Turning Into Miss Popular

By siddhibieber

3.3K 304 220

An cliched love story was not something Charlotte Lawrence or Austin Rich had in mind when the new girl meet... More

Chapter 2 [Austin's POV]
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 [Austin's POV]
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 [Austin's POV]
Chapter 13
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Conversation Time!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
New Cover!
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 [Austin's POV and Charlotte's POV]
Chapter 26 [Austin's POV]
Chapter 27 [Austin's POV]
Chapter 28 [Austin's POV]
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 15

80 7 9
By siddhibieber

Okay so I first thought of having a night out for Charlotte with her friends were they will make a lot of noise which will make Austin's ears bleed. But I got a much better Idea so I have thought of writing It instead. 


15 minutes in the movie and I could feel me eyelids shut and my neck losing its control. But before I could go to sleep fully I heard the bell ring. My parents were too busy looking at the screen, minding to get up and open the door. So me begin such a great daughter got up.

"I'll get the door" I said and walked towards the front door. I opened it just a crack, enough for me to look through. Surprisingly I didn't see anyone outside. I opened the door wider and popped my head out for searching who that person was. I saw no one so I closed the door behind me and started walking in the direction of the living room. Just as I was about to put the fifth step on the ground (yes I was counting) the bell rang again. Thankfully I am not afraid of the horror movies unlike other girls. I rolled my eyes and turned my direction. I opened the door and looked outside. I was greeted by yet no one. Just me and the air. Okay now I am not scared but irritated. I mean if that 'mystery' person wants me to exercise he should just tell me. Why play hide and seek? I slam the door behind me and start walking towards the window again. Again on the fifth step that I am about to keep the bell rings. (it has to be a coincidence, the bell ringing on every fifth step I am about to keep) I sigh and turn around. I am lying if I say that I am not nervous and scared because I am. I mean I am not freaked out but my nervous hormones are kicking in and my mind is going into 'monsterland'  I open the door nervously and peep outside. There is no one yet again, surprise surprise! But I made the worst mistake of my life stepping out, searching the porch.

"Hello! Anyone here?" I yell. Okay now I feel like I am in pretty Little Liars searching for my imaginary 'A'. Silence is my answer. I go further outside, rubbing my hands on my arms to keep my body warm. 

"hello?" I ask. Just when I was about to turn, a pair of warm hands wrap around my waist holding me firmly to the ground and the hands pull me to itself the persons body and mine touching as if we were one person. Instantly goosebumps erupt on my skin, my breath becomes uneven and all I can think about is how Travis use to hold me like that. His arms were just the best place in the world, it was heaven for me then but now it just brings back happy yet sad memories. All I wanted to do was run away as far as possible. But before I could react my eyes closed a old habit of mine when me and Travis were in that position. When it dawned to me, that I had closed my eyes a hand pressed against my face, rubbing itself against the soft skin of my face. As I tried to open my mouth, I tasted something which was definitely NOT sugar. The hand around my face was not there anymore and the instant I realized it, I spit the disgusting tasting liquid out of my body. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times just when I was about to turn I heard laughter echo from behind me. I froze to the spot. The laughter belonged to no one else but Austin Stupid Rich. 


Hey guys! 

I hope you are having fun reading my book! Personally I am having a lotta fun writing these chaps! I know these chapters are small but I can't help it I don't have much to write the story because my Great session in hell (school) has started. I will only be able to update once a week. I hope you are fine with it. And please tell me if there are some mistakes in the chap because I won't classify myself a English Expert. 

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