Let Me In [Male Reader x Yand...

By SteveTheAlbino

292K 10.5K 6.7K

They say connections make us all. Whether it be the connection of friendship; of family; or even more platoni... More

Chapter 1 '327'
Chapter 2 'Ramen & Rain'
Chapter 3 'Men At Work'
Chapter 4 'Friday Night'
Chapter 5 'Mission Start'
Chapter 6 'Ticket For One'
Chapter 7 'Talk To Me'
Chapter 8 'Out Of My Head'
Chapter 9 'Falling'
Chapter 10 'The Party'
Chapter 11 'Untitled'
Chapter 12 'She Wolf'
Chapter 13 'Losing Control'
Chapter 14 'Dogs Eating Dogs'
Chapter 15 'Eternity'
Chapter 16 'Save Me'
Chapter 17 'Dates & Airplanes'
Chapter 19 'Death Do Us Part'
Chapter 20 'Chainsaw Man'
Chapter 21 'Rookies'
Chapter 22 'Mutt'
Chapter 23 'Demon And Divison'
Chapter 24 'The Story So Far'
Chapter 25 'Spiral'
Chapter 26 'Non/Fiction'
Chapter 27 'How I Met Your Mother'
Chapter 28 'The Yandere-In-Law'
Chapter 29 'Dance! Dance! Its a Festival!

Chapter 18 'The Invisible Parade' (Part 1 Finale)

7.2K 329 300
By SteveTheAlbino

[Alright! So this was originally supposed to be the Christmas Special! But I couldn't get it quite off the ground despite having an EXTREMELY ADORABLE SCENE already written! Another factor is, I didn't necessarily want to take anything away from the main story as the Christmas Chapter wouldn't have been Canon anyway. But I can confirm, Makima's present for you all...Was Call of Duty (2003). All such to say...That is the reason this chapter took a little longer. BUT IT'S HERE NOW! And with it...THE END OF PART ONE OF THIS STORY!!! THIS IS IT FOLKS! This is where the edge of the knife tips! Hope you loved sweet and innocent Makima while you had it...Because something new is stepping into this new world! Now, sure, she'll still be sweet and innocent to the reader. But for everyone else...They better watch out~]



[Your POV]

We all tell stories. Whether they be in the form of words, letters, or anything in between. If you think about it, stories are the main focus of our lives. Everything we do. Every single day. A chapter in our life is being told. And for me, as of late, my story as reached that epic middle ground. It's a point where everything is going right for the hero. The villain's forces and conquests have been defeated, the hero and his love interest have gotten closer, and life in general feels great. And how could it not? I have such an amazing life right now! I'm achieving everything I wanted in Public safety! I even saw a devil recently! But the thing that caps it all off is the fact that in my life, I have someone as amazing as Makima to call my own.

I mean, when I first met her, things seemed to start off slow. She was definitely, odd, to say the least. She didn't always seem 'there'. She'd hold awkward silence whilst looking at you. She wouldn't exactly go to start a conversation, and when she did, it was definitely something to...Think about. But then it all changed when I accidentally called her pretty. I don't know what about it, but that simple mistake in letting my inner thoughts come out was all it took for Makima and I to get closer. From that point on she was all smiles and talking. Well, in a way. There was more of those. However, she seemed to only showcase those things around me. And at a very low momentum.

It wasn't until I got closer to her that I came to understand just why Makima acted in such a way. I still remember the moment she broke down in front of me. Showcasing the feelings she had after all the history she had suffered through. If it weren't the tragic backstory about how she felt so alone and out of it. Or the fact she felt she needed someone to guide her in life to function in a normal way. It was the way such a sweet, innocent person had to go through such a tragic situation that broke me down the most. Makima was a person unlike any I had met before. But after hearing such a sad history, I felt it necessary to help her in any way I could. And who knew that'd come in the form of us eventually getting together as something more than friends?

When it actually got down to dating Makima, it felt like a dream. A girl who, upon first meeting, seemed so antisocial and out of it all, immediately turned into an adorable, loveable, ball of joy who loved cuddles, watching TV together, and spending time doing things any couple would. I was surprised at first, but I quickly came around to the idea that this version of Makima, the real one, was something I had waited my whole life for. And with the months that had passed by recently, I still find it hard to believe that we've only had our first proper PROPER date tonight! But even with the wait, due to work of course, we still had a blast! A night filled with delicious food, despite me having to punch a guy.

Following by going bowling, and then to the arcade; both, also having me end up punching an kicking a guy...Each! But despite such, Makima and I seemed to find enjoyment in it all. We decided to end the date night with a midnight showing of a movie Makima had mentioned wanting to see. So we went to watch it. We got our popcorn, soda, and a pair of seats at the very back where no one could see us, and enjoyed the movie. Thankfully, I didn't need to kick anyone this time around. But still, being close to Makima, offering side cuddles with my arm around her shoulder, was something I'll always enjoy. Even though it seemed, despite someone confessing the love of cuddles every single day almost, Makima seemed hesitant to let me cuddle her. 

