Mafia's Innocent Angel ( unde...

By MelissaAlaura

117K 2K 70

Hello readers I have recently received an offer with wattpad so I have put this story back on here , I will t... More

First incounter
Getting to know her
Marissa snaps
Found Angel's father +
Angel confronts her father
Making her mine
The dark side of Angel
Angel's Past
Angel's biological parents
Tina's back
In a coma and pregnant
Need her to wake up
Angel's subconscious
Gabriella Cruz
Instant sister connection
Our wedding day
The reception p1
The reception p2
Honeymoon fun
Gabby learns the truth
Miguel's fuled with rage
Baby shower /gender reval
Under attack
Saving mama p1
Saving Mama p2
8 months pregnant, and mama won't wake up pregnant,
( Time skip ) Looking for a nanny
( Time skip ) Look who escaped
Marisha ( Who is the father )
Miguel's quality time with Junior
Painful wait
Let the torture begin
Big mess / Should I tell her the truth
Marisha final end
Family bonding time
Visiting Nathan
Babies baptism
Emiliana's truth
Labour and trauma
The twins
My Angel, My baby girl
Family time
Quality time
Christening time
Junior's surprise
Junior and Camila's first date
Italy p1
Italy p2
Junior secret mission
Who got shot
Miguel's funeral
Let the torture begin
Watching over you all
Ending Roberto
The real Matilda
My Miracle, My Principessa
Angel's own torture for Miguel
Miracle's surprise tea party
Goodbye Camila
Epilogue P1
Epilogue p2

Caught the Doc

350 5 0
By MelissaAlaura

Miguel pov- I was in my office doing some paperwork and sending out some emails while watching over Junior with his tutor I know his a little over one but Dr Domingo said his IQ right now is a outstanding 132 and he is only 1 as he gets older if I nurture his Intelligence it will only grow higher so thats what I am doing.
He has his tutor a few hours a day Angel and I talked about it and thinks when he is school age we will home like we basically are now cause no school will be able to do or give him what he needs with a class full of kids an i will also train him myself but his brother all will attend The lealta onore accademia which in Italian means loyalty and honor academy it's for Kids of Mafia its safer for them and no place besides my home is more safer. As I was about to leave and take Junior to get something to eat for Lunch I get a call from Julian he tells me that they have Patrick the doctor that touched and was close to rapping Emiliana but his badly beaten up they found Her dad looks like Patrick shot him we are headed back should be about 40 minutes or less, I told to hurry up and don't tell Anothony anything yet his already on edge.

Miguel- Junior why don't you go with Damien he will take you in the kitchen I'm sure your mama and your brothers should be there papa has to handle a few things if you see Zio Anothony tell him to come to my office.

Junior- okay papa

Anothony pov- I was seating in the garden with My gattina and my Little princess we where having a picnic Enjoying the morning sun it's wasn't hot it was cool perfect weather.
I look to my gattina and she is giving Diamond her bottle this little girl of mine knows how to hold a bottle at first I didn't believe until they filmed her doing it but then when she see me he won't hold it anymore lol maybe they are right I am spoiling her too much but hey I can't help it thats my little baby girl and my big baby girl I will spoil her just as much even if she doesn't like it.

Anothony- are my too perfect beautiful baby girls enjoy our picnic.

Emiliana- yes it's perfect daddy, its so nice out here thank you I really did need this.
What do you think sweet pea
( Diamond giggles at that)

Anothony- you never have to thank me Gattina just be happy always okay

Emiliana- I will daddy, I promise I will do better

Anothony pov- I smile at her and lean i and give her a kiss on the lips and then she tells me the words I have been dying to here, she told me she is ready tonight will be the night at those words I grew instantly hard,
Just as I was about to reply Piccolo capo comes running out to me Screaming for me I immediately get up.

Anothony- piccolo capo whats wrong did something happen

Junior- relax zio nothing is wrong papa said to get you and tell you to go to his office since you are not answering your phone.

Anothony pov- God that boy scared me I told Junior I would be there I leaned down and helped Emiliana up and took Diamond in my arms.

