Smg34 Oneshots and ArtBook!!

By HiImherefornoreason9

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Oneshots! [Probably wont update often!] This will include My Art only! I will make everything i put in this... More

~Before We Begin!~
~ A Day of Rest ~
~Just for the Day~
~Just Another Villain~
~Where did you go?~
!Art and Hc's!
!WOTFI 2023!
~Happy Halloween!
!Merry Christmas...Art!
-Redraws- [Art]

~White Chocolate Boy~

382 13 26
By HiImherefornoreason9

[Credit to @Toon4life this whole shot is based on a RolePlay we did(A bit modified so it could be a shot, but you get the point)! They were the one and only 3 the whole time! This is a fluff shot including Meggy, SMG4, and SMG3, and is about prepping for, and dinner date! Please Enjoy! This took me forever lol! (There is no art sorry. I've been working on other Art Pieces]]
3 hummed as he walked around the castle, for the SMG4 cast they had actually been having a pretty calm day, the birds tweeted and the slow soft wind rustled the green leaves, which were slowly turning a warm shade of orange.

He was calmly walking around the showgrounds, surprisingly without Eggdog, whom he had left with BEEG SMG4 since they had been getting along quite well recently. He had been taking in the wonderfully peaceful area since it was rarely this quiet when he heard fast footsteps coming his way. He turned to see Meggy running toward him smiling widely.

"Hiii 3!" she said slowing down beside him to match his pace.

"What do you want Squid," he said, continuing to walk.

"Oh nothhinnggg~! Just to talk." She said in a sing-song voice.

"We both know that's not true. What do you need?" He replied bluntly, staring at her with a brow raised.

"Well, dang. I was trying to ease into it, but if you're gonna be so persistent, guess I'll just get to the point."

3 huffed, getting a bit more curious about what she had to say. He adjusted the cap on his head and listened closely to the former inkling.

"I know you like himmm~~~" She cooed, nudging at 3's shoulder

"HUH? WHAT- WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" 3 said, frantically turning toward Meggy and staring at her, stopping in his tracks.

"Smg4! It's so~ obvious!" She grinned, waiting patiently for his response.

"I- NO WHY WOULD I LIKE THAT IDIOT??" Smg3 said, beginning to flush.


"AGH- NO YOU STUPID SQUID! SHUT UP, NOT ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS ANYWAY, PLUS THAT WAS ONE TIME!!" 3 hissed back, grabbing his hat and pulling the soft purple fabric over his face in an attempt to hide how red it had become.


"WHY WOULD I LIKE THAT ANNOYING SCRUB??" He yelled, trying desperately to deny the truth.

"STOPPP DENYING IT!" Meggy said getting giddy over 3's reaction as she poked at his hat.

"I'M NOT EVEN GAY!" 3 sneered.

Meggy deadpanned, staring at 3 with an eyebrow raised, lifting her hand to rest on her hip.

"Oh that is so far of a stretch and you know it," Meggy said chuckling at the sheer lie she had just heard.

"Ughhh..." 3 groaned. "Why would I even like him?" He growled, pinching the bridge of his nose as he raised his hat back onto his head comfortably.

"Well for one he accepted you back into our group, for two he's kind to you, and finally you PROBABLY think he looks good." Meggy smiled confidently, going through the supporting evidence in her head.


Meggy smiled. "Yes, but due to the glaringly obvious crush you have on him, it's much easier for you to recognize when he's being nice to you specifically!"

"AGHH... SHUT UP..." 3 said, flushing even more. Jesus that fact that she was getting this so painfully spot on was bugging 3, god was he really THAT obvious..?

"Oh come on! He goes out of his way to spend time with you! And really cares for you!" Meggy said beaming, putting her other hand on her hip.

"NO, CASE CLOSED," 3 said sternly.

"YOU LIKE HIM!" she responded stubbornly.

"UGHH, YOU TALK TOO MUCH" 3 hissed, glaring at Meggy.


"FINE, FINE I LIKE HIM, JESUS CHRIST! WILL YOU SHUT UP NOW!?" 3 yelled, stamping his foot slightly.

3 froze, looking around to make sure no one else heard him yell that. He heavily sighed, his breath escaping his mouth and clouding in front of him, it took that for 3 to properly realize how cold it was. Meggy begins to fangirl slightly, shaking her fists excitedly as she squeals.

"Knew it!" She said through giggles.

"Ughh.. yeah great you know. Will you leave me alone now?" 3 grumbled, tapping his foot and listening to it firmly hit the dirt.

