~~~The Devil of Penance~~~{Ma...

By Ronoric_The12Demon

183K 3.6K 1.1K

A young man walks down the street enjoying the night time breeze,as he walks he heads into the park.But as he... More

~~~Chapter One:New Life & New Questions~~~
~~~Character's Bio/Info:Eien Thanatreus~~~
~~~Chapter Two:School,Sitri,ORC~~~
~~~Chapter Three:Some New Info & Strange Dream~~~
~~~Chapter Four:School,Helping a Idiot,More Questions~~~
~~~Chapter Five:First Contract~~~
~~~Chapter Six:A Monster & The Decipher Message~~~
Chapter Seven:Meeting & Rescue
Chapter Eight:Familiars & Taking a Spin
~~~Chapter Nine:The Big Buddy~~~
~~~Chapter Ten:A Maid,Some Fried Chicken,and Some Hoes~~~
~~~Chapter Eleven:Training Begins~~~
~~~{Chapter Twelve:Training Continues & Interesting Meeting}~~~
~~~{Chapter Thirteenth:Beating the Chicken}~~~
~~~{Chapter Fourteen:Victory Party & Stupid Phenex}~~~
~~~{Chapter Fifthteen:Some Old Friends}~~~
~~~{Chapter Sixteen:Peerage Begins}~~~
~~~Character's Info/Bio:The Squad~~~
~~~Chapter Seventeen:Request from Zarathos's Family~~~
~~~Chapter Eighteen:Angels,Fallen,& Yokai~~~
~~~Chapter Nineteen:Discovery~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty:Aftermath & Question~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-One:Jumping a Bitch & Michael's Request~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Two:Exorcists,Dual,Revelation~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Three:Encounter~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Four:Battle at The Academy~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Five:Confessions~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Six:Pool Day~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Seven:Auntie's Visit~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Eight:Open House~~~
~~~Chapter 29:New Little Buddy~~~
~~~Chapter 30:Helping a Little Buddy & Meeting~~~
~~~Chapter 31:Summit Begins~~~
~~~Chapter 32:Summit's Attack~~~
Chapter 33:Eien's Rage & New Enemies
~~~Chapter 34:Vacation & ...What the Fuck?~~~
~~~Chapter 35:Gremory Manor~~~
~~~Chapter 36:Eien's Territory & Training Partners~~~
~~~Chapter 37:Training & Party~~~
~~Chapter 38:New Faces,Old Faces,and Alex's Bullshittery~~
~~~Chapter 39:Alex's Invention & Secret Uncovered~~~
~~~Chapter 40:Zarathos's Request & Reveal~~~
Chapter 41:The Dragon Eater & The Angel of The Deep
~~~Chapter 42:The Calm,Ah Bet,and The Seal~~~
~~~Chapter 43:Eien's True Heritage~~~
~~Updated Character's Info/Bio:Eien Thanateus~~
~~Chapter 44:Family & Revelation~~
~~~Chapter 45:New Faces & Call for Help~~~
~~Chapter 46:Family,Rescue & Wrath~~
~~Chapter 47:Return & Alex's Next Creation~~
~~~Chapter 48:New Problem & More Cousins~~~
~~~Chapter 49:A Little Bitch Shows Up~~~
~~Chapter 50:Princesses Fight~~
~~Chapter 51:The True Terror of The Chaotic WTFs~~
~~~Chapter 52:Chaotic Massacre~~~
~~Chapter 53:New Friends & Fates Decided~~
~~Chapter 54:Preparing for The New Mission~~
~~~Chapter 55:The Bloodhound,The Cartel,& The Slaughter~~~
~~~Chapter 56:Ah Fight,Ah Trip,Ah New Power~~~
~Chapter 57:Heading Out & Secret Admirer~
~~~Chapter 58:Princess & Agreement~~~
~~~Chapter 59:The Calm & The Arrival~~~
~~~Chapter 60:The Fall of The Heroes~~~
~~~Chapter 61:Final Hero,Yasaka's Decision,Next Step~~~
~~~Chapter 63:Divine Meeting~~~
~~~Chapter 64:Next Game,Golden Princess,& Mystery~~~
~~~Chapter 65:Meeting & New Piece~~~
~~Chapter 66:Ah Rook & Ah Meeting~~
~~~Chapter 67:Multiverse Talk & Final Member~~~
~~~Chapter 68:Ah Challenge & Alex's New Surprise~~~
~Chapter 69:Egyptian Encounter & Gremory VS Bael~
~Chapter 70:Rating Game Continues~
Chapter 71:Next Matches & Next God
~~Chapter 72:The Final Fight & The Crimson Confession~~
~~~Chapter 73:Passion of Angels~~~
~~~Chapter 74:Ah Emperor,Ah Prick,& Ah Hoe~~~
~~Chapter 75:Some Answers & Some Questions~~
~~Chapter 76:Information & Next Move~~
~~~Chapter 77:Grayfia's Brother & Gasper's Friend~~~
~~Chapter 78:Return,Reunion,& Defilement~~
~~~Chapter 79:Wrath & The Truth of The Past~~~
~~~Chapter 80:The Witch's Sentence~~~
~~~Chapter 81:The Beast & Sisters' Squad~~~
~~~Chapter 82:The Hunt & The Backup~~~
~~~Chapter 83:Moments of Peace & Pleasure~~~
~~~Chapter 84:Preparation & The Army~~~
~~Chapter 85:The Chaotic WTFs Run Shit~~

~~~Chapter 62:Alexander's Greatest Creation~~~

906 25 10
By Ronoric_The12Demon

(Eien's Pov)
I'm back in the house after everything that happened in Kyoto,Kunou decided to come stay with us in Kuoh.Something which Yasaka was alright with and we were as well so meh.But anyways the meeting with the Shinto,Buddhist,and Hindu Gods is tomorrow and I'm not gonna lie I am kinda nervous.But eh should be interesting at least,right now tho I'm chilling with the others on the couch,Zarathos is asleep,as we're all enjoying the moment of peace........
