Take the mobile game back to...

By alexz112

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Time Travel and Rebirth] "Take the Mobile Game Back to the 70" Author: Nan Yanxi [End] mtl Copywriter: Tang G... More

Chapter 1 strange dream
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 17

732 10 0
By alexz112

Chapter 17

  The Cold Food Festival falls a few days before Qingming Festival. During these days, every household is trying to get some glutinous rice, and then use the village stone mill to grind it into glutinous rice flour, which can be used to make Qingming fruit.

  Tang Guo followed Tang Jiahe to pick mugwort leaves on the mountain. The mugwort leaves are also particular. They can only use mugwort leaves that grow a few days before the Qingming Festival. The mugwort leaves at this time are green in color and very fresh, which is a good material for making Qingming fruit.

  Her family originally didn't have glutinous rice flour, but after Li Fang's publicity, almost every household in Tangjia Village knew that their family had big eggs. In addition, they were popular, so it was easy to exchange for glutinous rice.

  "Dad, have you seen enough of this?" Every household is not allowed to open fire during the Cold Food Festival. Tang Guo has only heard of this, but has never experienced it. Many customs have been simplified a lot in later generations.

  Tang Jiahe took a glance and saw that the girl's small basket was already filled with mugwort leaves, and his own big basket was more than half full. He estimated that it was enough, and he nodded, "That's enough. If it's not enough, let's pick it again."

  Tang Guo nodded happily. She had not seen how the Qingming Guo was made, and now that she had the opportunity, she could learn from it.

  There were other people picking mugwort leaves on the mountain. When they saw them, they all greeted them with a smile, "Hey, these mugwort leaves look so tender. The Qingming Fruit produced from them will definitely not be bitter."

  Tang Guo was so cute that everyone praised her for being smart.

  At this moment, a cry of surprise came, "Chicken, pheasant! There is pheasant!"

  Tang Guo quickly turned around, and saw several people chasing a pheasant. The pheasant was chased everywhere, clucking and clucking, and finally came straight to her. Tang Guo recognized that it was the pheasant she had released. But she was still afraid of such a big pheasant flying towards her.

  Suddenly, a bamboo basket flew over and hit the pheasant. The pheasant suffered an external force and fell to the ground from mid-air. It fainted for a while.

  Sanmaozi took a look and trotted over happily. When he saw the chicken on the ground, his eyes gleamed, "Haha, haha, such a fat chicken, I am so lucky today!"

  The person who first discovered the pheasant was very upset. If he had known better, he would not have yelled, but quietly caught the chicken. Now it was better, and the fat meat that reached the mouth was given to others for free, but the chicken was also It's so weird, why are you just running towards the Tang family and there?

  "Sanmaozi, this is the pheasant that was discovered first, why don't you just take it for yourself!" Someone refused.

  Sanmaozi spat out the grass in his mouth and looked over with a stern look, "Hey, who discovered it first? They saw it but didn't have the ability to catch it. I have the ability and I caught it. This should be mine." After that, he mentioned The pheasant's two paws were ready to go down the mountain, and he was still picking mugwort leaves. He didn't even get a piece of glutinous rice. Picking mugwort leaves was just to give everyone the illusion that he also had Qingming fruit to eat.

  However, this trip up the mountain was really worth it.

  Others might think that the pheasant flew towards them by chance, but Tang Jiahe could see it clearly from where he was standing. The last time Guoguo caught the pheasant, he said that the pheasant fainted after hitting a tree. She happened to pick it up, and When those two brats were catching rabbits together, they said that the wild rabbits were nesting there, as if they were caught for them. He didn't take it seriously. But now that he has a look, it's not true. The chickens themselves Fly towards the girl.

  It seems that the mountain god is helping again.

  The Tang Jiahe quickly asked Tang Guo to leave. He had to go back and tell Yingzi about the matter.

  Compared with other people's pity and regret, Tang Guo thinks it is a good thing. The poorest people in the village have caught pheasants. The news will definitely spread throughout Tangjia Village soon, and it will be able to divert other people's attention to some extent.

  Song Yingzi was busy at home. She didn't have an earthen pot, so she could only use a big pot to make green dumplings. She washed the red beans that had been soaked overnight and steamed them in the pot. She was going to make some Qingming fruit with red bean filling. She had some from last time. She chopped the chicken fungus into small pieces, beat an egg, and stir-fried it twice. Now there are both sweet and salty fillings.

  "Mom, we are back!"

  Song Yingzi hurriedly walked over to look at their baskets, "Is it tender? Come and let me take a look."

