A Splash of ink

By philippaki

27.3K 2.4K 373

Every child requires care and affection in order to thrive. So what happens when one is born alone and spends... More

Chapter 1- Well..this is different (Birth Multiverse)
Chapter 2- Something new! (Birth Multiverse)
Chapter 3- Children should not be left alone (Birth Multiverse)
Chapter 4- 'New' doesn't always mean good (New Multiverse)
Chapter 5- Things are great!/ ̶t̶e̶r̶r̶i̶b̶l̶e̶ (New Multiverse)
Chapter 6- Small but mighty (New Multiverse)
Chapter 7- The truth isn't always kind (New Multiverse)
Chapter 8- A new type of tree! (SwapDream)
Chapter 9- Oh! What does this do? (SwapDream)
Chapter 10- So many new experiences (SwapDream)
Chapter 11- Insanity isn't always fun and games (SwapDream)
Chapter 12- The many misunderstandings (UnderVerse)
Chapter 13- The chaotic conclusion (UnderVerse)
Chapter 14- Big me! (Adult Paperjam Multiverse)
Chapter 15- New name..? How exciting!(Adult Paperjam Multiverse)
Chapter 16- New friends. Step 1:✨Kidnap✨(Shattered S̸t̶a̸R̴s̷ Multiverse)
Chapter 18- Following the breadcrumbs (Shattered S̸t̶a̸R̴s̷ Multiverse)
Chapter 19- Best friend! (Shattered S̸t̶a̸R̴s̷ Multiverse)
Chapter 20- What did they say now..?! 🖌️(Shattered S̸t̶a̸R̴s̷ Multiverse)
Chapter 21- I dont trust it...🦴 (Shattered S̸t̶a̸R̴s̷ Multiverse)
Chapter 22- Family bonding!💫 (Shattered S̸t̶a̸R̴s̷ Multiverse)
Chapter 23- Family reunited and new bonds (Shattered S̸t̶a̸R̴s̷ Multiverse)
Chapter 24- Fragmented but still whole..? (Shattered S̸t̶a̸R̴s̷ Multiverse)
Chapter 25- Found and lost(PlantVerse)
Chapter 26- Old wounds and new discoveries 🌱 (PlantVerse)
Chapter 27- Playing with plants and more confusion.. (PlantVerse)
Chapter 28- An apple a day keeps the chaos away..?🍏 (PlantVerse)
Chapter 29- The twins not so very peaceful day (PlantVerse)
Chapter 30- A 'happy' mistake..? (PlantVerse)
Chapter 31- Be careful what you say..(PlantVerse)
Chapter 32- Make a wish upon a shooting star..? 💫(ForcedGods Multiverse)
Chapter 33- A butterfly flap to a full blown hurricane 🦋 (ForcedGods Multiverse)
Chapter 34- Conspiracy theory confirmed & parenthood?! ⭐️(ForcedGods Multiverse)
Chapter 35- Please stop destroying everything...(ForcedGods Multiverse)
Chapter 36- The misunderstandings never stop.. (ForcedGods Multiverse)
Chapter 37- 'Child'? How about 'creature from the depths'(ForcedGods Multiverse)
Chapter 38-The true horror was the one inside us✨(ForcedGods Multiverse)
Chapter 39- Maybe that wasn't the best idea...(Shattered? Multiverse)
Chapter 40- Plan? What plan?(Shattered? Multiverse)
Chapter 41- Normal? Far from it!(Shattered? Multiverse)
Chapter 42-Crazy?Im only talking to the voices in my head(Shattered? Multiverse)
Chapter 43- What did you idiots do now?! (Shattered? Multiverse)
Chapter 44- Maybe we should get a priest..(Shattered? Multiverse)
Chapter 45- Like herding feral cats(Shattered? Multiverse
Chapter 46- Doctor? Im not qualified for that!(Shattered? Multiverse)
Chapter 47- The pieces slowly come together (Shattered? Multiverse)
Chapter 48- Two stars and one falls down(Shattered? Multiverse)
Chapter 49- Stars mini adventure! (Between Omniverses)
Chapter 50- This is family bonding..?(UnderVerse? Multiverse)
Chapter 51- He's house trained!...sort of (UnderVerse? Multiverse)
Chapter 52- The chosen one! (UnderVerse? Multiverse)
Chapter 53- The crazy star siblings ⭐️(UnderVerse? Multiverse)
Chapter 54- Lets play a game~(UnderVerse? Multiverse)
Chapter 55- The game continues as does confusion~(UnderVerse? Multiverse)

Chapter 17- A new type of game! (Shattered S̸t̶a̸R̴s̷ Multiverse)

624 64 2
By philippaki

Star meets new abominations and the babybones odd knowledge, causes questions to arise


Shattered S̸t̶a̸R̴s̷ Multiverse

"..what is that?"

