Attraction To Affection

By authorinaaya

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Book 1 of Affection Series ♡ You were an unexpected surprise, the defining moment. The collision of stars tha... More

Chapter 1: Result Day and Trip
Chapter 2: Hot men
Chapter 3: Returning Home
Chapter 4: First Encounter
Chapter 5: Freshers' Party
Chapter 6: Lineage not to be broken
Chapter 7: First Official Day
Chapter 8: New Friends
Chapter 9: Exploring and Rolling
Chapter 10: Glares and Allegations
Chapter 11: Hugs and Crushes
Chapter 12: Day Out
Chapter 13: Ani's Birthday
Chapter 14: Realisation
Chapter 15: Reunion
Chapter 16: Basketball
Chapter 17: Feelings
Chapter 18: Sleepover
Chapter 19: Final Match
Chapter 20: Confession
Chapter 21: Afraid to fall
Chapter 22: Confrontation
Chapter 23: First Date
Chapter 24: Kiss
Chapter 25: Christmas
Chapter 26: Jodhpur
Chapter 27: home is where the heart is
Chapter 28: Truth and Dare
Chapter 29: Champagne Confetti
Chapter 30: Birthday
Chapter 31: After
Chapter 32: Accident
Chapter 33: Grief
Chapter 34: biggest turn on?
Chapter 35: tease & misunderstanding
Chapter 36: tease pt.2
Chapter 37: Nysa Day
Chapter 38: Best Day of My life
Chapter 39: First Crush
Chapter 40: 365 Days
Chapter 41: Punch
Chapter 42: Reconciliation
Chapter 43: Graduation
Chapter 44: Reminiscence
Chapter 45: Farewell
Chapter 46: Didn't Work
Chapter 47: Efforts
Chapter 48: Sorted
Chapter 49: Still With You
Chapter 50: Rai ki Mehndi
Chapter 51: Ruhaan ka Sangeet
Chapter 52: Joota Chhupai
Chapter 53: Royalty!
Chapter 54: Maturity
Chapter 55: CEO
Chapter 56: Paris
Chapter 57: Français
Chapter 59: Final Checklist
Chapter 60: The Perfect Secret Dress
Chapter 61: Mehndi and the Game
Chapter 62: Dance the Night Away
Chapter 63: Happily Ever After
Chapter 64: Home
Bonus 1
Bonus 2

Chapter 58: Forever

93 10 0
By authorinaaya



I am turning freaking 27 today and it feels so unreal because I feel so old already. My excitement for birthdays have naturally reduced through the years and while I do expect today to be just another surprise of Aryan, all I have to do is get ready and go with the flow.

But today, it feels different. I feel excited more than the last 5 years and there's this tinch of nervousness growing inside me.

Now, talking about life, well it's too good to make a big deal about the momentary low days.

Aryan's company has been flourishing and as I told him it would all be fine under him, it's going exactly like that.

I am always right.

Anirudh's life is much similar to Aryan too. He succeeded his grandfather's company prolly at the same time as Aryan and since then, he has done everything to prove his worth to the people who questioned him.

Well, the payback was something so fascinating.

Any has been working towards her own new interest in designing. She's been more into the whole graphics and internet and while initially she did face this whole confusion of doing what's really meant for her, she's finally on the footsteps of following her dream of doing something of her own which goes with me too.

Through the last three years, I've been working to open my own label with the help of Moksha and even a little help from Aryan in understanding the business and marketing aspect.

We've been making a plan for the label that is both cost effective and marketable and while we both have enough for the initial funding, we're looking for potential investors who are interested in our designs and the idea of making something own.

Well, if that goes well, I'll have something profitable of my own in the next 10 months.

Suddenly the bell rang and I ran to open the door to see Any standing with two bags in her hand.

"Happy Birthdayyy!!" She exclaimed giving me a hug and I hugged her back firmly.

"Thankyouu!!" I exclaimed back in excitement.

We came inside and today it was just us because Aryan's probably doing something for my birthday like every other year and Anirudh's strangely involved in this plan.

