The Black Unicorn

By Phantomheart8

197K 10.6K 3K

You are just a poor peasant girl living in the countryside of your kingdom, Making what little money you can... More

Before story note
A New Day
Meeting New Friends
Warnings in the Wind
Taken away
First Day in the Castle
He's Here
Wrong Place at the Wrong Time
Doing the "Right" thing
All for a couple of Apples
Too Much
Marketplace Mayhem
Masters not so bad side
Midnight Stroll Through The Castle Halls
Preparing for Guests
Masters Cursed Steed
Odd Changes in the Castle
Tiger's Bane Extract
Master Ambrose's True Intentions
Christmas special AU
How Did This Come To Be?
The Creature in the Water
The Creatures Grim Warnings
Searching for Tokotopa
A Boy and His Unicorn
Bloody Interrogation
Bloody Interrogation Part 2
" Master... What am I to you?"
The Magic Room
A Warm Brew of Tea
A symbol of Love
" I love You."
A/N: Dracal
The calm before the Storm
Even Demons cry
Hunters of the Black X Order
Lord Conrad's keep
What is Seen
The Four Princes of Ahlk-hatek
Guardian Spirits
Opal Eyes
Royal Fun
A Warlocks Best Friend: Part 1
A Warlocks Best Friend: Part 2
Every Tale Has A Different Side
Every Person Has A Differnent Side
A/N: Leodai Art
Fiery Reunion
A Common Enemy
The Ruins of Ikaro
Lost Souls
A Ghostly Message
The Wyrm Of The Labyrinth
War In the Hills
One Last Hope
A Hidden Magician
Christmas special: Mr. And Mrs. Claus
The Nature of Evil
Dishonoring Accusations
On That Day
"We Must Make Haste"
Hiding In Plain Sight
Stampede In The Town Square
My Name

All Gone To Hell

529 31 33
By Phantomheart8

What happened next almost seemed like a dream, or a nightmare to be a little more accurate. My vision came to me in flashes, as if I were in a dark room with a single candle and someone was repeatedly covering the light. I don't know if it was because of my injured state or if my mind had just had too much and was starting to shut down. I saw Ambrose, my master, my love round the corner at the behest of my brother's shouts, and all of my attackers screamed out. I probably might have too if He had been out for my blood. I knew that once he was out for blood, he was going to get it.

All of the hands that had been gripping and tearing at me only a second before were now gone, and a huge and familiar one took hold of me instead. Mid-stride, Master Ambrose reached for me, grabbed me, and flung me back behind him. Since I was not doing all too well from surviving the human stampede only a few moments before, I could not catch my footing and ended up falling into the mud below with a splat.

The liquids below me pooled into my already damp dress and coated my skin with cold, dirty water. before I could even shift to pull myself up, there was a shriek and a cry for help that was cut off with a sickening snap. No more than a second later a splatter of something thick and red sprayed over my form and the ground around me, covering the area in a spray of crimson mist. The companions of the dead attacker screamed all more as they watched how easily the giant man before them had just slain someone. They could do nothing but scream as they realized the fate that awaited them.

Even over the sounds of fear I could hear the rapid sounds of footsteps approaching me from behind before hands grabbed me and quickly yanked me up from the mud, or at least tried to anyway. My brother ended up slipping in the muck and landing down in it himself. Instead of trying to get back up, he curled up behind me and pulled me close to his chest as he was struck still by the carnage that was unfolding in front of him.

I did not look up, I only laid my head against my brother's heaving chest and tried to drown out the sounds of death by his breath and rapid heartbeat. I had seen all of this before. It felt like ages ago, it only happened when I first came to be Master Ambrose's apprentice. He had sent me out into town to pick up ingredients for his laboratory. I was stranded when the carriage had left without me, and just like now I had been cornered by a group of people who had only intended to hurt me.

