Five Nights at Freddy's: The...

Por Undertale_Fan_Ultra

99 1 0

It's been [REDACTED] years since 1987, since FNaF 2, since the toy animatronics were scrapped. Now, in 20[RED... Más

Chapter 1: Activation
Chapter 2: Belonging
Chapter 3: The Body
Chapter 4: Searching
Chapter 5: Exploring
Chapter 6: Summary and Reasearch
Chapter 7: Breaking and Entering
Chapter 9: The Chase
Chapter 10: EPILOUGE

Chapter 8: The Masacre.

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Por Undertale_Fan_Ultra

Everyone then turned to the hallway, and quickly started to run away, terrified. The Golden Freddy Animatronic watched them do this, then let out a robotic Roar as it slowly began to chase after them. Jason recognized the Corridor, he was flashing between the present and the past as he looked back. In that brief moment, Jason could swear he saw Markus, and even heard him.

"RUN!!!" Jason heard Markus shouted as the Golden Freddy began to chase after the group. Jason ran faster and faster until he caught up with everyone else, running through the door and slamming it shut. Everyone then backed away from the door as Jason heard something...

"It's me..." Jason heard a young boy's voice whisper in his ear. Everyone looked at the door as The Golden Freddy Animatronic broke it down, roaring at everyone. Almost immediately, Eliza, Clay, Everette, Jason, Baby, Puppet, Ballora, and Toy Chica, without a second thought all the group sprinted down the corridor. The mechanical screeches of Golden Freddy continued to haunt their ears as they fled, the Animatronic Roaring as it began to chase after the group. The group ran through the labyrinthine corridors of the warehouse, desperate to escape the relentless pursuit of the Golden Freddy animatronic. Toy Chica glanced back and noticed that the animatronic was still following them, its mechanical movements eerily robust and basic as it Roared more.

"We can't outrun it!" Toy Chica panted, panic evident in her voice as the group all ran down the hallway, and reached a security office. Jason, who was the last person to enter the office, quickly turned and slammed his hand down on a red button, causing the Roller Door of the office to slam shut quickly. The Golden Freddy animatronic began to bang and pound on the door as everyone looked at the door. Jason began to hyperventilate, barely able to breathe.

"Jason...?" Baby asked, but Jason didn't seem to hear her at all.
"Jason." Ballora said, Jason still not answering. Toy Chica then rushed up to Jason and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Jason!" Toy Chica shouted, Jason finally hearing as he looked up at everyone in the room, who looked back at him, all seeming concerned as he tried to breathe, but failed.
"Jason," Toy Chica said, cupping Jason's face in her hands, "look at me..." Jason said nothing, he just continued to sit there, a thousand thoughts and memories rushing and flooding in his mind as he cried, barely able to think. The Golden Freddy had stopped pounding on the door, but Jason still said nothing; he was sobbing as he tried to catch his breath.

"Can't..." Jason stuttered under his breath, barely able to speak as he choked, "Can't... breathe..." Jason struggled as Eliza grabbed a handkerchief from her back pocket and knelt down in front of Jason, using it to wipe away his ears. Despite the fact that Jason had tried to steal from her, she couldn't bear to see him in this state... he seemed mortified, barely able to even move. 

"Mr. Mason?" Eliza asked, her voice calm and caring; motherly, "Mr. Mason, can you hear me?" Jason simply nodded, still sobbing as he struggled to breathe.

"Alright," Eliza said, her voice still having a calming aura, "I need you to try to take some deep breaths for me, alright?"
"In for 3..." Eliza said, slowly breathing in for 3 seconds as Jason barely managed to do the same, "And out for 3..." Jason struggled to breathe out slowly... but managed to. Slowly, Eliza and Toy Chica both managed to calm Jason down as everyone in the room looked at him.

"Jason," Ballora asked, "what happened?"
"Yeah," Baby said, "you haven't had a panic attack before, what changed?" Jason simply looked at everyone, his eyes still a bit bloodshot given how much he had been crying.

