The Teaching Assistant (A My...

By Memeyqueeny69

6.5K 198 436

Amelia Tano got a strange call at 3 am by the principal of UA, Nezu! Strangely enough he offers her a job in... More

Before You Begin!
Mystery Letter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Not a Chapter: Let's Talk Costumes
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
New Years Special
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 17

154 6 22
By Memeyqueeny69

Musutafu, Japan
7:42 Am

When Amelia decides to walk to school today she's glad she left Stubby at home, mostly as a punishment for wrecking and messing with Aizawa.

*That damn idiot. Just when we were getting along he made me look bad in front of Aizawa.*

She slowly approaching UA and sees the gates flooded outside by.. reporters?

*Are you kidding me?*

She quickly walks over to the parking garage on the other side of the main entrance, at the large gate she swipes her employee card and quickly walks through out of sight. She's glad it's a hidden gem that the reporters haven't found.

She walks inside UA making her way up the stairs and opening the teachers lounge, "good morning everyone." She chimes off sweetly strolling inside

"Morning Tano."

"Good morning."

"Yo good morning Tano, looking wonderful as always!" States Yamada cheerfully sitting at the table playing on his phone

"Mm~ Hizashi is right, I like the way you did your hair in a ponytail cutie." Kayama purrs slightly filing her nails

Amelia blushes as she sits, placing her bag down while heading over to the coffee pot filling up a well known cat mug and brings it over sitting it across from her, "um where is Aizawa?" She ask

"He's playing crowd control with Nezu, Power Loader, and Ectoplasm." Yamada states smiling noticing her filling up his best friends cup he gave him as a gag gift a few years back for his birthday.

"I wish I had such a cute assistant filling my coffee up." Kayama whines playfully poking Aizawa's cup

"I could fill you a cup of coffee Kayama-san." She says blinking with innocent ruby eyes

"Oh really? I'd like that." Kayama states sending her a playful smile

Yamada rolls his eyes, "don't listen to Nemuri here, she has two legs and can get it herself."

"Your just jealous cause she offered to fill me up a cup of coffee." Nemuri nudges Yamada who blushes slightly.

"As if, plus I take my coffe-"

"With five sugars." Amelia finishes causing the two figures to look at her

"How did you know that!?" Yamada says louder by accident

Kayama is snorting, "you weren't so sneaky with your sugar intake Hizashi~"

"Oh, w-was I not supposed to know?" She stutters

"Sorry! No it's fine I was just surprised, I thought I hid it well, I can drink coffee black but I'd much rather have it taste sweet than bitter." Yamada replies back reassuring Amelia

"Hid it well? Going around the corners and filling up your tumbler with sugar isn't exactly hiding it well, it's suspicious~" Kayama teases

"Why are you hiding it I mean there's no shame in putting sugar into something." Amelia states

"Ho ho ho! This man here is a sugar fantic, he's cut back a lot, when he first started drinking coffee he had to put in like 10 sugars. Recovery Girl seen him and gave him a lecture on sugar intake and he's been afraid of people see him putting sugar in his drinks since." Kayama laughs patting Yamada on the shoulder, "he's afraid recovery girl will catch wind."

"I-I am not afraid of the old lady." Yamada states embarrassed, he clears his throat and says quietly, "I just.. rather take Nezu than her lectures is all."

Amelia sweatdrops, "you shouldn't call her old.." she says

Just then the bell rings signaling it's time for students to head to close, they got 10 minutes.

"Well since Aizawa is busy helping out front I guess I'll head to class an keep an eye on the kiddos." Amelia chimes grabbing Aizawa's cat mug that's filled with coffee and bows to the two of them before working off, her pony tail swishing as she walks

"She's so cute~" Kayama sighs with happiness of her friend

"I got scolded because I called RG old.." Yamada groans into his hands

Amelia walks into the classroom seeing most of the kids in their seats loudly chattering away

"Hello kiddos, good morning!" She says sweetly as she enters setting coffee on the podium

"Good morning Sensei." Most of the class chimes back

"Did everyone have trouble getting through the gates I know reporters can be pretty vicious." She says sweatdropping with a twitching smile

"They kept bugging us." Says Jirio messing with her ear jack

"Yeah, wanting to know about All Might." States Sero

"While I know they wish to know all the information about All Might, it was quite disrespectful." States Momo quite sophisticated

"I'm so glad Aizawa Sensei was there I was getting dragged in." Kaminari states

"Of course discount Pikachu gets had." Bakugo calls out

Aizawa finally walks in just as the bell rings, "I expect you all to be in your seats and quiet when the bell rings." He states tiredly

"Of course Aizawa Sensei!" Iida chimes in diligently before requesting the same thing Aizawa just asked for which makes his classmates sweatdrops

Amelia whispers to Aizawa, "filled your coffee mug up, it's on the podium."

