The Powerpuff Girls - A Rowdy...

By T-Bonezesteak2

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This story is my idea for a sequel to the original Powerpuff Girls cartoon show. It tells the story of the Ro... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23

Episode 19

108 1 0
By T-Bonezesteak2

Narrator: Well, here we are again: the city of Citiesville (pause) in the afternoon.

Suddenly, there were yellow and blue lightning bolts in the background.

Narrator: What the-? Lightning? I don't see any clouds in the sky. Where could it come from?

The camera panned down to show the Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdyruff Boys from a zoomed-out shot above them. Boomer stood with his hands clapped together, and lightning came out of him.

Narrator: Ooooohhhhh, it's our little bomb lover, Boomer. I wonder what he's doing right now...

The camera cuts and focuses on Boomer. He was trying to form a physical lightning object with his lightning powers.

Boomer: Hhhhhhggggnnnnnnnnnnnn...!

Boomer then stopped creating lightning and breathed heavily, but not too heavily.

Butch: Well, Boomie, how's it goin' with the nunchucks? If not that, then at least a tonfa.

Boomer: (breathing) I'm still trying.

Butch: Keep it up. (throws pretzel stick to Boomer, and he catches it) Here, have a pretzel stick. Smoke 'em like a cigarette.

Boomer: Um, aren't those things bad for us? Cigarettes, I mean.

Butch: Yeah, that's why I'm tellin' ya: if ya wanted to smoke but don't want your, uh, fuckin' (pause) the thingies inside ya that make ya go (inhales quickly) and (exhales quickly) goin' down, then smoke a pretzel stick instead; cuz it won't do anythin' like that, and it tastes very good (puts a pretzel stick in his mouth).

In the background, Boomer was creating lightning again.

Blossom: (bites pretzel stick) I'm a little surprised you boys don't use any drugs despite your rowdy personalities (swallows bite).

Butch: 'That what ya call cigarettes? Either way, I hate those stuff, especially their taste; 'makes me cough every time. And ya heard me sayin' that these things fuck up your breathin' thingies inside ya; I want them in tippity-top shape when I'm fightin', dude.

Brick: Yeah, I don't like 'em either.

Blossom: (smiles) Heh, I stand corrected about you guys.

Buttercup: Maybe you're not such idiots after all.

Butch: Though, here's a question: do grown-up drinks count as drugs?

Blossom: Grown-up drinks? Ah-. 'You mean alcohol?

Butch: So that's what they're called? Alcohol drinks?

Blossom: Don't tell me you boys are drinking it.

Butch: Well, we wanted to try it out. Boy, what a mistake that was.

Buttercup: What? What was it like?

Butch: My throat was burning like hell; I thought I would puke my breathin' thingies outta me before I got knocked out later.

Blossom: They're called lungs, Butch.

Butch: Right-right-right. Anyway, I won't be drinkin' those things anymore.

Bubbles: See, Buttercup? That's why you shouldn't drink alcohol.

Buttercup: Aw, man.

Boomer: Nnnnnnrrrrggggghhhhhhrrrrrnnnnnnndddddaaaaaaaa...!

Butch: Oh? Oh! (excited) Are ya doin' it, Boomer?!

Boomer: I think I'm doing it! I think I'm doing it! I think I-!

Everyone else looked excitedly at Boomer. After some seconds, the lightning slowly faded away, and the end result of what Boomer created in his hands was this: a literal piece of poop made of lightning.

Boomer: I think I created poop.

Bubbles: Ew.

Blossom: (sighs) It's just one thing after another.

Meanwhile, Brick, Butch, and Buttercup burst into laughter at Boomer's creation.

Butch: ...Hahahahahaha! Oooohhhh! Oh! That's even better than any weapon I've seen! Throw shit made of lightning at them Chinese triad dudes!

Buttercup: Hehahahahaha! Yeah! That will really be a shocking moment for their noses! Hahahahahahahaa!

Butch: Hey, Boomer, let's test it. Throw it at Buttercup.

Buttercup: Wha-? No! Boomer, throw it at Butch!

Brick: Ok, ok, settle down. No one is goin' to throw anything at each other now.

Butch: Ya know what, Boomer? Throw it at Brick.

Brick: Wha-?

Buttercup: Yeah, ya know what? Yeah, Boomer, throw it at Brick.

Brick: Why me?!

Butch: Cuz you're tryin' to ruin the moment, dude. I wanna see what it looks like to be covered in shit made of lightning.

Brick: Well... Throw it at Blossom instead.

Blossom: Wha-? Why me?!

Brick: Cuz even though we're together like this, we still have a score to settle.

Blossom: That's your reason?! This is ridiculous!

While the kids, except for Bubbles and Boomer, argued with each other, Boomer looked at the lightning-made poop. He then had an idea and had a devilish smug. Boomer gestured to Bubbles to move left; Bubbles understood and moved 3 steps left.

Boomer: Hey, you guys!