"You should totally ask him!!" Meggy said with a confident smile met only with an unamused gaze.

"Absolutely not" 3 huffed out another puff of warm air, becoming white in the brisk morning.

He began to walk away, shooing Meggy off as he began to walk, but Meggy having her mind set on a goal, was determined and began to walk with him once again.

"I can prove to you that he likes you!" Meggy said looking at 3 who in turn was looking at his boots as he walked.

"You can't prove shit," Smg3 said with a roll of his eyes and a sharp tone, once again in an attempt to get Meggy to leave him alone.

Meggy dragged 3 along to a more secluded area of the showgrounds, a joyful jump in each step she took, practically the opposite of 3's hollow ones.

"Where are you taking me!?!" SMG3 shouted with a snap of his voice.

Meggy stopped and took a whole whiteboard out of her pocket, I suppose that goes along with the lack of logic that the SMG4 world was accustomed to.

"I can prove plenty!" She said with a confident ring in her voice, pulling a Nextpo Marker from honestly who knows where. She began to write, drawing little hearts here and there.

"He brought you out...alone to play a game of chess," she said as she wrote using her finger to erase which ended up smudging it, but it was still legible so she didn't try to clean it any further.

"Oh, yeah- I still hate that game." 3 huffs crossing his arms, not really taking into consideration the fact that SMG4 brought play a friendly game...away from his friends...he's... not gonna catch the drift because he is the most oblivious gay in my current knowledge, so I will stop typing this and get on with the plot.

"Mhm... anyways this implies that 4 will go out of his way to spend time with you away from all of the rest of the crew." She said slightly smirking, continuing to read what she wrote out loud.

"Doesn't he spend time with like...all of you?" 3 groaned, wanting to get this over with so he could find Eggdog and leave.

Oh, my memes- does this guy never take a hint? Does someone need to get him to like- get kissed before he realizes 'Oh wow that person might just like me!' Oh! Sorry- back to the plot.

Meggy sighed, turning back to continue writing, it was going to be harder than she thought to convince 3 that 4 liked him back.

"He's been teasing you in ways he doesn't tease me and the rest of the crew" She continues to write thinking about everytime that had happened in her head to make sure she had evidence if she needed it.

"Tease...?" 3 said raising a brow, he wanted to go home, but it didn't seem he'd be able to until Meggy was done, so for now he thought entertaining her would be his best bet.

Meggy stares at 3 for a moment, she honestly did think she would have to give examples considering how much 4 practically flirts with 3. Maybe if she just stares at him for long enough he'll just find out what she's talking about.., actually probably not this is SMG3 we're talking about.

"Y'know... when he.." Meggy twirls her hands, thinking of words, really hoping SMG3 would just catch the drift and finish her sentence, but instead he just raises a brow and stares back at her, a glint of confusion showing in his eyes.

"Flirts?? You know calling you tsundere and all of that?" She says slowly, really the tsundere part was just an example, recently 4 had been throwing all sorts of weird gay comments at 3.

"Oh...yeah I guess he does do that, but that doesn't mean anything." 3 retorts, shrugging.

"He really values your help and words." Meggy writes down, a soft smile covering her face.

"" 3 repeats confused, what did she even mean by that, 3 avoids giving 4 a helping hand as much as possible since that would be completely out of character for him, and why would he ever help that scrub?

Meggy turns to look at 3, briefly rubbing her hands together, she wasn't really wearing anything warm and they were still outside.

"Well like when...we were in the castle.." She began, this wasn't the best example considering it might touch a nerve, but it was definitely what she meant. "And you gave what you would call; 'that sappy speech' he has it practically memorized.."

SMG3 didn't respond, as he didn't exactly know how to. Had 4 actually memorized that? Why? I mean...3 had only said it to survive that goo...right?


"If I agree with you will you, respectfully, let me leave?" 3 said sternly, he didn't want to continue on that topic, he didn't want to think about that, let alone talk about it.

"If you ask him out I MIGHT leave you alone." she teased, she wasn't being serious, and was about to rap all of this up anyway.

SMG3 groaned, shuffling in his pocket for a moment before pulling out his phone. He didn't know why he was agreeing to this so easily, maybe it was because he wanted to do this for a long time, or maybe it was because he just wanted to be done with all of this, either way he was already clicking on "Scrub💙" the oh so familiar contact for him at this point.

"Wait seriously," Meggy said stunned, she wasn't expecting 3 to actually listen, she was just teasing after all.