  She had already told her to pick it, but her man refused to let him go, insisting that the troops should be divided into two groups and that it be faster.

  Song Yingzi knew very well that Guo Guo's father felt sorry for her and didn't want her to do too many things, but if the moxa leaves she picked were wrong, she would still have to pick them again, otherwise the food would be wasted.

  She shook the bamboo basket, turned over the mugwort leaves at the bottom, and saw that each mugwort leaf was emerald green and felt right to the touch. Song Yingzi finally smiled with satisfaction.

  "How is it? When have I ever let you down?" Tang Jiahe proudly took back the basket, walked straight to the water tank, and scooped up water to wash the mugwort.

  Tang Guo smelled the aroma of stir-fried ingredients with a keen nose, and asked expectantly: "Mom, what delicious food did you make?"

  With a considerate husband and well-behaved children, Song Yingzi felt sweet in her heart, "Guoguo, this year we are going to be extravagant. Instead of making solid Qingming fruit, I am going to make Qingming fruit with red bean filling and chicken fir and egg filling. You like to eat sweet ones? Or salty?"

  Tang Guo had only eaten green dumplings stuffed with bean paste, and she thought the Qingming fruit they were talking about was the green dumplings she thought they had, so how could they still taste salty? She hasn't eaten it.

  But in Song Yingzi's eyes, he just thought that she was struggling with which of the two flavors to choose, her little face with a little fat wrinkled together, how cute she looked, "Haha, silly girl, I know, I like whatever you want to say. right!"

  Tang Guo's eyebrows were full of expectation and he nodded heavily.

  Song Yingzi couldn't help pinching her little cheek, "Okay, Guoguo, don't run around, the Qingming fruit will be ready in a while."

  Tang Jiahe acted quickly, and the moxa leaves were washed quickly. Song Yingzi took off the steamed red beans and set them aside to cool, then put the moxa leaves in the pot and boiled them until the moxa leaves turned yellow. She fished it out with chopsticks and put it into the prepared cold water. Then Tang Jiahe mashed the mugwort leaves, and finally put the pureed mugwort leaves into a piece of white gauze and squeezed them hard. The green juice flowed into the clean mug. In a bowl, set aside later.

Song Yingzi stirred the red bean paste into a puree. She tasted the red bean paste with her chopsticks. After thinking about it for a while, she took some white sugar from the room, mixed it with some water, and poured it in after it was fully dissolved. After stirring the red bean paste again, she used her chopsticks to get some and gave it to Tang Guo to taste, "Come on, Guo Guo, taste it to see if it's sweet."

  Tang Guo saw how much white sugar she had prepared. It was really just a little bit. From her experience, that little white sugar didn't have much effect at all. But when she tasted it, she found it delicious. , full of the aroma of red beans. Seeing that her mother was still waiting for her feedback, Tang Guo nodded quickly, "Sweet!"

  Song Yingzi then continued to stir with peace of mind. She poured the sifted moxa leaf juice into the glutinous rice flour and the color turned green. Tang Guo was even more sure that this was the green dumpling she had eaten.

  After the dough was kneaded, Song Yingzi divided it into many small pieces, then added the kneaded red bean paste dough into it, and with a slight turn of his hand, a round small dumpling was ready.

  Tang Guo felt that her mother's hands were very skillful. With just a few movements, she finished making the Qingming fruit stuffed with red bean paste.

  When making the savory dish, Song Yingzi steamed the sweet Qingming fruit. Tang Guo noticed that there was a small piece of banana leaf placed under each Qingming fruit, "Mom, is this the anti-sticking thing?"

  Song Yingzi nodded, "Yes, the glutinous rice flour is very sticky. Without the leaves, it will be impossible to pick it up when it is ripe."

  Tang Guo nodded and continued to watch her mother making salty Qingming Guo. The shape of the salty ones was different from the sweet ones. It was a bit like the leek boxes and pot sticker dumplings she had seen. She imagined the taste in her mind. It must be very delicious. tasty.

  Tang Jiahe couldn't help with such delicate work, so he took the used basins and bowls to wash. Thinking of what just happened on the mountain, he couldn't help but said: "Yingzi, Sanmaozi caught one today." The pheasant is about the same size as the one we had last time."

Song Yingzi stared at the heat on the pot lid without blinking. The time for steaming the Qingming fruit was very particular. More would be too hard, less would be too soft, so she didn't notice what her man said.

  Tang Jiahe had no choice but to say it again.

