By YourMiee

184K 4.5K 2.6K

He is a force to be reckoned with. A lift of his finger & people are beheaded in seconds. A word from him & t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 54

Chapter 41

1.7K 60 80
By YourMiee

Alessandro's POV:~

That is it! I am going to kill everyone.

The thought crosses my mind as I see the men around our table and others with their filthy eyes fixed on Angel. The gun at my side suddenly feels heavy and my hand itches to tuck it out and empty it in the skull of these fuckers.

It was a bad idea to take her here and even worse, making her wear this dress that is making her stand out so much. She looks like a goddess among these mere mortals, her kindness creating a celestial halo around her and naturally attracting evil eyes.

Then again, I would not have it any other way. I would rather make all the men go blind than crush her heart and say that she can not wear what she likes.

I did not like it one bit when Christian called her beautiful in his mother-fucking-tongue.

French had never sounded so ugly before.

But I bit back my words when I saw the smile on her face. Although the fact that she knew Theodore before me introducing them, did not sit well with me. I know he has fans almost everywhere but still why my girlfriend?

My hand climbs up her leg and settles on her thigh over her dress, giving it an angry squeeze, wishing that it was her bare skin instead. Angel jolts beside me, her eyes flitting to my hand then my face. I see the displeased look clear on her before she grips my hand with the intent to take it off. I do not move. After a number of futile tries, she huffs and turns back to her friends.

I was never interested much in the showbiz, except producing some movies. When Theodore first came in the industry, no one wanted to take a risk with him. But I recognize talent, when I see it. So when he visited me with his project, I willingly invested. I am a businessman through and through. I never waste my money in vain and as expected, his film earned me a lot. Just after two movies, he got enough money to produce his own films but we still maintain good relations.

Though, I am starting to doubt it now.

My fingers roam below the waist line of her gown, thankful to the table for hiding the lower halves of our bodies. Angel sucks in a breath when my little finger accidentally touches her mound. Her voice falters for a second during the conversation before picking up its usual enthusiastic tone.

I make a mental note to tell Sam to block Franklin's movies from Angel's phone and make sure that none of them are aired on any television of my mansion anymore. Not even the series.

And the award shows.

My subconscious says.

Sì. That too.


Other four fingers follow suit and the next thing I know, I have cupped her pussy over the fabric. She stops talking altogether at the action, those plump red lips parting to give way to a shuddered exhale. I put more pressure on the soft skin there and see her squirming in her seat.

She gives me a condescending look full of judgement which I choose to ignore, and bend towards her ear, "If I were to fuck you right now, will you be wet enough to take my cock without resistance?"

My words may sound quite demanding but I can not help it.

The need to assure myself she is mine, has become overwhelming again. It has turned into a routine at this point. To confirm that she still belongs to me every once in a while.

I know I am an insecure motherfucker for this. But how would I not be? Just look at her. She is so fucking better, so superior to me. Even if I work my ass off, I will never be worthy of deserving her.

Her beautiful hazels widen at my choice of words and that cute little nose scrunches up in annoyance but I observe the way her body arches unknowingly in the chair, pushing her crotch more into my hand.

I am tempted to throw her right over my shoulder and take off in the direction of the exit when someone's voice interrupts our little scene.

"Mr. De Luca, I have been looking for you."

Mr. Smith stands there with his leech of a daughter who has not stopped scanning me with her eyes since the moment I arrived here. I was trying to avoid any kind of talk with him as I did not want to behave rudely with them in front of Angel.

"Evelyn also accompanied me. She said she wanted to meet you too." He says and looks at his daughter, "Evelyn, say hi to Mr. De Luca."

A waiter comes over to us and Angel takes a flute from him, about to take a sip.

Mr. Smith's daughter bites her lip in, what she might think, a seductive manner but ends up looking like a rat with red lips to me, and says in a sickly sweet voice, "Hi, Alessandro. Nice to see you again."

I internally groan at the sight and noise of her.

God, she is irritating.