3 ignored her, simply beginning to type and backspacing it out several times, he wasn't exactly sure what he would say, nor how to word it, he wasn't used to being intimate toward 4, nor was he really used to even...being nice...just knowing 4, yeah sure 3 is friends with him, he is aware of some of the things 4 likes...., but does he really know him? If..he were to talk to 4 would he ever know what to say or to do? Would he actually know how to make 4 happy?

He shook his head, snapping himself out of the train of thought and continuing to type, looking away as he blindly pressed send and clicked out so he wouldn't see if it said sent, or read, or memes sake making sure he didn't immediately delete the message.

"There I did what you want, may I leave now?" 3 hissed, rolling his eyes as he began to turn to leave.

Meggy stood there completely dumbfounded, stupefied, bamboozled if you will, only letting an "Uh...yeah" slip from her tightly closed lips.

SMG3 was about to leave, almost prepared to just go on with his day until he finally realized what he had just done. He has..a date...with SMG4 this evening AND HE ISN'T PREPARED AT ALL. He had to look nice, and didn't he have to bring something? Is that a thing? And not to mention his OUTFIT oh for the sake of the Internet Graveyard all he had was his original and usual overalls and cap, I mean there was the outfit he wore for the WOTFI, but that felt unoriginal and bland or repetitive, and that was NOT SMG3's style.

He turned back to Meggy, hesitation clear in his voice.

"You. Do you...have any plans..?" 3 said, skimming over his words and jumbling them together.

"Well...I was gonna go back and keep an eye on Mario-" She said, going through her head to make sure she had no plans she hadn't thought of.

"Well you've set me up on this stupid date...So..can you help me out?" 3 said hesitating, should he really ask her for help?

Meggy squealed a little hopping up and down a little as she grinned brightly.
"Hell yeah!!" She said in an up-beat voice eager to help her friends get set up on something she had probably been imaging for ages now.
Smg3 let out a heavy sigh, he was relieved he was getting help, but wasn't excited about the circumstances at all.
He and Meggy took the long and tedious walk to the mall down in New Donk City, and man was it agonizing... honestly it was only agonizing for 3 because he was mentally freaking out and Meggy ranting probably wasn't at all. But that was less of the point, the walk was still nice. It had been getting colder recently, and darker quicker, but the cold air felt really nice to breathe in; it was like a refreshing glass of water.

3 gently pushed open the door of the clothes store attached to the mall, the off-white lighting shimmering against the tile floor, and the grandiose decor crowding it head-to-toe. You would think a place with such nice decoration would really fancy and expensive, but surprisingly this place wasn't...maybe they just like chandeliers and being frauds, but who knows.
"So where are you two going?" Meggy said with an eyebrow raised as they walked in, letting the heaters warm their now red with chill skin.
"That nice place down the street from the 8-12" 3 said looking at a few shirts as they walked over to the adult male section.

"Wait really?? Isn't that place really fancy?" Meggy asked, eyes sparkling.

"Yeah, unfortunately for my wallet it's the first place I thought of." 3 groaned, grimacing at the thought of expensive pricing at fancy restaurants.

"Then why don't I pay for the stuff we get here at the mall? Like your clothes and stuff?" Meggy grinned.

"Wait'd.. do that?" 3 said with a skeptical eyebrow raised.

"Yeah sure, anything for a friend!" Meggy said with a large smile, giving 3 a thumbs up.

3 smiled back, maybe this wasn't so bad afterall.
They continued to look around, Meggy was insistent that 3 should wear something nice. 3 didn't exactly want to, but he understood that fancy restaurant = fancy clothes.

"Hey you have lapel pin versions of your logo right? Like, the skull?" Meggy inquired, messing with something on a hanger.

"Yeah, I think- why?" 3 turned toward her, raising his brow as he attempted to look around her to see what she was looking at.

"What if we got you a purple tie, and then stuck the lapel pin to it?" Meggy suggested, holding up a tie that was a fairly similar shade of purple to 3's usual royal purple hat.

"Huh-, yeah and then match it with a black suit jacket..." 3 began.

"And a slightly darker black button-up undershirt." Meggy continued 3's sentence

"We've got a good looking outfit!" They said in unison, smiling at each other brightly.

They gave each other a thumbs up, deciding that it was a better idea to split up and grab the things individually, SMG3 going to grab the suit jacket, and Meggy going to get the undershirt.