The 4 arguing kids went silent and looked at Boomer.

Boomer: I got a better idea.

Boomer then made a lightning-made bat and even more lightning-made poop.

Boomer: How about I throw poop on ALL of you?

Butch: Uuuuuhhhhhh, how about no?

Blossom: I'm not part of ANY of this!

Boomer: Too late.

Boomer threw the lightning-made poop in the air and then used the bat to hit them, aiming in the direction of Blossom, Brick, Butch, and Buttercup.

Blossom, Brick, Butch, and Buttercup in unison: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKK!

The lightning-made poop hit them. Bubbles laughed.

Boomer: That's what you get for calling me dumb all the time. But now we're even. Hehehehehehehe...

Boomer and Bubbles laughed, while the other 4 were a bit grumpy.

Buttercup: (sniffs twice) Well, it doesn't smell like poop.

Blossom: That still doesn't make me feel any better.

The camera faded to the sky view of Citiesville at night. It then cut to Brick standing and looking at the sky with a pretzel stick in his mouth before eating it.

Brick: (swallows) So, (pause) I think it's about time we do this. (turns around) You guys ready?

Butch: I'm ready.

Blossom: I'm ready, too.

Brick: Alright, let's do this.

The camera cuts to the fire escape staircase. One by one, the kids safely landed on the staircase floor. Blossom went to the window to see the interior through it. All Blossom saw was darkness, with only the outside light from the other windows barely making anything visible.

Blossom: Heh, it looks like the waiting has paid off. The place is empty.

Butch: Damn right, it paid off; I would've kicked the front door if it didn't.

Blossom: But let's see if... (tries to open the window) Ngh, damn it. I should've known they would lock their windows.

Butch: (smiles) Do we get to break the window?

Blossom: No.

Butch: Well, what? How do we get in then?

Blossom: (turns around) Yes, the window is locked. However, there might be a possibility that it's only this window.

Butch: Why?

Blossom: The staircase makes it easier to access this window than the other ones, correct?

Butch: Yeah. So?

Blossom: So, the other windows might not be locked since it's next impossible to access them from outside, (inhales) at least for normal people.

Butch: Huh? (looks at the nearby right window beside the staircase, then looks at his hands. in realization) Oooohhhhhh. Now I get it.

Blossom: Good. So, with the exception of Butch, who's going to be the lucky one entering the building?

Everyone else looked at each other awkwardly for some seconds.

Boomer: I'll do it.

Butch: Huh?

Brick: Boomer, you sure about this?

Boomer: Well, I've been practicing some pull-ups, so yeah, I'm sure.

Butch: C'mon, Boomie, there are other people here, ya don't need to-.

Brick: Butch.

Butch turned his head to Brick.

Butch: Tch, fine. (looks at Blossom) This idea of yours better work, pinky.

Blossom: That depends on your execution, too.

Butch: (sighs) Stand there, Boomer.

Butch walked forward and Boomer in the other direction. They were both opposite each other at each end of the staircase level.

Butch: Gimme a boost-up, Brick.

Brick nodded and went over to Butch. Butch got on Brick's shoulders, used his ability on Boomer, lifted the bubble a bit, and Brick walked forward. Buttercup sighed and grunted quietly as she looked at the boys.

Bubbles: Is something wrong, Buttercup?

Buttercup: It's... nothin' special. Don't worry about it.

Bubbles: Well, ok then.

Brick: A little down, Butch. (Butch moved the bubble a bit down) There. That's good.

Blossom: Boomer, on the count of three, Butch will disperse the bubble, and you're going to grab on that ledge or whatever nearby, open that window, get inside, and unlock the window near us. Do you understand?

Boomer: Uh, I guess so.

Butch: Ya ready, Boomer?

Boomer: I'm ready.

Blossom: On three. (Butch moved his bubble a bit away from the window) One. Two. Three!

Butch then moved the bubble but dispersed it in the middle, so Boomer would gain momentum. Boomer grabbed the ledge, pulled himself up, and used his hand to try and open the window. Luckily, it opened; Boomer pulled himself up further and went inside through the window.

Blossom: He made it.

Butch: Alriiiiiggggggghhhhhhtttttt, Boomie!

The camera cut back to Boomer.

Blossom: Boomer, if you can hear me, make your way now to the window to unlock and open it.

Boomer: (breathing) O-Ok. (stands up. looks around) Huh, it's all dark in here.

Boomer went left and arrived at the window. He waved his hand before examining the window.

Boomer: Hmm... Oh, what's this?

Boomer noticed the lock, interacted with it, and unlocked the window in the process.

Boomer: Did that do it?

Blossom opened the window. She and the others went inside one by one.

Blossom: Good work, Boomer.

Butch: I knew you could do it, dude.

As Brick went inside, he tapped Boomer's shoulder and smiled at him.

Boomer: Hehe, it was no biggie, you guys. It was just a window. (Bubbles kisses him on the cheek) Ah-. (blushing a bit) Whoa! Why'd you do that?

