Queen's Embrace||KIM TAEHYUNG...

By swee-ty

151K 8.9K 2.2K

Started : 17th February 2022. Ended: 1st January 2024. 100k reads: 29th February 2024 Kang Y/N - Female lead... More

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Author - Snow
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10k Reads!
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|Ninety Eight|- FINAL

|Ninety Six|

1K 93 19
By swee-ty

Words: 1450

Revenge is over....



Where the hell did I go wrong?

I've been contemplating this for a while.

Y/N: It's all my fault.
Baekhyun: Y/N, don't blame yourself. Let's find a solution.

I nodded, looking at Baekhyun.

Y/N: Can you give me your phone?

He handed me his phone, and I dialed Liam.

Liam: Hello?
Y/N: Liam, my friends got kidnapped by Dong.
Liam: I know, Y/N. I was about to call you.
Y/N: Okay. So, hear me out. The airpod I gave you has a GPS too. It's specially designed. Stay close to Dong until I arrive. I need to hear every word he says.

Liam: Got it. He's planning to sell your friends for their organs.

My eyes widened.

Liam: He asked if I know someone in that field to sell your friends. I told him I'd think about it.

Suddenly, an idea struck.

Y/N: Tell them you know someone like this.
Liam: What? But I don't know anyone like that.

Y/N: I do. Let me be that person.

I smirked.

Y/N: Just tell him I'm Lora. Feed him fake info about me being well-known in that field. So that he won't look for any other person.

Y/N: I'll take care of the rest. I'll feed fake data to his server; he might check that.

I heard him humming.

I hung up, grabbed my laptop, and started my work.

But something crossed my mind.

I dialed Yoongi on my satellite phone.

Y/N: Hello?
Yoongi: Y/N, I've searched everywhere for them and still searching.
Y/N: I'm tracking them. Don't worry.
Yoongi: What?-
Y/N: I need something...

Time skip

I fed fake information to Dong's server , wearing my airpod.

I overheard his conversation with Dong.

I tracked his current location and sent it to Yoongi.

I'm close to it, but Yoongi isn't.

Dong's words boiled my blood.

I gathered my weapons sent  from Yoongi long ago.

I wore my snowflake necklace which Yoongi brought from my mansion.

I smiled looking at it.

I'll make sure this is your last day, Dong.

I messaged Liam about my arrival.

Y/N: I'll get going.

Baekhyun hugged me, saying:

Baekhyun: Be safe.

I hugged him back, kissed Si Woo's forehead, gave a last smile to Baekhyun, and left.

I could hear Liam saying his friend, known for buying organs, would arrive soon.

I smirked.

I'm coming for you, Dong.

I took Yoongi's car parked for emergencies and moved towards Dong's location, overhearing his conversation with my friends.

I gripped the steering wheel as he revealed Ru's cause of death.

I knew the truth, but I wanted him to confess.

Hana's sobs reached my ears, fueling my determination.

I arrived where he is present.

I got surrounded by Dong's men pointing guns at me.

Before they could shoot, I shot them with my silencer gun so that Dong cant hear this.

I reloaded my gun.

Reaching Dong and my friends, I witnessed a disturbing scene.

He pulled Taehyung with a chain I made him wear, a gift from him.

I couldn't stand idly.

As he was about to inject, I shot his hand holding the injection.

He dropped it, and I kept my gun back in its holder around my waist.

Y/N: Long time no see, Dong.

I declared, turning all heads.

Walking over, I began untying my friends.

I untied Jackson and Chaneyol, leaving the others to them.

Standing behind Taehyung, he struggled to stand.

I held him, our eyes meeting.

Taehyung: Y/N...

His teary eyes and weak voice affected me.

I wiped away his tears, about to speak when

Hana: Y/N, watch out!

I turned, seeing Dong pointing a gun I'd thrown away.

Dong: Bye~

He pulled the trigger, but I smirked; nothing happened.

Y/N: Thought I'd give you a chance with a fully loaded gun?

I showed my palm, revealing bullets.

I threw them out the window, moving towards Hana after ensuring Taehyung could stand.