Anothony- baby I have to go meet Miguel in the office but I will be there tonight if you still ready.
And you my little baby girl you be good for mama I will see you soon.
( I give them both a kiss and walk to Miguel's office I know what this is About)

Anothony- capo did they fine that bastardo

Miguel- yeh they got here 5 minutes ago, lets go down and greet our guest hahaha

Anothony- I want to be the one that ends his life well after we make him feel more pain then he knows what do with.

Miguel- certo Fratello ( of course brother)

Miguel pov- I could see the anger and pain in his eyes after he learnt what this man did to Emiliana I also told him that her dad only really joined us to use our sources to find him and kill his face paled at the thought that he will have to tell Emiliana that he got shot right now Dr Domingo is working hard to safe him so I told him he doesn't have to tell her yet we will deal with the bastardo first.

Anothony- so Dr Patrick Powers so You are the sick bastard that likes to take advantage of young girls, you like to force them by telling them you will have them committed and labeled as insane, but you see you picked the wrong girl to touch.
You think her dad did a number on you just wait till We get started.

Patrick- I...I don't know what you are talking about I...I w..would n...never touch or do anything inappropriate to my patients.

Anothony- know is not a good time to lie Patrick

Miguel - definitely not, Do you know who I am,
( he nods his head)
Good they you heard many things about what I and my men can do, lying to me or to any of us won't end well for you, you see Patrick I had a couple of my tech guys looking into your computer and found everything you did to those girl, you forced them then you recorded them all for you sick pleasure, I would personally love to torture you and give you a slow and painful death but I promised Anothony he could do it after all the last tape you made you couldn't finish it because you where interrupted well that girl Emiliana if you remember here I am sure you do well that's Anothony's woman and right now he will like to make you pay for what you did, I would love to stay for this but I have a very important appointment to attend,
Have fun Fratello lol.

Miguel pov- as I was walking up the stairs out of the basement I could hear his screams of pain and it made me laugh I could also hear Anothony loudly laughing hard as he tortures him.
I am on my way to the hospital wing to catch up with my baby girl and our boys we wanted them to be there when we find out what we are having she a not had a ultrasound at all with everything that has been happening its been put off I just hope everything is fine.

Miguel- hey hows my boys doing and my beautiful wife so we all ready to find out what the newest addition to the family is.

Mateo & Alejandro- yeah let go

Junior- you mean lets go
And yes papa I can't wait

Angel- Junior don't be mean to your brother they talk like that cause they are regular 1 year olds there not like you

Junior- sorry mama
( i walk up to my brothers and hug them and take there hands and we all walk to the room)

Dr Domingo- ahhh you all came for the news
Well then lets not waste anymore time come Belladonna lay down and we will begin.
Oh wow well looks like a double addition

Miguel & Angel- double

Dr Domingo- twins and lets just see what there genders are okay baby A is a boy and baby b is also a boy congratulations

Angel- oh god what am I gunna do with 5 boys

Miguel- build and have a stronger empire and more importantly 5 strong warriors before there sister the princess makes her presents known.

Angel- a princess really Amore even if we have more after these too you will probably give me more boys

Miguel- I promise one day I will give you daughter I too want a princess

Angel- okay you better keep that until then I will have all the love from all my little prince's
( they all climb up give me a hug and kiss)

Miguel pov- I give my baby girl a kiss along with our boys I tell them I have a meeting I have to leave to attend I usually don't leave Cause I don't want to leave Angel this pregnancy has taken it more out of her then the first one did.
Man I can't believe I am having two more boys well I did say I wanted a lot of them so they can run the company with Junior and the head CEO of all my companies they will still run there own company and as well as the Mafia and the business I run with it.
I know Angel is happy about the babies no matter what the gender is but I know she wants a little girl she can do girl things with thats why she always takes Diamond lol.
I don't know what it is but I have a feeling we will get a girl no this time but the next time yes I do plan on getting her pregnant again I want my kids to be close in age.

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