Boomer: (chuckles) You're cute when you're blushing.

Blossom: Ok, enough with the congratulating. It's time for investigating. Spread out and find any clues about the HQ's location.

The kids started to move and look around the room.

Butch: (opens a cabinet and browses quickly through the papers) Lessee', Chinese stuff... More Chinese stuff...

The camera cuts multiple times, showing the kids looking around cabinets and on the desks. The final cut showed Brick finding something other than sheets of paper.

Brick: (tries to hold laughter) Ayo, I think I found something.

Blossom: Hm? (goes to Brick) What'd you find?

Brick: C'mere you too, Butch. Look at the guy's head here.

Butch: (goes to Brick) What? (looks at what Brick is holding) Pfffftttt, hahahaha, dude's head is shaped like an egg. Is that what Chinese dudes really look like? Are they eggheads?

Buttercup: (goes to Brick and Butch) Whose head is shaped like an egg? (looks at what Brick is holding) Ooooohhhhh, hahahahaahahaha!

Brick: Ok, but really, what is this?

Blossom: (takes a closer look) That's... A passport.

Butch: Pass-what now?

Buttercup: Call it another way to show who you are in other countries.

Butch: Ok, but what's a passport doin' here?

Blossom: Well, that's precisely the question we're going to solve.

Butch, Brick, and Buttercup in unison: We?

Blossom: Yeah, "we," because I don't know everything, so we might as well brainstorm ideas to figure out the reason why this passport is here in the first place.

Butch: You're just gonna call it fake, so what's the point?

Blossom: It doesn't have to be fake. Maybe it's authentic and belongs to one of the triad members.

Butch: Heh, if it is, then I bet he probably wanted to go back to his egghead friends in China. Heck, maybe bring them here and take over everythin'. Hehehehehe, "Chinese eggheads take over everything and make everyone look like an egg."

Butch, even Brick, and Buttercup chuckled while Blossom was losing patience. However, Boomer found something...

Boomer: You guys. I think me and Bubbles found more of those, uh, passports in this cabinet.

Blossom and Butch in unison: You found more?

Bubbles: Mm-hm. A lot of them.

The camera cuts to Bubbles and Boomer putting piles of passports on a desk in front of everyone. They looked and examined the passports...

Brick: Boomer, how'd you and Bubbles open that locked cabinet?

Boomer: Well, we found a key on the desk above it.

Brick: Huh, for a bunch of so-called expert crooks, I expected they would at least make it harder for anyone to access their stuff. Isn't it what they're supposed to do?

Blossom: Well, people can be lazy.

Butch: Ya know, I was jokin' about the guy goin' back to see his triad dudes, but seein' all these passports, I'm startin' to think that this is what's happening (pause) or at least something similar to that. Like, there's no way that all of these passports are legit.

Blossom: Hmm... Maybe...

Brick: What's up?

Blossom: Boomer, Bubbles, can that key also work for other locked cabinets?

Bubbles: Uh, we can try. (gives the key to Blossom) Here.

Blossom went to a nearby locked cabinet, crouched, and put the key inside the lock. The key turned, and the cabinet opened, revealing what was inside...

Blossom: (smiles) Bingo.

Butch: Hey, these passports don't get anythin' written on them.

Buttercup: Empty passports? So that means-.

Blossom: We have acquired evidence that proves this place is a passport forgery office. Or, to put it simply, a place where fake passports are created.

Butch: Whoa, dude... But wait, why create fakies, then?

Buttercup: Well, you can't just go to a receptionist and say: "Oh, I'm a criminal; please give me a passport to fly to other countries and commit crimes."

Butch: 'The hell's a receptionist?

Buttercup: (facepalm) Tsk, basically a person working at a job where he's the first person you say hello to.

Butch: Oh, ok. I think I'm gettin' the picture. So these fakies were created by them triad dudes to let their other dudes enter America without the cops bustin' them. (inhales. changes tone) Oh, shit, that's actually not good.

Blossom: Bingo. We might not have found something to help us find the headquarters, but we do have a puzzle piece to the triad's plans.

Brick: Well, we're gonna need some way to grab all these passports; my hat pocket ain't that deep.

Blossom: Who said we need to take every passport here? Taking one passport and an empty template of one will be sufficient.

Brick: But I bet we're gonna still stuff 'em in my hat pocket.

Blossom: Well, it has proven to get the job done... So, I don't really see a reason why not.

Butch: Heh, next we're gonna stuff a whole elephant inside it, hehehehehe.

Brick: (to Butch) And next, I'm gonna find some shampoo that'll make your hair sharp as a knife and use ya as a weapon.

Butch: Ya know, that actually could work if we find one.

Blossom: Alright, enough blabbering. We need to get everything here back where it was. We've been lucky so far; let's not push it any further (walks away in a direction).

Butch: Right-O captain know-it-all.