And they had hurt me, quite badly too. Not badly enough to have caused me bedridden injuries, but enough to where I had to rest if off for a good little bit before I got back to work. I think that is where I first saw something more than evil in Master Ambrose. Just like now, he had murdered the people who hurt me, quite traumatically in fact. Then he had carried me back to the castle and tended to my wounds. It was an act that scared me never would have thought he was capable of doing. Before that, he had shown me that he was nothing but an evil warlord who carved up his disobedient servants and fed them to his Unicorn. Now that I knew more about him, I could say that he was not as evil as everyone thought he was. He was still evil in many ways, but there was more to him than most people ever would even be brave enough to find out about.

Glancing up, I looked forward just in time to see Ambrose rip the arm right off one of the people who had tried to hurt me. A spray of blood cascaded over their whimpering partner who had taken to cowering in one of the alleyway corners as they were trapped from leaving. The other two already laid dead on the ground at Master Ambrose's feet.

Closing my eyes, I blocked out what happened next, not wanting it to be engraved in my brain for the rest of my life like the first time. I just heard the cries of despair and the crunching and snapping before it all went silent. My brother's breath hitched, and I felt him tense behind me as the sound of heavy footsteps started towards us.

My eyes snapped open, and I looked up to Ambrose sauntering over to us, or to me specifically. He paid no heed to my brother behind me, his pure purple eyes looked at me and through me. As if this was the first time he had seen me in forty years. At this point it sure felt as if t had been that long. The last time he and I looked into each other's eyes he got a spear through the chest.

No weapon burst from him and spayed me in his blood this time as he reached out for me. Raising my hands up as well, I almost leapt up and right up into his arms. It was my brother's hands around me that kept me on the ground. His body shivered against my back furiously, and his voice cracked harshly as he shouted at the Warlock that towered over the both of us.

" Stay- Stay back! Don't tou-Touch her!" He cried as he tried scooting away from him with me in tow. Master Ambrose took no more of his Shit as he snatched me out from his hold faster than any snake strike I had ever seen. He lifted me up and over his shoulder so that my top half was hanging down over his shoulder blade. He was not wearing any armor, but his hard muscles dug into my stomach. It was already hard to breath thanks to me getting trampled only moments before, and his shoulder in my gut only made it worse.

I let out a small groan of pain as my brother shot up and grabbed at me as if he meant to pull me right out of the arms of the seven-foot giant magic man that was currently fuming down at him. Master Ambrose snarled down at my brother with a growl that made my brother both jump and freeze at the same time. He fumbled back down to the mud, looking up at the master with eyes full of horror. The Master sneered down at him one last time before looking up and forward.

He stalked past my brother as if he were nothing more than an annoying little pest, completely ignoring his shouts of protest. I watched my brother look around dumbfoundedly as if someone were going to magically appear out of nowhere to help him out. I guess you never know if it could actually happen, it just happened to me after all.

He scrambled to his feet, his clothing wet and darkened with muddy water and what I was going to hope was mud that was plastered to his body. The ground squelched beneath him as he found his footing and started running after us. Ambrose's regular stride making my brother have to work hard to keep regular pace. Something I had to learn in order to keep up with him when I was his helper.

Looking up only briefly, I saw the hints of the Carnage that my Master was simply leaving behind and I felt the blood drain from my face. There was nothing left of those people other than blood and torn pieces. I quickly looked away to keep myself from becoming sick in the stomach. I had seen Master Ambrose tear people apart before, but it never got easier to watch.

My fingers gripped Ambrose's dark brown hide tunic, feeling the slight fuzz that tickled my skin. He was here, and he was not dead... he was finally here now. I relaxed despite the shoulder digging into my gut and let my head fall down as far as it could go. I let my right hand sprawl out palm down against his back.

" Ambrose..." I whimpered ever so silently. Not being able to speak any louder in fear that I would burst out into sobs if I did... and also because I was out of breath because of getting trampled. Tears already blurred my vision and dripped down onto his back. There was a large hand on the back of my thigh, and he squeezed it ever so slightly in reassurement . A motion that made my breath hitch with a quiet whimper. A sound that was more air than actual noise as I curled into myself as much as I could while over his shoulder.