Lily:Hey Big Brother(I look at her)I was wondering me,Ellie,Benni,and Kunou wanted to see the new spongebob movie....*Puppy Dog Eyes*Can you take us to see it please?
[I'm surprised and look at her]
Me:...*Shrugs*Sure(She smiles)and I'll buy some snacks for us since movie theater snacks are ass.
[All four of them cheer happy,we all smile seeing this.Then the door opens and Alex comes into the room,he looks like he's thinking about something serious and not sure what to do]
Uncle Al:What's up Alex?
Alex:....Uh....Eien(I look at him)can you come with me....I uh....I need your opinion on something.
Josh:*Raised Eyebrow*Everything good man?
Alex:Yeah....I just uh....just...need Eien's opinion on ah new creation of mine.
[We all nod and I get up,he opens  a gateway to his V-Space Lab and we head inside.We walk down the hallway and then go into ah room.I look at Alex seeing him contemplating what to do]
Me:*Curious*So what crazy bullshit did you come up with now?
Alex:....Well you remember how I created the pokemon and Xenomorph?(I nod)Well I've been working on something else.
Me:*Raised Eyebrow*What is it?
Alex;Well...(He goes over to a button on the wall)I was working on creating some more creatures,but during which I ended up getting ah idea and after going all night with no sleep & a bit of info from Azazel revolving around two other sacred gears.....I made something....
[I look at him and he pushes the button,it opens up and reveals a orb.I go over to it and look at it....]

[I look at the thing confused and curious]
Me:*Confused/Curious*Alex what is this exactly?
Alex:.....The sacred gears Azazel told me about where Dimension Lost and one called 'Innovate Clear' which allows the user to create a ideal world with perfect imitations of living creatures inside of it.....Hearing that made me think of the V-Space and the creatures I made....so....I got the idea of combining them both....the result was this.(He looks at the orb)You see all the glowing dots?
Alex:.....Each one of them is a completely new universe(My eyes widen)each with living creatures....
Me:*Wide Eyed/Stunned*......
Alex:....I'm capable of going to everyone of them,I can wrap their realities,....I....I'm practically All Powerful in them.And I can bring things from inside of the universes out here....
[He looks over to the side,I look and see .....]

[I'm surprised and look at him]
Alex:I....I don't know what to do....What are your thoughts?
Me:.......*Sigh*To be honest I got no fucking clue,but for now keep this ah secret,I'll talk with the Leaders and my parents to see what they think okay.(He nods and closes the thing back up)Still tho what the fuck where you trying ta make exactly?
Alex:I was trying to replicate the effects of Innovate Clear.....And I guess I succeeded in ah way...just to a extent I never thought possible.
[I nod  and we head back,once we exit the V-Space everyone looks at us]
Sam:Everything good?
Me:Yeah just more crazy fucker from our resident Mad Scientist.
Alex:Oh that reminds me I also made this.
[I look at him as he presses a button on his watch which then...]

[We all look at the armor]
Alex:What do you think?.
All of Us:......
Uncle Walter:*Sweat Drops*You always did enjoy watching Marvel Movies.
Me:*Throws hands in the Air*I'm fucking done.
[I walk away]
Kate:Where ya going?
Me:I'm gonna go take ah nap!
[They nod and i head off going to the bedroom....]

To Be Continued.......................

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