Lost City of Atlantis πŸ’¦πŸŒŠ

By GothNebula

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Plagg did mentioned that he was the cause of Atlantis to sink to the bottom of the ocean but he never told th... More

Lost to the Sea
Previous Kittens from the Past
The Adventure Begins
Air Pocket
Dark Reflections
Fury of Gluttony
Fury of Pain
Fury of Envy
Visions of Past
Fury of Lust
Death Rock
Fury of Jealousy
Fury of Panic
Nice Friends
Pet Control
Love and Support

Fury of Gossip

53 3 0
By GothNebula

The heroes heard a fury but somehow it was going from one person to another to another like a press of gossip.

"Something's not right" Ladybug suspected.

"Track" Panthera used her superpower to use clairvoyance vision to see up close a mile away.

"What do you see?" Cat Noir asked her.

Her vision returns to normal, "A very ugly one. Spreading rumors to the people in the village. Making them believe those rumors are true without checking their facts. That's just like how your old friend Lila does from your stories" Panthera explained what that fury can really do, "Gossip and rumors are more powerful than lies, mariquita"

"Oh boy. This is gonna hit us hard" Ladybug said exasperated.

"Let's do this together, Bugaboo" Cat Noir said.

"Whatever you do, do not believe every single word from that beast!" Blu Tembo leaps away.

"Got it!" They all rushed into battle.

"Then we are just gonna have to tell him to close his big mouth," Panthera said.

"Right before it takes advantage over..." Cat Noir didn't finish when they saw Chompp burst out of a building in his own true form, around the size of a building.

"PLAAAAAAAAGG!!!" He roared in rage.

"What.... the....bloody hell?!" Ladybug exclaimed.

"Holy shit!" Blu Tembo saw the enormous kwami come at them.

"Tremble before me, Cat! You're not destroying my home again!!!" Giant Chompp roared.

"Goddamn it! Go get that fury! I'll deal with him!" Cat Noir said.

"Be careful, Kitty" Ladybug kissed his cheek.

"Go stop him, Bugaboo. Hey Chompp! Come get me!" He lured Chompp away.

"Release Plagg now!" God Chompp demanded before he tried to cause more destruction.

"Over my dead body!" Cat Noir refused.

"Then you'll die with him!" God Chompp tries to grab him.

The feline knew he needed his miraculous to get the kwami god to obey but he had to find the king now.

"GET OVER HERE!" Chompp nearly caught him.

"POWER UP!" Cat Noir transformed into AstroCat to fly to fight the kwami god, "Chompp, enough! We talked about this and you should know better than to take your anger out!"

"Once a destroyer always a destroyer!" Chompp roared.

"Don't make me do this! The fury is using you!" Astro Cat tries to make him snap out of it.

The heroes managed to fight the influence of believing gossip since they knew better than this.

"A lie never has a future!" Blu Tembo rams his fist at the fury.

"Gossip and rumors don't have real facts in words!" Panthera threw her spear at the fury.

"I got him, guys!" Ladybug pulls her yoyo.

"Easy now! Do not let his big mouthful words into your minds!" Blu Tembo said.

"I'll try!" Ladybug struggled.

"Such a secretive bug that is so scared to lose her cat!" Gossip fury said.

"Oh, do shut up, pendejo!" Panthera grabbed her spear to warn him, "One more out of your big damn boca, my spear will show you the meaning of merciful words"

But Ladybug gave in to her anger and used her strength to slam the fury at the wall, "No more lies!"

"Goddamn it! Luna, the box! Now!" Blu Tembo tossed the box to his friend.

"Gotcha!" Panthera opens it to suck in the fury.

"Ladybug! Focus! It's over! He's gone!" Blu Tembo tries to snap her out of it.

Ladybug looks at Blu Tembo and calms down, "Sorry it's just his deception reminded me of my failures and Cerise's lies" Ladybug said.

"Flicka, I told you about this. Don't let your failures get into you" Blu Tembo said.

"Alright. But now let's see if Chompp has calmed down" Ladybug said.

"He has not. It's time I show him the meaning of peace!" Panthera ate her power-up snack, "Power up!" She transformed into her space-themed Jaguar.

She flew towards the shark kwami god before his anger destroyed the lost city. She hates when something gets stubborn and reckless when it comes to muchachos fighting for nothing.

"HEY! Cabeza de tiburón!" She got his attention before he almost tried to kill Astrocat, "You may think you have 8 senses but your 8 senses sure know how to get you angry without having your eyes see the damage you're doing!" She points at the city almost in ruins.

Chompp stops in his tracks seeing the destruction around himself, he snaps out of the influence.

He reverts to his normal kwami form, "What have I done?" He realized.

A while later after Ladybug repaired the damage with her Miraculous Cure, the king was very disappointed in his kwami for getting his anger the best of him as well as nearly destroying the city.

"Chompp! Shame on you for letting that fury take advantage of your anger! And how did he know how to reveal your God form?!" The king said.

"I have no idea but he used my anger towards Plagg," Chompp said in guilt.