I untied her, and some of Dong's men were shot.

Dong: Guards! Shoot her!

He shouted at the remaining, but none moved.

One took Dong's chair and placed it before me.

Sitting with a smirk,

Dong: What the hell? Do as I say!

His men turned around, guns pointed at him.

In unison:

...: Queen, waiting for your order to fire him.

Dong was stunned.

Y/N: Thought they're your guards? Nah, Dong. They're mine, sent them long ago to keep an eye on you and Hana.

I smirked.

Liam walked towards me, standing beside me.

Dong: EM? What are you doing?

Y/N: EM? Know who he is? His real identity? He is not EM but me.

Dong stumbled back.

Dong: W-What?

Y/N: Yup. You heard right. I'm the EM you trusted blindly.

I walked toward him; he tripped and fell.

I chuckled.

Y/N: Made a good disguise, didn't I?

Glaring, I stepped on his foot.

Y/N: Didn't you say you wouldn't be after my friends?

He groaned.

Taking my foot back, I turned around.

Y/N: Out!

Jackson: But-
Y/N: Out now!

Fear painted Taehyung's, his friends', and brothers' faces.

Its new for them to see this face of mine.

They silently left; I didn't want them to witness what would happen next.

Turning around, my guards were still pointing.

Y/N: Move out. Liam, you too.

They lowered their guns, leaving with Liam.

Now, Hana, Dong, and I were the only ones left.

I placed the chair on one of his legs, locking it between the gap of the chair.

Sitting, I looked outside, everyone watching from afar due to the vast entrance.

I sighed, turning my attention to Dong.

He gulped as our eyes met.

I smirked.

I love this fear.

Y/N: Know why I didn't kill you before?

Taking out my gun, I admired it.

Y/N: Wanted you to reveal the truth to Hana by yourself. And you did.

Y/N: So? Time to go.

Dong: No, please. I'll do whatever you say and give whatever you ask.

My eyes darkened.

Y/N: Can you give me our Ru back?

I yelled, the echo lingering.

He lost words.

Y/N: No, right?

He was about to speak, but I shot his leg.

He groaned.

Looking at Hana, I gave her my gun.

Y/N: Take your revenge.

I looked at her, saying softly:

She wiped her tears, looking at me.

Hana: No, Y/N. You should be the one taking his life.

I was about to say something, but

Hana: For our Ru.

I pointed my gun at him without looking, shooting multiple times.

Throughout the shooting, my eyes stayed on her.

Shifting my gaze to Dong, who is now lifeless.

Blood covered my hands and face.

I stood up, walked out without a word, and joined the others.

Hana came in front of me and hugged me.

Hana: Forgive me, Y/N. I've hurt you a lot without knowing the truth.

She managed to say them despite of her sobs.

I patted her back, comforting her.

Y/N: Shh... It's okay.

She broke the hug, and with a sincere expression, Hana said:

Hana: Forgive me, Y/N.

Y/N: I'm not mad at you to forgive you, Hana.

I managed a small smile. She returned it.

I glanced at the others, and just as I was about to say something,

Yoongi: Y/N!!!

Yoongi ran towards me, hugging me tightly.

Yoongi: Is everything okay? You asked for snipers, and I sent them. Did Dong die?

Y/N: Yes, he's dead.

He sighed in relief.

Y/N: Take everyone to the mansion including Hana. I need to go somewhere.

I glanced at Taehyung and left.

I said, beginning to walk away after tossing a card from my pocket.

I heard some murmers.

Jungkook: What's that?

Irene: Her card.

I then drove somewhere.

I reached the place and went out.

To Ru's cemetery.

I knelt down before it and closed my eyes.

Y/N: I took revenge, Ru.

I said slowly and wind blew across my face.

I opened my eyes.

Y/N: Everything is over now.

I noticed it's snowing.

Like that day...
The day when we lost you...

I held my snowflake chain and smiled sadly.

(Forgive me for mistakes. This part is also unedited)

Next part will be mostly on our Winter Bear's birthday!

- 30. 12. 2023

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