The camera didn't pan in a direction as the boys went in different directions before it cut to the La Famiglia Cucina restaurant building in the morning. It cut again to show a poker table with chips and cards, and around it sat Guido, Joe, Marty, and 2 other restaurant employees in a room lit by a hanging lightbulb. There was also another person standing, spectating. The game was Texas Hold-'em. There were five cards on the table.

Guido: Call (puts chips closer to the table's middle).

Joe: I'm callin' (puts chips closer to the table's middle), but I'm also gonna call your wife to tell her you're broke after this.

Marty: Not gonna happen, Joey. (puts more chips closer to the table's middle) I'm raisin' with one hundred burgers.

Restaurant employee 1: What is this? Tsk, fold.

Marty: Aw, am I too menacing with my burgers, you little cupcake?

Restaurant employee 1: Screw you and your burgers. Our food here's better than your shitty burgers.

The second employee called.

Guido: That's for sure. Call.

Joe: California, and I ain't talkin' about the city.

Marty: Heh, why?

Joe: Because fuck California. It's all parties, drugs, and reckless teens that do it for daily knacks. And don't get me started on those blonde bimbos.

Marty: Then I think you'd hate this next part. Call.

Joe: Unless I catch ya cheatin', right, mister spectator?

Spectator: No, Joe, he didn't cheat.

Joe: That's a load of baloney; he's gonna pay ya after he wins, right?

Marty: Like I'll give up my money for a nobody like him.

Joe: C'mon, Guido, tell him.

Guido: What? That time when you wore pink socks because you accidentally mixed the colors in the washing machine?

Joe: Wiseass...

Suddenly, the room door opened, and a mafia gangster entered the room.

Mafia gangster: Hello, fellas.

Joe: Oh, hey. Is Morelli givin' us another favor?

Mafia gangster: No, it's not. But the kids are here; 'said they were lookin' for you two and Morelli.

Joe and Guido in unison: The kids?

Marty: Ya mean those bug-eyed lookin' kiddos?

Mafia gangster: Yeah.

Guido: Where are they?

Mafia gangster: They're eatin' in one of the tables.

Joe: Well, let's finish the showdown, and then we go and greet 'em.

Marty: But it's already finished.

Joe: Huh?

Marty revealed his cards.

Joe: A full house?!

Joe looked at Guido.

Guido: Don't look at me (reveals his cards). I got two pairs.

Joe: Oh, for fu-(slams the table).

Marty: (takes chips from the middle of the table) Hehe, this is gonna pay my rent for the next 5 months.

Joe: (stands up) C'mon, Guido, let's go see those kids.

Guido: (stands up) Ok.

Guido and Joe were now leaving the room.

Marty: (as Joe and Guido walk) Like they say, don't hate the player; hate the game. Right boys?

Joe: (leaving the room) Yeah-yeah, whatever.

Joe and Guido left the room and closed the door behind them. The camera cuts to the kids sitting and eating at a table with a lot of food plates. There were only 3 other random people in the restaurant. Joe and Guido arrived at the scene.

Guido: Well, what do ya know? You kiddos are a lot tougher than we thought.

Blossom: (while eating) Mmmm! (swallows) Joe. Guido.

Joe: Look at you, kiddos, eatin' like this. Are ya celebratin'? Maybe ya found something specific? Somethin' that'll make Uncle Joe, Uncle Guido, and Uncle Morelli happy?

Butch looked at Boomer with expectation.

Boomer: (looks at Butch) What?

Butch: Nothin' really, I expected ya to say somethin'.

Boomer: Butch, I'm not that dumb to think they are actually our uncles.

Butch: Ok, just makin' sure, dude.

Blossom: (to Joe and Guido) Well, sorry to disappoint you, but we haven't found what you were looking for. However, we did find something you and perhaps your boss would like to know about.

Guido: Did you, now?

Joe: Well, color me interested. Finish up eatin' so we can get to the interesting part.

The kids looked at each other for 5 seconds before they cartoonishly ate the food at a fast pace. After some seconds, the kids finished eating.

Boomer: (burps) Mmmm. Man, that was good.

Joe: Ya know, you could've just eaten the food normally. We're not in a hurry.

Butch: Well, I still enjoyed eatin' it like this.

Buttercup: Same here.

Joe: Heh, I ain't arguin' if that's how you kiddos like to eat your food.

The camera cuts to the office room. Morelli was sitting on the desk doing paperwork. The door opened; Joe, Guido, the girls, and the boys entered the room...

Guido: Hey, Morelli.

Morelli: Hey, Guido. Joe. (notices the kids. to the kids) Hmph, well, let me say this first: I have a feeling that you will tell me you haven't found the triad's headquarters but have found something else instead. Am I correct?

Boomer: What? How'd you know?

Morelli: Because why else would you come here? There is no possible way you have found it in less than a week.

Butch: Now, here comes the part where we actually tell you where it is, and we were just playin' dumb.