"That-..." Jason stuttered, struggling to breathe a little bit, still, "That thing... killed my friend..."

"What do you mean, Mr. Mason?" Everette asked, seeming calm. Jason struggled to stand up, wobbling a bit; his legs felt like jelly. Toy Chica and Eliza both caught Jason as he fell forward, before slowly sitting him down into a Chair.

"About, 5 Years ago..." Jason said, looking up at everyone in the room, "I joined group of part-time criminals..." Jason closed his eyes, and began to tell his story.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jason, Andy, Daniel, Mathew, Sean, and Markus were all once some wannabe, part-time criminal masterminds. They had called themselves "Warehouse Gang," and had performed some break-ins for about 2 years without fail. Jason would always be the one to plan the break-in's, earning him the name, "The Plotter." Jason wasn't exactly proud of his criminal history, not even remotely; it was just what he did to make ends meet back in his hometown, New Harmony, Utah. At the same time, however, he found himself enjoying his time with his pals in the Warehouse Gang. Mathew always would have insane conspiracy theories to tell, Sean would always talk about his home back in Ireland, Andy was always making new suits with materials she bought with the money they group would steal, Daniel would always be editing a video on the side, and Nathan would always be singing songs. but Jason felt like the odd one out until he got to know Markus. Jason and Markus both had one thing in common, they had ADHD, and they both had to take medication just to keep themselves from losing focus. That caused them to get along easily, they both had something to relate to. But then, everything changed for the worst.

"Hey gang," Markus said one morning over winter break. The Group all looked him, smiling.
"Hey Boss." Mathew and Daniel said.
"Howdy." Nathan said.
"Hello, hello~!" Andy would say.
"Top of the Morning to ya, Markus~!" Sean said.
"Heya Markus," Jason said, "what's up?" Markus pulled some blueprints from his back pocket, and placed them onto the table, it was for a warehouse owned by Fazbear Entertainment.

"I found these Blueprints for a warehouse..." Markus said, "Owned by Fazbear Entertainment..." Markus smiled excitedly.

"I hear there's only one guard for the entire place~!" Markus said as he pointed to the only security office in the warehouse area of the building. The others quickly chimed in with their own assurances.

"He probably wouldn't get payed enough if we broke in," Mathew stated, "After all, I've heard Fazbear Entertainment doesn't pay too well."
"I hear the guards are trained with prerecorded Messaged," Daniel added, "My friend Jerika told me about that."
"Even if he did care," Andie said, grabbing her favorite baseball bat, "We could easily just knock him out." Jason then sighed.

"Sure," Jason said, "but only because I've always wanted to take a walk in there myself." Jason smirked... he would never admit it at the time, but he was a big fan of anything Freddy's related. He would do anything just to see what was in that warehouse. It was in that moment that the Warehouse Gang, the group of the gang of quote unquote "Criminal Masterminds" decided it would be a good idea to rob the Fazbear Warehouse right at midnight. Jason, of course, had started making the plans.

"Ok," Jason said after a few hours went by, everyone in the room having waited for him to finish. "Daniel," Jason remarked, "I'll need you and Nathan to handle the backroom areas, leave no stone unturned."
"Rodger that." Daniel said.
"Copy that boss..." Nathan replied.
"Mathew," Jason said, looking at Mathew and Sean, "You and Sean will be on collection duty; grab everything of value, we can split the difference after."
"Sounds like a plan~!" Mathew remarked.
"Got it~!" Sean added.
"Andy," Jason turned to Andy, "You're our hulk; smash up the place and make sure it's a wreck."
"Hell yeah~!" Andy said, her eyes flaring with violence, "I get to smash shit!"
"Markus," Jason said, looking at Markus, "You're on patrol and look out duty..."
"You got it," Markus said, "I'll make sure nothing sneaks up on us."
"And finally, me," Jason said, "I'll be keeping an eye on the Cameras and making sure everyone is doing their jobs." Everyone in the room nodded as Jason got up.