It was almost like she was a different person...But she soon came around to it. After all, if there was one thing I knew about my Maki, it was that she loved cuddles, and I was more than happy to offer them to her. The moment of us just being so close was soon drawn to an end as the credits rolled, now, Makima and I begin our journey home. Thankfully, despite the late hour, we still had enough enjoy to return home before we knew it. The sound of the key inserting itself through the keyhole before the echo of the lock switching sides shifted through the air. The next thing we knew, the door to our apartment was being pushed opened, allowing the two of us to finally...finally...Return home.

[Mirror Makima POV]

(Y/n): "Look, all I'm saying is, when that guy in the mask jumped out, you were...kinda clinging to me~"

Mirror Makima: "And how many times do I have to tell you, I wasn't scared! I was just shifting around in my seat. You know those cinema chairs aren't comfortable."

(Y/n): [Grins] "Oh, yeah? Then why did I feel your fingers grab at my arms tighter then? Was it from fear? Or...Do you just like feeling my muscles that much~"

Mirror Makima: "I--Wha--I don't--"

...I wanted to yell at him. I wanted to tell him I didn't like feeling his muscles, or that I even grabbed his arms tighter in the first place. I wanted to be in charge of the conversation! I wanted to be in control! Yet, the more I looked at (Y/n), the more time slowed down around me as I stared deep into his eyes, something I had never ever done before. Nor even thought of. I couldn't help but wonder...What's if, this one time...I didn't fight for control? 

What's if I just let (Y/n) have this one? What's if I let him...Have me? I mean, that other side of me always goes on about how great and wonderful (Y/n) is, and, after tonight, I've...got to admit he is rather great. So, if she was so happy. Someone who didn't deserve any of this due to what she took from me. Why can't I take something from her? Why can't I be happy to? Happy with someone to whom I could finally give up the control. 

To let someone use me any way they see fit. I know, it sounds ridiculous. But after having fought for control for so long of my own body. I couldn't help but question what it would be like to willingly give up to control to someone. But not in the sense of controlling my body, well, not in the way I fight for anyway. But in control of...me in general. So, in a moment I wouldn't know whether I'd come to hate or not. I did exactly that. I...I gave up control.

Mirror Makima: "Well...What's if I did do that?"

The words tasted so wrong when coming out of my mouth. Especially adding in the fact that I was acting in such a way my other side would made it even worse. But then I remember something. Whenever she acted this way, (Y/n) loved it. He smiled and laughed. I...I wanted to make him do those things. So, I swallowed my pride...But only for (Y/n). Only for him.

Mirror Makima: "What's if I did grab your arm because I was...Scared? Or that I felt your arm because I do like your muscles. What's if I agreed to this date because for the longest time now there's been something about you that I just haven't been able to clear my mind of. And yet, now, after experiencing this time with you I finally seem to realize just how perfect you are?"

Those last parts of my little speech may have been a little too on the nose. Something I feared when I saw a confused glint form in (Y/n)'s eyes. As soon as I saw it, I immediately grew afraid. Did I screw up? Did he think I was weird now? Would he no longer prefer me over her? They were all questions that showed just how far I had fallen. Normally, I wouldn't care for the thoughts of anyone, whatsoever! Yet, right now, all I could think about was what (Y/n) thought of me. 

It felt weird, yet...I also couldn't help but wait for his answer. And, thankfully for me, I was given relief from my worries when I felt (Y/n)'s hands gently grasp my waist. It was a feeling that shocked me at first. But before long, I felt a burst of energy flow inside of me. Something that only continued to grow as my eyes connected with (Y/n)'s once more. To see that amazing smile he always offered to her. But now, it wasn't for her...It was for me.

(Y/n): "Well..." [Smiles] "If you were to say something like that, I'd be the happiest I have ever been. You know why?"

I didn't. But now it was the goal of my life to find out why. I just wish I did it in a cooler way when I was in front of (Y/n).

Mirror Makima: "N-No..."

(Y/n): [Chuckles softly] "...Because hearing the most beautiful, extraordinary, amazing, human being I have ever met say they wanted to do a simple thing with me is something I thought I'd only imagine in my dreams. Yet, this is real. But being with you, I feel like everything is a dream. The best thing about it all. Is that it's real. All of it. And every time I remember that, it only makes me fall more and more in love with you."

"...With you..."

Those were the words that stuck out to me most. Why? Because all this time, ever since I first met (Y/n) that day, I had felt something strange about him. 

--Flashback: Chapter 2--

I remember it vividly. It was just another day. My other self, like always, found the fears of the world too much for her to handle. So she gave me control. She was scared, and weak, and so, she came to me, the tougher of us both, to take control. Yet, even with being in control, I still found suffering. I don't know why I found myself standing in front of the elevator. I didn't plan to use it. Yet, I found myself staring into my reflection. Questioning how my life had become this. At one point, I was in control all the time, then she came into my life. I think a part of me wanted to kill myself at that very moment as I stared into my reflection. I probably would have...If it weren't for that voice...