"It's a child, Ink. I know you've seen one before"

Shattered said boredly, waving a tentacle side to side as he found out it was an excellent distraction for the small babybones. He didn't bother to look up from his book when he heard Ink move around, instead calmly turning a page.

He did briefly look up when Blue came into the room though, mouth twitching in amusement at their double take, sorely wishing for a camera right now. He hadn't seen Blue look that lost in years , sometimes missing how easy it used to be to fluster the 'naive' monster.


"You will have to be more specific. You know i can't read your mind"

He said dryly, finally seeing why his twin enjoyed messing with people so much. He quickly pulled back a tentacle before it could get bitten by the kid, only needing to make that mistake once to know never to repeat it.

"What is a child doing here?"

Shattered sometimes missed when Ink was more expressive, the dull monotone and bland reactions not as entertaining.

"....I'm messing with my brother"

He finally admitted when the awkward silence persisted, giving a reassuring look to Ink. He had long ago promised Ink he wouldn't compromise their space and he had always made sure to take precautions, knowing how protective they could be of the Doodle Sphere, despite not having any emotions.

His hand lashed out and quickly grabbed the back of the kids shirt, gently pulling them away from his book collection.

"Don't eat that, Star. Have this instead"

He handed over a sweet, sighing when they ate the whole thing, wrapper included. It had been hilarious when he saw them eat a random Sans phone but now he realised just how many things he needed to keep out of their reach.


"I was bored and you know how 'evil' my brother thinks I am. So I decided to play into it~"

He smirked, rather enjoying messing with his brothers group, while also destroying a few corrupted AU's in the process.

Not that he admitted the truth of what they were doing to anyone, feeling that would ruin the fun in the end.

The only one in the multiverse who would have realised the truth would be Error but no one had seen the Destroyer since Inks paints ceased working, so they could continue to play the 'game' as much as they wanted.

Sure they might have to dodge occasional attacks and listen to long winded speeches on 'seeing the light' but it was much more fun, more freeing .

Shattered enjoyed not having to cater to people anymore, feeling that eating the corrupted apple had definitely been one of the best things he had ever done in his life.

"Why are your numbers so odd, Protector?"

Star looked up at the Protector in curiosity, never having seen this sort of title before. Their numbers didn't mention any SOUL and he could clearly see paint vials on their chest, just like Creator had.

His eyeshape flickered when he looked over the last abomination, the boring corrupted abomination not truly holding his interest, looking back at goopy Positivity for any answers.

He frowned when no one replied, not noticing the intense gazes of the three adult monsters, his focus suddenly diverted by the numbers in his vision suddenly flashing.

He abruptly sat on the floor, doing his best to read through the flashing numbers, giggling in glee at what he found. He was still determined to find the source of such intriguing numbers, glad goopy Positivity had taken him closer to it.

They were so nice!

"..huh, they are more interesting than I thought. Ink? Do you mind looking over them?"

Shattered would need to keep a closer eye on the kid it seemed, as they knew some rather important information. Sure, not everyone would take a child's word but he would rather be safe than sorry, not many knowing that Ink was never a Creator, no matter what rumours circulated around.

Star shivered when an odd sensation came over him, turning towards the source and throwing ink on the ground by Protectors feet, pleased the sensation stopped when they fell in his portal.


He looked over at corrupted abomination, pulling out a plate from his Inventory to chew on. His eyelight brightened as it filled up his magic, giggling when they flinched whenever he bit into his snack.

"Time out for being mean! Don't worry, I made sure it wasn't the white. I know Protector doesn't like the white."

Creator said he should try to be more considerate and establish boundaries, he thought he was doing a great job at both so far!

Although, he was confused what a certain word meant when he looked over the numbers of corrupted abomination, even if something in his mind sparked at the new word.

"Corrupted abomination. What is a 'yandere'?"

Shattered burst into laughter, Blues whole expression priceless and to top it off, the kid wasn't even being malicious! Children could be so entertaining with their bluntness, very glad he had brought them back to the Doodle Sphere.

His laughter only grew when Ink soon turned up, covered in seaweed and absolutely drenched .

Star was an absolute riot and he could see them making the 'game' even more fun.


*Shattered spotting a clearly lost child*

Shattered: *Looking thoughtful* I could be a Good Samaritan...or i could have some fun and mess with my brother. Decisions, decisions...

Star: *Eating anything he can grab his hands on and being a general menace*

Shattered: *Imagining all the chaos he can cause with them* Im taking them with me!
Blue: *Glaring at Shattered suspiciously*..what do you have there, Shattered?

*Star tying to devour the furniture and peppering questions at Shattered*

Shattered: *Grinning mischievously and acting oblivious to mess with them* A book
*Star casually mentioning secrets about Ink that he shouldn't know*

Ink: *Clueless* Do children usually act like this?

Shattered: *Not 100% sure* I dont think they do..

Blue: *Exasperated with his clueless friends* They do not!

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