Enemies || Draco Lucius Malfo...

By JudithBoaz

466 55 24


➡➡you- know-whats➡➡
The Tracklist~
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Chapter 1: End to the rebuking portrait
Chapter 2: Ending up in the wrong fireplace
Chapter 3: Don't cry, There's someone more perfect
Chapter 4: Read a book, find a plot twist in midnight
Chapter 5: Yell in the corridors, receive detention as a gift.
Chapter 6: The lost Potions essay and the worst day ever.
Chapter 7: How to become a comforter?
Chapter 8: A new start which has no heartbreak.
Chapter 9: Who is the new seeker?

Year 4

29 4 7
By JudithBoaz


'Yes Dear', said Mr. Granger.

'Can I ask you something?'

'Hope its not one of your pranks'

'I'm serious, dad!', said Y/n. She took a deep breath, 'Why didn't you tell me that I had an aunt?'

'You have an Aunt?', said Mr. Granger. 'I don't know'

'I'm not a fool, dad!... you gotta answer me, right now!', she said. Mr. Granger swallowed. 'Aunt Jenna, dad?'

'Jen', he sighed. 'She's my sister'

'You think I'd be calling her my aunt without knowing that she's your sister?'

'I'm sorry, Y/n', he said. 'But I didn't know her well... My parents didn't know her well, She left us, permanently, before you and Hermione were born'

'Why did you name me after her?', she asked.

'You looked more similar to her, even in behavior.... But Hermione's more like your mother'

'Oh... why did she go... why did she leave... why didn't you stop her?'

'She wanted to be alone', he said. 'After her, whatever Black, was arrested '

'Where's she now?'

'Somewhere in France'

'France!?', she repeated. 'I have to go there!'

'No you cannot!', said Mr. Granger. 'Your mom and I cannot go there with you!... neither can Hermione!'

'Can I call her?'

'I don't know'

'I'll take that as a Yes', she said. 'Thank you'


She saw four to five numbers with the name Jenna. She finally dialed her Aunt, after searching for her number in the old Telephone directory, her mum kept. Her heart bet faster, Pick up the call, pick the call! , she said within herself.

The number you've dialed is temporarily out of service---

'Shit!', she said, cutting the call. 'next number--'

She dialed the last one in the list, Please, pick up Jenna! 

'Hello, this is Jenna'


'Erm, Hello?'

'Hey, er, Aunt Jenna', she said. 'I'm Y/n'

'Y/n?', she said. 'I don't know any Y/n'

'What if you secretly knew me'


'Oh, I was just joking... I'm your niece, aunt Jenna!', she said. 'Your Brother's daughter!'

'Er... You must be calling the wrong Jenna'

'Jenna Granger!', she said. 'How could you possibly try to hang up your phone call when your beloved niece is talking with you!'

She paused, and breathed heavily, she couldn't believe. It was actually her own niece speaking, and she just sounded like her younger self!

'Y/n?', she said. 

'Yeah, That's my name', said Y/n. 'Aunt Jenna, I wanna meet you'

'I'll be right there!'

The sound of the calling bell was heard, within a minute or so. She should've apparated.

'So soon?'

Y/n ran downstairs, and went to open the door before her mom or Hermione got it. She was excited. She opened the door, grinning like an idiot.

'Aunt Jenna!'


She hugged her without thinking for a second.

'Mum! Someone---', Hermione paused, looking at her aunt, her eyes widened. She couldn't believe the fact the she had the same look like Y/n.

'She must be your twin?', she asked Y/n.

'Yes', said Y/n. 'Her name's Hermione'

'Hey Hermione!', she waved politely at her.

'Hello', Hermione waved back, forcing a smile.

'Who's at the door--'

Mr. Granger, looked as if someone had used Stupefy on him. He couldn't digest the fact that he had seen his sister, after twelve long years. Mrs. Granger joined.

'Jen, You've never changed', he said, as tears huddled in his eyes.

'Neither did you', she said. 

'Jenna, please take a seat', she said. 

Jenna and Mr. Granger shared about their childhood, and how they had fun before she went to Hogwarts. That's where Y/n forgot to ask something.

'Dad!', she said. 'Why didn't you tell us you were a squib!?'

'Dad's a squib!?', said Hermione, her jaw dropping.

The story continued, and finally, she had a lovely aunt to play with, to talk with, to share things that she doesn't with her parents. 


'This idiotic Tri-wizard tournament!', said Y/n. 'I swear--'

'What the hell happened?', asked Ron.

'She's worried about the Yule ball'

'Shit! I forgot it existed', said Harry. 'I'll be dancing first too!'