When they had finally finished their mini scavenger hunt for clothes they met up at the cash register, or near it considering the line, but I'm sure you get the point.

Meggy decided that before 3 went to see 4 that she just had to see 3 in his outfit, so through his disgruntled agreement, and her enjoyment, they headed over to the fitting room.

It took 3 awhile because of how strangely tight suits always are..

Does how uncomfortable the clothing is decide how fancy it is? Like the majority of supposedly fancy clothing is relatively uncomfortable, nevermind this thought process is completely irrelevant to the plot, so 3 ignored his mind and finished fixing the tie.

"Are you ready for this squid?" 3 said confidently, giving himself one last finger gun in the mirror of the fitting room before mentally preparing to go out and show Meggy.

"Heck yeah!" She said, euthanized by the thought of her friend getting ready for a date.

3 took a step out of the fitting room, his slick shoes tapping against the smooth tile floor making a satisfying click noise. 3 made the iconic 'hand together plotting something pose'.

"Oh my gosh! It looks great 3!" Meggy said, clapping her hands together.

"That's because I can pull anything off" 3 smirks.

"Yeah whatever you say.." Meggy chuckled, amused by 3's overall confidence.

He confuses her all of the time. She never understood why he was so against just taking or even just giving affection, but was super open and confident with them as well. It didn't really make sense to her, but he was sweet sometimes... or intended to be sweet, she could tell, so why was he so stubborn about being affectionate with his friends?

"Hey? Are you alive?" 3 asked, waving his hand in front of her face as he snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry!" Meggy said nervously, smiling to reassure that she was, in fact, ok.

SMG3 went back into the fitting room briefly to change back into his usual outfit and cap. When he walked back out Meggy was shuffling quietly through her wallet counting money.

"Hey" 3 says, stretching a bit.

"Hi 3!" She smiles. "Ok, so I'll go pay, and you can go get the gift!"

"Oh right I forgot.. what should I get him..?" 3 asks himself and Meggy, thinking about things 4 liked OTHER than memes.

"I'm pretty sure 4 is a sweet tooth so maybe get him candy?" Meggy said, though it was practically a question.

"Chocolate? Or is that too cliché?" 3 asked, putting a hand up to his mouth in a thinking position.

"Honestly this is 4 we are talking about, I don't think he cares" Meggy shrugs.

"Maybe white chocolate, it fits his usual color palette" 3 hummed "like a white chocolate boy~"

Meggy just smirked, 3 was probably thinking out loud, but she found it funny that he was denying liking 4 at all just a little while ago, and was now pretty much daydreaming. Oh, hey that was a title insert! No wait I'm breaking the fourth wall- SORRY-.

"Alright alright, you go find your man some chocolate, I'll pay for your clothes" Meggy pushed 3 along.

3 gave her a brief thumbs up before speed walking into the actual mall section of the mall. It was large and open, not actually a lot of people crowded its area so his footsteps were audible and echoing. The floor was white tile speckled with black, and the overall scent varied, sometimes it smelled like freshly cooked pizza, others it smelled like clean clothing, and others it smelled like candles and perfume, until it smelled strongly of chocolate...perfect! 3 walked into the shop, looking around relatively quickly, remembering he was on a time limit here.

There were various chocolate items, or purely sugar ones, taffies, fudges, he doesn't even know what that one is, truffles, and cookies that varied in flavor.

A glint of blue caught 3's eye, a small heart-shaped box, the lid being white and the smooth box being a light shade of pink, being decorated by a soft silk baby blue ribbon. 3 picked it up, and with his luck in even finding it, its variety of chocolates in the box included a majority of white chocolate and a few milk chocolates, and even less dark chocolates, it was amazing for the scenario, its price wasn't even that bad!

3 walked out of the shop after paying, staring at the box with a faint smile, the white was shiny and ever so slightly reflective, so there 3 was staring at himself, himself staring at him. He thought through all of the times he had to fight to get where he was now, and he won't lie, no matter how rude he is to the cast, or how much he avoids them, he appreciates getting this far, getting to them, they-.

His thoughts were cut off by Meggy running over to him.

"Heyyy 3! I got the clothes! They also had a flower shop and you won't believe it, they had blue tulips! So here's one of those" Meggy handed him the delicate flower, its blue petals strong yet fragile. "Here's the clothes, I gotta go back to the castle, change in one of the restrooms to change and then go get your man!" She said with a grin, giving him a thumbs up before running off again,... what a weird person.