"Dono pata hai kaha hai?" I asked passing her a bottle of juice.

"Nope. And even if I do know, why would I be telling you about my boyfriend's and bestfriend's idea?" She narrowed her eyes at me and I sat across her.

"Because I am your friend first and I have the right to know what my boyfriend and my bestfriend are doing!" I replied in her tone making her laugh.

"I don't know really but it's something definitely special because you know Anirudh doesn't help in surprises! He's probably threatened on the tip of friendship and potential bromance!" She said and I laughed taking out the cake too.

Any looked at me mischievously and I passed her the cake with us both eating the whole 1 kg cake.

"Where's my gift?" I asked forwarding my palm and she passed me a bag.

I opened it excitedly to see shoes in them.

"Who gifts shoes?" I asked opening the box.

"I don't believe in that bullshit. Be grateful else you can give it back to me, I'll use them." She said and I clutched the box to my chest grinning at her.

"Just my colour! You know me well!"

"Oh, please! Sending me these shoes everyday for the past two months makes it pretty clear that you wanted them. And also this!" She passed another bag with a dress in it and a note from Aryan asking me to be ready by 3.

"You do know about it!" I raised my eyebrows at her and she smirked sassily.

"This is so beautiful!" I exclaimed opening the dress and she nodded in agreement.

"His choice!"

"Always great!"

I ran inside to get ready as it was already 1:30 and by the time, I came out, Any was getting ready in the other room considering there was no one in the living room.

I knocked on the door and she opened it displaying herself in jeans and a nice off shoulder top with heels on.

"Still short!" I said patting her head showing off my heels and she pushed me ahead.

The bell rang again and there was Anirudh this time with flowers in his hand again like morning.

"Chale ab?" I asked accepting the flowers and he nodded with a smile.

"You never smile like that at me." I pointed ascending the stairs while he followed me with Any.

"Hai toh meri bestiee hi." He remarked teasingly and I grinned widely back at him.

"Meri shaadi mein bahut kaam karaungi!" I said making him laugh.

"Kab kar rahi hai?" He asked and I stopped on one of the stairs looking back at him.

"Jab tera dost puchh lega ya main hi puchh lu?" I asked making him grin wider.

I frowned walking to the car and he drove with a smile throughout to the place we're supposed to reach.

I was amused at his behaviour but this feeling of nervousness settled inside me at the prospect of what happens today.

I got off the car and looked around trying to find out why are we in a place where there's nothing commercial like.

"Why are we here?" I asked turning to Anirudh with a frown.

"That, uhm, Aryan will tell you." He said pointing behind me and I turned to see him with a smile.

A smile adorned my lips and I fixed his flowing hair hugging him close.

"Why are we here?" I asked and he held my hand moving forward to a big beautiful building.

Too classy to be honest.

"You guys are not coming?" I asked turning back to them and they nodded in denial sitting back in the car.

"We'll join in an hour. We have some work." Anirudh said teasingly and I scrunched my nose.

"Definitely something nasty."

I walked to the elevator and he stood infront of me rubbing his hands.

"Why are you nervous and why are we in a residential place?" I asked in confusion.

"Don't you claim yourself that you're smart?" He commented and I looked around trying for hints when I looked at the floor we're going on.

It hit me so hard that I nearly collapsed in the elevator. I looked at him with my eyes nearly out of my sockets and he had this nervous smile on his face.

"Don't tell me." I whispered and he nodded in agreement pulling me close.

"You can't be doing this without telling me?" I said not knowing what's coming out of my mouth.

"Trust me, I can." He said and I hugged him tightly when the elevator door opened with a ping and I got out too nervous to open the big doors.

"I bought a place an year ago and fortunately, it's all ready and everything so thought your birthday is perfect for that?" He asked and I nearly stopped my tears from flowing.

"This is too much, Aryan!" I spoke not knowing what to say anymore.

"Nothing's too much for you, Nysa. It'll never be." He spoke and I covered my mouth with my palms still sinking in everything and thrilled to see what's inside.