  Song Yingzi heard this this time, "What? He also caught pheasants? This is a good thing!"

  But seeing that her man looked a little bad, she couldn't help but wonder if there were any articles in it?

  The Tang family told him what he saw. Song Yingzi glanced at her daughter who was helping her father put the bowl obediently, "You mean, that pheasant was originally meant for Guoguo?"

  Tang Jiahe nodded, "I think so, but this is just my guess."

  Song Yingzi originally thought it was a pity, but after thinking about it, she felt relieved, "Her dad, I think this is a good thing today. At least our family didn't catch something on the mountain now. Li Fang was so jealous of you a few days ago." It's not like I didn't see it, I'm sure there are other people with the same thoughts as her, now it's fine, let's see what they say."

  When Tang Guo heard her mother's words, she lowered her head and smiled. Her mother was so smart, "Mom, is the Qingming fruit ready?"

  Song Yingzi was shocked and quickly opened the lid of the pot. A fresh fragrance instantly hit her nostrils. Once she saw the quality, she was very satisfied. She quickly brought the dustpan, carefully transferred the Qingming fruit, and then put the salty ones on it to continue. Steam.

  Tang Guo took a look and realized that it was the Qingtuan dumpling she had eaten before. It might be called differently in different places. She was tired of eating one before, so she decided that even if it didn't taste good, she would eat it to save face. over.

  Song Yingzi took one and handed it to Tang Guo, "Eat slowly, be careful not to burn it."

  Tang Guo took the Qingming fruit expectantly, put it under his nose and smelled it. It had a faint aroma of grass, and it smelled very good. It was much healthier than the deep-processed green dough made with additives in later generations.

  And he didn't expect that when he took his mouth this time, the aroma of green grass mixed with the natural taste of red beans, plus a hint of sweetness, made Tang Guo feel that everything was just right and delicious. He didn't feel greasy at all after eating one, and he even wanted to eat it. .
Tang Jiahe saw her bulging her little face while chewing, and it tasted delicious. She couldn't help but give her another one. Song Yingzi quickly stopped her, "There will be some salty ones later. Glutinous rice will fill your stomach. If you eat too much, it will be difficult to digest." , Guoguo, let's keep it in our stomach and eat it with our parents later."


  San Maozi didn't even tie the rope, he just walked carelessly on the road between the villages while holding the pheasant's legs. Not only that, he also specifically chose places with many people to walk.

  "Sanmaozi! This chicken is so fat. Are you lucky?"

  Sanmaozi raised his head proudly, "That's right, I got a chicken today. What does that mean? It means I'm lucky. Just wait and see, my good days are coming soon!"

  Li Fang was sitting in the yard, smelling the aroma of Qingming fruit in every house in the village. She couldn't help but swallow her saliva. Her foot was injured like this and she couldn't go up the mountain. She asked her man to go. He went there cursing and hasn't come back yet. , I don't know how it was picked.

  When she heard Sanmaozi's words, she immediately walked to the courtyard gate on crutches.

  "Sanmaozi, did you catch this pheasant on the mountain?"

  Sanmaozi looked happy, and he responded to whoever spoke. After answering, he looked up and saw that it was Li Fang, "Yes, this pheasant almost pecked your niece. Fortunately, I caught it, otherwise your niece would have The appearance must be broken."

  Her niece? Tang Guo?

  Li Fang frowned and was about to ask more questions, but Sanmaozi was waiting to go back to slaughter the chicken, and was about to leave when there was wind under his feet. Li Fang quickly stopped him, "Sanmaozi, thank you for helping me last time. You are such a chicken." Fat, do you want to give me half of it? I'll give you glutinous rice in exchange. Every household is preparing Qingming fruit, you must be short of glutinous rice, right?"

  Sanmaozi snorted coldly after hearing this, "Who stipulated that you must eat Qingming fruit during the Cold Food Festival? I don't like it." After saying that, he threw the chicken on his shoulder and carried the chicken away.

  Li Fang looked at the pheasant with greedy eyes. It had been injured for a hundred days. If she had a bowl of chicken soup to drink, the injury on her foot would definitely heal very quickly.

  Moreover, people like Sanmaozi are already hunting pheasants. Maybe her man came back so late and saw some game, which took some time.

She turned around expectantly and met the old lady coming out of the kitchen. The old lady also made Qingming fruit today, but instead of using mugwort leaves, she used spinach. Although the color was green, there was no mugwort in the spinach. It's delicious. Thinking of what Sanmaozi said just now, Li Fang couldn't help but said bitterly: "Hey, mother, why are you making Qingming fruit yourself? I thought about it for a while and Jiading picked the moxa leaves and sent them to you. "

  When Mrs. Tang heard the words, she glanced at her indifferently, "It's hard for you to say these words, and you're not afraid of flashing your tongue."