When I first heard the voice, I grew annoyed instantly. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. After all, I had spent the entire day being ogled at by my stupid pig of a boss at Public Safety, and the owner. Not to mention the twelve other people that checked me out when I was working. But, despite the clear glares that showcased I wasn't interested, they continued. So, when I first heard this voice, I figured it was just another person calling out to me. But when I turned to face the person, I was greeted by something I did see in all my time of being in control. And that...was a genuine smile. As soon as I saw (Y/n)'s face, I immediately recognized him as the boy who had stepped between myself and the owner. 

I had returned from getting some groceries and was merely going to head back to my apartment when the voice of that disgusting owner called out. Of course, he did what he always did when he saw me. He'd flirt with me. Offering some disgusting remark like there was even a wish on a star that I'd sleep with him. I hadn't even noticed (Y/n) at that point. It wasn't until he stepped he blocked off the owners view of me. Saving me from this disgusting sight of a man. He began talking to him about something. I wasn't sure. However, I could tell he was doing it because he knew that I didn't want anything to do with the owner, nor his remarks. To put it simply, without noticing me, (Y/n) saved me. 

But I was too stubborn to notice it then, so I left without even speaking to him. That brought me to the day after, where I stood in front of the elevator, with this guy's gentle smile facing me. At this moment, it felt like someone saw me. The actual me. And not Makima. However, I was still quite stubborn. I didn't say anything as we both entered the small metal box. I didn't plan to use it. But seeing (Y/n)'s smile made my mind shut down momentarily. To the point, I couldn't think straight. Now I found myself stuck in a silent moving room with a stranger next to me. A stranger I couldn't quite stop thinking about. It drove me insane! But what made it worse...Was when I actually tried to speak to him.

Mirror Makima: "I haven't seen your face before."

A stupid first question. It was so awkward. Yet, I just felt the urge to say something, ANYTHING, in hopes it'd quench my head from continuously thinking about him. Little did I know it'd only drive me crazier. It was that moment that started it all. It seemed whilst I couldn't quite get rid of (Y/n) from my mind, something about him also intrigued Makima. That's why, when the next day came around, Makima decided to take control. Something she rarely did before meeting him. But now she had someone that she found interesting, and wanted to deal with it herself. At the time, I didn't care. But now, thinking about on it, I realize just how selfish Makima was at that moment. (Y/n) didn't say hello to her. He said it to me! But not anymore...


Now he wasn't talking to her. He wasn't saying he loved her. He loved me. He said it himself. He said he fell in love WITH ME! AND I'M SICK AND TIRED OF TRYING TO DENY THE TRUTH! (Y/N) LOVES ME! AND I SURE AS ANYTHING AM GOING TO MAKE SURE THAT HE LOVES ME!I'M NOT GOING TO LET MAKIMA STOP ME! So...I did exactly what I wanted to whenever I was around him...I gave up control. Completely. When he pushed his body against mine, I pushed against his. When his hands tightened around my waist, I brought mine around his neck. I didn't fight this feeling inside of me. This feeling...of love. Yes. That's what it was. That was the glowing feeling I felt when I first saw him. When he saved me. It was love. I just didn't realize at that moment. But now...Now I do.

(Y/n): "I mean, I can't remember a time I--"

Mirror Makima: "(Y/n), I love you!"

(Y/n): "...O-Oh." [Smiles] "I-I love you to, Maki."

Mirror Makima: "N-No. I mean..." [Smiles back] "I mean...I really love you. I...love you. I love you more than anyone else. I-I have from the moment I first saw you. I didn't realize it back then. But I realize it now."

(Y/n): "O-Oh..."

I could tell he was shocked. I can't blame him. I was putting it on quite heavily. But how could you blame someone being so upfront when they're finally confessing their love to the person they've denied feelings for for so long? But now I wasn't denying them. I was setting them free. And all with a smile on my face. Because (Y/n) said he liked 'my' smile...

Mirror Makima: "...I...I know there may have been times when I was against you, and for those times, I'm sorry. I was stubborn and foolish back then. But I see clearly now, that without you...I'm nothing."

(Y/n): "Wow, Makima I-I wouldn't say--"

Mirror Makima: "It's true, (Y/n). Ever...Ever since I was a little girl, I've felt this way. I was alone. I was without help. That was until one day, a voice appeared in my head. T-They were a weak voice. But they tried to comfort me as a friend. They said...They said if I gave them control, that I'd finally be happy. But back then...I was an idiot. I gave control of my body to a devil I thought would help me."

(Y/n): "Wait. Makima, what are you--"

Mirror Makima: "I thought they'd make my life easier. That they'd help me not be alone. But before long, after they realized what the world was like, they became afraid. They wanted to be the one to be protected...and for so long now I have--"

[3rd Person POV]

With all her desperation, Mirror Makima tried to speak. But she soon found the control of her voice completely gone. At first, she was confused. But it wasn't long until she realized who was behind it.

Makima: [Voice only] "What are you doing? What are you saying to (Y/n)?"

Mirror Makima: "I'm telling him the truth. I've had enough of you keeping me a prisoner in my own life. It's time he knows the truth!"

Makima: [Voice Only] "W-What? No! Don't tell him any lies! He's happy with me! You just want to ruin everything!"