Angel's eyes burn the side of my head, the edge of the glass touching her lips as she silently pushes my hand off of her thigh. I smell her jealousy before I even hear her.

"What is she-?" Something behind Mr. Smith catches my attention and I stop her before she can ask.

Snatching the drink away from her hands, I place it back on the table. "Use the rest room."

She turns to me fully, "What?"

"Go to the rest room." I repeat.


Her eyebrows furrow in question but I do not have the time for it.

"Now." I order in a stern voice.

She stares at me for a while , gritting her teeth then stands up and leaves without her mask.



Anastasia's POV:~

Muttering curses under my breath, I walk towards the bathroom in fast steps. I am holding the sides of my gown and my eyes are fixed on the floor so I do not trip and fall.

Fuck Alessandro for not even assisting me.

And that woman! How dare she look at my man?

Such an-

My body suddenly collides with something strong and I go tumbling back, the hem of the dress stuck under my heels. But a hand grabs my waist and pulls me up and I come face to face with a large man holding me in his arms.

The man must be a good few inches taller than me. He is wearing a grey suit with black and white tie and his face is hidden behind a grey mask. By how much I can see of him, he looks a bit older, at least older than Alessandro and the men I just met. Maybe in his mid-forties.

When his dark eyes fall on my face, I see a flicker of something cross his irises. What? I do not know. Neither I have the time to.

When I realise the man does not seem to have any intention of letting me go on his own, I do it myself. Stepping away from his arms, I look up at him, "Sorry, I did not see you."

He does not say anything. Just silently watches me.

Strange man!

Feeling creeped out, I adjust my dress and bow at him as a way of thanking and dash off towards the rest room again.


Alessandro's POV:~

I watch as Angel angrily stomps her way to the rest room, her small hands holding the sides of her gown in a tight grip. Even the backside of her is sexy as hell.


"Mr. De Luca,"

I glare at Mr. Smith, and he, reading my hard expression, leaves with his daughter in a hurry.

I look back at my Angel and bite down on my bottom lip, staring at her retreating figure. The glistening skin of her back calls to me in ways her innocent mind will never understand. She looks like an enchantress in this dress, taking my breath away with every move she makes tonight.

The masculine urge to keep looking at her like this and snap anyone's neck who dares to even breathe in her direction is too overpowering.

My eyes only change their line of vision once she turns the corner, disappearing behind one of the large pillars.

I wave my index and middle finger in the air and a nearby waiter stops at our table. Placing Angel's untouched glass on the tray, I pass him a stack of dollars over the fine silk. His eyes expand, seeing the large amount of tip but he knows better than to question me. He pockets the notes and bowes before leaving for the bar.

A minute or so later, my eyes catch the ones of the same waiter standing by the bar. He nods, a determined look in his eyes and at the same time I see others start to distribute different kinds of food and cutleries to the guests. When they come to me, I raise myself from the seat and follow Angel's steps. No one questions me as they know I do not eat in public.

Due to everyone being busy dining, the rest rooms are all vacant now. As I turn the corner and head towards the ladies' room, that waiter joins me, a plate covered with a white cloth in his hands. He takes off the cover, revealing a pair of black gloves. I wear them first and then pick up the shining silver fork with unusually elongated and sharp tines, still walking. Placing the cloth back over the plate, he takes a U-turn, going back to the dining hall just as I enter the rest room.

The back of the man is the first thing I see before I lock the door without making a noise. He is hunched over the sink, looking at the watch on his wrist, possibly waiting for the perfect time to strike. I silently walk up to him, towering over his body.

"Looking for someone?" I ask.

Hearing my voice, he looks up at the mirror with wide eyes and that is when I put my plan into action. I stab the fork right below the junction of his jaw and neck, on the soft spot at the side of the throat, making sure that he does not have much muscles on that part so it makes more damage.

It would have been better if I had a knife, but whatever does the job.

Before he can try to speak and alert Angel, I thrust the fork through his neck with as much force as I can, damaging his voice box. All that comes out of his mouth now are wordless gurgles. His hands desperately grip my wrist to stop me, but he is no match for my power. I twist the fork in his neck, bursting the blood vessels there and hitting the carotids. Blood pours out of his throat, flowing down his skin and wetting my gloves.