He just nods in response taking a stand at the podium as he sips his coffee before starting homeroom. He does attendance while Amelia writes down all the students are present, before moving onto more concerning matters.

"Time for you to choose a class president and a vice president." He states tiredly, "I don't care how you do it but do it quickly."

The class breaks out into chatter of pick me's or why I would be a good president. It's when Amelia sees the look of annoyance on Aizawa's face she steps in.

"We'll put it to a vote, everyone put your head down on the table and close your eyes, when I call the students name you wish to vote for raise your hands. You can only vote once." She states moving to the chalk board prepared to tally votes.

A lot of kids confused on this but go along with it. In the end Midoriya won class president and Momo won vice president.

Aizawa then proceeds to crawl into his sleeping bag demanding everyone be quiet so he can at least catch up on some sleep.

Amelia smiles sheepishly, after the whole hearing about him working almost 24/7, shes glad to see him sleep. She won't nag him, she had no right too,  after all Nezu had no problem with it and if it met him keeping safe during patrols or missions then she had no quams.

"Let's use the remainder of the time to finish up on any homework you guys may have, this is a quiet study hour." She says feeling like she should take the reins since Aizawa is retiring to his bright yellow sleeping bag.

It's a good sign when Aizawa doesn't retort just proceeds to sleep cacconed in his sleeping bag. Amelia cringes at it internally, what a ugly sleeping bag, but each there own I guess.

Kirishima request help with finishing a English assignment, soon enough she leads a small quiet study session to the best of her ability for Sero, Kirishima, Mina, Uararka, Kaminari, and Sato.

She doesn't realize that Todoroki is staring really hard between herself and Kirishima until he blurts out before the bell, "Tano Sensei."

She hums looking over with a small head tilt, "yes Todoroki? Do you need help with something?"

"Is Kirishima your secret love child or something?" He ask monotoned

Everyone in the classroom goes quiet, poor Amelia isn't sure how to react.

Secret Love Child!?

"wow man, so unmanly, Sensei and me aren't related at all." Kirishima blushing retorts back with a nervous sweat

Tano just looks like her whole world shattered at the question, "secret.. love child? DO I LOOK OLD ENOUGH TO BE A MOTHER TO A 15 YEAR OLD!? IM 26 I'D HAVE TO HAVE HAD HIM, LIKE," proceeds to try and do finger math and fails, " AT 11!?"

wow, Todoroki really broke Sensei, she talking in English we cant even understand half of what she's saying.

Theres shuffling in the yellow sleeping bag, unknownly to the rest of the group, a zoomed in face shot shows Aizawa looks to be holding in a laugh his whole body shaking at the ridiculous notion.

While I'll admit, Tano and Kirishima look like each other, thinking their related isnt to far fetched but saying there mother and son? Really Todoroki?? what goes on inside that kids head.

"Sorry Sensei. I don't understand what you just said. I assume you aren't mother and son then?" Todoroki states

Everyone in the class jumps slightly when Tano and Kirishima yell, "No we aren't related at all!!"

Lucky enough the situation was quickly over, literally saved by the bell. The students will be moving into English class with Present Mic (Yamada) so Amelia just sighs with an embarrassed look on her face, "I'll see you all after lunch for Heroics then."

She walks out as Aizawa is already getting out of his sleeping bag and rolls it up but doesn't really say goodbye to the students as he exits the classroom bumping into Yamada who looks at Aizawa a little worried, "hey Shou, what is up with Tano I never seen her look so red before."

Aizawa remembers the conclusion and has a slight smirk, "Todoroki has a strange thought process is all. I better catch up to her, don't want her wandering in the General Studies building by accident." He states plainly

Yamada looks curious about the Todoroki comment but doesn't comment, "okay then.."

*I can't believe he thought I was Kirishima's mom!? I mean I'm flattered but do I look old or something??* Amelia whines in her head as her hands are fanning her red face.

"I suppose I should be happy one of my students thinks I got game.." she says to herself embarrassed.

She hears talking in the hallway around the corner and freezes when they hear a loud bang against a locker.

She perks around the corner and sees a Purple haired boy with tired eyes looking angry as two other boys, with obviously mutation quirks, corner this teen against a locker.

*They should be in class..*

"So Shinsou, you really thinking of trying to get in the hero course with your quirk?" States the Lizard teen, his green scales match the light green hair.