Morelli: (smiles) Oh? Then do tell, green one. Where is it?

Butch: (pause) Ok, we actually don't know. I was just jokin'.

Morelli: Mm-hm. So, let's cut to the chase: what do you kids want to show us?

Blossom: Brick.

Brick nodded, partially lifted his hat, took out the fake passport and the empty template of one, went over, and put them on the desk. Joe and Guido went to the desk to take a closer look, along with Morelli, at the passport and the template.

Joe: Heh, the guy's head is shaped like an egg. Maybe we should call 'em eggheads from now on.

Butch: I know, right? I mean, how could a guy be born with a head shaped like an egg?

Joe: Says the bug-eyed lookin' kid with no fingers. Heck, I'd actually rather my head be shaped like an egg than not havin' any fingers. Right, Guido?

Guido: For once, I agree. (to Butch) Besides, what's with the hair? You might as well cosplay as grass growing on the ground if you ain't gonna get a haircut.

The kids, except Butch, in unison: Oooooohhhhhh... (transitions to laughter) Hohohohohohahahahahahahah...

Butch: (crosses hands. grumpy) Nyeh-nyeh-nyeh, gwass gwowing, nyeh-nyeh, ok, dude, we get it, can we move on?

Buttercup: Aaawww, don't be so grumpy, Butch, maybe if cosplaying isn't for you, you can get a job at the police department by usin' your hair as spikes on the road. Pfffffttttt, HAHAHAHAHAHA...!

The others were still laughing.


Morelli: Alright, that's enough laughing. You still need to explain what you've shown us.

The kids calmed down.

Blossom: Ok. (clears throat) What you see right now is a fake passport. Yesterday, we infiltrated one of the triad's hideouts at night and discovered it was a passport forgery office. You can see the empty template next to the passport as proof of its forgery.

Brick: And that passport ain't the only one that was there. There was a bunch of 'em lyin' around the room, inside cabinets n' stuff. All the people in those pictures were Chinese-lookin', too.

Morelli: (examining the passport and the template. quietly to himself) A passport forgery office...

Joe: So they're actually doing it. But to think it's sooner rather than later...

Brick: Doin' what? What's goin' on?

Guido: (quietly) Morelli, I know we just met those kiddos the other day, but what they just gave us is a game-changer. I say we might as well let them in on what we know if they can do things like this.

Morelli: (quietly to Guido) I would usually think about it for some time. However, because of our situation, I am willing to cooperate with them for now. (to the kids) Well, children, consider yourselves lucky. You may not have found the headquarters, but you have given us something that may be even more important now.

Boomer: So, does that mean we will work together?

Morelli: I wouldn't put it that way, but yes.

Butch: Aaallllrriiiiiiggggghhhhhtttt! High fi-!

Suddenly, the door opened.

Mafia gangster: Morelli, sir! (inhales. looks down) Kids?

Boomer: (waves hand) Hello.

Morelli: (to the mafia gangster) That's irrelevant to you. But what is it that made you open the door like this?

Mafia gangster: (looks at Morelli) I just finished a call downstairs with one of our guys. The triad's in our territory lookin' for the people who snuck into one of their hideouts.

The girls and the boys in unison: What?!

Bubbles: I thought we made sure they wouldn't know.

Mafia gangster: What? Don't tell me you kids snuck into their hideout.

Guido: We'll talk about that later. What else did the guy tell you?

Mafia gangster: They just finished wrecking our poker joint in Washington Street. That's all he told me up to this point.

Joe: They're 2 blocks away from us, then. We've gotta warn the boss.

Suddenly, there were crash sounds downstairs.

Triad member 1: (Chinese accent) Where is mafia?! Come out where you are!

Guido: Shit, they're already here. (points to the mafia gangster) You, take Joe and some of our guys to deal with 'em downstairs.

Joe: What about the kids?

Guido: They'll stay with me and Morelli.

Butch: What?! And miss all the fun, dude?!

Guido: Fun? You think this is a video game or somethin'?

Butch: Like I care if I think it is or not! I don't wanna sit on my butt and watch someone else fightin' them triad dudes!

Brick: Yeah, same here.

Boomer: And same here!

Butch: See? My dudes agree, too! Blossom, don't you dare tell me what this Guido guy said to us cuz we're goin' whether you like it or not!

A brief pause. Blossom put her hands on her hips and smiled.

Blossom: Hmph. Why would you assume such a thing in this situation?

The Rowdyruff boys, in unison: Wait, what?

Blossom: On the contrary, I want to help as well. What do you think, girls?

Buttercup: Heh, if you boys think you're the only ones who want to kick some triad butt right now, ("cracks knuckles") you'd be super wrong.

Bubbles: If fighting those meanie triads right now gets us closer to saving Robin, then I will help as well.

Brick: (surprised tone) Oh, shit. Heh...

Mafia gangster: Are you kiddos hearin' yourselves right now?! Now's not the time to play cops n' robbers!