" I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." I cried out in a whisper and then could say no more as I gave in to the growing feeling in my chest and let out my pain. I closed my eyes and felt the hot tears stream down my face as I continued to cry and shiver in his hold. I did not know where he was taking me, and I did not care. I knew that as long as he was here things had to get better...right?

Hopeful, and probably naive thinking at its best. Things had only started to plummet since the first day that the princes' stormed into the castle and took me. I could have argued that it was actually long before that, when Master Ambrose first took over this kingdom. That was somewhat both a truth and a lie. Things got better after that before they got even worse than the start. But it had ultimately been the beginning of all of this.

Where would I be now if he had not conquered this kingdom and two others? Would I still be living life on the windy farm? Selling my mother's wares and barely making enough to have a few mouthfuls of soup at the end of the day? Would I still be freezing next to my brother every night? bathing in cold water? Would I have been sold off to marry another farm boy? Or would I have perished? Frozen or starved to death.

Where would Ambrose be right now? Would he just be in hiding for the rest of his life with Malicia? Perhaps they would have gone to a faraway land and found a paradise just like Tokotopa. Maybe he would have built up a new home and recovered the one he lost. No... I loved Ambrose and wanted to see the best in him, but there was too much hate in his heart after what had happened to him and his mother.

Yes, he had made my life and the lives of many other better and I would not have changed that...but he still sacked our kingdom and enslaved us. I had convinced the princes' for now that he was worth more as an ally than an enemy. Hopefully he would be able to stop himself from crushing their skulls long enough to prove me right. They were the ones who took me after all so there was already that going against us.

This was the man I loved, and I have known him closely for long enough to tell that he was hurting. He was angry, and frustrated and in pain and he had the power to kill those who caused it. So, the obstacle now would be to keep that from happening so the order did not go after him and Dracal anymore. Yalora had proven herself to be an even bigger enemy, but it was up to us to make sure that they did not turn on Ambrose and fight them both at the same time.

My brother had given up trying to make the Warlock let go of me, so instead he scurried ahead of the beast man. Looking up at me as he made his way past me, I could see the fear in his eyes, and the worry. He was no doubt scared shitless of the Master. Most people were, especially when meeting him for the first time.

He hurried in front of Master Ambrose and waved at him with his hands. Ambrose stilled to a halt and looked down at my brother with a low growl that vibrated through his entire body. I could feel it resonate into my body. No doubt The Warlock saw my brother as anything else other than a worm to be stomped if he did not get out of his way fast enough. Or at least a boot in the ass.

" Our Inn is way! Follow me, we can take shelter there. The demon might be back too." He tried to convince Ambrose, taking a few hesitant steps backwards while still cranking his head up slightly to look into The master's deep purple hue's. Ambrose was still for a moment as he stared at my brother in silent contemplation. it was only when I shifted slightly in discomfort when he started to move after my brother.

My brother let out a deep huff of relieved air before turning around and jogging through the now empty town square. The stampede of people that was here only a little bit ago was now gone. As was the sun now as the orange of the sky started to fade into a deep navy blue. Therefore, we met no barricade as my brother led the way. His footfalls clapping against the cobblestone road. He had to keep a fast pace in order to stay ahead of the Giant man carrying me.

I simply watched as the road and building behind us disappeared and was replaced with more road and buildings as we passed. I had calmed down and no longer was weeping, but the tears still flowed. I now kept silent as I kept a part of Ambrose's tunic balled into my fist. I swung slightly with each of his mighty steps, but he held me relatively still for the most part.

At the fast pace we were moving, it did not take long to get back to the Inn. My brother pushed himself in first and held the door open for us. Ambrose being a man that could put any beast to shame with his size, stilled for a second as he analyzed the doorway. He grabbed onto me and shifted me around so that he was now carrying me in his arms rather than on his shoulder.