"This is why getting very angry is exactly like destruction. Anger is like fire and fire burns everything" Panthera said.

"I suppose I wasn't fully over it," Chompp said.

"Obviously not! How long are you gonna hold a grudge on me? It was a long time ago!" Plagg argued with him.

"Yeah! 2500 years!" Chompp growled, baring his teeth.

"STOP IT!" Both the King and Adrien grabbed their kwamis.

"Let me go! I had enough fish to annoy me with what I had done centuries ago!" Plagg biting to get out but Adrien was used to his bites.

"Chompp! If you want to ignore my orders then I have no choice but to seal you away in the tomb!" The King warned Chompp.

"You wouldn't!" Chompp exclaims.

"Try me," The King said smugly.

"What tomb?" Ladybug asked.

"In that of my ancestor" The King replied.

"Ow! Plagg, that's enough! You bit my pec a few times in hiding but please stop biting!" Adrien begged him to calm down.

"Okay okay" Plagg stopped biting him.

"Now, let's go over it again to make up for everything," Chompp said.

Panthera had a cold glare at both of those kwamis for being childish at each other.

"Alright. Plagg, it was pointless for me to let my personal grudge return to me after being told gossip about you destroying Atlantis. I'm really sorry about that" Chompp said.

"Ay, los problemas de ira volverán" Panthera muttered in Spanish that she's seen anger issues will come back again.

"Lugna dig," Blu Tembo told her to calm down in Swedish.

"I don't trust this shark kwami, Chico. His temper is what he's good at. Just like how I get easily upset at everything going wrong" Panthera said.

"Apology accepted, Chompp. I would never carry another burden repeating the same action again in the same place" Plagg said to Chompp.

The heroes watched the two kwamis make peace, "Only two furies left" Ladybug said.

"Yup," Cat Noir said after transforming.

"But we'll stop them together, Kitty" Ladybug held his hand.


Rena Rouge was on the lookout and tried to find any suspicion of Cerise making lies again about civilians as her schemes to akumatize them. She spots Argos reading his last series of Harry Potter books. Ever since he was young, he wanted to collect them from the bookstores in London but his father will always take away anything that interests him.

The sky fox rolled her eyes and leaped to the roof he was on, "Still a big fan of him?"

Argos glances up, "Yes. You already know my terrible childhood and my bad puppy habits" He continues reading.

"As I remembered correctly, you and Cat Noir barely got along when you were a puppy," Rena Rouge said.

"Temporary puppy. I admit I was a little adorable but not my taste in the dog miraculous" Argos said.

"Pity. Well, those books bring anyone interest in the magic world" Rena Rouge said.

"Yup. Everyone knows these books years ago. Still no sight of that psycho bitch?" Argos asked.

"Not yet. But her newest weapon worries me" Rena Rouge remembered those gems.

"Yeah, it almost drained us. I'm worried that they don't know about it" Argos said before putting his books in his backpack.

"Almost like a nightmare to kill us in our sleep," Rena Rouge said.

"Wherever she is, we better be cautious if she uses them again" Argos looks left to right.

"It doesn't work when detransformed," Rena Rouge said.

"Good. But I fear if the real Ladybug and Cat Noir returns, she uses it on them" Argos said.

"That's a good thing it won't work on my illusions. It didn't work on your creation" Rena Rouge said before taking a crumpet from him.

"Hey! Oh, well, true that Sentibug wasn't affected so she just acted out" Argos said.

"Tell me. Why do you care so much about your senti-children? We all know you're one of them" She broke half of the crumpet to give to him, "Ever since Shadow Moth made his own, you're still mad at Ladybug and Cat Noir for winning and he just....poof....them out" Rena Rouge asked.

"Because they are living creatures and I'm only half that" Argos said.

"Compared with the others, we all thought they were savages. I remember one time I thought it was Nino but it wasn't him. I saw he looked scared when he disappeared into nothing. When Shadow Moth abducted my family in Sentibubbler's bubbles in the sky, I was so scared that if something happens to them in space if I didn't do what the sentimonster told me to do. Unlike you, I never betray the ones I care most. I find a solution to save my loved ones" Rena Rouge explained her encounters with sentimonsters.

"I know that. But it didn't stop you from trusting Cerise" Argos pointed out.

"Lila, Argos. We all thought she was Lila. She's very good at deception. Never again let my gullibility get the best of me whenever I go blind from it. Just like your hatred for oppressors blinded you too. But at least both of us learned a valuable lesson" Rena Rouge said, sitting next to him, "Even if it still hurts us but mistakes are what we learn from in life. It's what makes us human. Even you"

"Yeah, you're right. I have let go of my hatred but Cerise never learned, she was obsessed with ruining Marinette's life" Argos said.

"So far you're the only one to never get outsmarted, except yourself," Rena Rouge said.

"Yeah, thanks" Argos replied.

"Tell me. How do you find a way to not get outsmarted?" Rena Rouge asked.

"Well, it's a lot to explain how," Argos said.

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