Should've Stayed Away- Joseph...

By wilting_dahlias

65K 2.6K 531

In a small city in 1963 France, the idea of mixed schooling was a heavily controversial action amongst the pe... More

shouldve stayed away
twenty one
twenty two


3.2K 97 14
By wilting_dahlias

My neck ached. Somehow I ended up falling asleep propped up by a million pillows while studying and now there was a shooting pain every time I turned my head too far to the right. I sat up in bed and enjoyed the last moments of warmth provided by my thick comforter before I forced myself up, the sounds of my younger brothers yelling and laughing loudly echoing from the hall. I could feel familiar pain blooming on the temples of my forehead as a headache began to form.

I entered the small and untidy kitchen and the smell of eggs wafted into my nose. I peeked into an empty frying pan and my face fell. Biting my tongue to spare my mother from my mouth, I grabbed my book bag and walked out the front door.

I trudged my way through the rainy city and through those iron school gates, walking past students with a frown on my face. All I could think about was the assignments I had. Pages and pages of reading, an essay, too much math for me to fathom, it just kept going.

I collided with someone's back, knocking me out of my thoughts.

I stared at a tall and muscular back dressed in a black suit before the man turned around, revealing an extremely attractive student. I felt my eyes widen slightly as they met his green ones. All I could think was how cute his pouty lips were and how his brow furrowed.

"Be more careful next time" He said softly, giving me a polite nod. I smiled and nodded, stupid stupid stupid. He turned back around to his friends and I quickly walked around them, feeling my ears burn a little and a burning of excitement in my chest. I looked around and saw Michelle drinking from the water fountain, blonde waves flowing down her dress.

I practically skipped over to her, my mood significantly better after interacting with that beauty. Michelle turned around and gave me a smile.

"You're very chipper this morning" She commented, wiping her mouth of the excess water. I shrugged and an involuntary smile came to my face.

"I just bumped into that boy over there" I whispered, pointing at him and Michelle frowned. I looked at her confused.

"That's my brother".

My mouth fell open a little before giggles fell out, my hand quickly went up to my mouth. Michelle looked at me incredulously

"Oh i'm sorry", I started, working to catch my breath, "Oh that's just rotten luck for both of us then" I finished, lightly bumping her shoulder with mine. She started laughing and just shook her head, muttering in disbelief. The bell rang and the two of us walked to Latin with Monsieur Douillard, whispering as Alain Laubrac walked past.

"Lydia what do you think of him?" Michelle asked me quietly, I took a longer glance at the boy who I recognized from history. I shrugged and when Michelle nudged me to explain I sighed.

"He's cute", I hesitated, "he seems sweet" I said, shrugging again. Michelle sighed and nodded, a smile etched onto her face. She likes him doesn't she? I gave her a sly look, her cheeks turned pink.

We entered the classroom together and once again, just like yesterday, most of the boys just stared. I wondered if they ever got stiff necks from how long they kept their gaze, what stupid things.

Michelle smiled and waved goodbye as she left to sit by Simone on the far left side, I stood waiting for the teacher to finally make his entrance. Unlike yesterday however, Descamps wasn't distracted. This time he stared at me with what I could only assume was curiosity as he rested his chin in his right palm, eyebrows furrowed slightly.

I looked away and made eye contact with a beautiful blonde sitting right in front row, her eyes sharp. She made a small smile and I returned it, looking away when heavy footsteps appeared in the doorway. My gaze fell upon an old and angry looking man. He made his way closer and set down a stack of papers with a mild slam on his expensive looking desk, my fingers nervously playing with the hem of my skirt.

"Well Mrs?"

"Blanchet" I replied quickly. He nodded his head towards a single and rather beaten up desk closer to the board. There were a few chuckles from the class as I begrudgingly walked over to my desk, I'm sure it was about fifty years older than everyone else's. As soon as I sat down, Monsieur Douilliard began lecturing though it felt more like yelling. I sighed and began scribbling down notes.

After a boring Latin class, I walked with Michelle and Simone to lunch. The girls took up two tables, a small number in comparison to the large number of boys. The stench alone was overwhelming.

I sat down next to the Blonde girl from Latin and she smiled at me once more, introducing herself as Annick. We had just begun to talk about todays lesson when a loud wolf whistle echoed through the lunch room. We all looked up to see Descamps smirking in his seat, looking at Jean Paul, the cute boy from earlier Michelle was unfortunately related to.

"Here comes the cradle snatcher now" Descamps called, his words causing an eruption of laughter around him.  I watched as he turned to his friends, basking in their approval, I rolled my eyes. Jean Pierre hardly gave him a glance as he briskly walked up to the table we sat at, leaning down to talk to Michelle. But I noticed how for a split second his eyes were focused on Simone. I glanced back over to that table, Descamps licked his lips before his face contorted into that stupid smirk. I looked away

"Michelle, I'm walking you home from school, don't bother lying about your after school plans" Jean Pierre muttered, voice low in attempt to stop the boys from hearing. Michelle quickly began to protest but he put an end to that with a glare and just as soon as he had arrived, Jean Pierre left, sitting back towards the front of the lunch room with the other seniors. I turned and watched as Simone followed him out with her eyes.

"So ladies", Descamps began as he stood, his long legs bringing him over to her table. I looked up and met his eyes and before I could even stop it, my eyes narrowed angrily. "Which one of you did the cherry hound pick tonight?" He finished with a satisfied grin. I rolled my eyes and Annick scoffed.

"Don't forget who beat you  up Joseph" Simone spat out. Descamps' smile turned into a scowl and I briefly heard him call her ugly before Annick's whispering in my ear distracted me. I turned to her and she repeated her words,

"Did anyone tell you how he lost his eye?", I looked at her and shook my head no, her light green eyes widening in surprise. "I'll tell you later, tomorrow morning?" She whispered again and I agreed, smiling but her words left a simmering tension in my head. I was worried that the more I knew about Descamps the more I might actually think about him, I couldn't have that.

After school I quickly made my way to the bakery I was forced to work in, my head was beginning to hurt like it did this morning and the last thing I needed was to roll dough while my old boss droned on and on about the theatre. The bell chimed as I walked in and I quickly stashed my bag under the counter, washed my hands, and tied my hair back. I sighed as I began my usual tasks, my latin homework hovering over me like a rain cloud.

A few hours had passed and just as the city had begun to get dark, I was dismissed. Wiping baking soda off of my forehead, I made my way out of the shop. There were a few people coming home from what probably was a late dinner but for the most parts the streets were quiet. Lights from the street poles and nearby apartments illuminated the way as I walked quickly home. The sound of classical music drifting out of a townhouse grabbed my attention.

My curiosity got the better of me, I slowed down as I passed the open window. The light from inside allowed me to get a look at the figure moving around the living room, picking up a few objects and tossing them messily onto the counter. The figure stepped a little further into the light and my breath left me. Descamps.

It was some kind of sick joke that only got worse when he glanced out the window and saw me, across the street standing there. I was frozen in place as he took long strides over large window facing the street, standing right against the glass with a stoic expression on his handsome face. I swallowed nervously and gave him one last glance before I resumed walking, trying to subtly push my hair out of my eyes.

That night as I slept, I dreamt of Descamps hovering over me, his eyes boring into mine with that intensity only he could hold. He drew closer, his lips hovering above mine and right as we were going to collide:

I woke up. 

"What a horrible nightmare" I thought and for a second I almost believed it, I pushed myself further into the blankets and tried to think of anything and everything but him

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