"We should be golden," Jason remarked, "Now grab the stuff."
Everyone grabbed their stuff and put on their outfits. At around 11:30 PM, they began to drive to the Warehouse. Jason was Driving the car through the road, Markus in the seat next to him as Mathew, Sean, Andy, and Daniel all talked behind him. After a moment the forest around them was starting to clear up as they pulled onto an odd sideroad. Jason, Toy Chica, Ballora, and Baby all saw, right in front of them, the Fazbear Entertainment Warehouse. The building wasn't the biggest in the world massive, with some offices and game testing facilities seemingly built into the main warehouse and was lit up in the night. There were clouds beginning to form overhead, as if signaling a gruesome fate for the group should they enter. Ballora then shook the puppet, waking her up.

"We're here," Jason said. Everyone got out of the car, and looked at the imposing structure ahead, a mixture of determination and unease in their eyes. Jason parked the car at a discreet distance from the entrance, and the group got out. Jason and Markus took the lead, the rest of the group falling behind as they reached an unguarded side of the fence before climbing over it, walking to the main entrance. They were all doing their best to be as quiet as possible in that moment, not wanting to alert anyone to their presence. As they reached the entrance, Jason motioned for everyone to stop. Jason then pulled his Lockpick from his pocket and gently jammed the lockpick into the keyhole and turned, managing to open the door as he motioned for the group to all get inside. The group all filed in one after another, until all of them were through. Jason then looked at the rest of the group. and quietly closed the door behind him before the group all began to walk down the hallway, not seeing the security camera watching them.

"Alright," Jason said, "be quick but thorough; minimum time." Everyone nodded as the group all split off, Jason heading to the Security office. The Security office looked old and dingy, using mostly derelict equipment from the Fazbear pizzerias. Clunky monitors, dusty keyboards, bent filing cabinets, and a scratched desk had been shoved into the room, and the surfaces were covered with piles of paper, wadded-up trash, paper cups, and a crooked old fan that squeaked as it ran. Jason looked around, but nobody was there.

"Shouldn't someone be here?" Jason thought as he looked around. He then shrugged got onto the cameras and got onto his walkie talkie.
"Alright team, we are good to go;" Jason said, keeping his eyes on the cameras, "I repeat, we are good to go." Jason heard his friends all cheering. He was smiling as he flipped through the cameras. Daniel walked through the backrooms of the Warehouse as Jason flipped to the Main Room. On the Display Stage of the Main room were 4 Animatronics; A brown bear with a top hat and bowtie that was also holding a microphone; a purple-blue Bunny with a red Bowtie and Guitar, a Yellow Chicken with a bib that read, "Let's Eat" and a red fox with an eyepatch, brown shorts, and a hook for a hand that was in a worse state than the others. Then, Markus entered the main area, looking around and taking what he could, before he left as quickly as he entered. Then Sean entered, followed by Mathew, as Jason noticed the Bunny move a bit out of the corner of his eye. Then, after a few seconds, the Main Area's Camera went out.

"Sean, Mathew," Jason said over the walkie talkie, "The Camera in the Main Area just went out, please be advised..." Jason heard static on the walkie talkie.

"Sean..." Jason said, in a bit of a disgruntled way, "Mathew, come in..." Suddenly, all Jason heard through the Walkie from Mathew and Sean were screaming; terrified noises.

"Sean, Mathew?!" Jason asked, sounding worried, "What's going on, are you ok?!" Jason heard more screaming, and mechanical noises.

"Jason!" Mathew screamed, "Jason, they got Sean!"
"What do you mean, Mathew;" Jason asked, confused and worried, "Who got Sean?"
"The-" Mathew screamed, suddenly, as the walkie went out.
"Mathew?!" Jason asked, now horrified, "MATHEW!!!" Then the Camera Feed had returned, all Jason saw was Mathew and Sean's corpses being held up by two of the old, almost rusting animatronics, the Bunny and the Bear. Jason could feel his heart racing, beating out of his chest as he hopped onto the Radio with the rest of the group, Daniel, Markus, Andy, and Nathan.