I shake my head, feigning disappointment, "Tch tch tch, she hates blood on me!"

Stepping a little away so it does not stain my shirt or fall on the floor, I grab his hair, tilting his head backwards. His large fearful eyes meet mine. I keep his head up as more blood seeps out and see him choking on it. Tears come out of his eyes as he struggles breathing with all the blood in his mouth and a sadistic smile graces my lips at the sight of it.

I hold a palm over his mouth to stop the flow for a moment, before taking the fork out and force it back in. This time the long and sharp edges of the weapon pierce through the bundle of his neck cords, hurting the oesophagus, and vertebral column. The man makes strangled sounds and his hands fall at his sides, helpless. I draw my hand back and repeat the motion again and again until I hear the noise of a flush from one of the cubicles.


It will take him at least several minutes to die. But Angel will come out before that. I need to be fast. We do not have much time.

Fuck it!

I drag his almost lifeless body to the opposite cubicle and place him on the toilet. Using the flush to drown out the sounds, I pull out the fork and jab him in the back of the neck, severing the spinal cord. He will be paralyzed for life or die within seconds, depending on the level of the injury. Though considering my strength and experience, the latter is more likely to happen in his case and the best thing is, he will not even be able to stand if he somehow gains the power to come out.

His body is sat in such a way that his head falls back against the wall which makes the amount of blood dropping on the ground, the least. I shove the bloody gloves in his open mouth and bind his hands with my tie.

Such a waste of the expensive clothing.

Locking the door, I take out the sticker and glue it to the cubicle.

Thank fuck, she is not out yet.

I come back to the sink and wash my hands and face off the scarlet splatters. I send a quick message to Carlo while wiping the water droplets with my handkerchief.

'Second to the right. Restart the cctvs when you are done.'

By the time Angel appears, I am all done with the touch-up. She looks startled by my presence here. With slow steps, she approaches me with a curious gaze, "What are you doing here in the ladies' room? And where is your tie?"

I offer a lazy shrug, "Waiting for you and I took it off."

None of which is a lie technically.

Her eyes fall on the cubicle I just came out of and her brows scrunch, "What is this?"

I follow her gaze to the big sign of 'Under Construction' on the door, a smirk threatening to slip out, "A caution."

"I can see that but it was not there when I came in." Her brows deepen even more as she tries to prove her point.

So cute and curious.

"I would not your trust my memory if I were you." I retort, knowing fully well how forgetful she is and take advantage of that.

Her lips twist before she bends to correct her dress but before she can, I kneel down and straighten out the hem of her gown for her, checking whether the ends are stuck under her heels or not.

As I stand up to touch her, she moves her face away, "What was she doing there?" Jealousy drips from her words.

"Mr. Smith's daughter?"

She nods.

"I have no idea. Besides," I cup her cheek gently, "I do not care about her or anyone else. You are the only thing that matters. So, rest assured. No one is taking your place but," I pause and she narrows her eyes at me. My lips twitch.


"But you can be jealous occasionally, if you want. It looks good on you."

"Shut up!" She scolds me but that beautiful smile comes back to her face.

I grab her cheeks, plant a tender kiss on her forehead and tie her mask back in its place before we come out together. A soft and romantic piano piece is playing in the hall when we arrive there. Some couples are already on the floor.

I stretch my palm in front of Angel and tilt my head to the dancing pairs.

She stares at me quizzically, "But Dino told me you do not dance."

Fuck him. Why does everyone share everything with her?

I roll my eyes, "I do now."

She crosses her arms over her chest, her breasts making a delicious appearance over the cups of her dress, "Since when?"

I lick my lips and look into her eyes, the desire from before resurfacing, "Since you."

How was the chapter?

I know, I promised that this chapter would be where the story would change its track but the chapter I initially wrote was long and had 4 different povs. Like almost 6k words long. So I had to part it in two halves.

Because the next chapter is already written, it will come out soon.

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