Buttercup: What? Because we're just a bunch of kids?

Mafia gangster: Yes! Bug-eyed lookin' ones, but yes! The triad has a lot of fighting experience, even compared to us.

Blossom: So do we.

Mafia gangster: Tsk, we don't have time for this-!

Before the gangster could finish the sentence, Butch used his ability on Blossom. The gangster looked at Butch.

Butch: You were saying?

Mafia gangster: What the fuck?

Joe: We'll fill ya in later, pal. But kiddos, even with what you got, we can't let 'em know you're workin' with us.

Blossom: (to Joe) Did you think we haven't thought of that? I have a plan.

Boomer: Uh, actually, I didn't think about it.

The kids looked at Boomer.

Butch: (facepalm) Boomer. God. Dammit.

The camera cuts to a triad member punching a restaurant employee. He stopped punching.

Triad gangster 1: Last time: tell us where mafia is, or we destroy restaurant.

Restaurant employee: P-Please, man, this is the only place where I can make some money without being busted by the cops!

Triad gangster 1: You think us care for your job? You also did not answer question. Now, we destroy restaurant, but first, (aiming for a punch) I KILL YOU!

Restaurant employee: Nnnnooooo!

Before the triad gangster landed the punch, he stopped it midway because he heard a voice.

Joe: Hey, now, if you're gonna start punchin', at least save it for the guys you're lookin' for.

Triad gangster 1: (looks up) Hm?

10 mafia gangsters, including Joe and Guido, came from the kitchen and arrived at the dining room.

Triad gangster 1: (lets go of the restaurant employee and stands up) Heh, well, coward mafia have come from hiding.

The employee ran toward the mafia gangsters.

Joe: Hiding? We were just mindin' our own business, and the next thing we heard was a bunch of mosquitos was breakin' our joints around here. So here we are, the exterminators.

Triad gangster 2: You call us mosquitos, you American pig?!

Joe: Sicilian-Italian, pal, get your facts straight if you Mountain sun fuck-boys are fightin' us.

Guido: Ok, let's stop talkin' shit and cut to the chase. (to the triad members) Why are you triad boys breaking our joints? Hm?

Triad gangster 1: Someone snuck into our place last night and stole something. We think it was you.

Joe: Ok, pal, maybe we're enemies and stuff like that, but what makes ya think we did it?

Triad gangster 2: Who else would sneak to our office and steal?! Huh?!

Guido: Ok, let's say it was us; what did we steal?

Triad gangster 1: Do not play games, mafia. You know what you stole. Give it back.

Suddenly, the restaurant entrance door opened. The girls and the boys entered the restaurant.

Boomer: ♪We're goin' to eat some Italian food, loo-loo-loo, loo-loo-loo; we're goin' to eat some Italian food, loo-loo-loo-loo-loo. Oh.

While Boomer was singing, the triad members turned around.

Boomer: Hello, are you here to eat some Italian food, too, misters?

Triad gangster 3: Huh? Who you?

Brick: Hmm, (looks right) Oh look, there's a table, you guys.

Butch: Alright, let's eat.

The kids went to the table Brick looked at and sat on the chairs around it.

Buttercup: Aaaahhhhh... Is there a waiter around here?

Bubbles: Mister waiter, we would like to order something.

Triad gangster 3: You kids deaf? I asked who are you.

Brick: Well, we're just a couple of kids who wanna eat.

Boomer: We're hungry. That's not our names, by the way, hehe.

Brick: This girl here (points to Blossom) recommended this place here. Says the the food is, uh...

Blossom: Very refined.

Brick: Right, very refined n' stuff.

Triad gangster 1: Eat somewhere else, kids. We have problem with restaurant owner, which means you don't get food right now.

Boomer: No food?

Bubbles: Why do you have a problem with the owner?

Triad gangster 2: Not concern you. Get out.

Blossom: (gets up from the chair and moves forward, away from the table) Before we make our way out, I have just noticed all these flopped chairs and tables around here. And, well, excuse me for prying, but one of you said that you have a problem with the restaurant owner, correct?

Triad gangster 1: So what?

Blossom: So, hypothetically speaking, excuse me again for jumping to conclusions; restaurants have a dress code. By looking at your choice of clothes, I would assume you are not part of the restaurant's staff. So, recalling that problem that you have with the owner, again, hypothetically, maybe, by chance, it was you who caused this mess around here.

Triad gangster 1: Why do you care?

Blossom: Well, I am just saying that the destruction of public property can be severe, depending on the damage done. It could be either a heavy fine or time in jail.

Triad gangster 2: Huh?! You think you cop, little girl?!

Blossom: No, I'm not a cop. I'm saying that there are other negotiable ways to deal with that problem of yours instead of being caught by the police.

The second triad gangster went over to Blossom, crouched, and grabbed her by the shirt.

Triad gangster 2: Listen, little girl, I warn you last time, get out, or we kill you.