  Li Fang didn't care about being stuffed, and continued: "Mom, your filial and cheap son and cheap granddaughter didn't come to honor you. They actually asked you to do it yourself. This is different from what they usually do. You said they are Didn't I get something good again, so I ate it secretly at home and forgot about you."

  When Mrs. Tang saw her like this, she couldn't help but think that although her daughter-in-law shivered when she first came in, she still had a kind face. Since when did she start to show her original temperament?

  Seeing that the old lady was silent, Li Fang thought she was right and sat on the chair with a mysterious look on her face, "So, this cheap son is not as good as his own son. Look how filial your family will be to you. You really can't upset our family's heart. Mom, I see it this way. You can move the food out of your room, and we won't say anything about dividing the family. Let's live like this for three generations."

She had her own little calculation in mind. There must be a lot of food hidden in the old lady's house. At least there must be a lot of white rice and flour. Otherwise, how could she be so stubborn that she would separate the family immediately.

  Old Mrs. Tang smiled and said, "What are you planning to do with my food supply?"

  He immediately put away his smile in the next second and choked her, "What are you dreaming about in broad daylight? What the hell, I am too lazy to talk to you these days. You are living a comfortable life, which makes you feel like you can ride on me." Is it on my head? Do you want to give it a try and ask the family to choose mother or daughter-in-law, who will he choose? If you get angry, get out of here."

  Li Fang immediately shouted, "He dares!" The voice was a bit sharp.

  She looked at the old lady with full confidence, but her majestic eyes slowly weakened. Li Fang said to herself in her heart, no, she renewed the only fireworks for the Tang family. , The Tang family will never be so cruel.

  The old lady saw that she was frightened and didn't bother to talk to her. She actually said that when the old man was around, she never thought about taking power. Once the old man left, she even less thought about it, but that couldn't be done. Let the daughter-in-law bully the mother-in-law, the old lady thought deeply and brought the dustpan with Qingming fruit back to the room.

  After a while, Tang Jiading came back. He went up the mountain to pick mugwort leaves today. It was fine at first. Later, he heard that Sanmaozi had caught pheasants. He was excited for a while and planned to catch some game with a few people. Unexpectedly, he and he Several people who were with him caught wild rabbits and pheasants, but he returned empty-handed.

  "Jia Ding, don't be discouraged, go back and go up the mountain to catch him." When they were separated at the door of the house, someone comforted him, but he could only smile and say nothing.

  But as soon as he turned around and entered the yard, he saw Li Fang looking at him with a pair of inquiring eyes. Tang Jiading felt a little guilty, but he decided to preemptively say, "What are you looking at, you prodigal bitch? Why don't you take Ai Ye to wash it quickly?"

  Li Fang thought of what the old lady had said and shuddered subconsciously when he yelled at him, but she still asked with expectation: "Jia Ding, have you gained anything from the mountain today?"

The Tang family thought she was mentioning this on purpose, and felt that she was deliberately picking on him, so he said coolly, "What can we gain? It's a barren mountain with nothing."

  "But I see that Sanmaozi has shot a pheasant. Did you see that the pheasant is quite fat? Did the men who just separated from you also have game in their hands?" Li Fang leaned on her. The cane walked towards the place where he put the basket. Everyone was so lucky today. There was no reason that her men couldn't hit anything.

  Tang Jiading's expression changed, and he threw the basket on the ground, "You are such a delicious woman, you only know how to eat every day, and you even hurt your feet in order to eat. Tell me how many work points you have missed these days!"

  Li Fang stopped immediately. There were moxa leaves picked by her man on the mountain, some young and some old. She didn't dare to say anything wrong with the man's, but her feet were inconvenient. She couldn't squat down, so she could only watch helplessly. Looking at the man, "Jia Ding, my foot is injured and I can't pick it up."

  Tang Jiading originally just wanted to cover up the shame of returning empty-handed, and he regretted getting angry, but when he saw her like this, he felt angry for some reason, "Okay, okay, I really don't know what else you can do besides eating." What can you do?"

  He picked up all the mugwort leaves into a bamboo basket, put them in front of Li Fang, went straight into the house and lay down on the bed to sleep.

  Li Fang looked at the basket in front of her and smiled. She was not afraid of what the old lady said. Look, the Tang family definitely needed her. Without her, he wouldn't even be able to eat.