"You bought a freaking house for us and you think my mind is too big to comprehend all that? Why me?" I asked caressing his face and he pecked my forehead.

"Because this is just a house, you're going to make it home for me. So now you know, why you." He said and I still tried my very best to not cry.

"So then let's go inside?" I asked and he nodded letting out a chuckle.

I opened the doors but immediately frowned in confusion walking a few more steps towards the large wall size window.

It was all decorated with white roses and golden lights. Now what's going to happen?

As soon as I turned back to Aryan, he was on his knees with a ring in his hand and I know exactly what's going to happen.

Tears welled up in my eyes finally because I know exactly my reasons of being so excited and nervous today.

"Nysa, We've spent almost 9 years together and there was not a single day when you didn't enter my mind, there was not a single night I spent peacefully when you were not in my arms. There was not a single moment in my life when I didn't thought about you just being in my life and making it beautiful than ever."

He started speaking and I can't be patient right now. I am so excited for what's coming next.

I hugged him kissing his cheeks.

"Say it!" I said excitedly standing up with him and he chuckled holding me close.

"I've a whole speech laid out!" He said and I broke the hug.

"Go on, go on, ask me fast." I gestured him sassily but inner me is anything but calm right now.

He went down on his knees again laughing at me.

"I've loved you 9 summers and 8 winters and that doesn't feel enough for me. The thought of marriage only seems right if it's with you. Our love was in our fates and I knew I was screwed when I apologized without thinking much to you and bought you an icecream and then flowers which I never did for anyone, I knew I was screwed the moment I looked at you more than a second."

I laughed on his words while I could feel tears brimming in my eyes due to too much excitement and happiness right now.

"I want to be ready with your coffee in the morning, give you a hug when you're biting your nails, I want to give you flowers all my life when you feel the happiest, I want you to have the right side of my bed because it's easier for you to hold my hand that way, I want your dessert bills, I want it all. I want to have you beside me everyday. You're the only person I want to come home to and share my day with you, my happiness, my sadness, my frustration and my success. I fell in love with you every single day in the last 9 years and that's the truth. I love you so much that a day without you makes me feel restless and incomplete. I want to change your last name, I want to wake up in your arms everyday and come back to you every night because that's my roman empire and I'll do everything in power to make that come true. So, Ms. Nysa Singhania, will you marry me? Will you give me the privilege of being your husband?" He said standing up and I couldn't control my tears.

My tears fell continuously and there's no stopping to them.

Who won't love this man? Who won't marry this man?

"Yes, a hundred times fucking yes! I love you Aryan and I want the privilege of becoming your wife. I want to marry you. Yess yess!" I said and he instantly hugged me.

I kissed him all over his face and he laughed caressing my back.

He broke the hug and kissed me hard smiling throughout the kiss.

He slid the ring in my finger and I swear, its the most gorgeous ring I've ever seen in my whole fucking life.

This is the best birthday I could have ever asked for.

I kissed him again and he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist.

"You'll be my wife. This is the happiest day of my life." He said whispering in my ear.

"See, that rhymes! I love you so much!" I said and my makeup is probably messed up due to the amount of tears that left my eyes but he gave me his pretty grin.

I've been thinking about it from a few weeks. The thought of marriage has been there and if he wasn't going to propose first, I was ready to propose him soon but he did and I can't be more happier.

This man deserves all the happiness and I feel the happiest that I could give him that.

"This is going to be our home." I said looking around and he side hugged me.

Soon Any and Anirudh came and I ran to hug Any and tell her about everything.

"I am getting married to the man I love the most. Can I be more happier?" I shouted at Any and she grinned widely at me hugging me close.

"I am so happy for both of you. You both deserve it all. Congratulations guys! There's another wedding on the way! Woohoo!" Any said and we all grinned at each other.

Anirudh came and hugged me tightly.

All my friends called us and congratulated us. I flexed my ring infront of them and they all laughed clapping for us.

I went and hugged Aryan.

"I am so happy for us, Aryan. I love you itna ki if I could, I'll marry you tomorrow." I said and he chuckled raising his eyebrows.

