Hiding the Emperor's Child

By ladyliyaaah

70.4K 2.1K 97


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101

Chapter 58

526 16 7
By ladyliyaaah

The following day, Astelle made her way to the temple, arriving early in the morning. The temple was conveniently located not far from the Imperial Palace, close to Astelle's own residence. Against the backdrop of the brightening dawn sky, the temple stood in shades of gray.

As it was still early, there were only a few visitors present. Astelle alighted from the carriage and entered the temple building, clutching a small bouquet delicately in her hands, ensuring that it remained intact.

"Lady Astelle!"

"Nice to see you after such a long time, High Priest," Astelle greeted the elderly priest with a warm smile. He had been close to the deceased Empress Dowager and had known Astelle since she was a child.

"You've arrived early," the high priest remarked, his face beaming with joy at her presence.

"Yes, I wanted to come ahead of time to make a dedication at the altar of the Empress Dowager," Astelle explained, showing him the carefully cherished bouquet in her hands. It was a beautiful arrangement of fresh white acacia flowers that she had prepared the previous night.

"You've been through so much trouble. The Empress Dowager was deeply concerned for you," the high priest's words brought tears to Astelle's eyes, reflecting the genuine care and love the late Empress Dowager had held for her.

Astelle walked alongside the high priest as they made their way down the garden path towards the sanctuary. The path was adorned with white tiles, creating a serene atmosphere.

As they strolled, the high priest relayed the words of the late Empress Dowager, sharing her final wishes. "Her Majesty the Empress Dowager entrusted me with her will and left a message," he began. "'The southern estate was originally mine, but I have never managed it with my own hands in my life, so I want to pass it down to Astelle.' That was her request."

Astelle's heart grew heavy upon hearing the words of the Empress Dowager's will firsthand. She couldn't help but feel a pang of regret, knowing that the late Empress Dowager had expressed such a desire.

The Empress Dowager's life had been filled with hardship and sorrow. Born as the heiress to a southern estate, she was compelled to marry into the imperial family at a young age, never having the opportunity to possess her own estate.

"Lady Astelle is a wise woman, and she believed that you would make wise use of the conditions stated in the will," the high priest remarked, acknowledging Astelle's intelligence and capability.

The Empress Dowager's will had brought Astelle to this place, and amidst the events that had unfolded, Astelle couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude towards her.

She pondered just how much the Empress Dowager had cared for her and contemplated the extent of her thoughts and considerations. The realization only deepened Astelle's appreciation.

Passing through the small shrine, Astelle entered the votive room where the remains of past emperors and empresses rested. Among them, she found the ashes of the deceased Empress Dowager.

The high priest, understanding the solemnity of the moment, respectfully withdrew from the entrance, allowing Astelle to have her private moment.

"I will make my way back to the temple now. Lady Astelle, once His Majesty arrives, you can sign the will in the temple," the high priest informed her. Astelle expressed her gratitude for his guidance before proceeding further.

As she entered the sanctuary, Astelle's attention was drawn to a beautifully chiseled statue. Positioned beneath it was an altar dedicated to offering sacrifices. Carefully, she placed the bouquet of acacia flowers on the intricately carved altar adorned with sacred floral patterns.

However, Astelle's tranquility was abruptly interrupted as she heard a sudden voice behind her. Startled, she turned around to find Kaizen standing there, his presence catching her off guard.

"It's an acacia flower."

Kaizen stepped closer to Astelle, and she addressed him with politeness and composure.

"The Empress Dowager was fond of them," she replied, referring to the acacia flowers. The temple's garden itself was adorned with these pure white blossoms, a sight that had brought joy to the Empress Dowager.

In the past, the Empress Dowager would often come to this temple to pray and admire the garden, which was blanketed in the serene beauty of the white acacia flowers. However, as her health declined, she became unable to visit the temple any longer.

To console the grieving Empress Dowager, Astelle had painted a depiction of the acacia-filled garden and presented it to her. It was a heartfelt gesture, allowing the Empress Dowager to experience the beauty of the temple's garden even when she could not physically be there.

Astelle's memories of the Empress Dowager's joyful reaction to the painting remained vivid in her mind. "Yes, she truly loved the flowers," Astelle acknowledged. The Empress Dowager's delight stemmed not only from her appreciation of the artwork itself but also because it was a gift from Astelle.

The Empress Dowager held a deep fondness for Astelle, often urging Kaizen to pay more attention to her well-being.

"Empress Dowager always expressed concern for Astelle," Astelle reflected, thinking back to the times when the Empress Dowager would nag Kaizen about her.

She had once remarked that Astelle, despite her intelligence, seemed unhappy. Kaizen, preoccupied with his own affairs, had brushed off her words with indifference, questioning why Astelle's happiness mattered to him.

Upon hearing Kaizen's dismissive response, the Empress Dowager had been deeply hurt, shedding tears in response. Even after their divorce and Astelle's departure from the capital, the Empress Dowager had persistently pestered Kaizen for updates on Astelle's whereabouts.