  As soon as word spread that Sanmaozi and others had caught game, every family wanted to go up the mountain to try their luck, maybe they could catch something.

  Tang Guo had lunch and was sleeping in her room when she heard someone calling her outside.

  Her grandma has told her since she was a child that if someone calls her name while sleeping, she must not answer, otherwise she will be taken away and will never see her grandma again. She has always believed in this, so she does not respond to calls from outside. The sound fell on deaf ears.

  Song Yingzi opened the door and saw that it was Dapeng and Yishan, "Are you here to play with Guoguo?"

  Dapeng and Yishan nodded repeatedly, "Auntie, why didn't you go up the mountain? The mountain is very lively now."

  Song Yingzi didn't know that other people had also shot wild rabbits and pheasants. She only found out after asking them, but this time Guoguo was not at the scene.

  "Auntie, have you made Qingming fruit? It smells so good!" Dapeng took a sharp breath.

  Song Yingzi looked back at the kitchen. It was open-air. She thought the smell would dissipate quickly. "My nose is really good. I'll give you one for each of you. Do you want it sweet or salty?"

  After hearing this, Tang Yishan knew that this was not an ordinary Qingming fruit, so he quickly tugged at the hem of Dapeng's clothes, "Aunt, we don't want to eat it. We just came to play with Guoguo. Is Guoguo at home?"
Dapeng is so smart. He immediately knew what Yishan meant. He shook his head quickly and said, "Auntie, we have all eaten at home. If my mother and my grandma find out, I will be beaten."

  Song Yingzi understood his concern, and she was willing to give them a taste for the sake of taking care of Guoguo, "Auntie, if you want to give it to me, just take it, here it is, this one is sweet, this one is salty, You share the food."

  Then she turned around and knocked on Guoguo's door. No one answered. Thinking that there were two children waiting, she opened the door and woke Guoguo up.

  Tang Guo slept too deeply. When he was woken up, his fair and round face was still flushed, his big eyes were filled with thin mist, and his blackcurrant-like eyes were filled with water. He looked very cute. people.

  Tang Yishan saw that she still hadn't woken up, and handed her half of the Qingming Guo with red bean paste filling in his hand, "Guo Guo, eat some of this. Your mother's cooking is really delicious."

  Tang Guo was in a daze, and her brain was a little down. She looked at the Qingming Guo and then at Tang Yishan, and subconsciously shook her head, "This is what mother gave you to eat, I don't want it."

  Dapeng quickly took out a fruit candy from his pocket and said, "Guoguo, I have some fruit candy here for you to eat."

  fruit candy? Tang Guo thought of White Rabbit Milk Candy, Snow Meiniang, and Nougat. She still shook her head. She was sleeping too deeply and was not interested in anything. She looked listless and looked at Dapeng. He Yishan was very uneasy.

  Dapeng rolled his eyes and thought of a good idea! "Guoguo, let's go get the eggs!"

  Tang Yishan immediately seconded the proposal, "Yes, Guoguo, let's dig out the bird eggs. Dapeng, do you want to compete with me to see who can dig out more eggs?"

  Dapeng immediately responded, "Let's compare,"

  Tang Guo hadn't even picked out the eggs yet, so she immediately became interested, "Then I'll be the referee!"

  "What is a referee?"

  Um? Have you not heard from the referee at this time?

  Tang Guo quickly explained: "He is the one who decides who of you wins and who loses!"

  Dapeng and Tang Yishan looked at each other and immediately turned around and ran away, "Guoguo, just watch, I will definitely beat him!"

  Tang Yishan walked slower. He was afraid that Tang Guo would be lost and would be scared if he couldn't find them.

  Tang Guo thought of the slingshot in her backpack and asked Tang Yishan, "Brother Yishan, can you play with a slingshot?"

  Tang Yishan shook his head and nodded.

  Tang Guo didn't understand, "What do you mean by shaking your head and nodding again?"

  Tang Yishan said: "I've never played with that yellow slingshot. The slingshot I played doesn't have good elasticity, so I don't know whether I have played it or not."

  "Is that what you mean?" Tang Guo took out the game's slingshot.

  Tang Yishan's eyes lit up when he saw the slingshot in her hand, "Guoguo, where did you get this? This is too new. Did your father buy it for you at the supply and marketing cooperative?"

  In the end, he was so envious that he wanted to play but couldn't open his mouth.