3 didn't waste any time, half-running to the restrooms and then sliding into a stall, re-fitting into the tight clothing. It took awhile to get the button up shirt to work with him, but he eventually got it on and then slipped on the jacket, buttoning that up as well, why did all of these have buttons-. He took his spike bracelets and put those on as well, pinning the lapel pin to his tie, like he and Meggy had discussed, now the outfit looked a little more..him at least. He combed through his hair with his hand briefly, honestly good enough.

He ran out of the mall, holding onto the box and the tulip, deciding to put the tulip under the silk ribbon on the box to hold it in place, before running as fast as he could toward the restaurant. He probably looked like one of those businessmen from all the moves that have to sprint to the bus or they get fired or something for being late, I mean with the suit and the box, that is probably what he looked like.

He finally reached the front of the building, the glass doors reflecting light into 3s eyes.

He looked around, no 4 in sight, he either just got stood up, or 4 is late....

Smg4 is the kind of person to be late isn't he? Yeah probably...hopefully.

About 7 minutes of 3 panicking later 4 rushed over to 3, panting after clearly running.

"I' sorry!" 4 panted, putting his hands on his knees.

"You're uh...fine." 3 snickered, still a bit nervous about the situation, and clearly so was 4.

Smg4 was wearing something strikingly similar to what 3 was wearing...must they always be in similar outfits?

4 was in a white suit jacket which shimmered in light...literally, a light gray button up, and in his classic shade, a blue bowtie. He was smiling brightly as he usually is, since 4 is a smiley person. 4 held up a rose that contrasted him, but fit 3 perfectly to 3, that was the thing about 4 and 3, whatever didn't match one of them, usually matched the other...opposites attract I suppose.

3s eyes lit up at the rose as he took it.

"I had something else to give you, but Mario ate it, I'm sorry" 4 sighed, disappointed he was unable to give the things he wanted to.

"It's" 3 gently handed 4 the box, 4 smiled his eyes shimmering in delight as soon as 3 gave him something.

"Thank you!" He grinned brightly, gently reaching and grabbing 3s hand, holding it nervously as he walked into the extravagant restaurant.

For the obnoxious amount of lighting, it felt weirdly dark in the restaurant. There were (probably) lavender scented candles everywhere, glass chandeliers slightly jingling when wind was let into the room. The floor was a dark wood, creaking at each step. It was covered in a soft red carpet that was surprisingly clean, for the strange amount of toddlers...why toddlers?

The two men, even though both living in or near a legitimate castle, seemed impressed and even mesmerized by the grand decor of the place. I mean seriously, 4 has been living close enough to New Donk to walk to it, and has barely even noticed this place, and well 3 was just choosing to ignore it because he's like that, but still!

They were taken to their table by a kind waiter who was dressed like his environment, very fancily.
They sat down and were given the off-white laminated menus which 4 commented on surprisingly quickly, who knew he was specific about his colors?

"What should we get to drink?" 3 hummed as he looked through the options.

"Not sure, I don't usually get to go to fancy places" 4 chuckles nervously, looking over the majority of the normal drinks he hadn't had in a concerningly large amount of time, and the fancier group of drinks, which he didn't even know what most of which were.

"How about champagne?" 3 suggests, pointing it out on the menu so 4 can see it.

"Sure!" 4 says brightly, though his voice was still a bit nervous. 3 couldn't tell whether it was because they were on a date, or because they were ordering alcohol ... .maybe it was both.

When the waiter came over 3 orders respectfully, making sure to use words that were overly long that he only vaguely knew what meant so he seemed more intelligent than he actually was.

"Dude, do you even know what those words mean?" 4 snickers, looking over the food on the menu.

"Maybe?" 3 chuckles nervously, looking at the menu along with 4, "wanna share a meal?"

"Sure!" 4 said smiling, before piping up again. "But...what do we get?" 4 was extremely indecisive and 3 knew so, so him staring at the menu completely perplexed was kind of funny to 3.
"Why don't you choose?" 3 snickered as he watched 4's eyes widen with that 'oh crap' facial expression.

"Well uh- how about- uh" 4 stammered, scanning the menu, probably barely reading the thing. "This!" he pointed at something completely random on the menu, not hesitating to make it obvious that he was reading what he picked after pointing to it.

"Sure" 3 shrugs, 3 wasn't a very picky person, and what 4 picked did look good, so no complaints.

"Okay!" 4 grins, that wasn't so bad.

