What Makes You Beautiful (A N...

By hardcorewriter02

4.7K 201 885

I am rating this story PG13 due to language and just a little bit of sexual activity (kissing/making out)... More

Tara James
Chapter 1: Welcome Back!
Chapter 2: Happy Birthday Josie!
Chapter 3: The Concert
Chapter 4: One Thing
Chapter 5: What Happened?
Chapter 6: Make Yourself At Home
Chapter 7: Morning, Love
Chapter 8: Talking to Niall
Chapter 9: Dublin, Ireland
Chapter 10: Dinner
Chapter 11: Truth or Dare
Chapter 12: Fuming
Chapter 13: Nando's and the Man
Chapter 14: Let's Talk Sense
Chapter 15: Dinner With Hunter
Chapter 16: Niall's Unexpected Visit
Chapter 17: What the Hell!
Chapter 18: Happy Two Months!
Chapter 19: Memory Loss
Chapter 20: Amnesia, Dog Piles, and Letters
Chapter 21: I Wanted Coffee, I Get Niall Horan
Chapter 22: Crappy Crap
Chapter 23: The Job Offer
Chapter 24: Hunter
Chapter 25: Moving Day
Chapter 26: Breathtaking
Chapter 27: Meet the New Girl
Chapter 28: 2 AM Shower
Chapter 29: The Almost Kiss
Chapter 30: Thinking It Over
Chapter 31: Scissor War
Chapter 32: Tara Has a Boyfriend?
Chapter 33: What Are You Doing To Me?
Chapter 34: I Have To
Chapter 35: My Girlfriend
Chapter 36: Chasing Tara
Chapter 37: Chatting With the Stars
Chapter 38: Cat Fight
Chapter 39: Moments
Chapter 40: Doing It
Chapter 41: Stunninly Evil
Chapter 42: Wanna Meet Up?
Chapter 43: Don't Go
Chapter 44: My Red Headed Girl
Chapter 45: Liv Could Be the One
Chapter 46: Dreaming of You
Chapter 47: Fireproof
Chapter 48: Blueberries For My Blueberry
Chapter 49: Jack and Kelly
Chapter 50: Love Sick Roller Coaster
Chapter 51: The Girl In the Mirror
Chapter 52: I Should've Stayed
Chapter 53: Stealing Tara
Chapter 54: Talking To My Friends
Chapter 55: Changing Plans
Chapter 56: So What?
Chapter 57: Late Night Snacks
Chapter 58: Five In the Morning
Chapter 59: Sneaky Me, Wimpy Me
Chapter 60: Please Come Back
Chapter 61: I'm the Tofu
Chapter 62: 30 Years Or 2 Months?
Chapter 63: Pulling a Tara
Chapter 64: Mum Needs Me
Chapter 65: Mr. Blondie, Pigtails, and Little Red
Chapter 66: Home Is Where the Heart Is
Chapter 67: Reminiscing
Chapter 68: Secret Emotions
Chapter 69: The Two Sides of Life
Chapter 70: Collision
Chapter 71: This Isn't Easy
Chapter 72: Illusions Bring Hope
Chapter 73: No Escape
Chapter 74: Gone
Chapter 75: Determination
Chapter 76: My Blonde Haired Boy
Chapter 77: I'll Miss You

Josie Hughes

150 5 3
By hardcorewriter02

Hey! My name is Josie Hughes, and I am 19 going on 20 in a month! I go to Uni right now. I'm majoring in aerospace engineering.

My roommate, Tara James, is my best friend! We love the same things and hardly ever argue. The only thing is that she doesn't know anything about One Direction, my FAVORITE band on earth. I know, liking a band that much is childish; but I don't care. All of the boys have amazing voices, and they're all so real! They seem like regular guys instead of blown up pop stars who don't care about anyone but themselves.

I love Tara like a sister, but she's so shy around guys. I've tried to set her up with my very attractive guy friends. But every time she comes home, she always says the same thing: "I'm just not good enough for him." I always tell her that she's beautiful and that any guy dating her would look hideous. But I know that no matter what I say, she'll never believe me. I guess I just have to wait for her to find a guy she's comfortable around enough to be complimented by. Maybe once she finds him, she'll finally understand how pretty she is.

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