boy next door

By httpazngami

10.8K 130 156

leomie just moved into her first house by her self. she was minding her own business and then she was noticed... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
leomies instagram!
chapter 5
chapter 6
leomies instagram:)
chapter 7
chapter 8

chapter 9

116 2 3
By httpazngami

leomie pov:

after dinner tyler drove me back to my house and we talked about how much of an amazing time we had. "yeah the food was so good we have to do this again sometime." he says. "yes i would love to!" i say. as we drive up to my house i take my seatbelt off. "thank you so much for tonight i had a really great time." i say to him. "anything for you." he says. feeling a little bold i lean over and give him a little peck on the cheek then get out of the car. "bye goodnight tyler!" i said and wave. "goodnight leomie." he says with a smile. i walk up to the door and hear his car drive off. i take taters with me up stairs while i get ready for bed. once im done tater sleeps with me in my bed right next to me.

few weeks later

currently 2 weeks into art school and we have are first project. "leomie what are you gonna draw?" mae asks me. i look up from my sketchbook "uh i dont really know yet." i say. are prompt is either a free sketch or something you love. just an easy project for our first assignment. "i think i might draw my guitar" michael says. he's one of the new friends i've made at my art table. "let's start sketching later we have to get to our next class." shawn says. we pack up our things and make our way to the lecture hall for art history. we have to go outside and cross the campus to get to it but the weather is so nice out today i won't even complain. "what are you guys doing this weekend?" mae asks. "nothing much." i say. "ooo we should hang out!" michael says. every nods in agreement. "where do you guys wanna go?" mae says. "wanna meet up for dinner?" shawn says. "oo yes i've been needing good insta pics." i say. " okay it's agreed then dinner tomorrow at 7 and i was think kbbq how does that sound?" mae says. "that sounds PERFECT!" michael says. "okk see you guys tomorrow!!" i say.

when class ended we walked back to our cars together. "hey you guys wanna come to my place later today?" i said since none of us were busy. "ooo yeah sure don't you have like an art room?" mae said. "oh yeah i've been dying to see your house." michael said. "yeah i do have one yall can come and see it." i say. "okay i'll head over at about 4:45ish." rose said. "ok! feel free to bring whatever!" i say. i get in my car and turn on the radio before driving out of the parking lot. i get back to my house and i clean up a bit before my friends get here. i set some drink and snacks on my coffee table for them then make sure theres enough space on the couch. a few minutes later i hear the doorbell ring. "coming!!" i yell and go get the door. i open it up and see mae. "holy shit leomie your house is so nice." she says. "oh thanks come in." i say and she takes off her shoes when she walks in. "go ahead and make yourself at home." i tell her. when she walks in taters starts to run at her. "omg your dog is the cutest what's its name!!" she says. "his name is taters." i tell her with a chuckle. "aw that's so cute!"she says as she continues to pet him. i hear a knock at the door so i go to go open it. i open it up to see michael and shawn. "hey guys come on in." i say. "leomie this house is sick." michael says. "it's so nice in this neighborhood." shawn adds. they take their shoes off and walk to sit with mae and taters. "god damn leomie your house is so nice." michael says while i walk towards the couch. "yeah could we get a tour?" mae asks. "uh yeah sure." i said.

i give them a quick tour then rose finally gets here. "sorry i got a little lost i thought you gave us the wrong house like how could you afford this." she said. i kinda just stood there in shock like what the fuck. "shut the fuck up ride you're just mad you still live with your parents." michael says backing me up. we all sat down in the couch and i sat between mae and michael. we decided to have a little show marathon so we started to watch singles inferno. "ugh why didn't he choose her people can be so obvious sometimes." shawn said. "no literally bro." mae says. we continue watching saying small commentary. then suddenly there's a knock at the door. "oh i'll go get that." i say and get up. i think to myself who it can possibly be at this hour. "hello?" i say while i open the door. i can feel my friends peeking over the corner. "oh oliver what do you need?" i asked him and regie was behind him. "hey um the boys and i tried calling you earlier to see if you wanted to come join us for dinner?" he said. i grabbed my phone out of my pocket to see all the missed calls and texts. "oh sorry my phone must've been on silent. and my friends are over right now. maybe next time my treat!" i say. "yeah that's fine we'll get going night leomie." oliver says while waving bye. "bye have a goodnight guys!" i said before closing the door. "sorry guys those were just my neighbors." i say when i sit back down. "who was that leomie he was really cute?!" rose asks. "oh that was just oliver." i say awkwardly. 'why is she acting like that' i think. "do you think you can set me up or give me his number?even just his insta is fine please please pretty please leomie!!" she asks me. "girl you actually have no shame shut the fuck up." michael says pushing her puppy eyed face away. "i don't know rose i think he's talking to someone right now?" i tell her. "then give me his fucking number so it can be me and not whoever that bitch is." she says. all of are jaws drop. "ok guys i think it's time to get going." shawn says. "yeah cmon shawn ill drive you home." michael says as he gathers his things. rose gets up with a pout and gathers her things and leaves with out saying bye. "omg the nerve that girl had." mae says. "i know right i was getting fed up." michael says. "guys let's try to be nice." i say. "how can we be nice after how she's acted?" shawn tells us. " i don't know but i'll see yall at dinner tomorrow be ready to take a shit tone of pictures!" i tell them. once they leave after saying their goodbyes i clean up the room before going to bed and calling it a night.

a/n: first chapter in a while and it's a little short but i just needed to finish a chapter to hopefully motivate me to right more. i love you guys sosososo much for still waiting and reading and it really means a lot!! i love it when you guys comment and give feedback so please keep saying stuff!! anyway thanks again for reading and waiting.❤️❤️

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