He bent over slightly to fit himself through the door and the atmosphere immediately shifted. We were now out of the cold, dark, quiet streets of this lonely village. Inside the Tavern, people laughed, cheered, danced and sang along to merry music as they mingled. At least that's what they were doing before a seven-foot-tall man came in through the door, splattered with blood, carrying a battered and crying young maiden who also had a good portion of blood on her as well.

Everything stopped and all attention was brought to the Warlock. People from every corner of the Tavern looked and gawked at him. That put fear into my heart and caused me to stiffen up while holding my breath. He was not wearing his signature armor, so he looked like any grizzled hardworking man. But how many of those men were as big as Ambrose with only a single color to their entire eyeballs?

Most people quickly looked away when Ambrose snapped his head in their direction and glared Hellfire at them. They went back to their mingling, though it was a lot quieter now. The music slowly started up again, but the mood of the room was not as Jolly as it was when we first entered. Ambrose sneered at the crowd, then turned back to my brother who jumped at the sudden attention. He motioned towards the stairs with a nod of his head and led Ambrose once more.

the stairs creaked under Ambrose's weight and his footsteps sounded a lot more like stomping against the wooden floors. He followed my brother up the steps and down the hallway to the room we were renting. As with the Inn door, he held it open for us and Ambrose pushed his way in. Looking out of the window, Dracal stood there waiting for us. When he heard us enter, he turned to look at us, and gasped when he saw my state of being. One hand flung to his heart while the other reached out for me as he shoved himself away from the window.

" My lady we are going to have to start locking you up with how much this keeps happening to you." He said to me sadly as he looked down my form with his sad, dark eyes. " I'll call for some of the workers to fill a bath for you so you can get washed up." He said to me before turning to my brother. Reaching out, He snatched his neck in a harsh grip and squeezed. My brother's eyes widened, and he choked out a few sputtering coughs.

" As for you! This would not have happened to her if you had stayed here as I instructed and waited for our return. It is your responsibility as the elder sibling to care for your vulnerable sister! Young boys these days have no sense of responsibility when it is needed the most." He snarled in my brother's face. Shaking him around a few times before flinging him back.

My brother managed to keep his footing, but he stumbled back into the wall harshly. Holding onto his throat as he gasped and coughed. He croaked out an apology to me as I struggled in Ambrose's arms. Ambrose looked down at me with wide eyes as he lowered me down and let me have my footing while keeping a steady grip on me. I looked towards Dracal, an outraged look crossing my features.

" Don't hurt him! he's going through a lot right now too! What happened is not his fault." I raised my voice slightly at Dracal, who blinked at me with amused eyes that twinkled full of adoration. Shouting out like that took its toll on my body and my chest started to pound as my head started feeling slightly lighter than it should. My brother's look saddened as he listened to me speak, and he lowered his eyes to the floor.

" No Y/N... the demon is right. You got hurt because I ran like a child, and you went after me. I should have maintained myself." He coughed out, refusing to meet my gaze. I sighed as lifted a hand to my aching head. Not sure what to do with either of them at this moment.

" His name is Dracal. Not the Demon." Was all I could manage. Dracal chuckled at my words as he made his way to the door. His long dark coat hiding the movement of his legs and making it look like he was floating. He smiled at me as he tousled my brother's hair.

" Sweet Y/N. Always looking out for everyone else. Do try to get yourself into less trouble while I'm gone. That goes for all of you, I will be back momentarily." He finished addressing the room as he left and closed the door behind him. The silence in the room was louder than any war or stampede could ever have been. With the beating of my thundering heart, my ears rang louder than they ever had before. I covered one of my ears with a sharp exhale as it was starting to give me a harsh headache along with the beating I had taken earlier.

Before my legs could buckle underneath my weight, Ambrose moved me gently so that we were now sitting on the bed against the far wall. This room was a generally simple room with two beds. Other than that, there was nothing else in the room. The bed creaked slightly underneath Ambrose's weight, and I was surprised that it held our combined weight.