Blossom looked at the other kids and nodded. They nodded as well, stood up, and went to Blossom.

Blossom: I'm sorry to upset you more than you are right now, but we would still like to eat here.

Triad gangster 2: What was that?!

Brick: You heard her; we ain't goin' anywhere, old man.

Triad gangster 2: Old man?! I KILL YOU!

The gangster aimed for a punch at Blossom, but Brick caught it midway with only one hand.

Triad gangster 2: Eh?! 什麼?!

Brick: Rrrrrraaaaaggghhhhh (punches the gangster)!

The gangster let go of Blossom's shirt and staggered back.

Brick: Ya know, pinky, I expected that intelligence of yours to solve this peacefully, but the way I see it, it didn't do anything of that.

Blossom: Well, what do you suggest then?

Brick: ("cracks knuckles") I ain't the brightest brick in the wall, but I got an idea. How about we use that intelligence (gets in fighting pose. smiles devilishly) for violence?

Butch: (gets in fighting pose) Ooh, that's a good one, dude.

The other kids, except Blossom, got in their fighting poses.

Blossom: "Intelligence for violence." Hmph, I never thought of those words combined together like that, but I digress. Since they aren't giving us much of a choice, then yes, let's use our intelligence (gets in fighting pose) for violence.

The camera cuts to Joe and Guido.

Joe: I think this is gonna be good. Gimme a cigar here.

One of the mafia gangsters gave Joe a thick cigarette. The camera cuts back to the triads and the kids.

Triad gangster 1: You made big mistake, kids. We gave you chance to run, but you decide not to. 男孩們! 抓住那些孩子,殺掉他們!

Triad gangsters: 是的!

The triad gangsters got in their fighting poses.

Brick: Here they come, you guys!

This music started to play:

The triads charged at the kids. The kids spread out throughout the room, and the fight began. Blossom jumped on a table, put her hands on her hips, and looked at two triads who were facing her. The table had salt and pepper shakers on it.

Blossom: (smug) Well, since there's no waiter, I'll just have to do. What would you gentlemen like today?

Triad gangster 4: (runs toward Blossom and aims for a punch) Hhhhhaaaaaaa!

Blossom dodged it.

Blossom: Great choice, (grabs salt shaker and opens the shaker cap) would you like some salt with it, too?

Blossom then threw the open salt shaker at the gangster, spreading the salt powder over his eyes. He covered his face while walking back.

Triad gangster 4: AAAAAAAHHHHHHH! 我的眼睛!

Blossom: (to the other triad gangster) And what would you like, mister?

Triad gangster 5: (charges at Blossom, aiming for a punch) Sssssshhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa!

Blossom dodged

Blossom: Interesting choice.

The gangster tried to punch several times, but Blossom kept dodging them. While dodging, she grabbed the pepper shaker and removed its cap.

Blossom: Unfortunately, we're out of salt, so would you like some pepper on it instead?

Blossom covered her face and threw the shaker at the triad gangster's face. The powder spread all over his face, and he began to sneeze rapidly while walking back.

Blossom: Another satisfied customer.

The camera cuts to Bubbles dodging the punches and kicks of two other triad gangsters. Then, one was facing her, and the other was behind. The two charged at Bubbles to grab her, but she dodged through the space between the legs of one of the gangsters, causing the two to bump into each other and fall to the floor.

Bubbles: Hehehehehehehehe...

The camera cuts to Buttercup fighting two other triad gangsters. One of the gangsters punched Buttercup in the face. She staggered back to a nearby chair. She looked at it and smiled. When the two charged at her, she took the chair and used it as a weapon against them, swinging it like a beast.

The camera cuts to Boomer jumping from the kitchen service window down to the ground in the dining room, holding 2 frying pans.

Boomer: Hhhhhoooooaaaaaaaa! Come on!

Boomer fought two other triad gangsters with his frying pans, and he had the advantage. The camera cuts to Butch and Brick fighting two other triads together. Butch had a more snake-like fighting style mixed with street-fighting style, while Brick was more of a boxer mixed with kickboxing. They both taunted the gangsters while fighting.

Butch knocked one down, and Brick punched the other, making him stagger back.

Triad gangster 1: (to the other triad gangsters) 嘿! 你還躺著做什麼?! 起來戰鬥吧!

While the gangster said that, the others got up and regrouped, and so did the kids.

Blossom: Alright, let's finish this.

Butch: Aw, I was just gettin' warmed up.

The triads charged at the kids.

Blossom: Here they come.

The kids then charged at the triads. By a series of camera cuts, the kids punched and kicked the triads together. By the end of the music, they knocked down the last triad gangster to the floor, and that's also when the music ended. It's worth noting that the boys didn't use any of their superpowers within the overall fight.

Triad gangster 2: Ngh... 這些孩子是什麼?

Blossom: So, have we reached an understanding of a sort? We would still like to eat here if you don't mind.

Triad gangster 1: (struggling to get up) Nrgh...! You will regret this. You will regret messing with Mountain Sun triad.