"Then let's marry tomorrow. It won't take me much time to make all the arrangements." He teased and I nodded my head in denial.

"No, I want a proper indian wedding and I want to incorporate all my ideas of my ideal wedding so be ready because we're in for an amazing ride!" I said and he grinned widely nodding his head in agreement.

"I am a 1000 times inn in this ride." He replied and I giggled wrapping my arms around his neck.

"So you're going to be my husband from boyfriend now?" I asked teasing him and he grinned looking around scratching his head.

"You're too happy!" I kissed his cheek and he laughed nodding his head.

"Beyond happy!"

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Nysa, Happy Birthday to you!!" Anirudh came with a beautiful cake with Any singing the song.

"Thankyou guys, I love you all so much." I said to all my friends present virtually or physically.

"Thankyou Aryan for everything." I whispered in Aryan's ear and he smiled setting my hair.

I cut the cake and we decided to go out and have dinner.

I am so happy today.

After the dinner, Any and Anirudh excused themselves to go somewhere while we sat in the same place.

"When do we tell our parents?" I asked joining my hands in happiness.

"I've called your parents to my parents' house so we'll tell them tomorrow." He said holding my palms.

"They know?" I asked in surprise.

"I guess they have an idea." He said thinking and I sat back laughing to myself.

"This is too unreal for me. Apparently everyone had an idea except me. I am too dumb, aren't I?"

"I hid it well. That's a better way to say that." He said and I just sat with a content smile looking straight into his eyes and all I saw was happiness and satisfaction.

We decided to end the day and came back to our apartment.

"This ring is so pretty!" I said looking at my hand.

"Pretty like you."

"Cheesiness khatam nhi hogi na?" I asked in amusement and he nodded in denial.

"Not anytime soon." He replied and I decided to change.

After 5 minutes, I came out in the living room to see him eating a piece of cake while watching something on the TV.

"That's mine!" I joked pointing at the cake and he pulled me down feeding me some of it.

"Still mine." I murmured making him chuckle.

"Take it from the table then. There's literally tonnes of it." He said and I realised that I've been eating cakes this whole day and there are still 2 pretty good cakes in the fridge.

The next day we came to his parents house and I already saw my parents sitting there.

Oh, too fast.

Samayra came running to both of us and hugged Aryan first.

"Hi bro!" She exclaimed and I stood beside Aryan holding his hand firmly.

"More like your soon to be jiju now!" I whispered lowly making her look at me teasingly.

"Woah, okay! Dekh rahe ho mummy papa, kitni excited hai yeh?" She shouted and I nodded sassily going towards our parents.

We all sat in the living room and I glanced around wanting someone to speak something.

"We're getting married!" Aryan spoke too clear and straightforward about everything.

For a second, my eyes widened but he's always been like that.

Too straight.

My parents chuckled and his dad looked proud of him. The genes are so strong in his family.

"So, rishta pakka?" His mom asked excitedly and everyone nodded happily.

They all stood up hugging each other and then came to us giving us their blessings.

"Aur bhabhi!" Ayaan came beside me teasingly.

"Too old school but nice!" I said and he hugged me with a smile.

"It's going to be fun being more around you!" He said and I patted his back.

Everyone decided to meet at my house in Jodhpur once to decide everything once and for all along with the wedding dates.

My parents went back to Jodhpur with the first flight they got and we came back in our apartment looking forward to everything.

"We need to have some og pre wedding shoot!" I suggested and he looked at me in amusement.

"Say the name!" He said sitting on the couch and I went in the kitchen pouring a glass of water for both of us.

"We'll see that. We have some good months probably before our marriage!" I said handing him the glass.

"Nysa, tell me what's your ideal marriage aur sab waise hi ho jayega!" He asked wrapping his arm around my shoulder pulling me down beside him.

"Its not just my marriage. Its our marriage. We'll decide everything together. I'll bring you my ideas tomorrow and you bring me yours. We'll incorporate a bit of both of them and then it would be our marriage."

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