  Tang Guo gave him the slingshot, "I'll lend it to you for fun, but remember to return it to me." She hadn't seen the bird in the game yet, but maybe as her experience continued to increase, the bird would come out, and she guessed, The maps currently open in the game are definitely only a small part.

  But she had never played with a slingshot since she was a child, so she wanted to take this opportunity to learn from Tang Yishan.

  Tang Yishan took the slingshot excitedly, looked at it from left to right, and couldn't put it down. He nodded and promised: "Don't worry, I will protect it well and I will never lose or break it."

  This kind of toy means to boys what Barbie doll means to girls. The excitement on his face is so real that he even walks more briskly.

  Dapeng ran and saw no one behind him, so he quickly turned back to look for them. His sharp eyes saw the slingshot in Tang Yishan's hand. Tang Guo secretly thought that it was not good, she only had one slingshot, and she took it out just as her brain got hot. What if they quarreled over a slingshot?

  When Dapeng saw the slingshot, he frowned unhappily and muttered: "Tang Yishan, you are not a brother enough."

  Tang Yishan glanced at Tang Guo and then at the slingshot in his hand. Just as he was about to explain, Dapeng spoke, "Why didn't you tell me earlier that you wanted to bring a slingshot? My slingshot is at home and I didn't take it."

  ah? Don't they all want to play?

  Tang Guo was afraid that it would affect the friendship between them, so he stepped forward and explained: "This is mine. I want to learn how to play a slingshot, and Brother Yishan happens to know how to do it."

  Dapeng raised his face arrogantly, "I can do it too, why don't we compete in picking out bird eggs and hunting birds today!"

  Tang Yishan nodded immediately, "I think it's okay, otherwise I'll cut my clothes when I climb a tree, and I'll be scolded when I get home."

  So Tang Guo was responsible for picking up small stones on the ground and providing them with marbles. Each of them took turns using the slingshot three times.

  "I'm telling you, this slingshot is about three words, fast, hard and accurate." Dapeng concentrated on looking for turtle doves among the branches. If he could catch a turtle dove today, his grandma and her mother would be very happy.

  Suddenly, Tang Yishan grabbed Dapeng's arm, raised his middle finger to his lips, "Shh."

  Dapeng followed his gaze and saw a medium-sized turtle dove landing on a branch. He quickly reached out to Tang Guo, who gave her three pebbles.

  Dapeng narrowed his eyes and pointed the slingshot at the turtle dove. A stone flew past fiercely. Tang Guo and the others held their breath and stared at the stone without blinking. Unfortunately, the distance was enough, but the height was not enough. , the pebbles flew under the branch where the turtledove stood.

  The sound of landing startled the turtle dove, and it immediately flew away.

  Dapeng was extremely frustrated, and Tang Guo hurriedly comforted him: "It doesn't matter, it's just a little bit different, you can definitely do it."

  With Tang Guo's encouragement, Dapeng immediately cheered up again. With two more pebbles, he still had a chance.

  He kept paying attention to the movements of the turtle dove just now, and saw it landing on a branch again. He gestured to them excitedly and slowly approached the turtle dove.

  Tang Guo took a look and saw that this time the turtle dove was lower than before. Maybe he could really hit it.

But this time, the pebbles flew too high.

  Dapeng said directly this time: "Don't comfort me. I'm a man. This setback is nothing. My mother said, you have to get up wherever you fall."

  Tang Guo breathed a sigh of relief. She was really not good at comforting people.

  Dapeng held the last stone in his hand and told himself that he must be more steady this time.

  The turtle dove was frightened just now and flew away, so they had to look for it again.

  But even after the last stone was used up, Dapeng was not knocked down.

  He was willing to admit defeat and handed the slingshot to Tang Yishan, "You try your best, I didn't hit it anyway."

  Tang Yishan took the slingshot and smiled, "If I hit it, we will be divided into three."

  Dapeng and Tang Guo looked at each other and said in surprise: "Really?"

  Tang Yishan nodded, "This was originally the result of the three of us."

  Tang Guo felt more and more that the two friends she had made were good friends, and secretly decided that even if she didn't catch the turtle dove today, she would not let them go back empty-handed.

  Unexpectedly, Tang Yishan's first shot was very stable, and he gave full play to Dapeng's "quick pursuit" and knocked down a turtle dove.

  Dapeng was so excited that he was even happier than if he had hit it himself. He quickly ran over and raised the turtle dove, "I picked it up, Yishan, you are great."

  Tang Yishan raised the slingshot, "This slingshot is easy to use."