Brick: So I take it ya still don't understand. We were just warmin' up; I wasn't even breakin' a sweat.

Triad gangster 1: What?

Brick: Ya heard pinky over here. We're stayin' whether you like it or not. If you don't want to die, (inhales) THEN GET OUT!

The triad gangsters got up and exited the building.

Joe: Well, I'll be dammed. (the kids turn to Joe) You kiddos are somethin' else.

Butch: It was nothin' special, dude. Those guys sucked worse than a broken vacuum cleaner.

Buttercup: Wait, you're tellin' me that you know what a vacuum cleaner is and does, but ya don't know what a receptionist is?

Butch: What? When we were with Robs' her mama always used it to clean the house. 'Damn thing was loud.

Buttercup: But that's-. (sighs) Tsk, ya know what? I'm not gonna question your vocabulary anymore. Just no.

Butch: (smiles) What's a vocabulary? (Buttercup looks at Butch with a grumpy expression) Hahahahahahahaha! Your face...!

Morelli: So I take it that the triads have been dealt with, correct?

Morelli emerged from the crowd of mafia gangsters.

Morelli: What happened here exactly?

Guido: Well, like you said, the kiddos beat those triads like it was a Looney Tunes movie.

Joe: Heh, exactly. Say, Blossom, where'd ya think about spilling salt and pepper over a guy's face?

Brick: (to Blossom) Wait, ya really did that?

Blossom: (puts a hand behind her neck) Hehe, well, you could say I was in a (pause) creative mood. Is that a bad thing?

Brick: (smiles) Nah, I just didn't think you could do stuff like that. 'Kinda funny, too, actually.

Morelli: Boys, did you use your powers in the fight? Did they recognize who you kids are and who you're working with?

Brick: Well, we didn't use our powers, that's for sure. About the other 2 questions, I don't really know.

Morelli: Guido? Joe?

Guido: (to Morelli) If you ask me, I think they didn't recognize 'em. And the red kid's right, too; the boys didn't use their powers.

Joe: (to Morelli) Yeah, what he said.

Morelli: Hmph. Then, we still have the upper hand.

Brick: Ok, so now what?

Morelli: Well, we still have to discuss your findings, children, but not here. Not in my office, to be exact.

The kids were surprised a bit.

Boomer: So, where will it be?

Joe: (to Morelli) Wait, you not thinking that-.

Morelli: Yes. Children, it's time for you to meet the boss.

Everyone except Morelli was surprised.

Butch: The boss? Like, the mafia boss, dude?

Morelli: Yes.

The kids got excited.

Butch: (excited) Ohohohohohohoho...!

Buttercup: Yeah!

Brick: Yeah!

Butch: Hell yeah, dude!

Boomer: I can't believe we're going to meet a mafia boss!

Blossom: Hahahaha! Hooooo, calm down, Blossom, hooo, calm down.

Joe: Man, you kids are so lucky.

Blossom: Why do you say that?

Guido: If Morelli says you can see the boss, you basically become the most trustful guys on planet earth.

Joe: Yeah, only Morelli, the boss' elites, me, and Guido here have seen him in person.

Brick: You don't say...

Morelli: Come on; there's a van outside we can take. Joe, Guido, you're coming with us, too. Everyone else, close the restaurant until you get everything back in order.

Mafia gangsters in unison: Yes, sir!

Morelli, Joe, Guido, and the kids walked toward the restaurant entrance door.

Joe: Well, at least we're not out of luck here.

Guido: Ya got that right.

The camera cuts to the outside, where Morelli, Joe, Guido, and the kids exit the building and go toward the van. As they were entering the van, the narrator started to speak.

Narrator: Ohoho... Things are starting to heat up.

The van's doors closed. The van started and drove on the road as the camera cut and focused on it.

Narrator: Our beloved Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdyruff Boys are going to meet the boss of the local Italian mafia. Will the mafia truly help our children? Is there enough time to save Robin and her mother? We'll just have to see on the next time of the Powerpuff Girls - A Rowdy Sequel...

As the van was driving, the camera caught a glimpse of a man walking on the street wearing blue jeans and a red plaid shirt with orange-brown-looking long hair. The man turned around and looked at the van driving by for a moment before turning back and walking straight ahead.

The camera panned up and revealed that the man was none other than Clifton...

End of Episode 19!To be continued...!

Post-Production notes:

Hello again :).

You might have noticed that my latest episodes have been getting a little slower plot-wise. Well, I'm here to confirm that your suspicions were true. Why is it like that? That's because I'm still figuring out how to think and execute the rest of the story.

To be more exact, I had already thought of key moments that could be epic\interesting in the story, even the ending of the season. However, my biggest challenge is creating and executing the story's middle part, if that makes any sense.

I'll leave it to you, readers, to tell me your thoughts on my story so far and/or criticism that could help me improve.

I'll see you guys in the next episode...

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