"Yeah, with a villainous quirk like yours I think it's better if you stay in general studies. Didn't we tell you in middle school, stop trying to be a hero??" States the teen with three eyes and sharp teeth, one eye is glowing at the minute unblinking staring at this Shinsou kid

Amelia's blood runs cold, they're bullying this kid? She also has reason to believe one of them is using their quirk preferably the one with multiple eyes. Otherwise she has a feeling that purple haired boy would have had a retort, or maybe called for help?

*No quirk is villainous, there's only people. This world is so focused on quirks they forget it's the person who wields it that decides the purpose of how the quirk is used. Damn it all.*

Amelia comes around that corner pulling out all the shorty anger and yells (which is very uncharacteristic of her), "what the hell do you think your doing."

The three teens jump, the two teens trapping the boy against the locker jump back and look at her, the boy with multiple eyes, the one eye on his forehead stops glowing and closes. Making her assumptions right at least he was using his quirk on the purple haired teen.

"I said what's the hell is going on here." She ask again finally near them, her arms are crossed.

"Umm." The three eyes teen says

"What's it to you shorty." Said the Lizard teen

Her eye twitched in annoyance as she smiles slightly, "oh just a concerned teacher, wondering why the two of you have a student pinned to a locker threatening him, as well as unsupervised quirk usage." She states in a strained cheerful tone before looking at the purple haired teenager they called Shinsou, "Shinsou was it? I'm going to tell you something, actually all three of you something. No quirk is evil or good, it's the person who wields the quirk that decides the purpose of it. So no matter what your quirk is Shinsou, you.. you can be a hero. Now you head to class," she nods to the purple haired teen who is looking at her with disbelief as she then addresses the two teens who went to the same middle school as him, "and you two, are taking a nice little trip to the principals office~" she says clapping her hands together

Shinsou steps back and hurries off with a strained expression, just who was that teacher..


Aizawa turns a corner and sees just the aftermath of what Amelia said. Knowing she's going to need help finding Nezu's off from this half of the building.

"Tano." He states

She jumps as well as the two teens, "a-ah Aizawa I was just-"

He interrupted her, "don't run off with me, you quite literally traveled into the general studies building while in your embarrassed fluster."

"I was-"

The two teens are sweating now, no way, she's knows Aizawa? Does that mean.. she's a Heroics teacher!?. The two teens thoughts and dreams of being a hero shattered now. (Not like they wouldn't have shattered when Nezu got to them either but..)

"That being said.. seems you found some troublesome students." Aizawa eyes with his dead stare and the two teens shiver slightly.

Amelia nods, "well.. yes I did I was taking them toward the Principals office.. if.. your um cool with that."

Aizawa has to really, really, keep himself from facepalming, instead he opts to sigh, "yes im.." he internally cringes, "cool with that. I'll escort you and help make sure none of them try to pull a fast one." He eyes the two teens who seem to know they're in deep shit now.

"If your sure wouldn't want to interrupt your rest time-"

"I'm a teacher and two students who obviously don't have what it takes to be a hero, much less a student in this school, need to be brought to the principals office, stop trying to deny the extra help." He states now looking at her a tiny bit annoyed before turning around, "let's get a move on we got prep work to handle before the Heroics class this afternoon."

She nods before lightly patting both teens on the back, "let's go you two." She says with a smile that the teens are just fearful of now.


They're in the middle of their prep eating their lunch when both of their phones buzz, it's an emergency message from Nezu requesting all available personnel to the entrance of the school because the reporters are getting rowdy and trying to break into the school grounds. Both of them tense up, Aizawa shoots to his feet and gives Amelia a look.

"Come on we need to hurry." He states

Tano gives off a hum as she is quick to her feet and they rush from Aizawa's office (it's really their office just Tano is refusing to call it hers or their space), to the front entrance.

Present Mic and Power Loader are already holding some of the people back, and more and more teachers are outside. Aizawa takes his place next to Present Mic (Yamada) and Amelia takes a spot next to Power Loader a little bit away from Aizawa.

"Why wont they go away?" Tano asked to Power Loader

"Because they want information on All Might." He replies in his hero outfit

Aizawa chimes in as well, "Their Vultures I hate the damn media."

"Can't we use force? Their basically villains now that their trespassing." Yamada states

"Not unless you want you want to be dragged through the mud." Aizawa states plainly

Aizawa grunts as the weight of something jumping on his back is felt, he doesn't freak out because within seconds the Principal pops out of his scarf, "indeed! For now Yamada, can you please use just a portion of your quirk to inform them of the impending arrest that will happen if anyone is left on school grounds in the next minute and half, I have police inbound."