When the waiter came around he set down their drinks and took their orders. The champagne's yellow hue glistened in the lighting of the restaurant, making 4 actively nervous, he was very well aware that he was a lightweight and was very anxious about getting drunk or even just tipsy, because he doesn't know how he acts. So after clicking their glasses together with a satisfying 'clinggk' 3 took a normal sized sip, and 4 took a very small dainty one.

"I'm..glad you came" 3 said, breaking the awkward silence that had settled in.

"How could I not?" 4 smiled, was that a good thing to say? Or was that weird? Coming off too strong?

"It took balls to ask you out!" 3 snickered, taking another sip.

"I'm sure it did!" 4 chuckled back, he would never have the confidence to ask someone out, now he wouldn't have to, how convenient...that is unless he ruins everything here and now...oh GOOD MEMES WHAT IF HE MESSES IT UP.

"So.. How has your day been?" 3 askes, once again being the one to break the ever growing tense silence.

"It's even better now that I'm here." 4 smiles. Oh- dear spaghetti Gods 4 could you be any cringier right now...?

"Oh really? Gotta say I was excited to see you tonight." 3 smiles back, and 4 is already flushed,...he can't even make it through 2 seconds of a completely normal conversation, someone give him an award for being this bad at romance.

"What convinced you to ask me out?" 4 asked, it was a genuine question, 4 was curious what pushed 3 to do this, or what he saw in 4.

"That's...a long story" 3 said, there was a sure long story to it, from falling in love with 4 countless years ago and shutting it out, to being forced to ask him out by Meggy and warmly embracing his feelings for him.

"Maybe you finally noticed my pure suave, and that's why you asked." 4 winks, he was joking, making himself cringe, and flirting all at the same time...multitasking!

3 laughed, 4 had always made stupid jokes like that, ones that 3 would never laugh at if anyone else told was just something about him.

"Ok Mr. Casanova whatever you say." 3 rolled his eyes, slightly smiling.

"I could NEVER." 4 laughs, his cheeks tinted rose.

3 gently kissed 4's hand, which had been resting on the table.
"Sometimes I ask myself why I chose you." 3 snickers.

4, who was now flushed for the second time in the evening that had literally only just started.
"I'm asking that one now-" 4 honestly barely managed to get out of his mouth without stuttering at every word like he was one of those 'shy' characters in those old fanfics....'p–p-p-p-p-p-p-please J-J-J-J-Jake!'...Dear spaghetti gods, what the hell are you thinking about right now Smg4?

"Well I don't think I'll be telling that one to you yet! Guess you'll have to wait" 3 teases, flicking 4's nose. "The champagnes' actually pretty good."

4 blinked a few times from the nose flick, then reverted to normal.

"I have to admit I've never had champagne-" 4 chuckled nervously, watching as 3 twirled his glass, the liquid spinning and shimmering, which for some reason made him more nervous.

"It's my first time with it as well, so no worries" 3 reassured, taking another sip from his glass.

"It's probably because of our packed schedule" 3 chuckled.

"We should do things like this more often" 4 smiled.

"You mean have a normal life? That's a bit of a stretch for you scrub" 3 sniggered a bit.

"Oh come on! I'll figure out a way!" 4 chuckled, just the prospect of a normal life seemed like a far away idea for 4 at this point, especially with Mario, but ... .honestly maybe that wasn't a bad thing.

"I'm kinda worried about how Mario will react to all of this actually, he probably won't leave us alone about it." 3 grimaced at the thought of Mario constantly nagging him.
"We could either not tell him or I could talk to him! I'm sure we could work it out" 4 grinned reassuringly.

"Yeah, he really needs to learn a lesson about privacy, first the chrome history thing with you and him and then my notebook." 3 sneered.

"Chrome history thing?" 4 tilted his head.
Oh right, 3 went through the whole process of getting all of their memories wiped.. he doesn't remember that.

"Nevermind that." 3 huffed.

After the conversation eased back into small talk and the tension gradually left alongside the awkwardness, the conversation got much more lighthearted and even a bit flirtatious at times. They're food got there and they both shared it happily, this actually wasn't bad for two nervous gay men in a place that they do not fit in at all-.
The food was gently placed on the table by the waiter who warned them of the plate being hot. The food not only looked amazing, but tasted glorious.

"Wow dude you seem to like it!" 3 chuckled at 4, who was very clearly enjoying the food.
4 swallowed his food before chuckling a little.

"I guess I just eat spaghetti so much because of Mario everything else has become a treat!" 4 beamed, that was a truthful statement, 4 was usually stuck eating spaghetti because it's what he made for Mario or got for Mario, it didn't really matter.