At the time, Kaizen had remained indifferent, regarding his grandmother's affectionate concern as nothing more than a nuisance. His busy schedule had left him with little time to care.

However, now, Kaizen deeply regretted his past actions. Each recollection of how he had ignored his grandmother's words and disrespected Astelle filled him with bitter remorse.

"We should go now. Everyone is waiting," Kaizen reminded Astelle.

"Already? Isn't it too early?" she questioned.

"You had mentioned arriving early, so I adjusted the timeline accordingly," Kaizen explained.

The two headed towards the former main building. Several nobles and ministers had already gathered, awaiting their arrival. Astelle realized that a significant portion of those present had likely come to witness the dethroned empress rather than witness the signing of the will.

None of the faces were familiar to her. The past six years had brought about significant changes in the political landscape.

Astelle stood before the altar, facing the assembled crowd. The priest laid out the papers in front of her.

"Now, please sign this power of attorney," the priest requested, handing her the pen. After the long journey she had undertaken, all that remained was to affix her signature to the documents. The power of attorney would transfer the rights of the will to the emperor, effectively concluding the process.

Astelle took the pen and carefully inscribed her signature in a graceful, cursive style. The priest, upon verifying the signature, posed an important question to Astelle.

"Lady, do you truly agree to delegate all authority to the Emperor without any conditions?" he asked.

"Yes, I do," Astelle affirmed, her voice resolute and unwavering.

The terms of the transaction had been finalized, and Astelle had successfully regained her grandfather's pension. She had also been granted permission to leave the capital immediately.

The priest presented the completed papers to the emperor, declaring, "It is done. Your Majesty is now the legal owner of all the southern estates."

With the paperwork for the will finally concluded, the temple was bathed in a gentle golden light emanating from the flickering candles. Kaizen stood beneath their glow.

Suddenly, a vivid memory from the night after the assassination flashed through Astelle's mind. She couldn't comprehend why she had felt so unsettled with just one embrace from Kaizen. They had once been married and shared their first night together.

From this point forward, they would never see each other again. Astelle had anticipated that it would not be difficult, but she felt a sense of satisfaction, realizing that the process had been easier than she had expected.

She hurriedly made her way out of the temple, eager to escape before anyone could catch up with her. The warmth of the sun embraced the surroundings as she stepped onto the quiet and secluded garden path, devoid of other people.

"Astelle," Kaizen's voice called out, reaching her ears. He had followed her outside. "Are you leaving now?" he asked, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions.

"Yes. If Your Majesty permits, I will depart tomorrow," Astelle replied, her gaze meeting his.

Kaizen stared at her with a complicated expression. "Can't you stay here?" he asked, his words filled with a hint of longing.

"I have already given my answer," Astelle replied firmly, maintaining her resolve.

Kaizen's usually handsome face contorted with a mixture of emotions. His eyes appeared deeply sunken, reflecting the weight of her words. "Even if I deeply regret what I have done to you?" he questioned, his voice filled with a sense of mourning.

Astelle was taken aback by his words. "Why are you saying that?" she asked, her surprise evident.

Instead of becoming angry, Kaizen offered a faint smile. "I don't know either," he admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Having been groomed from a young age to become the future emperor, Kaizen had always maintained a stoic demeanor, unaffected by emotions. His upbringing revolved solely around politics and power, leaving no room for sentimental attachments.

Even when he had removed Astelle from his life upon ascending the throne, it had been a decision driven by political considerations.

However, in this moment, Kaizen found himself overwhelmed by genuine remorse for his past actions. It was a sentiment he had never expected to experience, as he had never allowed himself to feel such emotions before.

The complexity of his feelings left him feeling confused and vulnerable, his once unwavering pride now shattered.

Despite his initial resistance to admitting or accepting these newfound emotions, Kaizen found himself certain of one thing now.

"I never thought I would feel this way towards someone. Because I have never felt like this before," he confessed, his voice tinged with a mix of longing and regret. "It's complicated, but I want you. Please give me a chance to make amends for the past."

Astelle stood in stunned silence, her mind reeling as she absorbed Kaizen's heartfelt confession. How could this man, who had always appeared composed and detached, display such vulnerability? It was not merely surprising; it was shocking.

While Astelle had sensed Kaizen's desire for her on the night of the assassination, she had never expected him to bare his soul to her with such desperation in his eyes. This revelation revealed a side of him she had never witnessed before. It felt unfamiliar, almost surreal.

Astelle couldn't deny that Kaizen's words and expression seemed genuine. He had no reason to lie or feign affection towards her now. However, she couldn't bring herself to believe that his feelings would last. She couldn't help but view it as a fleeting interest, a momentary infatuation that would soon fade away.

She didn't want to cling to such fleeting affection with false hope.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty," Astelle addressed Kaizen directly, her gaze meeting his earnest eyes. With a calm demeanor, she delivered her response. 

"This is not where I should be."

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