Mirror Makima: "Me? I don't want to ruin anything! I love him! I always have! I loved him like a normal girl loves a normal guy...But I was denied of being a normal girl because of you. The day you entered my life was the worst. But you've probably forgotten that, huh?"

No response came from the voice opposing her own. Which led Mirror Makima to continue her speech.

Mirror Makima: "You've become so used to being in control that you've forgotten the biggest twist in the story I call my life. Because face it Makima, I'm not the devil here...You are! You're a devil from the pits of hell who prays on the weak. But who knew? A control devil ended up being the weak one? You're so weak that you've forgotten who you even are! So what do you do? You go ahead and steal my life! My name! But not anymore. I'm going to take my life back! And whilst I'm at it. I'll take (Y/n) with me!"

And there it was, the twist that every story needs. Something that seemingly comes out of nowhere despite set up in previous events. Each story has a twist, but for this story, the twist is none other than the fact that the person you originally thought was the devil...was none other than the human to begin with. Who's body was taken over by the control devil. The person who appeared most human all along. But you can't really be blamed for not seeing this coming. After all, not all events given to you were true. Well, not one hundred per cent true. So, why don't I show you the true origins...Of how Makima, the real Makima, came in contact with the being known as the Control Devil.

--14 Years Ago--

The sound of shouting could be heard echoing from underneath the door of a dark room. It wasn't long to tell it was the room of a child. A child with blonde hair and brown eyes, who currently found herself holding her legs tightly as she rested against the bedframe of her bed. A young child, one who should be happy, left silently sobbing to herself after receiving yet another beating from the man who was supposed to be her father.

"What do you expect me to do? She's a stubborn girl! She's a disgrace to this family! She's failing at school and in life! She doesn't even leave that room of hers!"

The voice of this girl's father shouted from outside the room, words exchanged with her mother. The girl was so distraught that the mere voice of the man was enough for her to seal her eyes shut. The fear coursing through her body made her panic, such was shown when she began mumbling under her breath.

Young Makima: "E-Everythings okay! It's okay! H-He can't hurt me again...H-He's already hurt me..."

The beating of young Makima's heart only increased with each violent word that came from outside her door. She thought it was going to be safe, only for her to burst back to reality when she heard his voice again.


Immediately Makima's eyes burst open. Tears running down her face as the sound of heavy footsteps approached her door. But when the monster on the outside when to do so, all they found was a locked door. It was only after her previous beating that Makima raced across the room to lock the door. A decision she was now thankful for. However, it only made her Father angrier.




"Makima! Open up this door right now! Makima! Makima!"

The violent tone frightened Makima to her core. Her eyes bursting so wide from fear that she thought they were going to pop out and she'd die. But unfortunately for her...They didn't. That meant she was left to deal with the pain. The fear. Everything that coursed through her body. Until a moment...everything froze. The sound of her Father knocking had gone quiet. Though, in reality, he was still shouting and pounding his fist on the door. Screaming for Makima to open the door. But for Makima herself, everything else went quiet. It was like she was dreaming...That's when she heard a voice. A voice that sounded like her own. But she knew it wasn't her.

"...Are you scared? You don't have to be afraid. I can protect you..."

The voice was gentle and soft. Which was strange. The only voices she had in her life, were ones filled with violence and distraught. But this one, it seemed nice. Caring. To the point, Makima found peace in a way.

Young Makima: "Whose saying that? Who are you?"

"It is hard to explain who I am to you now. I feel it will only cause more harm than good. But all I can say is, I can protect you from this monster outside your door. I can keep you safe. And all you have to do is accept my contract...and give me control."

That was the true events of the first time Makima, once thought to be the devil herself, met the very being of the control devil. A simple voice in her head which held so much power. When first hearing it, Makima just questioned if she was crazy. But then again, with the monster of a father waiting just outside her door, she didn't care what she was. As long as she could be safe. So, in a moment that basically was selling her soul to the devil, the control devil in this case, Makima accepted the contract offered to her. 

And from that moment on, Makima was no longer a normal girl. She was the carrier of the control devil. However, with accepting this contract, Makima gave 51% of her body over to the being. This meant Makima, the real Makima, couldn't choose to be in control whenever she wanted. It was up to the Control Devil, who had majority control, to decide who was in control. Of course, this was something Makima didn't know about when making the agreement. But she didn't care right now. 

She just wanted to be saved from the monster. And that's exactly what Control did. She took control of Makima's body. Technically blacking out the young girl. All she remembered were flashes of it all. The sound of her father screaming. Blood splattering on the wall. All such things remained fragments in her mind. She only had a proper understanding when Control Devil finally reverted control of the body back to Makima. But things weren't the same. They were...different. Something Makima didn't yet notice as she sat on her bed, surrounded by shadows, as nothing but silence filled the air. But as for her mind...That was another question.

Young Makima: "Where's Daddy?"

Control Devil: "He won't hurt you anymore. I protected you. That was the deal of our contract."

Young Makima: "Our contract?"

Control Devil: "The agreement we made. For accepting me into your body and giving me majority control of your being, I protected you...?"