Y/n sighed. 'What if I never get a date, to the ball?'

'Dunno, just sit in the dorm and read a book', Harry suggested playfully. 


Y/n loved being with the hufflepuffs. She was in their common room, chatting with Kitty, Gwen and Aziel.

'You know what Kit', said Y/n. 'I thought you were introverted, and not much of a talker'

'Forget my past!', she said. 'Live in the present!'

'I thought so too', said Gwen. 'I've been with her since we were kids and I didn't know she'd talk this much'

'Hey, who's that?', said a voice. Y/n knew that it was her who was referred. She turned her head, and Cedric Diggory stood there.

'Hey Cedric!', she said. 'I'm Y/n Granger, nice to meet you'

'Well, you're a Gryffindor--'

'and our friend', said Gwen. 

'Oh, okay... we thought, we might just play a game or something?', said Cedric. 

'What about Seven Minutes in Heaven?', Aziel suggested. 

Y/n who knew everything about that game, turned red suddenly, hoping nothing weird happens.


'I'm spinning the bottle now!', said a friend of Cedric's. 

'Hey, uhm Listen, I've got homework to do--'

'No you can't go now', Kitty snapped. Y/n rolled her eyes. 

The bottle landed on Aziel and Y/n. Shit, was the first word Y/n could ever think of. She never thought this would happen. Her heart pacing faster, she went into the closet with him. Aziel just sat on one of the stools and so did Y/n. They had seven minutes to go, and the broom closet suddenly turned a bit smaller. 

The time went really, really slow. Aziel looked at Y/n and smiled, and her face grew hot. She couldn't think of anything else. Why the fuck did he have to look so beautiful today?, Thought Y/n. She locked her eyes with his blue mesmerizing ones.

'Y/n', he said standing up. 'I wonder---'

Y/n stood up too, getting nervous. 

'--if you'd like to go to the ball with me?', he said as his cheeks blushed a bit. 

'Yes', she said. But that didn't truly come out of her mouth, his eyes, made her say. 'I'd love to'

He drew closer. and closer. Y/n felt nervous and blushing at the same time. She did have a crush on Aziel, didn't she?. His hands slowly touched her cheeks. Y/n closed her eyes, breathing heavily. They were only inches apart. Nope, centimeters. Why in the great heavens did he smell so good!?.

'Me Gustas tú, Y/n', he whispered in her ears. 

And then his lips touched hers, he moved away quickly. Although it was a small peck, Y/n considered it as a kiss. 

'I'm sorry, Y/n..', he stepped backwards. 

'Er..', Y/n said nothing. She couldn't force the words out of her, her heart pacing even more faster.

The door opened, seven minutes were over. Too soon?, Y/n said within herself.


'Aziel kissed you', Ron repeated. 'I mean, he kissed you?'

'Why?', said Y/n. 'Do I look like a beast?'

'Nope, sorry... go ahead', he said. 

'He said, Me gustas tú, I didn't know what language it was from', said Y/n.

'Oh that's Spanish !', said Hermione. 'It--'

'It means I like you', said Harry, stressing on the phrase. 'He proposed to you!'

Harry wasn't much pleased about this, but he just stays with the fact that it's only a small peck and not an original kiss. He hated Aziel Rozenberg to be honest.


Aziel waited down the stairs, which is located on the way to the great hall, he looked hella handsome in his black suit and tie. He stood with his hufflepuff friends, and waited for Y/n---

She walked down the stairs, looking all angelic, he knew his heart beat was getting faster and not to ignore the faint blush on his cheeks. Her e/c eyes, glittered, as she descended. Her h/c hair was turned into a gorgeous ____________ that day. Her __________ dress, looked like it was made for her, to describe in a word, Perfect.

She smiled at Aziel, he couldn't stop himself staring at her glossy finished lips. He bowed like a gentleman as Y/n offered her hand, he kissed it gently.

'Enough, lovebirds!', said Gwen. 

'Where's Kitty?', asked Y/n. 'She never told with whom she was going with'

'There she comes!', said a girl standing across Y/n. 

She turned, Kitty walked hand in hand with Cedric.


Cedric! she was going to the ball with Cedric!?

Cedric Diggory...


Her best friend!

and she didn't know about that!


The year four had a tragic ending with Cedric Diggory getting murdered and her bestie looking all gloomy without the man of her dreams. Harry on the other hand, was blamed for everything that happened. She wanted to revive Kitty... She wanted Harry to rbecome himself....and she'd do anything for that...


Word count: 1390

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