Held Tight by Someone I Know

Oleh EtheMyst

27.5K 1.4K 783

It's been a total of about six months sense the oh-so-rebel punk girl, Neomi Terrain (Well, Neomi Armstrong i... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: Make it stop
Chapter 3: Oakland High? Oakland Die.
Chapter 4: Sorry tears and regret sensations
Chapter 5: Adrienne finds out and no more Daddy cuddles
Chapter 6: Somewhat better than home
Chapter 7: My baby girl...
Chapter 8: Maybe you should go back to 'em, Whatsername...
Bonus: Maybe you should go back to 'em, Whatsername... (Alternate Chapter)
Chapter 9: And if this goes to plan...
Chapter 10: I thought this was gonna be easy...
Chapter 11: Time to sort this shit out...
Chapter 12: This isn't working.
Chapter 13: Dad gets...arrested?!
Chapter 14: Bail?
Chapter 15: Talk to me
Chapter 16: Nightmares and Bad Memories
Chapter 17: Oh, Therapy. Can you please fill the void?
Chapter 18: Joey comes home!
Chapter 20: Daddy's a no-show
Chapter 21: 7 Days left...
Chapter 22: 6 Days left...
Chapter 23: 5 Days Left...
Chapter 24: 5 Days left... Part 2
Chapter 25: 5 days left...Part 3
Chapter 26: 6 Days left...
Chapter 27: We're comin' home again...
Chapter 28: Home is where your heart is...
Chapter 29: L'appel du vide.
Chapter 30: Sometimes to stay alive, you have to kill your mind.
Chapter 31: Hold me down, Throw me in the deep end, watch me drown...
Important. Please read.
Thank You!
An Explaination.
I'm Back!

Chapter 2: I don't want to go to school!

1.2K 48 67
Oleh EtheMyst

Meep! Meep! Meep!

Stupid, annoying fucking clock!

I think to myself as I groggily slam my hand down on the 'off' button. I push myself up only to realize that I was still in Billie's arms, restricting any possibilities of me getting up. Which, technically I didn't mind, getting up meant going to school and we all know the effects of that happening. I absolutely hate school. Ever since Beej enrolled me into Oakland High School, I have been getting bullied everyday and have had to deal with bullshit excuses for teachers. People say I "Don't Belong." Or "Don't fit in." To be completely honest with you...I don't mind not fitting in. I enjoyed being the oddball. I would much rather be standing out than fitting in. Screw fitting in, I say.

I bury myself back into Billie's grip and wraps my arms around him, making my postion basically draping over onto him. Why couldn't I just stay home and cuddle my father forever like this?

"I know your up, and I know what you're thinking...you're still going." Billie said smugly. Oh, that bastard.

"Nooo! C'mon, Beej! Please don't make me go!" I whined like a five year old.

"Sorry, peach. You have to go."

"Pretty please with cream and cherries on top? Ooo! That sounds good! Let's stay home and make sundaes!"

"As much as I'd like to...I can't. You have to go. It's compulsory."

"To stay home and see my family should be compulsory." I murmured at an inaudible scale in Billie's chest.

"What was that?" He asked with a smile in his voice.

"I said...Yay! School! Another six hours of hell! Woo Hoo!"

"Ha-Ha. C'mon. Up-and-at 'em!" Billie nudged me and got up out of the bed.

"But, Da-ad!" I whined.

"No buts, Little Miss."

"You're a little miss, mister priss."

"And the rhymes descend."

"Shut up." I said as I exited my comfortable bed sheets and headed into the cold atmosphere.

"This is truly torture."

"Hey, you're on top of it! Only seven more hours to go!" Billie said enthusiastically. I made him a sarcastic smirk and gave him the finger. He laughed hysterically and left the room, leaving me to get ready to go to the place where I wanted to be the least. I sighed and started on my outfit for the day.

I grabbed a pair of acid washed ripped skinny jeans that had band and logo patches all over it and a black cut-off t-shirt, slipping off my PJ's and replacing them with my outfit. I walked over to my closet and retrieved my black and white spiked Doc Marten's, slipping on some socks and tugged the Docs on as well, lacing them up halfway. I slipped on a five centimetre long leather band on my wrist and some black thin bracelets on the other, finishing off my accessories with Jimmy's necklace. I smiled down at it and ran quickly to my bathroom, rapidly taking out my eyeliner and mascara, uncapping both and applying the eyeliner, and flicking the mascara.
Afterwards, I fixed up my hair (did I mention that I dyed it white?). Straightening the non-shaven side and shoving it into a high ponytail and braiding my fringe, pinning it back on the side. I waltzed over to my full body mirror and stared into it, admiring my work. I bit the inside of my cheek, searching for what was missing.

I snapped my fingers and pointed to my accessory box, Opening it and retrieving a long silver chain attached to my wallet, a bullet decorated belt and a silver studded belt and attaching them all to my hips.
Once I did so, I did a once over and smiled at my reflection, Pretty happy with what I was sporting today, but frowned when I noticed what gauges and piercings I was wearing today; My red tunnels, my rainbow spiked eyebrow and a blue stud for my nose. I scowled at how the colors clashed with my outfit and quickly changed them...replacing my gauges with black tunnels lined with diamonds, my eyebrow with a black ball ended one and my nose with a small silver hoop.
I looked back into the mirror and nodded at my work, turning on my heel and grabbing my phone, ear phones and my black Jansport backpack and headed out my bedroom door and bounded down the stairs to be greeted by Adrienne.

"Hey, Hun. I'm off. Be good for your father and I'll see you after school!"