"Dude I might have to take you out more just because that's depressing" 3 raised a brow.

"No complaints~!" 4 cooed happily.

As they began to get more lively the time simply flew past them, the two men loving their time with the other sincerely, laughing and smiling as they stared into the other's eyes and enjoying the bonding time. 3 wasn't even trying to hide it from 4 anymore like he usually would with his title of tsundere, and it enlightened 4 to know 3 was becoming less guarded around him. The environment felt more warm despite the restaurant being cold, and the conversation wasn't interrupted despite those screaming toddlers, this was bliss for the two.

"Are you available all night?" 3 asked with a gentle smile.

"Yep!" 4 beamed.
Of course you are- it literally said you were in the text gosh I'm dazed." 3 groaned, before shaking his head. "We could stay at the castle?"

"I think it'd be better if we stayed in the shop, at least that's a bit less of a chance of being disturbed by Mario." 4 giggled.

"That's true honestly" 3 chuckled back, writing the numbers on the check.

"Maybe things will get a bit more hot after we go somewhere private" 3 teased, giving 4 a little wink.

"WHAT." 4 immediately turned red at the sudden change in pace of the conversation.
As soon as 4 reacted and turned redder than marinara sauce, 3 began to wheeze because he was expecting a reaction, but that one was priceless!

"DUDE YOUR FACE!" 3 wheezed out.

"JUST PAY THE BILL AND LETS GO-" 4 stammered, shoving his head into his hands so that the evident red face wasn't visible, not to mention the embarrassment from seeing some of the other patrons look at him while he was freaking out...God 3 why did you have to do that?
3 continued to laugh as he slipped the money into the pouch with a little note that said 'keep the change :]' on it.

"You can't just say things like that man!" 4 huffed, crossing his arms.

"And why not? Was pretty funny if I do say so myself." 3 snickered.

"Why not!? I-! Did you see the other people!?" 4 bickered.

"Comedy gold." 3 laughed

"Comedy gold my ass!" 4 sneered

"Maybe I will" 3 laughed as he stood up from the table, preparing to leave the restaurant and head back to his home with 4.

"What does that even mean!?" 4 said, exasperated.

3 just gave 4 one of those flirtatious-eyebrow-wiggle-things and walked ahead, waving at the hostess and giving her a thumbs up.

"Wait-! WHAT DID THAT MEAN-" 4 speed-walked to catch up to 3 while beginning to fluster...again I'm not even keeping count of how many times that's happened anymore.

As soon as Smg4 took a step out of the restaurant, his feet weren't met with the solid concrete sidewalk, but the clean and clear air! Yes, he is falling, 3 thought it would be funny to put the portal at the entrance of the restaurant so when 4 walked out he would just collapse onto the floor in front of the kind of him. 4 shuffled onto his knees, about to stand up until he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder.

"Hey dude." 3 said calmly, so 4 looked up at him, just to see 3 confidently smirking.

"What-" 4 murmured.

"You look great on your knees.." 3 flirted, giving 4 another one of those subtle winks

And then 4 panicked, and rag-dolled Peter Griffin style onto the ground! How wonderful! This must look great from an outside perspective that doesn't know what's happening!

3 began to cackle he was having fun messing with 4, but he did have to get him inside-

About 2 seconds later 3 decided to just drag him in by his legs like he were a dead body, which honestly he might as well be considering how unresponsive he was. Once 3 finally got 4 all the way down to his "secret" lair, otherwise known as his bedroom, he huffed and let go of 4's legs, which just fell to the ground with a little 'thud'. 3 didn't even bother to move him, he had to get this suit off, it was too uncomfortable to be in anymore. 3 slipped on his PJs which were just a fake version of his overalls, like the overall part was a fuzzy cloth instead of actual denim, and a comfortable under-purple wonder all of the clothes in his closet looked the same. He opened the door to his bathroom and looked at 4, who was still lying on the ground.

"Oi Scrub, you wanna watch memes together before bed?" 3 smirked.

4 immediately perked up, shuffling up into a sitting position and staring at 3 with sparkling eyes.

"Yes please," he said enthusiastically whilst vigorously nodding.

"I know the way to your idiotic heart huh?" 3 chuckled, before tossing 4 his PJs that were the same as 3's, but they looked like 4's usual outfit...why did 3 have th-. 4, however, had completely forgotten how to catch things apparently as he was hit in the face with the soft cloth, earning a loud laugh from 3. 4 just scoffed and rolled his eyes before standing up to go change.