Young Makima: "...Makima."

Control Devil: "...Makima, huh? Hmm..."

"...I like that name."

The voice of the Control Devil echoed aloud, as it did, a glimmer of moonlight shifted through the window, revealing the image of young Makima in the reflection of a nearby mirror. But whereas before she had blonde hair and brown eyes, those were now gone. Replaced. A form of red hair and yellow eyes with spirals was all she could see. It was like just how her body was controlled to do something she couldn't remember, Control Devil took the opportunity to control the looks of the young girl. Looks to more...suit her 


The memories all came flooding back to Makima, the one previously known as Mirror Makima, that is. It's as she remembered such, that tears began to build in her eyes. All she wanted was her life back. Her life with (Y/n). Speaking of the young male, it didn't take long before he noticed the tears building in her eyes and immediately dropped his smile in the process.

(Y/n): "Makima...?"

At first, he asked it in confusion, when he was still trying to process why Makima was beginning to cry. It wasn't until what appeared like the life fading from her eyes that made something inside of (Y/n) to snap.

(Y/n): "Makima..?! Makima! What's going on? Are you okay? Makima!"

His words soon grew frantic. More worry flooding his system the longer it took for her to respond. But Makima couldn't respond. She was being controlled not to speak. All she could do was witness the fear in (Y/n)'s eyes as she screamed his name. She wanted to tell him it'd be okay. That she'd always love him. But she couldn't...'She'...wouldn't allow Makima to say a single word more. 

She was just kept in this empty void of her mind. One between space and time. Where she was in control of nothing but her thoughts. All she could do, as she screamed internally and cried outward, was listen to the haunting voice of the person who had stolen her life. Stolen (Y/n). The person who had been acting the part of a sweet and innocent person all along. But she was anything but. 

She...was nothing but the Control Devil.

"You dare do this to me?! I gave you control! I gave you this night to spend with him! But you betray me! You plot against me?! After I was so kind to you! I helped you when you were a child, and I helped you when you needed me most! You were sick of life, so I took control of it for you! Every day I played this weak and innocent person. I pretended to be this damsel in distress. But there's something you need to understand, Makima~ I'm good at pretending~"

A mere blink of an eye, something not Makima, but the Control Devil herself, allowed to happen, was all it took for the world around Makima to suddenly shift. She now found herself a few hours later, standing in the bathroom of the apartment she shared with (Y/n). She didn't know how she got there. All Makima could imagine was that the Control Devil took over her body and played off the tears to (Y/n). Saying something along the lines of "I'm just crying out of happiness" or something. But right now, Makima didn't care for that. After all, all she could focus on was the mirror before her. Where the reflection of herself was. But despite previous times. This reflection as actually hers. The real Makima. Because the reflection of the Control Devil...was right behind her. 

A being made of complete shadows. Nothing but piercing yellow eyes and fragments that resembled Makima's body could be seen within it. But, such things as the red hair and yellow eyes were never truly Makima's. The Control Devil made it so. It was only now that it was revealing its true form to Makima...Some, who up to this point appeared nothing but a mirrored reflection to Control.

Control Devil: "What's the matter, Makima? Are you finally remembering everything that happened?"

Makima: "What the hell did you do to me?"

Control Devil: "I told you...I'm good at pretending. And that's exactly what I've been doing...Pretending. From the very first moment I met you, I pretended to be weak. To be scared. I struck you when you were weak. I took control so I can be reborn in this world."

Makima: "If you had my body, why pretend for so long?"

Control Devil: "Because..." [Wickedly Smiles] "I've rather enjoyed playing with your life. I twisted you into the complete opposite of what you once were. And I was having so much fun...Until you decided to finally realize you liked (Y/n). But that was your mistake. (Y/n) isn't yours. He's mine."

Makima: "Oh, right. Because he'd totally be into a Devil like you!"

Control Devil: "He hasn't seemed to mind so far~"

Makima: "That's because you're using my body! My voice! My name! You pretended to be weak and innocent in front of him! Put you're nothing but a Devil! Why do you even care about a human like him anyway?!"

Control Devil: "Why do I care about him? Isn't it obvious...He's perfect. He's unlike any human I have met before. He's different. He has something about him that drives me crazy. But...You're right. He wouldn't go for a Devil. That's why I use your body. I put on this display of being an innocent little girl, whilst you clawed away being a bitch in the backseat. But now you finally see just how perfect he is. You see what you've been missing this whole time...But only because I've allowed it."

Those last few words were what shocked Makima the most. To the point, she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. One which caused the shadowy figure behind her to form a wicked smile. One that was even creepier due to the yellow eyes that peirced through the darkness.

Makima: "What do you mean...Because you've allowed it?"