I held the left side of my face against his torso, and I felt his heart beating about as fast as mine was. Subconsciously I reached up with one hand and felt the side of his face, my palm cupping around the angle of his jaw as my tangled in the hair of his beard. My other hand rested on his chest, feeling the bulk that lay underneath his tunic. One of his large hands curled around my hands that was on his face, enveloping it entirely. The other one gently grabbed my chin and tilted my head up slowly so that he could look at me. Look into me.

All the air in my lungs came out slowly in a shaking breath as I looked up and met his eyes. The last time I had looked in his eyes he had looked like he had saw the sun for the first time in years. He had looked so happy and relieved. Then he took a spear to the chest and almost died. I was just waiting for something to happen this time. For the freaking serpent of Ikaro, the spirit named Oastadon to just crash through the roof of the Tavern or something.

Nothing happened when I finally met his eyes, nothing bad at least. His brow was furrowed as he looked down at me with concern and worry. His lips pressed together tightly as he silently begged for me to tell him that I was ok. His deep purple orbs shimmered as extra water gathered in them. Threatening to pool up until they spilled forth.

Once I was looking at him, I could not look away. I had seen the state of his condition when I had seen him last, but now that I was here and could actually take my time looking at him, I could actually see all the damage that was done to him. The scaring on his scalp that was done by his own gauntlets. The neglect that he had been doing to his hair. It was longer, and wildly unkept. But the most visible damage, the wound that hurt him the most was not on his skin. It was in his eyes.

He was a mighty man, a man that had felled three kingdoms, fought countless battles and won many wars. However, when he looked down at me with that expression, he looked like the most powerless man alive. He looked so helpless, almost like a shivering kitten in the rain that had no shelter.

I said no words to him, I did not have too. I had gotten used to seeing what he wanted to say through his expressions, though the most part at least. I knew he could see what I could not say to him in this moment. Just how long had it been since we got to hold each other and just get to be? I had lost count of how long I was gone.

I wanted to say that now we were together, that it felt like nothing could go wrong again. That would be a lie though. I knew that we had only felt the first winds of the storm to come. Ahead of us lay a storm that could fell a mountain and send it crumbling down to dust. We were not safe, especially not here and not now. There was still the Order, Yalora and even Leodai out there now. Not to mention the fact of the matter of the people. Yeah he had boosted the economy and made life better. But he still conquered our asses through bloodshed. Who knew how many people lost their loved ones in the war?

It hit me that Ambrose and I were not the only two people here right now. When I was looking at him it felt like the rest of the world was nothing but a far of memory. But that bubble had popped, and the world came crashing back. I grit my teeth through the ringing in my ears and stood up. Ambrose's eyes followed me, and he stood up as well, following me as I limped my way slowly to my brother.

He had sat down on the other bed with his back to us. He was heavily hunched over as he scratched at his hair. He jumped slightly when he realized I was now standing next to him. Though I had a feeling it was less of me than the presence of the giant man behind me. He made a painfully obvious effort not to look past me at the looming presence of the Warlock.

" This is my brother." I said to Ambrose while glancing up at him from over my shoulder. He seemed greatly unimpressed with the sitting boy and looked at him as if he were nothing more than a stick in the mud. Looking back at my brother, I took into account his widened eyes and the beads of sweat already gathering at his hairline. He still refused to look at the giant.

" He won't hurt you." I said to my brother. Taking a seat down next to him and grabbing onto one of his hands. He looked down at our contact and kept his eyes down for a long moment. I worried for him; I knew this could not be easy for him. To be in the presence of the man that took over our kingdom and raided our village. I grabbed onto his chin and tilted his head up so he could meet my eyes again. I needed to take a deep breath as i was really hurting now and did not know how much longer I could keep talking. The action alone only caused more pain.

" Hey...He won't hurt you." I reassured more firmly. When he replied to me it was on a whisper so frail that I at first thought that he only exhaled.

" Yes, he will."

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