  Dapeng pulled a few pieces of grass, made a straw rope and tied the turtle dove's paws, and ran back to them, "Yishan, maybe we can have one each today, please come on."

  Tang Guo was very happy to witness all this for the first time, even happier than eating delicious food. "Yes, we can make roasted turtle doves, boil turtle doves, and stir-fry turtle doves."

  Dapeng felt saliva secreting in his mouth and couldn't help but swallow. "I know how to make milk. It must be particularly delicious."

  When the two of them were discussing how to eat turtle doves, Tang Yishan shot down another one. Dapeng was so excited that he couldn't say anything. Without saying a word, he grabbed a few grasses and went over to pick up the turtle doves. "Yishan, you I told you earlier, next time I will bring my slingshot, and you have to teach me how to play."

  Tang Yishan nodded in agreement without hesitation.

  "Guoguo, does that fried turtle dove you just mentioned cost oil?" Dapeng turned back to his food.

  Tang Guo nodded, "It's a bit wasteful."

  Dapeng immediately pouted unhappily, "Feiyou, my milk will definitely not be cooked for me to eat."

  "Don't worry, your grandma will definitely find a way." The wisdom of the people is infinite.

  Because of what happened to Li Fang last time, everyone was conscious not to stay on the mountain for too long, lest something happen. Seeing that it was almost evening, Tang Guo and the others also went down the mountain while looking for turtle doves.

  After Tang Yishan sent out the third stone, he saw the turtle dove landing, and there was a cry of surprise.

  "Who! Who is throwing stones at me!" Tang Dabao stood up unceremoniously with his fists clenched.

  Dapeng was surprised when he saw him, "Tang Dabao?"

  Tang Dabao looked at them and saw that Guo Guo was still there. He was surprised to realize that he hadn't lifted up his pants yet. He hurriedly knelt down and wiped his butt and lifted up his pants, shouting, "Don't leave, I'm going to settle the score with you."

  Tang Yishan asked Dapeng to pick up the turtle dove first. Tang Dabao stood up and saw the turtle dove in Dapeng's hand, and immediately started crying loudly.

  Dapeng looked at Tang Dabao without knowing why. What was the fuss about?

  Tang Dabao pointed at the turtle dove and cried: "You hit me with stones. It hurts so much. You have to pay me a turtle dove."

  Dapeng held his head high, "We didn't know you were here. Even if we hit you, it wasn't intentional."

  Tang Dabao's cries attracted Chang Shulan, who went up the mountain with him. Chang Shulan originally hated playing with Tang Dabao, but this was her father's order, and she did not dare to disobey it.

  She thought it would be fine just to go down the mountain, but she didn't expect that he had a stomachache on the way, and she walked away in disgust. When she heard him cry, Chang Shulan came back impatiently. If he went to complain to her father, she would be beaten. scolded.

  But when she saw Tang Guo as soon as she came, she didn't want to stay with Tang Guo. She pinched her nose and asked Tang Dabao, "What's wrong with you? Aren't you having a stomachache? Are you okay?"

  Tang Dabao pointed at the three people opposite, "They hit me with stones."

  After hearing this, Chang Shulan frowned and waved to signal Tang Dabao to come over. When she was angry, her eyes would hang high, and she looked very fierce, "Why did you hit Dabao?"

  Dapeng raised the turtle dove in his hand and said, "We are hunting turtle doves. We don't know where he poops."

  The frank and vulgar words made Chang Shulan frown even more tightly. Tang Guo would never be successful if he played with these low-quality people. She turned to look at Tang Dabao, "What they said is true." Of?"

  Tang Dabao pointed to the turtle dove in Dapeng's hand, "They hurt me, and they have to pay me a turtle dove."

  Only then did Chang Shulan notice that there were three classes in Dapeng's hands. There were three of them. She raised her eyebrows and said, "Yes, even if you didn't see Dabao there, you did hit Dabao. Look at Dabao's head." It's all over, you should give him a turtle dove as compensation."

  Dapeng glanced at Tang Yishan. He was reluctant to give it to him. This was the fruit of their afternoon's work. They had walked a lot on the mountain road alone, and there were not many turtledoves. It was also very hard for them to find it.

  Tang Yishan stretched out his hand to Dapeng, who frowned and said, "It's true. We didn't mean it."

  Tang Guo walked up to Dapeng and said, "It's okay. Each of you has one turtledove. I don't want it."

  Dapeng refused, "This was shot with your slingshot, and it was shot down from a mountain. I don't want it anymore. You two will share it."