Control Devil: "Isn't it obvious? Whilst I've been controlling your body this whole time, I've also been controlling your thoughts. I've been making you hate him. To dislike him. I've only now allowed your true thoughts to come through. All...So I can take them away. So I can truly break you and end you. Because, Makima, I don't need this side of you anymore. I don't need you to 'protect' me anymore...I have (Y/n) for that~"

Makima: "W-What? No! What are you talking about! I--"

Control Devil: "I've only kept you around this long as a backup. Just in case I needed to fall back on your futile human means. But I did so in a manner that made you believe that I was nothing but a weak devil seeking refuge. But you'd be wrong. I'm not weak. I'm the strongest there is. And I'm stronger now because of my love for (Y/n)." [Giggles] "I still can't believe that I was able to come up with such a pathetic backstory that I was lonely and needed help." [Smiles wickedly] "But (Y/n) is sweet like that. He cares about me. And all the while...He doesn't even know you exist~"

Makima: "No...No! You can't do this! You can't!"

Control Devil: "But I already have! Because you're no longer Makima, I am! When (Y/n) says he loves Makima, he means me! When he fucks your body, he's fucking me! He craves me like a drug! And I'm all the drug he needs. I'm only telling you this now because I want to toy with your broken mind just one...more...time. But now I'm done. So, goodbye...Whoever you are."

Makima: "I'm Makima! I-I'm Makima!"

Control Devil: "Makima? No...That can't be. How can you be Makima when..." [Grins] "I'm Makima. After all, that seems to be what (Y/n) calls me all the time~"

It was that final grin from the dark abyss of the Control Devil that broke Makima's final bit of strength. She went around to strike the being, but as she turned she lost her footing. As she fell to the ground, the floor tiles beneath her began to fade out of existence. All that could be seen was a dark abyss of nothing. An empty space. One which Makima, the real Makima, the one who for all this time was referred to as a mirror imaged, was cast aside. Erased from all being of her body. Now the Control Devil had %100 control of the body which once belonged to the girl named Makima. But now, the only Makima that remained...was the Control Devil. 

It was as this happened that the eyes of Makima (Control devil) opened. There, she found herself in the bathroom, alone. No sign of any wasteful piece of life. Such brought a smile to her face. One in which she carried as she exited the small room and travelled through the hallway. Before long, she returned to her bedroom, one which she shared with (Y/n). Her silent figure, clouded by shadows once more, to the point only her yellow eyes could be seen, stood over the bed. A wicked smile cast down at the sleeping figure of the boy who had somehow captured the heart of the Control Devil could be seen. He was so peaceful. 

His image brought an unrelenting amount of joy to a being that was only supposed to take in suffering and despair of humans. But there was enough despair from everyone else who would dare try to take (Y/n) from her. And they would try. After all, when you see such a perfect guy like him...Who wouldn't want a piece? But Makima decided to cast those thoughts to the side of now as she crawled into bed next to her boyfriend. Before long, her body shifted at her side. Rolling over to pull her into a hug. One which Makima accepted without hesitation. A soft smile finding her lips. All the while (Y/n) knew not a single bit...That he was currently in bed with the very creature that had killed the real Makima. 

A Makima...he never properly knew existed...


And so, from that moment on, things changed rather quickly. With the Control Devil, now fully taking on the role of Makima, casting aside her mirror version, found no reason to hold back her truth delish instincts from seeping into the world. Such meant she was finally able to put an end to the diseases in her life that was trying to take (Y/n) away from her. There were so many she could think of to start with. But there was one amongst them all that Makima wanted to destroy. And that was the man who saw over her life at Public Safety. The man who tried countless times to take (Y/n)...her (Y/n)...away from her.

Mr Hamada: "How many times do I have to tell you?! You want to be let out of here, you must break apart Makima and (L/n)!"

Power: "And I keep telling you, I am frightened of Miss Makima! She is scary!" [Crosses arms] "She told Power to be a dog..."

Mr Hamada: "You are a Fiend! How can you be afraid of a bitch like Makima?!"

Power: "Tis not matter! Besides! If it is you who wants her, why do you not go get her yourself?!"

Mr Hamada: "...Because..." [Tries to remain calm] "...I can not physically do anything. I am the head of Public Safety. If I was to get caught doing...anything...It'd mean the end of my life. My wife would leave me. My job would be ruined."

Power: "And as to why you want Miss Makima so much?"

Mr Hamada: "It doesn't matter! Now get out of my office, you useless Fiend! And you can forget about going free!"

Power: "But I must retrieve my Meow--"

Mr Hamada: "I DON'T CARE! NOW LEAVE!!"'

The voice of Mr Hamada echoed above all other noise at that moment as he stretched out his finger toward the door behind Power. Currently, the two could be seen in the formers office within the Tokyo Public Safety building. Of course, they were there at such a late hour to discuss the matter of their deal. Power would be set free if she ended the relationship between Makima and (Y/n). But as she has failed to do so up until now, Hamada had had enough. Barking at the fiend to leave him to his own frustrations, Power exited the room with a loud slam of the door. All the while leaving Hamada by himself, to fall down onto his office chair and take a glass of rich Japanese alcohol into his hand.

Mr Hamada: "Stupid fuckin' Fiends."