Yamada face hardens and he nods before shouting, "Yo! You guys! If you all don't get off school property before the police arrive you will be arrested for trespassing onto school property, Yo!"

Did he really just say Yo twice?? Aizawa thinks cringing mentally

Amelia feels her ears slightly ring, that's the first time she's seen Yamada use his quirk, of course she could have probably went on YouTube to see if some clips of his fight since the man is a Limelight Hero. But still it's amazing. Her ruby eyes sparkle until Aizawa glanced coldly at her and she straightens up and just helps hold the line.

After it's said and done, the school does dismiss afternoon classes mostly to discuss better safety measurrs and the.. security concern.

"Glad everyone could make it! Welcome, welcome to our emergency meeting everyone!" Greets the chaotic principal

Everyone either nods or says a quiet hello.

"Now it's come to our attention that the gate didn't malfunction, seems someone melted the locking mechanism which allowed the Gates to open, which allowed the reporters in." Nezu reports, "to make matters worse we have no idea who done it, the Cameras only see a figure in a white hoodie, obviously someone who planned to cause a scene."

Kayama chimes in, "myself, Hound Dog and Sheepish sweped the school grounds and found no one in sight that shouldn't be here. All the doors were locked and nothing seems to be amissed." Beside Kayama stood a man with a muzzle over his snout and a white curly haired woman with horns, Amelia remembers being told about the Guidance Counselors Hound Dog and Sheepish, both were heros and the two Guidance Counselors of the school.

Nezu nods in thanks to the three of them before moving onto a plain looking man who talked double toned, "I'm sure most of you know me but I see a new face so I'll introduce myself, I'm Nakime Toei, and I work in the IT department. Two of the cameras did go down during this attack but, when I checked seems like they shorted. I'll be replacing those immediately."

"Shorted? Where were they?" Ask Power Loader

"They were near the Heroics classrooms and the Teachers Offices." Nakime states

Sheepish joins in with a quiet soothing voice, "I went through and checked the teachers offices making sure the doors were locked and they were so no worries there."

"What about the classrooms?" Tano chimes in and tenses when all eyes turn to her

"Most classrooms are locked but some are unlocked depends on the class especially if students have left their stuff in there. The teacher stays until all students are gone, if nothing is left we leave the classroom unlocked, if students have left their items in there we lock it. The halls are usually always patroled so we don't have to worry about funny business." States Sheepish

Tano nods embarrassed she didn't know that.

*Kind of wished someone explained that too me.* (Cough Aizawa cough)

Nezu claps his paws (I keep wanting to write hands), "okay, going forward I will be upping our security system, perhaps I need to invest in a shocking gate hmm?" He then cackles at the thought causing shivers from the rest of the staff

Power Loader groans already know he's gonna be the one working on that project if it's approved.

The meeting is shortly adjourned and soon enough everyone is allowed to head home early if they do wish. Some of the staff is happy, others like Aizawa is already trujing back to his office. Amelia follows after him and he pauses.

"Why are you following me? Don't you have better things to do?" Aizawa questions blankly

Amelia scratches her cheek, "well I had a feeling you would want to finish prep work ya know? I mean, I am your assistant I can he-"

He cuts her off with a hand up, "Tano, just head home, I don't need your help.." he states a tad bit rudely

*Why.. why is it Everytime it's like a push or pull between us. There's times where everything goes well and then suddenly a wall is thrown in between us.*

"Oh I was just-"

"Trying to be helpful. I know, I.. it's been a long day and your.." he trails off unsure if he really wants to say this, "suffocating."

Amelia feels like someone punched her in the gut, is this how he really felt? Was her trying to help him out, be around him.. really just making him hate her more??

"Oh.." is all she says as she looks down at the floor

*I.. I thought we were making progress..*

He sighs and goes to say something but is cut off by Tano this time.

"If thats what you feel like then fine.. I'll head out." She says walking past him feeling her face burn with shame and hurt. She stops away from him and says a tad bit coldly, "I didn't realize me trying to be friendly and do my job was such a bother to you. I'll stop."

Aizawa growls slightly, "don't go turning this on me, that's not what I said- Tano.. TANO!" He calls after her louder as she just hurries away down the hall

Both of them not realizing.. tomorrow they and their students would be fighting for their lives.

______AUTHORS NOTE______

hey guys sorry I didn't update like I usually do. My dad got into a really bad accident and it kind of messed with me. I hope you liked this chapter and I'm so happy we're almost to a thousand reads!! Thank you all so much!!

I have added a few other characters like Sheepish the Sheep Hero and Nakime the Double Tone hero. Nakime won't show up often at all but we might be seeing Sheepish some more.

Anyways thanks for reading and I'll write to you later~

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