"Please tell me you all heard that!" Jason said, worried out of his mind.
"Yeah, I did." Markus said, seeming concerned.
"What the fuck happened to them?!" Any asked, horrified.
"The Animatronics," Jason said, "they killed them..."
"Are you kidding me?!" Daniel asked.
"DANIEL," Jason said, now yelling, "I CAN SEE THEIR DEAD BODIES ON THE CAMERA!" Suddenly, all the rest of the group heard from Daniel was static.

"Daniel...?" Jason said, concerned, "Daniel, come in..."
"Oh fuck..." Daniel said, scared shitless. Before anyone asked, they heard the unmistakable sound of an animatronic Humming a tune, a Pirate Animatronic. Jason flipped to the Camera that Daniel was on and saw Foxy staring him down as Nathan Ran away. Suddenly, Foxy charged at Daniel with supernatural speeds, killing him with a quick stab through the chest with his hook.

"Holy shit..." Jason said as he got onto his walkie talkie.
"The Fox just got Daniel..." Jason said, horrified...
"I SAW!!!" Nathan shouted as he panted over the walkie talkie, "WHAT THE HELL DO WE DO NOW?!" Jason stared at the cameras as he got back onto the Walkie.
"Get to the exit..." Jason said, "and meet Markus and I at the car..." What happened next could best be described as a total Massacre. Andie ran into a closet on accident, and met Chica, who grabbed her, Andy's head, and ripped it off of the rest of Andy's body, taking Andy's spine with her. Then, Nathan saw Freddy walk in front of him as Markus approached.

"RUN!!!" Nathan screamed to Markus as the Freddy Animatronic grabbed Nathan, and quickly snapped his neck as Markus ran to the Office Jason was in, seeming terrified as Markus emptied his pockets of all of the stolen. goods.

"COME ON!!!" Jason screamed as he ran past Markus and out of the Office Door, running down the Corridor with Markus, hoping to leave the place. They heard the slow whirring of Mechanical Limbs and movement as they looked back, and they both stopped and froze. Jason and Markus then slowly turned to look behind them and saw it. There, standing right behind him, was a large, yellow animatronic bear. Its eyes appeared to be glowing white, but also seemed eerily human. On its chest were two black buttons, and across its arms, chest, back, and legs were rips and tears. The Animatronic bear was missing an ear, and, other than the white glow emanating from its sockets, its eyes were black... so black that you could see nothing behind it. And there; on its body, was a purple bowtie, as well as a purple top hat with a black ribbon on it. The Animatronic was standing up on its legs, staring at them. Markus then Screamed as the Golden Freddy grabbed him by his legs and lifted him up. Jason helplessly watched as he saw the Golden Bear slowly begin to pull Markus' legs.

"MARKUS!!!" Jason screamed, unable to move. Markus then looked from the Golden Bear to Jason and smiled.

"Run, Jason;" Markus cried, "Just save yourself!" Jason watched helplessly as the Golden Bear slowly and painfully Tore Markus clean in half, right in front of Jason. Then set it's sights on Jason, who turned and ran as fast as he could, beginning to sob as the Golden Freddy simply Roared after him. Jason clambered through the hallways of the warehouse until he got out. Jason then got to the Car, started it up, and sped out of the Driveway...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jason was now fully back in the present, everyone looking at him, some covering their mouths, others looking shocked, and Eliza struggling not to cry.

"All 6 of us entered the warehouse that night," Jason said, a somber expression on his face, "but I'm the only one who got out alive..." Eliza looked at Jason, unable to believe what she had just heard.

"Oh my god..." Eliza said, covering her mouth. She could barely think straight; she was crying a little bit, as she looked straight at Jason, everyone else shocked.

"Markus was my friend;" Jason said, "like a brother to me... and I failed to save him..." Jason looked up at everyone fully.

"I won't fail you all..." Jason said as he got up, determination and vengeance now burning in his eyes.

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