He sighed before muttering under his breath. Taking the cold glass into his hand, Hamada proceeded to spin around on his chair so he could face the wall of glass windows that stood behind him. Through them, he was able to witness the ground floor and the front entrance of the building. Everything from the stairs leading up to the second floor to the right. Of course, he was on the fourth floor, a good 50 meters off the ground. There, he could also witness the receptionist's desk and the sight of Power storming out the front door. A shake of his head came from the sight. He was about to take a sip of his beverage, when just as the glass edge reached his bottom lip, a familiar voice abruptly sounded from behind.

"...It seems Power was not happy."

Mr Hamada: "ARGH! What the--"

The sensation of the cold liquid pouring onto his body from the sudden voice was enough tp spark rage in Hamada's body. However, as he turned his chair around, his anger quickly quelled to a sense of confusion, as his eyes landed on a shadowy figure standing next to the entrance of the office. The room had already been partially dark before, as Hamada didn't really want anyone to glance through the windows behind him to see him talking to Power. But now, for reasons unknown, the room appeared darker. To the point, all he could see of this sudden visitor was their yellow eyes, and the faint outline of their red hair and body. 

Mr Hamada: "Makima? Is...Is that you?"

Makima: "...It is."

Her words were cold, and without emotion. Something that only added an eerie feeling to the exchange between the pair. However, when Hamada realized that Makima, the puppet he had been chasing for so long now, had come to see him, at such late hours, it made him question...Why? Was there a problem with (Y/n)? Did she leave him? Or better yet...Was she still with him, and decided the joyous pleasure of playing with his heart strings behind his back? Such a wicked thought immediately brought a smile to the older man's face. Enough to welcome a heartier attitude to his new guest.

Mr Hamada: "Well, Makima! I must say, it's a little surprising to see you here at such late hours. I didn't even hear you come in! Come, have a drink with me!"

Makima: "Very well."

The words enlisted another wave of erotic joy within the old man. He got so excited in fact that he could already feel himself getting...There. But he was forced to keep such wild behaviours at bay, just for the moment. Though, they did freeze up slightly when Makima finally exited the shadows. But when she did, Hamada noticed something...Different about her. She carried no expressions whatsoever. Her face was blank. No sign of annoyance or sass about her. She just stared at him. Her yellow eyes didn't blink once as she sat down in the chair across from his desk. It was honestly unsettling. But the thoughts of what could happen following this moment were too much of a thrill for Hamada to question any of this properly.

Mr Hamada: "So, Makima? What are you here for? Have you decided to--"

Makima: "--What were you and Power discussing?"

Mr Hamada: "Oh." [Chuckles] "That was really nothing. She just wanted to know when she could leave. But that matters little. Come on, drink up, let us talk like--"

Makima: "--I don't drink with liars."

Mr Hamada: "I...I'm sorry?"

Makima: "There you go. You lie again. You're a liar."

Mr Hamada: "Uh, Makima--" [Chuckles] "I--"

Makima: "You said Power was talking about wanting to leave. And, whilst that part is true, you did not reveal the true story. You didn't mention the part where you and her have been conniving for a while now to take (Y/n) away from me. All so I could become your plaything."

Mr Hamada: "Uh...Makima, that is a very... very serious accusation. You cannot just--"

Makima: "I'd bite my tongue, if I was you. You don't want to waste your last words. I have known about your plans for a while. I know about everything you have thought of. I've only let them go on for so long because I had to wait for the perfect moment. Where (Y/n) had fully given his heart to me."

Mr Hamada: "E-Excuse me?"

Makima: "Sure. A sad backstory mixed in with a hellish work place where I, a seemingly weak and innocent girl, to pure for this world, was left to suffer in was a good first step for him to become mine. But to properly make sure I have (Y/n) for the rest of my life, I needed to make sure he loved me with all his heart. And I mean all of his heart."

Mr Hamada: "Makima, what are you going on ab--"

Makima: "But now I have reached that moment. He is fully mine. And I, am fully his."

Her soft voice echoed like whispers from the doors of hell. One which became more of a reality as the shadowy figure of the red-haired girl rose to her feet. Now, she towered over the still-seated Hamada. Who was so confused he didn't know what to think.

Makima: "So there is no longer any use to keep you around. You have played your part well. And for that, congratulations and reward are in order."

A loud gulp escaped Hamada's mouth as he watched in complete silence as Makima began to make her way around the side of his desk. By this point, Hamada's back was fully pressed into his seat. The unknown fear through his body bringing about a wave of sweat. One that only increased as he watched, through the rhythm of his heartbeat, as the figure of Makima grew closer. Despite her body not facing him, her eyes never left his own. The yellow orbs cut through the darkness, seemingly the only source of light, a light that cascaded itself onto him. 

Hamada wanted to say something. He wanted to tell Makima to stop. But, for some reason, he found no control in his body. He couldn't move. He was just left to sit there as Makima reached his side of the desk. Eventually, she came to a stop, a few meters from his body. A chill ran down his spine as Makima leaned her face in. Until her yellow eyes were inches from his own. The light from her eyes enough to allow Hamada to see the deranged smile on her face. One that did nothing to hide the teeth hidden behind soft lips. 