"Alright, Mom." I replied. I addressed her as "Mom" now because well, she fit the name perfectly.
She smiled and headed out with her black handbag and car keys. I waved as she got in her car and shut the door, heading into the kitchen to see two pieces of dry toast, a selection of spreads and orange juice at my spot at the table. I looked around and spotted Billie leaning against the counter with a coffee in one hand and a Rolling Stone magazine in the other.

"She's alive!" Billie announced as he looked up from his article.

"I wish I wasn't."

"Oh, c'mon now. Don't talk like that. You should be alive." He said walking over and planting a kiss on my temple and leaving the room. I rolled my eyes and sat down, grabbing the jar of Nutella and a butterknife. I unscrewed the lid and dipped the knife in before pulling out a big heap and slapping it on my toast.

"Woah, go easy on the Nutella." Billie said as he walked back in the kitchen and sitting down across from me.

"I'm starving. Back off, Armstrong." I said defensively.

"Someone's on their rags." He mumbled into his coffee.

"Excuse me?"


"That's what I thought." I said as I finished spreading the Nutella on, screwing the kid back on and licking the knife, setting it down on the placemat. I started to eat as I attempted to make small talk with Billie.

"Um...So, Beej..."

"Yeah, babe?"

"I got an A on my history assignment."

"You did? That's pretty cool, Peach!"

"Yeah. It was kind of hard. And it was hard to focus..." I trailed off. "You know it would be a lot easier without this fucking disorder!" I said slamming my fist on the table, making it shake.

"Hey! Babe calm down! Look, I know it sucks a lot of dick right now but, your best bet is to pull through it. You will eventually."

"Damn, I hope so...but now since...'The Thing' happened, I have grown another disorder."

"And you will pull through that as well. I know how tough you are. You have good strength! You just have to believe that you do in order to swerve around this curve ball!"

"Oookay Mr. Wise Guy."

"Speaking of which, remember to take your Prozac before you leave."

"I will." I said finishing my first slice of toast. I started on my second when I realised that Jakob was nowhere in sight.

"Where's Jakob?"

"Danny's Mom drove them both to school this morning." He said referring to one of Jakob's friends. Joey left home after he finished high school, changed their band name from Emily's Army to Swimmers and started going on a miniature tour around States of America.

"I must be really late for school if Jakobs' already gone."

"Yep. Really late. So, hurry up and we can go."

"Jesus, I'm hurrying, Speedy Gonzales." I said as I finished my last piece of toast and sculled my juice. He chuckled in return and stood up, grabbing his keys off the counter and walking towards the door. I grabbed my bag and phone and earbuds and quickly grabbed my tube of Prozac, swallowing it dry and followed suit.
He grabbed his leather jacket off the coat rack beside the door and opened it, gesturing for me to head out. I bowed sarcastically and exited the house, scuffing my feet against the pavement as I walked towards the car.

"Pick up your feet." Billie stated from behind me.

"You pick up your feet." I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?" He said as his voice got closer... I hadn't realised what he was up to until, well, it happened. He quickly ran in front of me and crouched down, wrapping hisarms around my legs and hoisting me up over his shoulder, leaving my feet dangling beside his face and my fists pounding on his back.

"Dad! Let me go!" I giggle-yelled.

"What's the magic wo-ord?" He asked in a sing-songy tone.

"Billie's a douchewad...now put me down!"

"EHH! Wrong!." He yelled, sounding like a buzzer.

"Please?" I said. He thought for a moment before...

"EHH! Wrong!"

"Well, Fuck, Beej! I don't know." I yelled giving up. He finally put me down but held on to me by my arms, removing all possibilities of me making a clean getaway. He pulled me into a tight hug and I didn't resist because all of his hugs were amazing and made me feel good when I felt like shit. He put his face in my shoulder and spoke.

"The magic word was 'I Love You.'." He mumbled. He took his face out of my shoulder and rested it on top of my head, leaving me to bury my face in his chest, hugging him tightly.

"Well, I love you, Beej. Always."

"And I love you," He tilted my head away from his chest and looked at me. "Always. You are the best damn daughter a father could have." He said, planting a quick peck on my lips and pulling me in for another hug. We let each other go and headed once more for the car.

I loved my dad. I felt really bad for doubting him at the start. He's trying his hardest and that's really all that matters. He gives me everything that I ask for, which I don't take for granted. And to top it all off, Hey gave me Benjy. Remember that baby blue precision fender bass that I've always wanted? Yeah. Beej got me that for my sixteenth birthday. I am not ashamed to say that I cried for hours, thanking him over and over until I dried up like a desert.
He was the best dad in the world...and the thing is that he is my idol. The guy I look up to. The frontman of my favorite band. And for me to figure out he's my father, it was too much. But, I had understood and so does he.

Vivian still tries to contact me...I always decline her calls and I've blocked her more than once, but somehow she figures out how to get through to me one way or another.

But, other than that. I'm loving my life. I keep in touch with Jimmy and we've agreed that he would come up for a week every other month and I will go down to Palmsdale for a week the months in between.

There's just one thing that's been bothering me...The Accident. I don't really like talking about it but I constantly have dreams about it and it was just so terrifying that I've developed PTSD or, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Yep, that's me.
People call me insane, I call myself unique. I don't put myself down as much as I used to and Beej has been looking after me a lot.

I know what you're thinking...best damn dad in the world...well, he is.

[A/N: Yay! Longer chapter. Sorry I haven't been updating. I've been getting stuck on this chapter. :/ ANYWAY- Enjoy, share on social media, tell your friends, invite your potato clan over to read it as well. Or yeah. Whatever. Shut up, Tessa]

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