Selfish Love

By DiamondKulture

2.3K 82 42

College life of Five students isn't all that it seems. To ordinary people they're just your regular college s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chaoter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 15

100 1 1
By DiamondKulture


"Hey, I heard there's a party later at a friend's, you wanna come"? Reys whispers close to me and I looked away from the professor

"I dunno, I'll ask Andre if he'll come too" I whisper back and quickly answers

"No no, I'm inviting just you" he rushed out and I look at him, now I'm no longer focused on the lecture

"Why just me"? I ask and he smiles with a shrug of his shoulders

"Because I wanna spend time with just you, and you're always with your friends so I don't really get much time" he says back and I sigh out before my eyes find Jordan in the class and our eyes meet the moment I see him and he quickly turns away focusing back on the class.

"I dunno Reys...." I mutter and he cut me off

"You don't have to answer now, maybe after class we'll talk about it, just think about it okay" he whispers putting his hands on mine and I just smile weakly before focusing back on the class.

My mind thinking back to what he just said, I looked at him again and he's focused on the class
I don't want to think too much on it but I don't want him to think the wrong way about this.

If I accept to go to a part with just him, he might think something else and I honestly don't want to turn him down.

But I've never gone to a party without any of my friends, especially Andre, and now he's asking me to do that, it's gonna be fucking hard if not impossible.

I don't even know who's party it is, neither do I know anybody else attending the party, except for Reys

I sigh out and focus back on the class, it's not gonna take long before class ends, it's better I pick a thing or two before the bell goes off.

Not even 15 minutes after my thoughts, the bell goes off Indicating that classes were over and we could all go.

Andre, Reys and I get up together and my eyes locate Jordan's seat and he's not there anymore, the rest of us walk out of the class.

"Are you okay"? Andre whispers beside me and I just nod my head with a smile

"I'm fine" i say as we both walk towards our usual spot, no Sam, just Kayla, Abby and Adrianna.
Well apparently Reys is also behind us, we stop in front of the spot and we sit down

"What's up guys" Andre says sitting down with me, Reys sits beside me on the other side, putting me in between him and Andre.

"Abby what's up" Reys says and she just shrugs

"You guys have any more classes? Where's Sam" Andre rushes out

"One question at a time captain" Abby says smiling at him, I don't like the way she looks at him, it's kind of annoying to me, she's trying to be this badass kind of girl and it's not sexy at all
"No we don't have any more classes, Sam still had one more so we decided to chill out here and wait for you guys" she says calmly and I almost roll my eyes at her

"Where's Jordan"? I ask and she just shrugs

"I don't know, you guys are the first to get here since the bell went off" she mutters looking away from me

Reys quickly steals my attention by tapping on my thighs lightly, I quickly turn to face him

"Hey, have you thought about what I told you" he whispers

"I don't really know Reys, I've never gone to a part without any of my friends" I tell him looking at them, they're immersed in a conversation

"Ouch, I'm hurt, and here I thought we were friends" he said holding his heart and I just shake my head.

"No no, it's not like that, I mean you're my friend, I'm just.... I..."

"I'm just messing with you Judy, relax" he says laughing and I sigh out smiling
"But I'm serious tho, I want you to come with me" he mutters looking at me seriously making me breathe out.

I open my mouth to politely reject when my eyes spot Jordan from afar, but it's not the Jordan I've been having sex with for the past two weeks, it's bitch Jordan and she's not alone.

Her stupid boyfriend is with her, and they're walking towards where we were sitting down, they stop in front of us and his eyes find mine and then Reys before he quickly looks away, Jack's just puts his hands around her shoulder

"Jack, it's been a while we saw you" Adrianna mutters and he just shrugs

"Yeah no kidding" I mutter and he just turns to look at me, Jordan too

"Is there a problem Jody"? He asks and I ground my teeth together, stupid jerk

"It's Judy" I grit out before looking away and facing Reys
"I'll go with you Reys" I whisper to him and his face breaks into a smile

"Thank you Judy, trust me you're gonna love it" he muttered and I just smile back.

I hope so.
It's been a while I saw Female Jordan, and it has also been a while I saw Jack, I thought since Jordan and I started having sex, he'd stop seeing Jack but I guess I was wrong.

He's still pretty much present in Jordan's life.


"I got you this" he whispered into my ears loud enough for me to hear through the blasting music and very loud people dancing and smooching each other.

The room was dark with so many different lights, that one could go blind from.
I was right, I don't even know any of the students from here, except for Reys, there's no sign of Kayla or Abby either.

I look at his hands and there are some pills and white powder, I shake my head and he just gives me a pointed look.

"Come on Judy" he says and I shake my head

"I can't" I tell him pushing it back to him

"Why, it's just a few, they can hardly even get you really high, I just got them because I thought you might need some" he explains and I just shake my head

"That was very thoughtful of you but thank you, I'm good, really" I say with a smile and he sighs out shrugging

"Okay then" he says smiling
"You look really beautiful Judy" he whispers with a smile "And your gloves are something else, what are they for"? He asks and I clear my throat

"Keeping my powers in check" I whisper and he nods

"You can't control it yet"?

"I can, it's just that sometimes I get really overwhelmed and I loose control" I explain to him "so I wear the gloves in case I lose control, I won't go around fucking with people's minds" I say with a light chuckle and he just gives me a tight lipped smile

I look around and everyone in the party is pretty much out of this world, those that aren't high and dancing crazy are either shoving their tongues into each other's mouths or fucking each other.

My eyes find him again and he reaches for my hand before taking it
"Come on, there's something I wanna show you out back" he whispers and I nod before following him.

We walk past some people almost on the verge of fucking in the hallways before we finally get to the back.

It's a garden
I follow behind him and we stop in the middle

"It's beautiful" I whisper and he nods with a smile standing close to me

"Yes it is" I almost jump at how close his voice sounded, I turned around and he was standing there just looking at me, he pushes a strand of my hair away from my face before his eyes land on my lip

He cups my face and his lips lands on mine and start moving slowly, my eyes widen at the realization that he's kissing me

I quickly push him away to stop him

"I can't, I'm sorry, this... This was a mistake" I rush out cleaning the feel of his lips on mine

"What do you mean this was a mistake"? He asked and I just shake my head

"I can't.... I can't do that with you, I mean..." He cuts me off

"What Judy, last I checked you don't have a boyfriend, so I'm doing you a favor by even wanting to do this with you" he says with a hard voice

"Well I never asked you to" I snap before attempting to walk away "excuse me" I mutter but he's quick to pull me back

"And where do you think you're going"?

"Get out of my way Reys" I whisper out

"Or what Judy, I'm getting what I want tonight, either you like it or not" he muttered walking towards me and grabbing my arm with so much force I thought it'll break

"Stop, you're hurting me" I cry out and his grip just got tighter
"Reys let go of me"

"I can't do that Judy" he muttered

"Let go off her" his voice come from the back door and Reys turns to look at him before chuckling

"Or what pretty boy... Or should I say pretty girl" he taunts making Jordan clench his jaw
"You don't get to walk in here and play hero, you...." Before he could finish the sentence, Jordan was already on top of him landing punches on his face

With the way he was punching him, if he kept going, he'd definitely kill him, I've never seen Jordan this angry before

I quickly put my hand on his shoulder
"Jordan stop, please" I whisper and he stops immediately before getting up and facing me, Reys was still on the floor groaning with a broken nose and bloodied face

Jealous much 😁😁😁

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