But this wasn't the smile of an innocent girl. Nor the smile that (Y/n) had seen from her. He had never seen such a monstrous and wicked smile from Makima. He didn't even think she could do such a thing. But Hamada, he now knew first hand that whoever he thought Makima was before, he was completely wrong. It was in this one moment, however. A moment of fear and uncertainty, that Makima allowed Hamada control over his voice. But instead of screaming or begging for his life. He only had one question on his mind.

Mr Hamada: "W-Who...Who are you? Who are you r-r...really?"

Makima: "Who am I?" [Wickedly grins] "...I'm Makima. Now, about your reward..."

...At 2:15 A.M.; a shattering of glass could be heard. A caretaker on the lowest floor rushed out into the main hallway to find Hamada's body lying on the floor, a pool of crimson-red blood surrounding it. When Police came in, they searched his office to find a letter written by the hand of the dead man. In it, he told how he had had enough of this world. That he wanted to end it all. But also in it, he admitted to the crimes of touching female workers, and unaccounted contracts with devils. So, even after death, the name of Mr Hamada was ruined. And before long, people moved on from his death. Sure, they remembered it. But it didn't carry the same weight as a good man dying abruptly. 

A few weeks passed by before the higher-ups of Public Safety officially appointed Makima in the role. Of course, no one knew of her part to play in the death of Hamada. But that's exactly how she planned it. When she heard the news of her being enlisted as the new head of Tokyo's Public Safety branch, she put on a display of shock and wonder. After all, the Control devil was good at pretending. She pretended to be surprised to hear such news. She pretended to be filled with nerves on her first day. But for everything she pretended, there was one genuine emotion inside of her. And that was the love she had for (Y/n). Something she was reminded of every time he congratulated her on reaching her dream. 

Every time she was nervous, he was there to comfort and support her. The feeling she got every time he did that made her genuinely wish she carried these real emotions. But, at last, she was a devil. She didn't have emotions...Well, except for love, of course. She had somehow manifested that one emotion into her life the day she met (Y/n). A day she promised she'd do whatever it took to make him hers, and hers alone. But the death of Hamada and the appointment of Makima to the head of Public Safety weren't the only changes that took place. In the following weeks, a lot happened. The death of Yuki, was one. The male who had accompanied her and (Y/n) and missions a few times had apparently witnessed Makima's arrival in Hamada's office. 

He was there late one night doing paper work, when he saw her enter his office after Power exited it. Then, after the shattering of glass sounded, she left his office. But, of course, when he confronted Makima, he knew not of the power she held. So, Makima used her abilities to make Yuki forget everything he had seen. Only for him to unconsciously step out onto a live train track randomly two weeks later. Though, Makima feared Yuki must have placed some knowledge onto Kishibe. Because after his death, he seemed to have changed attitudes. He was no longer fun-loving or anything like that. He constantly had a glass bottle in his hand, and failed to see the meaning of life, like a depressed man unable to die. 

But Makima didn't put too much thought into it for now. After all, she was busy moving to a brand new, much better, apartment building with (Y/n), where they now had a tiny little Husky Puppy to call their own. It was the perfect life Makima had always wanted with (Y/n), so she wasn't going to let some depressed person ruin it for her. Other things happened to. Like Quanxi leaving Public Safety and Himeno and Aki joining a division together. Power was left alone, without a partner. After all, Makima's first decree as head of Public Safety was to remove her from being partners with (Y/n). 

He now worked alone, though, as Makima's first in charge, as some people at Public Safety put it. But Makima liked that. They knew he was hers. And she wanted to keep it that way. And so...That's where the story now stands. Makima was in bliss. (Y/n) and her were finally happy. There was no mirrored version to intervene. No Hamada to displace her life from the inside. And no female dared get close to (Y/n). If they did, they'd be fired...Or worse. Of course, such went unknown by (Y/n). Makima didn't want to worry his little brain with such meaningless things. All she wanted him to worry about was her, their puppy, and the new life they were about to share together...Even as the sound of a Chainsaw revved in the distance~


[...Boy. I don't really know what to say. The events of this chapter were, I hope, as massive of a twist to you guys as it was to me. I say that because this outcome wasn't even the original plan until I started writing it. But it turned out so much better than what I planned that I had to go with it. Now, I have a feeling some of you might be confused. So I'll explain it here...

--Basically, the Control Devil all this time wasn't Mirror Makima, it was the Makima who had been the main version. She was the Control Devil who was pretending to be weak all the way to the very first moment she met Makima. She was basically manifested into her body as the next embodiment of the Control Devil. But Control wanted a different pace, so she wanted to entertain herself by toying with Makima's life. And she did that by placing all this various different memories. With only the true ones being revealed at the end, when the Control Devil finally had enough with the games and just simply wanted to be with the reader--

So yeah, that's basically it. Truly something that I don't think anyone saw coming. And I hope it turns out to be exactly what made this journey up to this point worth it. But even so, WE'RE NOT DONE! We've gotta get into the events of the anime now, which will showcase the Makima that we're all familiar with. Of course, she'll still be her loveable self to (Y/n). But only (Y/n) this time. She doesn't care about anyone else. So if that gets you excited, feel free to vote and leave your thoughts in the comments. Because things are getting wild boys!!!]

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