By Kombat_11

462 21 2

KG is back from summer vacation ready to begin sophomore year with a smile, but when she hear news that her m... More

Sophomore year of hell
The mystery of Michael
Heart wrenching tragedy
Crash and Burn
Cabin of horrors
The yearbook
Prom night of hell
Prom night of hell part 2
The night Kasey disappeared
There's no Y.O.U in the universe

No going back

31 2 0
By Kombat_11

KG, Kaylee and Johnny raced to East Saint Louis to stop Kendall before it was too late. Unaware she had already kidnapped Michael.

Kaylee: "Did you tell Lexus and Savanna?"

KG: "I told Savanna and told her to tell Lexus."

Johnny: "Okay look I know trading lives isn't right but Kaylee he did murder your dad."

Kaylee: "And I'll hate him always but that doesn't mean we just hand his life over we're not murderers."

Johnny: "Let's hope Kendall realizes that."

He started to speed up

Meanwhile in an abandoned apartment Kendall had Michael tied up in a chair he was still currently unconscious. Kendall called the kidnappers number.

Kidnapper: "I saw the picture is he dead?"

Kendall: "No I'm not killing him but if I give him to you then you can do what you like please with him."

Kidnapper: "I have to say you've always been my favorite. Okay I'll be there in a hour with your friend and if I find you aren't alone I'll gut her like a pig."

Kendall: "Just hurry up."

KG, Kaylee and Johnny arrive in east Saint Louis. They began asking people have they seen a car of their description.

They eventually ran into a woman who said she seen the car head towards an abandoned building. They all got back in Johnny car and made they way towards Kendall.

Meanwhile back at the abandoned house Michael began to wake up.

Michael: "Where am I? And why do you have me tied up."

Kendall: "Shut up cause once this kidnapper gets here whatever he does to you isn't my problem."

Micheal: "Look you need to release me now."

Kendall: "Not happening."

Just then there was a knock at the door.

Kendall opened the door and the kidnapper came in and dropped Camila body on the ground. Kendall ran over and hugged her.

The kidnapper walked over to Michael and pulled out a gun.

Michael jumped up and on the kidnapper and broke the chair as they came crashing down and got free. The gun slid over to Kendall as she picked it up.

She pointed it at Michael. Then KG, Kaylee and Johnny ran in.

KG: "Kendall we got Camila back there's really no need for this stop!"

Kendall: "He's been a pain for everyone since he returned he killed Kaylee dad, and he ruined Camila relationship with Jason."

Just then Kaylee stepped in front of Michael.

Kendall: "Kaylee move he killed your dad."

Kaylee: "Yes I know I think about it everyday but we aren't killers like him and one day he'll get his karma just not like this."

Kendall: "I just don't want you to hurt anymore Kaylee."

Kaylee: "Thanks to you I won't now let me stop you from doing some that you can't come back from."

Just then the kidnapper got up and tried to charge but Kendall shot them in the arm.  They stumbled back then turned and climbed out the window.

Kendall: "As for you Michael get out of here."

Michael: "Sure and Kendall I'll be seeing you around soon." (He left)

KG: "Good we got Camila now let's go home."

Later on that night KG went to Max house to hang out and relax.

Max: "So my brother is alive thank god I mean I know he's a monster but-"

KG: "It's okay I get it don't worry I wasn't going let Kendall kill him."

Max: "Is it because you still like him?"

KG: "I like you Max and only you."

They began to kiss and go under the covers.

Meanwhile Camila was at home settling in she went in the bathroom and took her shirt off she had cut marks over her body. She cried and just climbed in bed.

Kendall was at home with Yuri.

Yuri: "So you didn't kill him after all."

Kendall: "I couldn't go through with it but I just hate him so much."

Yuri: "It's okay im already on it."

Kendall: "Yuri what did you do?"

Michael was in Saint Louis leaving imos when a bunch of football players pulled up around him.

Davis: "We got message from Yuri leave Kendall alive."

Michael: "six of y'all huh? This is unfair."

Davis: "Well better start running."

Michael: "I meant for you."

Meanwhile Johnny was dropping Kaylee off at home.

Kaylee: "Hey Johnny?"

Johnny: "Yea what is it?"

Kaylee: "I know I enjoy kid things and am kinda shy and your older and outgoing and it's not logical but-"

Johnny just kissed her.

Johnny: "That answer your question."

Kaylee: "Definitely."

Lexus arrive outside KG house but she was there to meet Keelan.

Lexus: "You got it?"

Keelan: "Yea I got it that'll be $35."

Lexus gave him the money.

Keelan: "Look we need to tell my sister eventually I've been selling you drugs."

Lexus: "No or do you want her to find out your the reason I missed y'all mom funeral."

Keelan: "Okay fine."

Lexus: "Good."

Later that night KG came home Keelan was waiting in the living room.

Keelan: "It's about time."

KG: "oh shut up where's dad?"

Keelan: "He's in the bathroom."

KG went to the bathroom door it was wide open her dad was cleaning a wound.

KG: "Dad what happened?"

Mr. Grace: "Oh nothing hunting accident it's nothing."

KG saw the wound as her dad tried to cover it, her eyes widened.

Mr. Grace: "You okay sweetie?"

KG: "Yea I'm good I'm going to bed."

She rushed to her room and called Kendall.

Kendall: "Hey what's up."

KG: "How sure are you that you shot the axe man aka the kidnapper in the arm."

Kendall: "I'm 100% certain it was in the arm why what's wrong?"

KG: "My dad has a bullet wound in that exact spot."

Kendall sat in the bed fast.

Kendall: "KG what are you saying."

KG: "The guy who chased me and Max through the woods, killed Camila cat and Kidnapped her I think it might've been my dad."

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