  Tang Yishan: "Are you afraid that there won't be any turtle doves to eat while I'm here? You eat today, and when the Tomb-Sweeping Day is over, we'll go up the mountain to hunt. By then, we'll have one turtle dove each."

  Chang Shulan couldn't hear what they were saying, but she guessed how to separate the turtle doves. When she thought that Tang Guo had no turtle doves to eat, she was happy, "Are you going to pay for it? If not, I will tell my aunt, let's She came to your house."

Dapeng reluctantly handed the turtle dove to Tang Yishan. Tang Yishan took it in his hand and brought it to Tang Dabao, "Here it is. It's an apology. We really didn't mean it."

  Tang Dabao grabbed the turtle dove, turned around and ran away, fearing that they would snatch it back the next second.

  Chang Shulan looked at Tang Dabao's back, leaving her alone, and couldn't help cursing the wolf in her heart. She looked at Tang Guo triumphantly, "Tang Guo, are you unhappy if you can't eat the turtle dove?"

  Tang Yishan: "Tang Guo has turtle doves to eat, so I'll give her the one I have."

  Dapeng rushed to say: "No, it's mine for Guoguo to eat."

  Chang Shulan was a little angry because there was no fighting as she expected, "Aren't you afraid that I will tell your parents and they will teach you a lesson? This turtledove is quite fat. If you take it back, your parents will definitely praise you."

  Tang Yishan and Dapeng shook their heads in unison, "This is a turtle dove we fight together. How we decide the difference is our own business."

  Tang Guo felt their full protection and was very moved. In this life, she has friendship and family ties, and she is so happy.

  Chang Shulan felt very unhappy when she saw the two of them protecting Tang Guo. She couldn't compare to Tang Guo in any way. There were no boys around her. She couldn't help but sarcastically said: "My mother said something about boys and girls." Don't get too close, otherwise it will be inappropriate, Tang Guo, you only play with boys and not girls, do you think boys will protect you and let you take advantage?"

  These words were spoken so rudely that Tang Guo's expression changed, "Your mother's original intention was good, but you misrepresented your mother's meaning. Your mother said those words to make you pay attention to the differences between men and women, so as not to be taken advantage of by bad people." , instead of letting your words slander other people's friendship."

After saying that, Tang Guo turned around and left. Making a fuss about the styles of men and women these days would be equivalent to pushing girls to die. She didn't expect that a girl as young as Chang Shulan would have such a bad mind.

  Dapeng and Tang Yishan hurriedly caught up, "Guoguo, don't be angry. Don't take what she said to heart. We'll give you these two turtledoves. You can have a good meal when you go home. I'm sure you'll be happy." "

  Tang Guo shook his head, "I'm not angry. I wouldn't be so stupid to be angry with her."

  Being angry is punishing yourself for other people's mistakes, which is very harmful to your body. She won't be so stupid.

  Tang Yishan nodded in agreement, "That's good."

  None of them have younger sisters, so they don't know how to coax girls.

  The two turtle doves were finally divided into three parts by Song Yingzi with a few cuts. "Isn't this okay? Everyone has it, so there's no need to fight anymore, right?"

  These little guys have really good friendships. She has only seen children who fight less for themselves and more for others, but she has never seen one where they all want to order less.

  Tang Yishan and Dapeng looked at the turtle doves in similar portions and nodded with satisfaction, "Thank you, Auntie, let's go home first!"

  Song Yingzi watched them descending the mountain with the turtledoves wrapped in banana leaves, and couldn't help but the man said, "These two children have really good conduct."

  The Tang family nodded in agreement, "Our Guoguo played with them, and her body became much stronger."

  Children grew up playing and playing. He was still very happy to see his daughter becoming more cheerful than before.

  Tang Dabao took Turtle Dove back, and Li Fang, who couldn't remember how long it had been since he had eaten meat, couldn't help exaggerating that Bao was promising. Tang Dabao told his mother how he deceived Turtle Dove, and Li Fang touched him first. After making sure his head was not wrapped, he pinched his son's face reassuringly, "Did you see it, is it the biggest one?"

  Tang Dabao nodded repeatedly, "Yes, mother, go and burn the turtle dove for me. I want to eat meat."

  Li Fang endured the inconvenience and stood up with a happy face, "Okay, let's treat them as an advantage this time. When my mother recovers from her injury, if there is a next time, I will definitely give you those turtle doves back. What do you think?" Eat whatever you want!"

  When Tang Dabao thought about the situation with so many meats surrounding him, his mouth watered. If there was a next time, he would still squat under the tree!

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