3 laid down on his bed, sinking into the mattress as he made sure to make space for 4, opening and looking through his phone to find good memes for them to watch while he waited. 4 clicked the bathroom door open and walked over, sliding into the bed next to 3.

"Come on get a bit closer, I don't bite." 3 laughed, using his free arm to pull 4 a bit closer.

"Oh please, you probably do" 4 chuckled, nuzzling up to 3.

"Guess you're testing that theory?" 3 playfully rolled his eyes.

"Testing my bravery against the scariest one I could find" 4 winked, poked 3s nose.

"Oh screw you!" 3 laughed.

"Damn someone moves fast eh?" 4 stuck out his tongue, finally getting a bit of a chance to poke at 3.

"Oh I move so fast you won't be able to process anything until it's already happening!" 3 sneered, chuckling.

"DAMN." 4 laughed, shuffling a bit more up onto 3's chest so he could see the phone better.

3 began to play memes, some of them were old, some were new, and a few were pretty cringey, but that was ok 4 was greatly enjoying himself, considering he had the humor of a child he had been laughing at a majority of the memes, and 3 probably would be too if he wasn't admiring 4. 4had been sweetly laughing at almost every meme, it felt like he was lighting up the dark room for 3. 4 looked up, spotting 3 staring at him.

"You're really cute when you're happy 4.." 3 murmured, almost inaudibly.

"And a smile suits you well 3, you should do it more often!" 4 gently grinned at 3, who smiled back completely in love with the man in front of him.

"Maybe I'll smile more just for you." 3 said softly, completely forgetting about the memes on his phone.

4 got lost in 3's ruby red eyes, even forgetting about the memes, despite being literally nicknamed "The Mememan"

And before they knew it they were inching closer to one another, before there was no space left, and they kissed gently and full of love, 3 raising his hands and placing them in 4's hair, pulling away and beginning to gently caress 4's hair.

"That was much better than our previous kisses" 3 teased with a little snicker.

4 deadpanned. "Let's not talk about those..."

3 chuckled. "Yeah, let's just say this is our first official kiss ey?"

4 nodded as he playfully rolled his eyes, shutting off 3's phone himself because it was hurting his eyes.

3 gave 4 a quick kiss on the nose. "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I'm in love with you Smg4." 3 sighed.

"I don't think either of us were expecting this, especially at the beginning, I love you to 3" 4 said sweetly.

"I love you from the bottom of my heart, the cold, bitter, emo heart of mine." 3 said dramatically.

4 began to laugh, tearing up even, 3 didn't even think the joke was that funny but 4 just kept laughing like it was the best joke he had ever heard.

"O-oh come on man! You can't do that to me while we're having an emotional moment!" 4 said through laughter, wiping his face a bit.

"Can't help myself, I'm just that funny." 3 says confidently putting the back of his hand up to his face in that one really gay pose.

"Nah I'm funnier!" 4 jokes, flicking 3's forehead.

"Oh please, you? Funny? I'd have to see it to believe it" 3 shot back.

4 lets out an offended gasp. "I'm funny all the time! It's simply in my blood!"

"Oh really? Guess we'll have to collab so you can prove it!" 3 shrugs, continuing to gently caress 4's hair.

"Oh you're so on!" 4 yawns, becoming tired from the hair caressing slowly leaning a bit more on 3.

"When's the last time you slept properly? I can see those bags under your eyes 4." 3 squints, waiting for a response.

"I- don't remember?" 4 grins nervously, not prepared for a sudden question like that, he just said the first thing that came to mind.

3 rolled his eyes, bringing 4 closer to him and wrapping around him.
"Starting this very night, I'm not letting you bullcrap your way out of sleep, I'll make you whether you like it or not!" 3 said sternly.

4 just made a little noise of confirmation, already dozing off due to the hair caressing and warm environment. "Nn..ot complaininn..'' he mumbled out, already pretty much asleep.
3 gently planted a kiss on 4's forehead and smiled at 4 as he fell asleep.

"Goodnight my White Chocolate Boy." He cooed, before dozing off himself into a warm and loving slumber with his sweet newfound lover.

{AND END! WOOo! Merry Christmas to anyone reading this on Christmas! I hope your Holidays go greatt!! This took forever and definitely takes the cake- or chocolate for my longest shot yet! Again, Merry Christmas and a (almost) Happy New Year!!!}
[Words: 6,908]

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