Emilia Dywer- Embry Call Fanf...

By BuckysDoll24

68.4K 1.4K 302

When Bella brings her twelve-year-old sister to Forks she meets everyone from the Cullens to the wolf pack. S... More

✨️Twilight Saga✨️
🎆Chapter One🎆
🍿Chapter Two🍿
♣️Chapter Three♣️
📖Chapter Four📖
🎎Chapter Five🎎
🪞Chapter Six🪞
🐺Imprints and the Pack🐺
🎃Chapter Seven🎃
🎗Chapter Eight🎗
♦️Chapter Nine♦️
🧸Chapter Ten🧸
🏆Chapter Eleven🏆
🪁Chapter Twelve🪁
🃏Chapter Thirteen🃏
🔶️Chapter Fourteen🔶️
🟰Chapter Fifteen🟰
✳️Chapter Sixteen✳️
✡️Chapter Seventeen✡️
⚛️Chapter Eighteen⚛️
☢️Chapter Nineteen ☢️
🧗‍♀️Chapter Twenty🧗‍♀️
♾️Chapter Twenty-one♾️
📛Chapter Twenty-two📛
🎼Chapter Twenty-Three🎼
⚖️Chapter Twenty-four⚖️
⚙️Chapter Twenty-five⚙️
🪦Chapter Twenty-six🪦
⛓️Chapter Twenty-seven⛓️
🎶Chapter Twenty-Nine🎶
🛡Chapter Thirty🛡
♥️Thank You♥️
🎗The Fifth Book of the series🎗

📡Chapter Twenty-Eight📡

860 20 3
By BuckysDoll24

It's been three weeks since the newborn battle. Cora and Charlie went back to work and Emilia and the pack were babysitting Elizabeth for a couple of hours. The Cullens had just called the pack for a meeting. Emilia had Elizabeth in her arms.

"I can't take her home as mom working and dad working," Emilia says softly." Leave her with Brady, Colin, and the girls they won't hurt her," Niska says softly smiling at Emilia.

Emilia passes Elizabeth to Brady who isn't keen on babies." Why did you give her to me?" Brady grumbles." Because I love you and you love me," Emilia winks." You're lucky you're my best friend," Brady grins. Emilia chuckles and the pack heads out to the treaty line.

"Hello thank you for coming," Carlisle says politely." Not a problem, what can we do for you?" Sam asked." Me, Esme, and Rosalie are leaving for good," Carlisle announces.

"But Emmett, Eleanor, Jasper, Mary, and Kiri are staying for a while longer due to Kiri finding her mate at the school," Carlisle explains." I hope you can accept them five remaining here," Carlisle wonders."We can accept this," Sam nods.

"Kiri, you understand biting humans isn't allowed here, but I'll accept he or she is your mate so you by our law can change him or her at their request but after that, you must move on," Sam tells her." Yes, I understand he's only fourteen so I can't bite him plus we are onto friends," Kiri explains.

"Who is he?" Emilia wonders with a smile." Jimmy Stanley, Jessica Stanley's brother," Kiri tells them." Oh, nice, he's quite nice so I hope it works out for you," Emilia says with a smile.

"Thank you, and congratulations on your baby sister," Kiri says with a smile. Emilia looks at Mary," Sorry," Mary says with a smile." I didn't mean to intrude on your thoughts," Mary apologized.

"It's fine, and thank you," Emilia smiles."Well, this is goodbye from us three," Carlisle says." Goodbye, Carlisle, Esme, and Rosalie," The pack waved goodbye.

The pack heads home and Niska heads upstairs and grabs her test as Sam gets the ring to ask Niska to marry him. Niska headed downstairs to see the pack holding a Will you marry our alpha sign and Sam in his knee." Well, will you Niska Clearwater marry me?" Sam smiles.

"Yes, I will!" Niska smiles." I have a question to ask you?" Niska says softly smiling at him." Oh and what's that?" Sam asked kissing Niska." Are you ready to become a dad?" Niska announces with a grin as she shows the two positive test results.

"I'm going to be a dad?!" Sam yells happily." Yes, and you are going to be the best dad in the world!!" Niska grins. The pack cheered in happiness at the engagement and the pregnancy announcement." So can I help plan the wedding?" Emilia wonders.

"Yes everyone is involved even the Cullens those who are still here," Niska tells everyone."How far can I go?" Emilia wonders." The works but make sure it fits us though," Sam says with a smile." Of course my alpha," Emilia mocks." Hey! Cheeky mare!" Sam yells chasing after Emilia and Embry following them.

Sam catches Emilia and tickles her making her squeal and laugh. Embry tackles Sam off her and Emilia stands behind Embry with a look of I win." I know you'll do amazing as you're my official sister-in-law," Sam says with a wink."Yes, I am," Emilia grins.

"Well bro, you and Niska eh? Finally tying the knot and having your own baby," Embry smirks." Yep, but I don't want any nieces or nephews from you two yet," Sam says with a look." Oh, come on!" Emilia says with a groan.

"Still thirteen Sam!" Emilia says with a look." Honestly, we are happy with a flirty friendship," Embry says with a smile." Good, I'm too young to become an uncle already," Sam jokes."Yeah but you're a dad now old man," Emilia laughs and Sam chases her again.

"Get back here!" Sam yells chasing after Emilia and Embry following." Nope!" Emilia grins as she runs back into the pack house and hides behind Niska." Old man? I'll give you old man," Sam laughs and Niska smirks," She's right Sam you're an old man now," Niska winks.

"Hey, I'm your fiancée!" Sam grumbles." Yeah, but she's my future sister-in-law so she trumps you," Niska winks. Emilia chuckles and goes to get Elizabeth from Brady," What do you think Lizzie? Shall we make this a Viking/wolf wedding?" Emilia wonders with a smile.

Elizabeth coos as Emilia looks at Sam and Niska," We take that," Sam nods," So Viking makeup and wedding gear, wolf hats?" Emilia suggests." We'll do that," Sam nods as Niska grins." Make the theme colour red, black, blue and purple," Niska adds on.

"Can do when do you want this done?" Emilia wonders." Actually, as soon as you can  get it done?" Sam confesses." I want to marry my girl and take her on a honeymoon before she starts to show," Sam says with a smile." That I can do!"Emilia says with a grin.

Emilia sits with Niska and they plan the wedding which is to happen tomorrow night. Sam phoned around to Charlie, Cora, Sue, Old Quil and Billy to tell them that he and Niska were getting married tomorrow night under the full moon at the beach. Niska invited the remaining five Cullens to their wedding. Kiri was bringing Jimmy Stanley along with her.

The pack were preparing the beach and getting all the materials ready for the wedding as Emilia, Max and Cara were all in charge of the wedding plans.

Chapter 28 is done ✔️ Niska is pregnant and Sam has proposed to her🥰 Kiri and Jimmy are mates!!

How was this chapter?

Ready for the last two chapters?

Happy to know that Emmett, Eleanor, Jasper, Mary and Kiri are sticking around.

Jimmy Stanley is an OC!

Jake's book will come out in late April!!

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