to think I'm Aro's mate but I just don't realize it yet" I noticed the others waiting the car and sighed." why does my life have to be so complicated" I mumbled and he chuckled." tomorrow's a new day, for now you need to go home and rest"

I looked at the pill bottle with a glare before opening it and swallowing one. I put the bottle away before following him to the car. When we got home, I let Edward go first while I snuck around to the ivy wall growing up the side of the house. I tossed my suitcase up onto the balcony before taking a step back and taking a running start. My feet left the ground and I landed on the balcony soundlessly just as dad came into the room." Have a nice trip" he asked and I smiled innocently.

" hi Daddy" I greeted with a small laugh and he raised an eyebrow.

Time skip

I followed Bella into the Cullen house thinking about how much longer my grounding would be when dad found out I snuck out the window. While they talked I went into the kitchen, Bella and Edward soon followed. I leaned against the counter as she spoke and I closed my eyes when she told them she was putting her future into a vote.

Alice said yes

Jasper said yes

Rosalie said no

Emmett said it was a definite yes

Esme said yes

and Carlisle said yes. Then she looked at me" your my sister Kira, your vote counts"

" Bella, I cant believe I'm saying this but no" her eyes widened." Bella you have a choice to live a normal human life, that I never got a chance at. My fate was pretty much sealed in that hospital room"

" but Kira you still have a chance"

" no I don't Bella, I can either choose to stay human or become a vampire but even that work because ill die anyway, even if Aro's plan works, ill never get to come home again, so I vote no. I'm not saying anything else about" I told her and she sighed. I went outside and was looking at the cloudy sky, just barely being able to see the stars. Then I started humming a small tune to myself after awhile, Bella and Edward came outside, and I raced Edward back to the house. Edward won that one, sadly.

The next night I went to bed only to find that the throne room was empty. I sat on the steps waiting but Aro never showed up, but after awhile. I got bored so walked over trying to open the one of the doors that didn't work so I walked back over to the three thrones. I looked around to make sure Aro wasn't there before sitting in his throne." it suits you" a voice said and I shot to my feet as he walked out of the shadows." I didn't see you...I-" but he cut me off by raising his hand.

He walked over to me and took my hand." If you choose to become a vampire, I will miss many things about you" he kissed the back of my hand." your lovely heartbeat, being one of those things" he muttered. " but the one thing I'll miss the most are your nightly visits"

" but you'll gain something as well" I reminded him" you'll have me for all eternity, I'll be by your side at all times, until you have no use of me" as I spoke he began to slowly circle me, like a lion does it's prey." there is no doubt that I'll be one of the gifted vampires. but if I do decide this, I want something in return Aro" he stopped frowning.

" if I decide to become a vampire and join you, there are things that I have to do first" he looked at me." first, I will come to Volterra but only after graduation, I am leaving a human life behind and ill have to make up a story" he nodded.

" second, I know that Edward will want to give my sister every human moment he can, I want to attend their wedding, plus I know if I'm not there Bella will kill me, immortal or not" he smiled with a chuckle.

" third, I want to return home at least once a year" he frowned." it's either that or a phone call when ever I want to talk to her" I told him crossing my arms. He was silent but what he said next made me want to cry" if those are your requirements then I have one of my own" he walked over and sat on his thrown." will you marry me" my eyes widened and I sat up in bed with a gasp.

There it is the finale chapter of book two, so what do you think her response will be?

Vampire or human? What will she choose? Find out in book 3 coming soon

ok I know you guys probably ignore these but I'm having trouble with what I should name the next book, what do you think it should be, comment your answers and who ever gives me the best one I will dedicate the first chapter to you. I wont start writing the next book until after the 4th so it will give you people some time to think over( and possibly go crazy over) what happens next. tell next time.

- ElizabethUnderwood07

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